MC :: Volume #34

#3303: intent enters the chaos, delivers!

3303 intent enters the chaos, delivers! 3303意入混沌,送上门来! The antiquity diving competition, the special details were also not very detailed, but the final output was Pangu wins obviously. It seems like at that time, Pangu is the reality strives to defeat in Yuyang, it is estimated that is also not the tiny bit! 上古跳水比赛,具体情况也并不是十分详细,不过最后结果显然是盘古赢了。看来那个时候,盘古就已经是实力胜于玉阳,估计还不是一星半点! However this unofficial history story records final a few words, is makes Ye Kong be lost in thought. 不过这篇野史故事记录到最后的一句话,却是让叶空陷入沉思。 The last few words on nine characters, Pan jade all indifferently, do not know that meets.” 最后一句话就九个字,“盘玉俱漠然,不知所遇。” In other words these two has played one after the chaos deep submergence, displays the uncommunicative appearance, does not know what silently has met? 也就是说这两人从混沌之中玩了一个“深潜”以后,都表现的默默寡言的样子,不知道遇到了什么? Very obviously, the recorder noted the expression of these two, but the expression surely also unusual silence of these two, otherwise finally will spend nine characters to explain in the short written work. 很显然,记录者注意到了这两人的表情,而这两人的表情必定也非同一般的沉默,否则才会在短文最后花费九个字说明。 The classical Chinese literature is very jade positive speech is ordinary, pities the character such as the gold/metal! 古文都是很玉阳说话一般,惜字如金的! What have they met in the chaos?” “他们在混沌之中到底遇到了什么呢?” I guessed that the jade has met the chaos will positive!” cloud Yang when the Ye Kong thinking, he glanced through many jade Cambodia, this draws the conclusion. “我猜测玉阳遇到了混沌的意志!”云扬在叶空思索的时候,他又翻阅了很多的玉柬,这才得出结论。 „! Like this why said?” The Ye Kong brow selects. “哦!为什么这样说?”叶空眉头一挑。 Is this!” In cloud Yangshou grabs one in a big way jade Cambodia, direct say/way, before the jade positive this time enters the chaos, the jade positive name mentioned unusually, most was also mentioned that the shiva mentioned the apprentice jade was positive. But after this time, the jade positive name is more and more is mentioned!” “是这样!”云扬手中抓着一大把的玉柬,侃侃道,“在玉阳这次进入混沌之前,玉阳的名字少有提及,最多也就是提到湿婆才提到徒弟玉阳。可是在这次以后,玉阳的名字却是越来越多被提及!” Ye Kong is not the fool, nod then said that „, no matter which world, Powerhouse has the right to speak! Explained after this time, jade Yang Kaishi grow stronger! More and more strong!” 叶空也不是蠢人,点头接着道,“不管哪个世界,强者才有话语权!说明这一次以后,玉阳开始变强!越来越强!” cloud Yang nods, said with a smile, his strength was inferior to Pangu, after was that time, was actually the speedy approach even surpasses Pangu! Very obviously, he had the lucky reason in the chaos!” 云扬点头,微笑道,“本来他的实力不如盘古,可是那次以后,却是迅速接近甚至超过盘古!很显然,他在混沌之中有了福缘!” Here everybody to be needless to say again, the lucky reason in chaos, was the chaos! 说到这里大家都不用再说了,混沌之中的福缘,就是混沌! The chaos have designated the spokesman, its will needs to substantialize! 混沌已经选定了代言人,它的意志需要实质化! But as price of exchange, or the chaos give working oneself to death money, that is makes the jade positive! 而作为交换的代价,又或者混沌给的“卖命钱”,那就是让玉阳强大! However here issue, Ye Kong knits the brows saying that Pangu dives obviously deeply, why don't the chaos choose Pangu?” 不过这里还是有一个问题,叶空皱眉道,“盘古明明潜得更深,混沌为什么不选择盘古?” Is impossible to elect him!” cloud Yangdao, that time chaos felt that primitive threat, he chooses the operation target naturally not to choose the primitive disciple! All will only choose the jade to be positive!” “不可能选他!”云扬道,“那个时候混沌已经感觉到原始的威胁,他选择合作对象当然不会选择原始的弟子!所有只会选玉阳!” Ye Kong nods, expressed the support. 叶空点头,表示赞同。 However Ye Kong raised the head and asked that why after that Pangu comes out, is the facial expression is silent, felt that has the thoughts very much?” 不过叶空抬头又问,“那盘古为何出来以后,也是神情默然,感觉很有心思?” Pangu has definitely met chaos will, or experiences other matters......” cloud Yang to smile bitterly saying that experiences any matter specifically, no one knows, what a pity Pangu lost the soul dead, otherwise we can know many matters.” “盘古肯定遇到了混沌意志,又或者遇到其他事……”云扬苦笑道,“具体遇到什么事,谁也不知道,可惜盘古遗魂已经死了,要不然我们可以知道很多事。” Ye Kong said with a smile, „, no matter they met anything, what I can also determine, in the chaos had the buried treasure! Has the advantage! You think, the jade has come across the chance of strengthen positive, he is certainly silent \; Pangu meets definitely is also the good matter! Otherwise was he also silent?” 叶空笑道,“不管他们遇到什么,不过我也可以确定的是,混沌之中有宝藏!有好处!你想,玉阳遇到了变强的机缘,他当然沉默不语\;盘古遇到的肯定也是好事儿!要不然他也闭口不言?” Analyzes regarding Ye Kong's, cloud Yangshi said with a smile, chaos had the treasure, this idea was not your first time detected, historically wanted the person who entered the chaos to seek for the treasure to be too many!” 对于叶空的分析,云扬失笑道,“混沌有宝,这种想法并不是你一个人第一次发觉,历史上想要进入混沌寻找宝物的人太多了!” Right!” Ye Kong is startled, it seems like that the smart person is not his one. “是吗!”叶空吃惊,看来聪明人并不是他一个。 Was only everybody had not found treasure, many, entered in the chaos, died, has not come back again!” “只是大家都没有找到宝物,还有很多,进入混沌之中,死在其中,再也没有回来!” „, Is this?” “啊,是这样?” Is this!” cloud Yang nods to say seriously, dies, in the chaos search in the treasure the most important character are jie his father, acts recklessly!” “是这样!”云扬郑重点头道,“死在混沌探宝之中最重要的人物就是蛮劼他老子,蛮乾!” Acting recklessly dies in the chaos!” Ye Kong then first time hears the matter that these antiquities had. “蛮乾是死在混沌之中!”叶空这才第一次听闻这些上古发生的事。 How otherwise acts recklessly such character dead?” “要不然蛮乾那样的人物怎么会死?” Really cannot think, acts recklessly dies in the chaos unexpectedly......” Ye Kong thought aloud, in the heart moves, can act recklessly to discover Pangu and jade had the chance in the chaos positive, therefore enters the chaos to seek?” “真是想不到,蛮乾竟然是死在混沌里……”叶空自言自语,心中一动,“会不会蛮乾发现了盘古和玉阳都在混沌有了机缘,因此才进入混沌寻找?” By Ye Kong this saying, in cloud Yangmu fierce one bright, good! The entire life of acting recklessly I have studied, his life roams through the chaos infatuated! Enters the chaos to be innumerable, thinks that is stems from Pangu and jade positive demonstration effect!” 叶空这一说,云扬目中猛的一亮,“不错!蛮乾的生平我研究过,他一生痴迷遨游混沌!进入混沌无数次,想必就是出于盘古和玉阳的示范效应!” Was.” Ye Kong does not live in the nod, Pangu and jade launch to get rich positive, act recklessly cannot bear, therefore imitates. What a pity with the person different lives, he looked quite a while had not found, finally also oneself killing!” “是了是了。”叶空不住点头,“盘古和玉阳都下水发了大财,蛮乾也忍不住,于是效仿。可惜同人不同命,他找了半天没找到,最后还把自己给害死了!” Listened to Ye Kong to say interesting, cloud Yang laughed. 叶空说得有趣,云扬哈哈大笑。 However Ye Kong below words, are make cloud Yangxiao not get up. 不过叶空下边的话,却是让云扬笑不起来。 Ye Kong said, looked like and abnormal fellow who wanted many one to like exploring the chaos.” 叶空道,“看来又要多一个喜欢探索混沌的变态家伙了。” cloud Yang one startled, you said...... You? Sect Lord, this is not applicable absolutely! Danger!” 云扬一惊,“你是说……你?门主,这万万使不得!危险!” cloud Yang also said, Venerable is why unscrupulous, that is because they do not die in each world! In the chaos is but different, even if you formidable Powerhouse, after going, if encounters the danger also without enough time to escape! Let alone, do not forget your present status and behavior, the chaos has possibly regarded you have guarded against the object, perhaps will strangle you in the chaos!” 云扬又道,“尊者为何肆无忌惮,那是因为他们在每个世界之中是不死的!可是混沌之中就不一样了,就算是你再强大的强者,进去以后若是遇到危险也是来不及逃命的!更何况,别忘了你现在的身份和行为,混沌很可能已经把你当成了防备对象,说不定就会把你扼杀在混沌中!” cloud Yang the worry is not groundless. 云扬的担心不无道理。 Since the Ye Kong actions, have made the chaos vigilant! Perhaps may kill Ye Kong intentionally in! 叶空一直以来的所作所为,都已经让混沌警惕!说不定就有可能故意把叶空弄死在其中! In Ye Kong and cloud Yang were discussing studies this matter time, suddenly some people reported that the barefooting Saint Venerable. 正在叶空和云扬讨论研究此事的时候,突然有人禀告,赤脚圣尊来了。 Ye Kong places Earth the primitive graveyard, the demon rural fair in graveyard still retains, but non- opening to the outside world. 叶空把原始墓园放在地球,墓园之中的精怪集市依然保留,不过并不对外开放。 Therefore the Ye Kong also inconvenient belt barefoots to enter, then told that takes away the Highest Venerate Sect main hall. 因此叶空也不便带赤脚进入,便吩咐带去至尊门大殿。 Above main hall, resplendent in gold and jade green, what on the huge primary form suspended ceiling packs is various types of strange crystal stones. 大殿之上,金碧辉煌,巨大的原形吊顶上边装满的是各种奇异的晶石。 A barefooting man of wear white clothing white trousers is glancing right and left in the main hall center, seeing Ye Kong to walk, this smiles the approach. 一个穿着白衣白裤的赤脚男子正在大殿中央左顾右盼,看见叶空走进来,这才笑着迎上来。 Ye Kong said with a smile, barefooting Saint Venerable, you did not go back with jie Sect Lord, how to come back in an instant?” 叶空笑道,“赤脚圣尊,你不是跟蛮劼门主回去了,怎么转眼又回来了?” Barefoots these years often to come Highest Venerate Sect, familiar that everybody mixes, cloud Yang is impolite, says with a smile, is it possible that were barefooting Monarch in night class sea with your gate and the others also same, likes the male homosexuality?” 赤脚这些年常来至尊门,大家混的熟悉,云扬也不客气,笑道,“莫非赤脚君也和你们门中的夜流海等人一样,喜欢上了男风?” Hears night of class sea that anomaly, barefoots to scold, dies!” Said that also said to Ye Kong, feeds, do not think that I had a liking for you really! What father likes is the little girl!” 听到夜流海那变态,赤脚骂道,“去死吧!”说完又对叶空道,“喂,你可不要以为我真的看上你了!老子喜欢的是妞!” Ye Kong haha said with a smile, I managed you to like anything, in brief I will not have a liking for you to drop!” 叶空哈哈笑道,“我管你喜欢什么,总之我是不会看上你滴!” When you are handsome?” Barefooted to scold one, said, actually my this time, wants to help my teacher pass on a verbal message.” “当你有多么英俊?”赤脚骂了一声,道,“其实我这次来,是想帮我师尊来传个口信。” Ye Kong hears is the proper business, the facial color one positive, puts out a hand saying that please say.” 叶空听说是正事,面色一正,伸手道,“请讲。” Barefoots saying that I with, arrive in the halfway, what the teacher remembers suddenly, making me come back to ask that you, whether wants to enter a chaos roaming?” 赤脚道,“我跟回去,走到半路上,师尊突然想起什么,让我回来问你、是否想要进入混沌一游?” „? What?” Ye Kong and cloud Yang are in heart one startled, said was guessed correctly the thoughts darkly by jie? “啊?什么?”叶空和云扬都是心中一惊,暗说被蛮劼猜到心思了? Obviously is not this, barefooted and said, my teacher said that the chaos agitation, this is enters the chaos the good opportunity!” 显然并不是这样,赤脚又道,“我师尊说了,混沌搅动,这正是进入混沌的良机!” ps: Said a matter. ps:说个事。 Un, took the ct report a moment ago in the afternoon, did not say that other problems, on superficial gastritis that yesterday morning looked up...... Nyima, was really has scared to death father, prepared to say goodbye with everybody. Good, is all right, haha, everybody! Thank the message to bless my person! 嗯,刚才下午拿了ct报告,说没其他毛病,就昨天上午查出来的浅表性胃炎……尼玛,真是把老子吓死了,都准备跟大家告别了。好了好了,蛮头没事,哈哈,大家么么!感谢留言祝福我的人! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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