MC :: Volume #34

#3304: The chaos air bubble, I also exchange.

3304 chaos air bubbles, I also exchange. 3304混沌气泡,我也兑换。 Chaos agitation? Enters the good opportunity in chaos?” Ye Kong and cloud Yang are curious. “混沌搅动?进入混沌之中的良机?”叶空和云扬都是为之好奇。 Barefooting smiles, to show off desirably, said: My teacher said that common Venerable enters the chaos most to enter 1 million zhang (3.33 m)! Although is Venerable the body, was to the chaos deep place, is unable to withstand its powerful the crush!” 赤脚嘿嘿一笑,刻意卖弄一下,才道:“我师尊说了,寻常尊者进入混沌最多进入1000000丈!虽然是尊者之身,可是到了混沌深处,根本无法承受其强力的碾压!” This.” Ye Kong and cloud Yang are slightly heard to these, but has not barefooted say is so accurate. cloud Yang also asked: „During this chaos mix, its below will grind the pressure to reduce the half minute?” “这样。”叶空和云扬对这些都是略有所闻,不过并没有赤脚所说的那么准确。云扬又问道:“难道这混沌搅动之中,其下的碾压力就会减少半分?” Non- not!” Beckoning with the hand that barefoots to be coquettish, said: „When chaos agitation does not grind pressure to weaken, but grinds some pressure slightly enhancements......” “非也非也!”赤脚故作姿态的摆手,道:“混沌搅动之时并非碾压力会减弱,而是碾压力会略微有些增强……” cloud Yangji, got angry: You quickly said that buys any climax.” 云扬急了,怒道:“你就快说呗,买什么关子,真是。” Looks at you to be anxious.” Barefoots to laugh, this continues to explain religious doctrine: Actual situation is, during chaos mix, will have the chaos air bubble to rise from the chaos deep place, finally arrives at the chaos surface to explode! If we these chaos air bubble ahead of time collections, after refine, can become a very strong chaos treasure, after entering the chaos, wraps the body, can under to chaos most deep place!” “瞧你急的。”赤脚哈哈大笑,这才继续讲道:“实际情况是,在混沌搅动之中,从混沌深处就会有混沌气泡上升,最后来到混沌表面爆开!而如果我们将这些混沌气泡提前的收集,经过炼化,就能成为一件很强的混沌宝物,进入混沌以后,包裹身体,可以下到混沌最深处!” Chaos air bubble!” The Ye Kong secretly thought, this chaos are really whole body are the treasure, even if the air bubble that inside emits, that is the priceless good thing! “混沌气泡!”叶空暗道,这混沌真是全身都是宝啊,就算是里边冒出的气泡,那都是千金难买的好东西! However the words said that also truly is this, are the chaos usually irrevocable, move motionless, how possibly have the air bubble to appear? 不过话说也确实是这样,混沌平时一成不变,动都不动,怎么可能有气泡出现? Also because the chaos are revolving, in the mutual friction, this will have the air bubble production, floats! 也正是因为混沌在旋转,在动了,在互相的摩擦,这才会有气泡产生,浮上来! The issue is, why does jie let barefoot to provide the message? 只是,问题是,蛮劼为什么让赤脚来提供消息? But...... We have not wanted to enter the chaos, collects these chaos air bubbles, there is what using?” Although Ye Kong with cloud Yang was discussing a moment ago still enters the chaos deep place, but now is actually a denial. “可是……我们并没有想要进入混沌,收集那些混沌气泡,又有何用?”叶空虽然刚才还在跟云扬讨论进入混沌深处,可是现在却是一口否定。 Really, barefoots to nod, urges: My teacher may say, revolving of this chaos so sound may really the far ultra usual sound! Although cloud Yangzun had blown on the scene a moment ago, is the chaos revolutions will be quicker in the future, in addition the jade positive this old fogy will not lose heart! When the time comes he wants a round of rumor, thinks that leaf Sect Lord will receive others' suspicion!” 果然,赤脚点头,劝道:“我师尊可说了,这混沌如此动静的旋转可真的远超平时的动静!虽然云扬尊者刚才镇住了在场的各位尊者,可是日后混沌越转越快,加上玉阳这老家伙不会死心!到时候他只要一发谣言,想必叶门主就会受到别人的猜忌!” „Is the meaning of that jie Sect Lord?” A Ye Kong brow wrinkle, goes forward to ask in a low voice. “那蛮劼门主的意思是?”叶空眉头一皱,上前低声问道。 „The meaning of my teacher......” barefoots to lower the head, said in a soft voice: „The meaning of our Sect Lord, is in the thorough chaos inquires into, having a look at this chaos to open the samsara time, if real, when also opens? Our Sect Lord said, he is willing to help the leaf Sect Lord thorough chaos, investigates thoroughly reason!” “我师尊的意思……”赤脚低头,轻声道:“我们门主的意思,是深入混沌之中探究一下,看看这混沌是不是真的要开启轮回时代,如果是真的,又在何时开启?我们门主说,他愿意帮助叶门主深入混沌,查清其中的缘由!” This...... That many thanks jie Sect Lord good intention.” Ye Kong grateful holding the fist in the other hand, jie Sect Lord really did not have the words to say to the younger generation hastily, engraved on one's memory, this matter allowed me to consider.” “这……那多谢蛮劼门主的好意。”叶空连忙感激的抱拳,“蛮劼门主对晚辈真是没话说,铭记于心,此事容我考虑一下。” Good, when the time comes officially informed one on the line.” Barefoots to beckon with the hand to depart. “好吧,到时候知会一声就行。”赤脚摆手离去。 However waits to barefoot to walk, cloud Yang said immediately in a low voice: I looked that perhaps jie has not settled any good intention! He wants to draw you to accompany under him obviously the chaos!” 不过等赤脚一走,云扬立即低声道:“我看蛮劼恐怕也没有安什么好心!他明明就是想拉着你陪他下混沌!” Ye Kong both eyes look at direction, vision is deep, said: Initially acted recklessly entered the chaos several times, has discovered what?” 叶空双目看着门外方向,目光深深,道:“当初蛮乾数次进入混沌,难道是发现了什么?” cloud Yang does not live in the nod, has the possibility very much! Does not know why must draw you, is he thought that own strength is insufficient?” 云扬不住点头,“很有可能!只是不知道为什么非要拉着你,难道是他觉得自己的实力不够?” Was difficult to say.” Ye Kong brow tight wrinkle. Although Ye Kong inherited 3000 of Pangu now, but said the strength, is still away from jie really to be far! “难说。”叶空眉头紧皱。虽然叶空现在已经继承了盘古的3000界,可是说起来实力,依然距离蛮劼甚远! jie should not need Ye Kong to help. 蛮劼应该不太需要叶空助拳。 „The collection chaos air bubble that no matter he, at least he provides to us, was effective, transmitted orders all disciples to seek for the collection chaos air bubble, acquisition back your home, everyone can exchange 1000 contribution points.” “不管他,至少他提供的收集混沌气泡对我们来说,就很是管用,传令下去所有的本门弟子都可以寻找收集混沌气泡,取得者送回尊门,每人可以兑换1000个贡献点。” In Highest Venerate Sect, 1000 contribution were many, can exchange the most common Venerable skill that one type leaves behind primitively! 至尊门之中,1000个贡献点已经很多,可以兑换一种原始留下的最普通的尊者技能! The inheritance that leaves behind primitively is a quite complex and complicated system, the content of very broad! Therefore initially Pangu as the primitive disciple, with his Cultivation many years, died after primitively, Pangu has studied diligently many years, is unable as before completely the refine primitive inheritance. 原始留下的传承是一个相当复杂和繁复的体系,其中的内容非常的宽泛!所以当初盘古作为原始弟子,跟着他修行多少年,原始死后,盘古又钻研了多少年,依旧是无法完全炼化原始的传承。 Therefore Ye Kong then obtains the primitive inheritance shortly, what is more important, Ye Kong present Cultivation Base might as well initial Pangu! 所以叶空这才得到原始传承没多久,更重要的是,叶空现在的修为还不如当初的盘古! Cultivation Base is insufficient, many places open continually do not have the ability! 修为不够,很多地方连打开都没有能力! Let alone investigates extremely the Venerable skill of rank, even if the skill of understanding rank, just can open! 别说究极级别的尊者技能,就算是会心级别的技能,也刚刚才能打开一点! However is ordinary and most common level, opened actually much, Ye Kong also takes, price-marks separately 1000 to 10,000 contribution points, making the disciple exchange. 不过普通和最普通级,倒是打开了不少,叶空也就拿出来,分别标价1000到10000贡献点,让门人兑换。 ...... …… The chaos agitation, probably is pot shining gruel. 混沌搅动,好像是一锅金灿灿的稀饭。 However, obviously does not mix from the beginning will have the air bubble to appear, this is a very long-time process. 不过,显然并不是一开始搅动就会有气泡出现,这是一个很长久的过程。 In the process of waiting, Ye Kong continues to study diligently and refine primitive inheritance earnestly, in an instant, does not know many years already sneaking off quietly, is good does not have the time principle because of Venerate Realm. 在等待的过程中,叶空继续埋头钻研和炼化原始传承,一转眼,不知多少年月已经悄悄的溜走,好在尊界也没有时间法则。 On this day, in the peaceful room, Ye Kong is facing a golden small inscribed text, with heart and soul refine. 这一天,静室之中,叶空正面对着一尊金色的小碑文,全心炼化 Suddenly his brow selects, induces anything. 突然他眉头一挑,感应到什么。 Finally had the air bubble to come out!” In Ye Kong heart one happy, beckons with the hand, fast has swept off Array Method, receives the palm golden color little Bei, this goes out of the peaceful room. “终于有气泡出来了!”叶空心中一喜,摆手之间,就快速扫去了阵法,将金色小碑收入手心,这才走出静室。 Is I discovers first!” Sees only above the chaos, a light shadow in rapid racing to come, in his front has in a youngster hand of wear white long unlined close-fitting gown to hold a shining air bubble. “是我先发现的!”只见混沌之上,一个光影正在飞速的奔来,而在他的前方有一个穿着白色长衫的少年手中捧着一个金灿灿的气泡。 Day your home?” Ye Kong departs Earth, pursues on seeing, looks up, discovered mourning clothes youngster who leads, unexpectedly is day your home! “天尊门的?”叶空飞出地球,就看见这边追逐,抬头一看,发现领头的白衫少年,竟然是天尊门的! Moreover, actually probably is previous time king Zifeng brings to look in white/vain the youngster of Ze world! 而且,竟然好像是上次王紫风带着去看白泽世界的少年! Ye Kong not necessarily remembered but actually, but this youngster looks like the woman, soft and fair skin, therefore is very easy to remember. 叶空本来倒不一定记住,只是这少年太像女人,细皮嫩肉,所以很容易让人记得。 However Ye Kong not good male homosexuality, even if this boy is attractive, you cannot snatch our Highest Venerate Sect thing! 不过叶空可不好男风,就算这小子再漂亮,你也不能抢我们至尊门的东西! Halts!” Ye Kong roars, has kept off on that attractive boy road which must be taken. “站住!”叶空一声怒吼,已经挡在了那漂亮小子必经之路上。 Venerate Realm is spacious, must seal up a road ahead of person, perhaps is not easy. 尊界空旷,要封住一个人的前路,恐怕并不是容易的。 Those but who surprise people are, the attractive youngster of that day your home, flies unexpectedly toward Ye Kong. 可是让人意外的是,那个天尊门的漂亮少年,竟然一头向着叶空飞来。 Back is pursuing the Highest Venerate Sect disciple looked that Sect Lord has supported, immediately the great happiness, exclaimed: Boy, your day your home dares to come our Highest Venerate Sect entrance to snatch the thing, you are really the beastly audacities!” 后边追着的至尊门门人一看门主来撑腰了,顿时大喜,吼道:“小子,你们天尊门敢来我们至尊门大门口抢东西,你们真是狗胆包天!” A Ye Kong azure clothes, concentrates to stand above the chaos, loses single-handed behind, the clothing dances in the breeze, a school of sect gate Sect Lord style. 叶空一袭青衣,凝立在混沌之上,单手负于身后,衣衫飘舞,一派宗门门主的风范。 He pours and is insufficient to haggle over with small Venerable of new Upper Realm, immediately opens the mouth saying: Day your home Fellow Daoist, leaves behind the thing in your hand, the Highest Venerate Sect thing does not accommodate seize!” 他倒并不至于跟一个新上界的小尊者计较,当下开口道:“天尊门道友,留下你手中的东西,至尊门的东西不容抢夺!” However what makes Ye Kong surprised is, that attractive boy flies in front of Ye Kong unexpectedly, sneers saying: Where is seize, I investigate white/in vain Ze cause of death in the chaos, accidentally meets this air bubble, conveniently received, your can Highest Venerate Sect snatch the junior thing hardly?” 不过让叶空吃惊的是,那漂亮小子竟然飞到叶空面前,冷笑道:“哪里是抢夺,我在混沌之中调查白泽死因,偶然遇到这气泡,就顺手收了,难道你们至尊门要硬抢小辈东西?” Ye Kong does not want with his theory, just about to open the mouth, actually sees that boy to throw on own initiative the air bubble, said: Good, looked that you very need, gave you to be good...... However I heard, this is can exchange 1000 contribution points, does not know whether I do exchange?” 叶空不想跟他理论,刚要开口,却见那小子主动把气泡扔过来,道:“好吧,看你挺需要,就给你好了……不过我听说,这可是可以兑换1000贡献点的,不知道我可否兑换呢?” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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