MC :: Volume #34

#3305: I also want

w 3305 I also want w3305我也想要下去 What, can you also exchange?” Ye Kong lifted the hand to receive that golden air bubble, opened the mouth to say with a smile: Ok, so long as you join our Highest Venerate Sect, not only can exchange 1000 integrals, but can also enjoy in many other gates the benefits, free eating meal free lodging, do you think what kind of?” “什么,你也要兑换?”叶空抬手接过那只金色气泡,开口笑道:“可以呀,只要你加入我们至尊门,不但可以兑换1000积分,还能享受很多其他的门中福利,免费吃饭免费住宿,你觉得怎么样?” The youngster said that you when really my food can't eat to the full? I will not join your Highest Venerate Sect!” 那少年哧道,“你真当我连饭都吃不饱么?我是决计不会加入你们至尊门的!” Such being the case, Ye Kong is impolite, the facial color changes, „ Fellow Daoist does as you please, since you hand over the chaos air bubble, I did not investigate the crime of your seize 既然如此,叶空也不客气,面色一变,“那么道友请便,既然你交出混沌气泡,我就不追究你抢夺之罪了 You! Obviously is......” youngster illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy that I subdue. “你!明明是我收伏的……”少年气结。 However obviously front Highest Venerate Sect Sect Lord is not the person of reasoning with, the youngster also non- theory, opens the mouth to ask: Ye Kong, you gather the chaos air bubble to want while the chaos agitation massively, thorough chaos deep place?” 不过显然面前的至尊门门主并不是讲理之人,少年也不理论,又开口问道:“叶空,你大量收取混沌气泡是想要趁着混沌搅动,深入混沌深处吧?” You!” This traded is Ye Kong is startled. “你!”这回换是叶空吃惊了。 Did not say that this youngster to a on Ye Kong timid intent, had not said that he actually also knows the chaos agitation suits the thorough opportunity...... Ye Kong thought oneself just Upper Realm time, will not understand these absolutely! 不说这少年对上叶空没有一丝的怯意,就说他竟然也知道混沌搅动正是适合深入其中的时机……叶空觉得自己刚上界的时候,绝对不会懂得这些! This youngster was not the person of simple just Upper Realm! 这个少年不是简单的刚上界之人! Ok, is not a chaos air bubble, Ye Kong, when the time comes enters the chaos deep place, has my one!” The youngster said, turns around to fly far. “算了,不就是个混沌气泡,叶空,到时候进入混沌深处,带我一个!”少年说完,掉头飞远。 Back comes out Ye Kong's to shout a question, baby, you who you?” 后边出来叶空的喝问,“小娃娃,你谁呀你?” uses/gives Xujia!” “施旭佳!” uses/gives Xujia walked, on Highest Venerate Sect disciple who this golden light ball in pursued 施旭佳走了,这金色的光球就算在了追来的至尊门弟子身上 As the first air bubble appears, in the chaos starts to keep has the air bubble to turn to float, has not arrived at the chaos surface, was caught by the Highest Venerate Sect disciple, feeds in your home. 随着第一个气泡出现,混沌之中开始不停的有气泡翻浮上来,还没有到达混沌表面,就被至尊门弟子捕获,送进尊门之中。 But these golden air bubbles, completely had sent in the Ye Kong's dwelling afterward. 而这些金色的气泡,随后就被全部送入了叶空的住处。 Refines these air bubbles also to have tasteful. 炼制这些气泡也是有讲究的。 Gas any function in air bubble, the air bubble surface one/1st Layer golden color, that has not been the chaos starch main body, is useless! These are Ye Kong some experiences that obtains from supreme inheritance. 气泡之中的气体没有任何作用,气泡表面一层金色,那是混沌的浆糊本体,也是无用!这些都是叶空从至尊传承之中得到的一些经验。 The black such as the bright and clean ground of mirror, the pure white bright porch pillar, in the Ye Kong's residence, seven color light halo revolving vacillations, the color is only dazzling, but Ye Kong sits in this Array Method. 黑色如镜的光洁地面,洁白明亮的廊柱,叶空的住所之中,一个七彩光圈旋转游移,光色炫目,而叶空就是坐在这阵法之中。 Strips successfully!” Ye Kong of azure clothes cautiously rips last golden color on air bubble, inside reveals has no time pure white, seems the litchi chinensis meat same interior. “剥离成功!”一袭青衣的叶空小心翼翼的剥去一个气泡上的最后一点金色,露出里边洁白无暇,仿佛是荔枝肉一样的内部。 This is very thin one/1st Layer, inside is the air. 这是很薄的一层,里边是空气。 But true useful, is this white light one/1st Layer. 而真正有用的,就是这白色的薄薄一层 ! 嚓! The Ye Kong right hand cuts fast! Venerable cuts! During supreme inheritance a Venerable skill of ordinary level. 叶空右手快速一斩!尊者斩!至尊传承之中一项普通级的尊者技能。 The fist big pure white circular cleft in two immediately, the middle gas goes leisurely, what remaining is only two pieces of very slightly very thin membranes. 拳头大的洁白圆形顿时被劈成两半,中间气体逸去,剩下的只是两片很小很薄的膜。 Was it!” In Ye Kong heart one happy, lifts the hand to receive this white membrane, starts refinement next. “就是它了!”叶空心中一喜,一抬手将这白色的膜收起,又开始炼制下一个。 Makes one to enter the treasure of chaos lowest level, needs the massive membranes! 制造一个进入混沌最底层的宝物,需要大量的这种膜! The time passes gradually, does not know when many after ri, Ye Kong uses the innumerable chaos air bubbles finally, refine one to carry 1-2 people of small boat treasures, oneself named as the chaos boat, the Venerable level treasure 时光荏苒,不知多少时ri之后,叶空终于用无数的混沌气泡,炼成了一只可以载一两人的小舟宝物,自己命名为混沌舟,尊者级宝物 But meanwhile, can clear seeing, the speed of chaos revolving be getting quicker and quicker. 而同时,可以清楚的看见,混沌旋转的速度越来越快了。 Does not know that is the jade Yang ordinary man plays a dirty trick, Venerate Realm also starts to spread supreme heaven defying everywhere, the chaos get angry the rumor, seems, the opportunity of also arriving at entry. 不知道是不是玉阳老匹夫使坏,尊界到处也开始流传“至尊逆天,混沌发怒”的谣言,看上去,也到了进入的时机。 cloud Yang, my this time goes to the unusual danger, but I have to go! Family's matter leaves you, if I have any accident, you remember that immediately received Earth, kindly treats my family member.” “云扬,我这次去非常的危险,不过我不得不去!家里的事就留给你,如果我有任何的三长两短,你记得立即收了地球,善待我的家人。” Ye Kong has arranged cloud Yang, afterward has seen own family member. 叶空安排了云扬,随后又去见过自己的家人。 After Earth Upper Realm, his family member and friend, move certainly to Earth from original Daijun World. 地球上界以后,他的家人和朋友,当然都从原先的代俊世界之中搬到地球。 The Ye Kong hometown that in legend Yi Manying Huang Shishi and other women already yearned, in an instant, already here life many years. 易曼影黄诗诗等女人早就向往的传说中的叶空家乡,一转眼,已经在这里生活很多年了。 Ye Kong, you lead me to go.” When Ye Kong leaves from Earth, has actually met barefooting that and jie came together. 叶空,你带我去吧。”当叶空从地球离开,却是遇到了和蛮劼一起来的赤脚。 Barefooted is still a white clothing, the light the both feet, was almost entreats: Ye Kong, you lead me, sees our chaos intersection and arm with the share of roaming, you lead me to get down together.” 赤脚仍旧是一身白衣,光着双脚,几乎是哀求道:“叶空,你就带我吧,看到我们混沌相交、把臂同游的份上,你就带我一起下去吧。” Stands does not speak in distant place chaos above barbarian jie, obviously he is not willing to bring to barefoot. 站在远处混沌上空的蛮劼也不说话,显然他是不肯带赤脚的。 Ye Kong also smiles bitterly, lifts the hand, emits that cream clear Xiao Yu boat, you look, this jade boat such small, how can your my two people crush into?” 叶空也是苦笑,一抬手,放出那只乳白色的晶莹小玉舟,“你看,这玉舟如此之小,你我二人如何挤得进?” Has not related, I did not fear that pushes......” “没关系,我不怕挤……” But I feared that pushes.” “但是我怕挤。” „...... You, how don't you refine greatly?” “……你,你怎么不炼制大一点?” You early had not said!” “你早也没说!” Barefoots to entreat fruitless, but also wants to say anything, that side jie cold snort/hum, this line of bad risks are incomparable, if encounters the danger, must move separately, their boat, the escape is in the way, you give me to protect your home well!” 赤脚哀求无果,还想说什么,那边蛮劼冷哼一声,“此行凶险无比,若是遇到危险,说不定就要分头行动,两人一舟,逃命都碍事,你给我好好的守护尊门!” jie this saying, barefooting has to nod to comply with one is. 蛮劼这一说,赤脚只好点头应了一声是。 Ye Kong also only then helpless shrugging. 叶空也只有无奈的耸耸肩。 In the vision of barefooting hidden bitterness, Ye Kong arrives at side jie, said with a smile: This time both of us?” 在赤脚幽怨的目光中,叶空来到蛮劼身边,笑道:“这次就我们二人?” jie said, wants that many people to do.” Then, lifted the hand to give the Ye Kong together token, said: This is the chaos command that I refine, can record the journey that we pass through, in the chaos, vast boundless, most fearful loses the direction, loses itself!” 蛮劼道,“要那么多人作甚。”说完,抬手给了叶空一块令牌,道:“这是我炼制的混沌令,可以记录我们经过的路途,混沌之中,浩淼无边,最可怕的就是失去方向,迷失自己!” Then, this jie is really the experience is rich, the preparation is also sufficient, Ye Kong somewhat rejoiced can actually have this person to travel together. 说起来,这蛮劼还真是经验丰富,准备也充足,叶空倒是有些庆幸能有此人同行。 Ye Kong received the token, the surface has luminous spot to flash, a little likely is the bright and clean sapphire, a little likely is the screen. 叶空接过令牌,表面有光点闪动,有点像是光洁的青玉,又有点像是屏幕。 jie also said: I have gotten my chaos boat information above, after you enter, can choose with me, in certain range can be able sensation my position, in the meantime, the telephone conversation function.” 蛮劼又道:“我已经在上边打上我的混沌舟信息,你进入以后可以选择跟着我,在一定范围能可以感知我的位置,同时,还有通话功能。” Ye Kong nods, said thanked. 叶空点头,道了一声谢。 Afterward jie emits his chaos boat, Ye Kong this looked, immediately smiles bitterly. 随后蛮劼放出他的混沌舟,叶空这一看,顿时苦笑。 The jie chaos boat was older than him three times! Above carving fine gorgeous, surface is various types of unusual characters covers, so-called is not cannot judge the quality of goods, fears the goods compared with the goods! Original Ye Kong also thinks that own chaos boat is good, with jie compares, discovers poor! 蛮劼的混沌舟比他大了三倍有余!上边雕刻的精致华美,表面更是各种异文覆盖,所谓不是不识货,就怕货比货!本来叶空还以为自己的混沌舟不错,跟蛮劼的一比,才发现寒酸! However although the Ye Kong's chaos boat is poor, actually some people think on. 不过虽然叶空的混沌舟寒酸,却是有人想上。 At this moment, in the sky white clouds is fluttering a form, the graceful bearing is graceful, silk skirt light pendulum. 正在此刻,天空白云之中飘出一个身影,风姿曼妙,罗裙轻摆。 Kosuke?” jie and Ye Kong stare. “小佑?”蛮劼和叶空都是一愣。 Luo Shantian Venerable to fly leisurely, hesitant evil ways: I also want.” 罗衫天尊款款飞下,犹豫了一下道:“我也想要下去。” Nonsense!” jie is angry, exclaims: You may know that what below has, under dangerous?” “胡闹!”蛮劼大怒,吼道:“你可知道下边有什么,下边有多危险?” I want to look for my parents.” Luo Shantian Venerable said in a low voice. “我想要找我爹娘。”罗衫天尊低声说道。 They died!” jie cold say/way, by jade Yang Sha, Venerate Realm everybody is known!” “他们已经死了!”蛮劼冷道,“都被玉阳杀了,尊界人人都知道!” „It is not!” Luo Shantian Venerable is on the rise fiercely, you are deceiving me, I know that they have not died!” “不是!”罗衫天尊猛地抬起头,“你们都在骗我,我知道他们没死!” These two confront, Ye Kong somewhat is in a daze, does not know that under the chaos with the parents of Romanian garment have any relations, thinks somewhat complex. 这两人对峙,叶空有些发愣,不知道下混沌跟罗衫的爹娘有什么关系,觉得有些复杂。 Is casual you!” jie and Luo Shan look at each other meeting, cold snort/hum, on own chaos boat, has then thrown into the chaos. “随便你!”蛮劼和罗衫对视一会,冷哼一声,上了自己的混沌舟,然后一头扎进混沌之中。 The Ye Kong heart said, jie does not lead us not to be good to bring, wants to harness the chaos boat to run away, has not actually thought that behind the light shadow moves, a moving body has pasted behind him...... is not......” 叶空心说,蛮劼不带咱也不好带,也想驾着混沌舟逃走,却没想到身后光影一动,一个动人的身体已经贴在他背后……“不是……” Ye Kong just wants to say anything, in item is actually the unusual look dodges, looks down, saw only a pair of slender and delicate arm the link to live in own waist! Tight! m 叶空刚想说什么,目中却是异色一闪,低头看去,只见一双纤柔的手臂已经环住了自己的腰!紧紧的!m { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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