MC :: Volume #34

#3306: Various person goals

3306 various person goals 3306各人目的 This......” Ye Kong is stunned, has not thought that is always very proper Luo Shantian Venerable unexpectedly so wildly! “这……”叶空愕然,没想到一向都是很正经的罗衫天尊竟然如此的狂野! Luo Shan......” Ye Kong, helpless the forced smile said. “罗衫……”叶空无奈苦笑道。 Called my Kosuke!” “叫我小佑!” Small boat like jade, fine exquisite, Luo Shantian Venerable to stick to the Ye Kong's back, the entreaty sound said with Ye Kong has not heard: Ye Kong, this matters and my parents relate very in a big way, you lead me to get down!” 小舟如玉,精致小巧,罗衫天尊紧贴着叶空的后背,用一种叶空从来没有听过的哀求声音道:“叶空,这件事和我的父母关系很大,你就带着我下去吧!” Is jie......” Ye Kong is somewhat hesitant. “可是蛮劼……”叶空还是有些犹豫。 However, feels the soft feeling of behind transmitting, the gentle voice entreaty that also some Luo Shantian revere, the Ye Kong intention rotates immediately, laughs, my Ye Kong always conduct did not ask other people view, today has scruples so many? Good, you must get down, then on the same place!” 不过,感受着背后传来的柔软感觉,又有罗衫天尊的柔声哀求,叶空心念顿时转动,哈哈一笑,“我叶空一向行事不问旁人看法,今天怎么顾忌如此多?好吧,你要下去,那就一起!” radiance that in the voice, on the white jade chaos boat spills over the misty white, the form package of these two. 话音之中,白玉混沌舟上泛出白蒙蒙的光华,把这两人的身影包裹。 Afterward, throws into the shining chaos. 随后,一头扎进金灿灿的混沌之中。 But in the Ye Kong bold frank laughter, Luo Shantian Venerable the link to live in the arm of his waist, probably tightened. 而在叶空豪放爽朗的笑声中,罗衫天尊环住他的腰的手臂,好像又紧了一圈。 The barefooting Saint that another side of the chaos, the white clothing barefoots Venerable to look the back that Ye Kong and Luo Shantian Venerable vanishes in the chaos, he shouted abuse immediately, Ye Kong, heavy color light friend! Your this bastard, added a moment ago the boat slightly fears to push, how Luo did Shan come up you not to dislike to push?” 混沌另一侧,白衣赤脚的赤脚圣尊看着叶空和罗衫天尊的背影消失在混沌,他顿时破口大骂,“叶空,重色轻友!你这混蛋,刚才还说舟小就怕挤,怎地罗衫上去你就不嫌挤了?” Back cloud Yangfei comes, said with a smile shameless: That is you, because you are raised, occupies the place.” 后边云扬飞过来,无耻笑道:“那是你因为你是凸的,占地方。” Barefoots to scold, I! Can't be back to back?” 赤脚骂道,“我呸!难道不可以背对背嘛?” Ye Kong and jie entered the chaos, barefooted not to have getting down the possibility that in the heart depressed, beckoned with the hand saying: „The fellow who does not pay attention to this heavy color light friend, walks, goes to your Highest Venerate Sect to drink one cup!” 叶空和蛮劼都已经进入混沌,赤脚也没了下去的可能,心中郁闷,摆手道:“不理会这个重色轻友的家伙,走,去你们至尊门喝一杯!” But the form that in cloud Yanghe barefoots disappears after the sky-blue star shortly, white clouds dispersing in sky, is longer much the attractive youngster and look ordinary female Venerable appears in the midair. 可就在云扬和赤脚的身影消失在蔚蓝色的星球之中以后没多久,天空之中的白云散开,又有一个长得俊俏好看的少年和一个相貌普通的女尊者出现在半空。 This good-looking youngster on the same day gives Ye Kong's uses/gives Xujia the first chaos air bubble! 这俊俏少年正是当日把第一个混沌气泡送给叶空的施旭佳! Junior Brother, you did not say with that surnamed Ye reaches an agreement?” uses/gives Xujia the Senior Sister is very discontented saying. “师弟,你不是说跟那姓叶的说好的么?”施旭佳的师姐很是不满的说道。 Yes, I told him on that day, when the time comes has my one...... Hateful, certainly looks down upon me, treats as to break wind to be the same the words that I spoke.” uses/gives Xujia scolded with clenched jaws. “是啊,我那天跟他说了,到时候带我一个……可恨,一定是看不起我,把我说的话当作放屁一样。”施旭佳咬牙切齿的骂道。 You are, haha.” The Senior Sister giggle smiles, puts out a golden sphere, opens the mouth to say with a smile: Ok, we get down alone, does not know that can find in Venerable the clan that vanishes! If can find, our time duties may be accomplished.” “你本来就是个屁,哈哈。”师姐咯咯笑着,拿出一个金色的圆球,开口笑道:“算了,还是我们自己单独下去,也不知道能不能找到消失的界内尊族!如果能找到,那我们这次的任务可就完成了。” uses/gives Xujia and Senior Sister two people sneak in the sphere, uses/gives Xujia also ask: Senior Sister, you said that jie so positively enters the chaos, why is also?” 施旭佳和师姐二人钻进圆球,施旭佳又问道:“师姐,你说那蛮劼如此的积极进入混沌,又是为什么?” Has not wanted to find outside refinement beyond the material day of channel to pass.” The Senior Sister said, „the past Pangu senior accidentally met beyond the day to pass in the chaos, this has made a connection with outside the channel, entered the outside successfully! jie and his father acting recklessly life is seeking!” “还不是想要找到炼制界外通道的材料天外通。”师姐哧道,“当年盘古前辈正是在混沌之中偶然遇到天外通,这才打通了界外通道,成功进入外界!蛮劼和他的爹蛮乾一生都在寻找!” uses/gives Xujia also nods saying: Beyond is day passes in us outside is difficult to seek the thing, let alone in?” 施旭佳也点头道:“天外通在我们界外都是难寻之物,又何况是界内?” In the voice, the golden light ball also fell into the chaos. 话音之中,金色的光球也落入了混沌之中。 ...... …… Surface layer chaos. 混沌表层。 Here does not have any treasure, not having the chaos boat, Venerable also to be able free having a good swim. 在这里就算是没有任何的宝物,没有混沌舟,尊者们也是可以自由的畅游。 Ye Kong and Luo Shan tread the white jade small boat to be downward thorough, meets Venerable of many Highest Venerate Sect all the way. These fellows are still salvaging the chaos air bubble, wants to return to your home to change the contribution point. 叶空和罗衫两人踏着白玉小舟向下深入,一路上遇到不少的至尊门的尊者。这些家伙还在打捞着混沌气泡,想要送回尊门换贡献点。 In the chaos passes message the dialogue somewhat to be difficult, everybody also only then nods in missing. 混沌之中传音对话都有些困难,大家也只有在错过之间点点头。 Numerous Venerable is in the heart mused, our Sect Lord may be fierce, the casualness Venerable great beauty Luo Shantian of day your home on. 众尊者都是心中暗想,咱们门主可厉害,随随便便就把天尊门的大美人罗衫天尊给把上了。 When Luo Shantian Venerable is also complexion blushes, misses, can see the dreadful smiling faces on these Highest Venerate Sect faces. 罗衫天尊也是脸色发红,错过之时,也能看见那些至尊门人脸上的猥琐笑容。 But Ye Kong this small boat also is really small, Luo Shantian Venerable also only then lowers the head slightly, conceals shames intent. 可是叶空这小舟还真的是小,罗衫天尊也只有略微低头,掩饰羞意。 At this moment, the chaos token in Ye Kong hand has been shining, inside broadcasts the jie sound, Ye Kong, do not tell you taking Romanian garment that girl.” 正在此刻,叶空手中的混沌令牌亮了起来,里边传来蛮劼的声音,“叶空,你别告诉你把罗衫那丫头给带上了啊。” Ye Kong just wants saying that good, I took. 叶空刚想说,不错,我是带上了。 Side does not come to one's ear is actually a heat, transmits whispering that Luo Shantian Venerable, said me not to have on.” 不过耳边却是一热,传来罗衫天尊的低语,“就说我没上。” The Ye Kong heart said, f*ck your ancestor board board, I am one revere main can lie? However felt a moment ago on the ear soft, was actually carefully did not move the red lip of Romanian garment a moment ago...... 叶空心说,日你先人板板,我是一门尊主怎么能说谎?不过感受到刚才耳朵上柔软,刚才竟然是不小心触碰到罗衫的红唇…… Hasn't brought.” Ye Kong replied jie. “没带没带。”叶空回答了蛮劼。 En.” jie is very satisfied, said: You well with me. The chaos deeply are not your I are conceivable, immediately I must accelerate, if you cannot follow, told me.” “恩。”蛮劼很满意,又道:“那你就好好跟着我。混沌之深不是你我可以想象,马上我要加速了,你若是跟不上,就告诉我。” Good.” “好的。” Ye Kong looks down in the hand the chaos token, seeing that red luminous spot really instantaneously to accelerate, projects to the chaos straightly! 叶空低头看着手中混沌令牌,看见那红色的光点果然瞬间加速,直向混沌下笔直射出! Other chaos boat stimulation of movement ways, in the chaos have not led the way, strength very big that needs, the common crystal stone simply does not have that effect. Must have Venerable level Powerhouse of innumerable world, can accelerate to such situation! 混沌舟并没有其他的催动方式,混沌之中前行,需要的力量非常之大,一般的晶石根本没有那个效果。必须要拥有无数世界的尊级强者,才能加速到如此的地步! Came!” The Ye Kong intention moves, all things strength emits half immediately, white jade small boat rapid toward the chaos deep place, dashes about wildly! “来了!”叶空心念一动,三千世界的力量顿时放出一半,白玉小舟飞速的向着混沌的深处,狂奔! Has not thought that this boy strength promotion is so quick!” jie exclaims in surprise one, accelerates suddenly once more! “没想到这小子实力提升这么快!”蛮劼惊叹一声,骤然再次加速! „Is this is testing my strength?” Actually each Venerable after having are many, started to keep secret! Must know, Venerable the disparate very big degree between level Powerhouse to depend on has many of world! These Powerhouse, who can be willing to make others know how many world do oneself have? “这是在考验我的实力么?”其实每个尊者在拥有的界多以后,就开始保密了!要知道,尊级强者之间的悬殊很大程度取决于拥有世界的多少!那些强者,谁会愿意让别人知道自己拥有多少世界呢? However hides, is not quite sometimes easy. 不过就算是隐藏,有时候也不太容易。 Venerable also Eight Trigrams (gossip), usually many people are pondering very much over, some someone probably many world, even can also say has the distribution of world in chaos. 尊者也八卦的很,平时就有很多人在琢磨,谁谁谁大概有多少世界,甚至还能说出拥有世界在混沌之中的分布。 For example jie, what everybody recognizes, has probably 5000 world! 比如说蛮劼,大家公认的是,大约拥有5000世界! Ye Kong at present is all things, but also misses such one section. 叶空目前是三千世界,还差那么一截。 Possibly is jie also knows the Ye Kong's strength, after achieving the output of strength of all things, the speed of his chaos boat starts to stabilize. 可能是蛮劼也知道叶空的实力,当达到三千世界之力的输出以后,他的混沌舟的速度开始稳定下来。 Ye Kong, this is a long entire flight, you can stimulates to movement, while does other matters, cultivate anything.” jie also urged one, had the matter to call me.” Afterward, he sits cross-legged to sit in oneself chaos boat bow, started closes/obsctructs eye to convalesce. 叶空,这是一个漫长的飞行过程,你可以一边催动,一边干些其他的事,修炼什么的,都可以。”蛮劼又叮嘱一声,“有事可以叫我。”随后,他盘膝坐在自己的混沌舟船头,开始了闭目静养。 Ye Kong did not have him to be so relaxed, the white jade chaos boat was very small, now has stood two people, was impossible to sit cross-legged to sit down. 叶空就没他这么轻松了,白玉混沌舟本来就很小,现在站了两个人,根本不可能盘膝坐下。 „, This hits the standing-room ticket.” Ye Kong self-ridicules one, the dialogue function closure of chaos token, this opens the sound to ask: Luo Shan...... No, Kosuke, since I lead you to get down, is not the leucorrhea you get down, I think that you at least must tell me, goal that you get down! Otherwise, I can throw now you, en, here floats not to have the danger.” “得,这回打得站票。”叶空自嘲一声,将混沌令牌的对话功能关闭,这才开声问道:“罗衫……不,小佑,既然我带你下来,也不是白带你下来的,我想你至少得告诉我,你下来的目的!要不然,我现在就可以把你丢出去,恩,这里浮上去不会有危险。” Luo Shantian Venerable does not want to conceal, opens the mouth saying: Actually my this time the goal is the same with jie!” 罗衫天尊也并没有想隐瞒,开口道:“其实我这次下来的目的和蛮劼一样的!” ps: Recently was not healthy, state of mind was also unsatisfactory. It seems like that I really needed a vacation. ps:最近身体不好,精神状态也不佳。看来,我真是需要一个假期了。 Today starts every day 2, before places the late six points, like this I can with the family member friend have meal, or takes a walk. 今天开始每天2更,都放在晚六点以前,这样我可以跟家人朋友去吃个饭,又或者去散个步。 Was sorry, actually slightly always means what he says, but really could not achieve, en, this book started to enter receives the officer, was about to end, everybody could not wait to accumulate was looking, or ended the book, thanked everybody. 抱歉了,其实小蛮向来说话算数的,但是真是做不到了,恩,这本书已经开始进入收官了,快结束了,大家等不及可以攒着看,或者等完本,谢谢大家了。 { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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