MC :: Volume #34

#3307: A channel, a person.

33,071 channels, a person. 33071通道,一个人。 You know goal that jie gets down?” Ye Kong somewhat is actually surprised. “你知道蛮劼下来的目的?”叶空倒是有些吃惊。 Ye Kong has known since the jie good intention has not helped itself, it has own goal surely. 一直以来,叶空都知道蛮劼并没有那么好心帮助自己,其必定有着自己的目的。 But Ye Kong actually does not know, what that goal is? 可是叶空却都不知道,那目的到底是什么? Passes for the day beyond!” Luo Shantian Venerable not to conceal, says directly. “是为了天外通!”罗衫天尊并没有隐瞒,开口就直接说了出来。 Beyond day passes!” Ye Kong first time hears this thing actually, knits the brows saying that is it possible that is a formidable refiner material.” “天外通!”叶空倒是第一次听见这个东西,皱眉道,“莫非是一件强大的炼器材料。” Good.” Luo Shantian Venerable the beautiful pupil to dodge, the nod said, truly is one material in chaos, but is not used for the refiner, is actually is used for outside refinement the channel!” “不错。”罗衫天尊美眸一闪,点头道,“确实是混沌之中的一种材料,不过不是用来炼器,却是用来炼制界外通道的!” „!” In the Ye Kong double pupil flashes through startled color. “啊!”叶空双眸之中闪过惊色。 Almost is this free time of flash, he understood, initially Pangu and in the jade positive diving competition, Pangu obtained any chance! 几乎是这一瞬间的工夫,他就已经明白了,当初盘古和玉阳的跳水比赛中,盘古到底得到了什么机缘! Beyond the day passes!” “正是天外通!” Initially plunged into the chaos, the chance that the jade came across positive was the chaos will, but Pangu was actually picks beyond the day to pass! 当初跳入混沌,玉阳遇到的机缘是混沌意志,而盘古却是捡到了天外通! Therefore had afterward the jade Yang Chengwei chaos spokesman, but Pangu makes a connection with the development of being out-of-bounds channel! 所以才有了后来玉阳成为混沌代言人,而盘古打通出界通道的发展! So-called by knowing one method you will know all, Ye Kong continues to think. 所谓一通百通,叶空继续想到。 Pangu and acts recklessly is fellow apprentices, relations are harmonious, therefore acted recklessly also knew matter that Pangu obtained the chance. 盘古和蛮乾是师兄弟,关系和睦,于是蛮乾也知道了盘古得到机缘的事。 Therefore acts recklessly also makes an effort to seek in the chaos, even also brought son jie, therefore has the matter that today jie must enter the chaos. 于是蛮乾就也在混沌之中使劲寻找,甚至还把儿子蛮劼也带了进来,所以才有今日蛮劼也要进入混沌的事。 Chaos are not steady, momentarily possibly tilts, everybody is wanting to run away.” Ye Kong sighed one. “混沌不稳,随时都可能倾覆,大家都在想要逃走啊。”叶空感叹一句。 Although he pledged that must resist the chaos, but cannot prevent others to run away to seek livehood. 虽然他发誓要对抗混沌,可是也不能阻止别人逃走求生吧。 Ye Kong sighs with emotion, opens the mouth to ask, that Luo...... Kosuke did you get down also to find beyond the day pass?” 叶空感慨一下,又开口问道,“那么罗……小佑你下来也是为了找到天外通?” Good.” Luo Shan still does not have any hesitation. “不错。”罗衫依然没有任何的犹豫。 „Do you also fear death?” The Ye Kong forced smile said, actually the Heavenly Dao is pens, if you do not break that shackles, you will discover, what you then enter is another shackles! Outside how? Is the heaven?” “你也那么怕死?”叶空苦笑道,“其实天道就是一个又一个的牢笼,你如果不打破那个牢笼,你就会发现,你接着进入的是另一个牢笼!界外又如何?就是天堂?” Ye Kong light, despises saying that „a new shackles!” 叶空轻哧一声,鄙夷道,“一个新的牢笼而已!” His these words in other words Luo Shantian revere unable to look through unable to completely understand, but the Loshan day Venerable has not refuted, but shows a faint smile. 他这些话就是说罗衫天尊看不破看不透,不过罗山天尊并没有反驳,只是微微一笑。 In brief I want to go outside to have a look.” Luo Shantian Venerable the eye to look at the outside rapid retreat the chaos, by the cheeks several beautiful hair sways gently. “总之我就是想去界外看看。”罗衫天尊眼望外边飞速后退的混沌,脸颊旁几条秀发轻轻拂动。 Must say that this chaos suffice the depth, initially Ye Kong in Daijun World heard that the generation of handsome roaming enter chaos several billions years, seek for other world. 要说这混沌真的够深的,当初叶空代俊世界就听说代俊游进混沌数亿年,寻找其他世界。 However on the same day generation of handsome Cultivation Base cannot compared with present Ye Kong, let alone, for handsome that be in a plane, the surface layer horizontally the roaming. But Ye Kong is keeping straight downward! 不过当日代俊的修为根本不能和现在叶空相比,更何况,代俊那是在一个平面,表层横着游。而叶空是在不停的笔直向下! ...... …… Does not know many years later, boundless chaos deep place. 不知多少年以后,茫茫的混沌深处。 But the surface layer is the same, here was still shining starch. However if involved, will discover that here pressure, grinds the pressure, compared with the surface layer mostly! 可表层一样,这里仍旧是一片金灿灿的浆糊。不过如果身在其中,会发现这里的压力,碾压力,要比表层大多了! ! 哧! The slight sound, a fine fine chaos boat separates the golden chaos, previous dodges from the scene, the pen non-stop flies to the under deeper world! 轻微的声响,一只精致精美的混沌舟分开金色的混沌,从镜头前一闪,笔直飞向下方更深的世界! On the boat, sits cross-legged the male suddenly opening eyes pupil that sits, looks down the chaos token in hand. 舟上,盘膝坐着的男子突然睁开眼眸,低头看着手中的混沌令牌。 On the token with Ye Kong is different, chaos token on jie mostly! Moreover, the line is densely covered, is one is unexpectedly complete many chaos charts! 叶空手上的令牌不一样,蛮劼手上的混沌令牌大多了!而且,其中线条密布,竟然是一幅完整得许多的混沌图! The day Venerable the palace and Saint Venerable palace to have the chaos chart. 天尊殿和圣尊殿都有混沌图。 However that is chaos superficial chart, but where marked had a world, whose world this was, how did the strength of Master, have the ficus religiosa...... 不过那是混沌表面的图,只是标明了哪里有一个世界,这是谁的世界,主人的实力如何,有没有菩提树…… But in the jie hand, is actually a map of genuine chaos deep place! 而蛮劼手中的,却是一幅真正的混沌深处的地图! He has this thing is not very strange. 他有这东西并不是很奇怪的。 Considers the acting recklessly life in the agreement the playing diving that but does not abandon, he to chaos below understanding, naturally are more than others! 试想蛮乾一生都在契而不舍的玩跳水,他对混沌下边的了解,当然要比别人要多许多! The jie intention moves, map tumbles forward, after meeting, finally sees in the chart to have a red point mark. 蛮劼心念一动,地图向前翻滚,一会以后,终于看见图上有一个红点的标记。 Sees that red point mark, jie exhaled finally, thought aloud, father, I came, you wait/etc. I, a meeting.” 看见那个红点标记,蛮劼终于吐了一口气,自言自语道,“爹,我来了,你等等我,还有一会。” When the jie large size chaos boat passed over gently and swiftly, after meeting, a young white jade color/look chaos boat, carries two people to insert from this chaos to the deep place. 当蛮劼的大号混沌舟掠过,一会以后,一艘小小的白玉色混沌舟,也载着两人从这一片混沌插向深处。 How long did not know in the chaos to fly, Ye Kong and Luo Shantian Venerable like this is standing. 不知道在混沌之中飞了多久,叶空和罗衫天尊就这样站着。 Although everybody is Venerable, stands for a long time does not have anything to relate, but stood was really very long. 虽然大家都是尊者,站久一点没啥关系,可是真的站了很久。 In Ye people heart some regrets. This standing-room ticket hit is also long, such far distance, you made me always stand, the original buddy can sit cross-legged to sit down, emits golden little Bei refine, the present is really the waste time! 叶某人心中还是有些后悔的。这站票打得也太久了吧,这么远的距离,你让我老站着,本来哥们可以盘腿坐下,放出金色小碑炼化,现在真是浪费时间! Those who most keep Ye from enduring, Luo Shantian Venerable the body is not too close his back, in other words cannot feel that type to resist own feeling soft. 最让叶某人无法忍受的是,罗衫天尊将身体不是太接近他的后背,也就是说感受不到那种柔软抵住自己的感觉。 Oh, early knows that I stand in the back resist her, this also very **.” Ye Kong shameless is thinking. “唉,早知道我站在后边抵住她,这也挺**。”叶空无耻的想着。 At this moment, Luo Shantian is revering is actually opens the mouth saying that jie these time decides comes prepared.” 正在此刻,罗衫天尊却是开口道,“蛮劼这一次定是有备而来。” Luo Shan words Ye Kong is certainly clear, if jie has not prepared, that will revolve to seek in the chaos, but now is actually one hurries along in some direction! 罗衫的话叶空当然明白,如果蛮劼没有准备,那就会在混沌之中旋转寻找,而现在却是一头向着某个方向赶路! Obviously jie has determined destination! 显然蛮劼已经确定了目的地! Ye Kong said with a smile, Sect Lord knows that somewhere had beyond the day to pass, hurries to gather, how can you? make a move seize?” 叶空笑道,“就算是蛮门主知道某处有天外通,赶着去收取,那你要如何?出手抢夺?” This......” Luo Shantian Venerable is dumbfounded immediately. “这……”罗衫天尊顿时哑口无言。 She was in the heart has wanted to find beyond the day to pass, then can refine being out-of-bounds channel. 她一直都是心中想要找到天外通,然后可以炼制成出界通道。 But now actually discovered, is not that simple. 可是现在却发现,并不是那么简单。 Perhaps jie this time, surveyed the approximate position that beyond the day passes, but wants Luo Shan with his seize. 蛮劼这次下来,说不定已经勘测到天外通的大致位置,可是难道要罗衫跟他抢夺么。 Hopes component that he when the time comes obtains is enough.” Luo Shan only then sighed, the jie strength, surpassed her to be too many, snatches not to snatch! “希望他到时候得到的份量足够。”罗衫只有叹息一声,蛮劼实力,超她太多,抢都抢不到! Here, Ye Kong was somewhat curious, can't channel several people walk?” 说到这里,叶空有些好奇,“难道不能一个通道几个人走么?” „It is not good.” Luo Shan Venerable the core that the palace contacts to be secret in the day, opens the mouth saying that being out-of-bounds channel, can only a person use one time! The chaos are the Master of this world, it does not allow some people to run away! Therefore the channel establishes, it quick will discover that destroys......” “不行。”罗衫在天尊殿接触到的核心机密不少,开口道,“出界通道,只能一个人使用一次!混沌是这个世界的主人,它不允许有人逃走!所以通道建立,它很快就会发现打碎……” „! Is this!” In Ye Kong heart depressed. “啊!是这样!”叶空心中大为郁闷。 He is also thinking have a channel of break, so long as restores can use, is the present...... 本来他还想着自己有一个打破的通道,只要修复就能用,可是现在…… However instantaneous, he thinks of the different places. 不过瞬间,他又想到不同的地方。 Such said the channel is chaos breaks, then, if were user breaks?” “这么说出界通道是混沌打破的,那么,如果是使用者自己打破的呢?” „Do oneself break? This......” Luo Shantian Venerable the forced smile, this does not know that I have not heard these, I find in the related ancient book, the chaos do not allow some people to escape, therefore he discovered that will have being out-of-bounds channel to break, then, did not have then!” “自己打破的?这个……”罗衫天尊苦笑,“这就不知道了,我没有听说过这些,我只是在相关典籍之中了解到,混沌不允许有人逃脱,所以他发现有出界通道就会打破,然后,就没有然后了!” Ye Kong nods, thinks , if there is person of outside to want, for the chaos cannot! Un, no wonder also nobody comes.” 叶空点头,“想必如果有外界之人想要进来,也为混沌所不许!嗯,怪不得也没人进来。” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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