MC :: Volume #34

#3302: Antiquity Venerate Realm, past events!

3302 antiquity Venerate Realm, past events! 3302上古尊界,往事! Chaos most bottom?” In the Ye Kong heart moves. “混沌最底部?”叶空心中一动。 These years he gathers the world that Pangu leaves behind in the chaos, in the heart had not actually forgotten that the words of Buddha, the awakened mind is very essential, conceal in chaos most bottom! 这些年来他在混沌之中收取盘古遗留的世界,心中却是一直没有忘记佛祖的话,菩提心很关键,藏于混沌最底部! Ye Kong is different from the idea of all previous Powerhouse. 叶空和历代强者的想法不一样。 All previous Powerhouse is ** resistance chaos, but Ye Kong this time actually wants the unity is strength! But is more intensive Venerable level Powerhouse, the awakened mind, essential! 历代强者是**对抗混沌,可叶空这次却要众志成城!而要速成很多尊级强者,菩提心,必不可少! What under chaos is?” A Ye Kong brow wrinkle. “混沌下边是什么?”叶空眉头一皱。 Under cloud Yangzun also looks down the shining chaos, opens the mouth saying that various world, boundless hundreds of thousands, but they are the float in the chaos surface, but under this boundless chaos, the bottom, what has, who can know?” 云扬尊者也低头看着下方金灿灿的混沌,开口道,“各种世界,茫茫数十万,不过他们都是漂浮于混沌表面,而在这茫茫混沌之下、之底,到底有什么,又有谁能知道?” Ye Kong said surprised, for these years, nobody does enter the chaos lowest level unexpectedly?” 叶空吃惊道,“难道这么多年以来,竟然都没有人进入混沌最底层?” Becoming the beginning God, obtains the chaos to acknowledge that enters in the chaos to be safe and sound, will not be killed by the crush! According to the truth, enters the chaos deep place is all right, how can these many year of nobody get down? 成为始神,得到混沌承认,那进入混沌之中就可以安然无恙,不会被碾压丧命!按道理,进入混沌深处是没啥事的,怎么会这么多年没人下去过呢? „Different.” cloud Yang shakes the head saying that chaos probably vast sea, you on the surface watch, the ocean waves ripple, the human and animals are harmless, even you also want to float in the sea level feel the sea water the package and gentle ocean waves! But enters to enter the deep layer and floor of sea, no one knows that there has had anything!” “不一样。”云扬摇头道,“混沌就好像一片辽阔的海洋,你在表面上观看,碧波荡漾,人畜无害,甚至你还想漂浮在海面上感受一下海水的包裹、柔和的海浪!可是进进入大海的深层、底层,谁也不知道那里发生过什么!” Yes.” Ye Kong nods, the chaos are too huge, even if Venerable level Powerhouse in its front, is not anything! “是。”叶空点点头,混沌太庞大,就算是尊级强者在它的面前,也算不上什么! Even, even if becomes supreme primitive, just likes facing the chaos a child stands before the Sir is the same! 甚至,就算是成为至尊的原始,面对混沌也恍如一个小孩站在大人面前一样! cloud Yang also said, was natural, for these years, Venerable Powerhouse pours forth! For example the past Pangu and jade made a bet positive, sneak the depth of chaos, it is said was Pangu has won, does not know that they have submerged many depths!” 云扬又道,“当然了,这么多年以来,尊者强者辈出!比如当年盘古和玉阳打赌,潜入混沌之深,据说是盘古赢了,也不知道他们到底潜入了多少深度!” Right? Cannot think of some jade positive this old boy unexpectedly strengths!” “是吗?想不到玉阳这个老小子竟然有些实力!” cloud Yangshi said with a smile, some of his far more than strengths, this was only the normal state jade is positive! If he......” 云扬失笑道,“他何止有些实力,这还只是正常状态的玉阳!若是他被……” Here, cloud Yang was silent, seemed the taboo is ordinary. 说到这里,云扬闭口不言,仿佛是忌讳一般。 Ye Kong somewhat has been curious, opens the mouth to ask, jade positive what kind of? You said that f*ck your ancestor board board, how you liked saying half did keep half?” 叶空一直对此有些好奇,开口问道,“玉阳被怎么样?你说呀,日你先人板板,你们怎么都喜欢说一半留一半?” cloud Yang smiles bitterly, „is really very fearful matter.” He has thought slightly, slowly said. 云扬苦笑,“实在是很可怕的事情。”他略微思索了一下,才又缓缓道。 Our these create world Venerable, manages own world with the principle.” Was saying he raised the head to ask: „But if some people ignore principle, to deceive the principle and way out opening, was you unable the matter of tolerance, how did you treat?” “我们这些创世尊者,都是用法则管理自己的世界。”说着他抬头问道:“可是如果有人罔顾法则、欺瞒法则、钻法则的空子,做了你无法容忍之事,你待如何?” Ye Kong haha said with a smile: How can also? I personally act, kill the world of mortals, making him regret that oneself has made a foolish matter!” 叶空哈哈笑道:“还能如何?那我就亲自出面,杀下界去,让他后悔自己做了一件蠢事!” Here, cloud Yangxiao, said: You know so do, why can't it so?” 说到这里,云扬笑了起来,道:“你都知道如此做,它为何不能如此呢?” „......” Ye Kong stares first, afterward blurted out: It cannot appear personally, has is attached to a person the will and strength...... Is the jade is positive! Day!” “……”叶空先是一愣,随后脱口而出道:“它不能亲自出现,只好把意志和力量附在一个人身上……就是玉阳!天!” Arrived the present, Ye Kong true understanding. 到了现在,叶空才真正的明白。 Why Venerate Realm everybody is afraid the jade to be positive, is worried about the jade to be positive, jie and jade do positive right, actually also feels timid to it! 为什么尊界大家都害怕玉阳,都担心玉阳,就连蛮劼和玉阳做对,却也对其犯怵! The real reason, is jade positive is it spokesman! 真正的原因,就是玉阳是“它”的代言人! If the chaos want to kill anyone, it is unable to act, is attached to the jade positive body own will and strength. 混沌若是想要杀死谁,它无法亲出面,便将自己的意志和力量附在玉阳的身上。 But at that time, the jade positive is not the jade is positive! 而那个时候,玉阳就已经不是玉阳! He is it!” 他就是“它!” Has its strength and will! 有着它的力量和意志! If we kill the jade to be positive!” In Ye Kong both eyes first time reveals the murderous intention. “那如果我们干掉玉阳!”叶空双目之中第一次露出杀机。 Useless.” cloud Yang shakes the head, is very difficult to kill, moreover after killing, it will also arrange another spokesman, is perhaps more positive than the jade is repugnant!” “没用。”云扬摇头,“很难杀,而且杀死以后,它还会安排另一个代言人,说不定比玉阳还要讨厌!” This but actually is also.” Ye Kong slight bow. “这倒也是。”叶空微微点头。 Chaos so formidable, seeks for a spokesman to be easy, perhaps currently had substitution 123 rd to wait. 混沌如此的强大,寻找一个代言人轻而易举,说不定现在就已经有替补123号在等待了。 How cloud Yang does not know deals, but vented anger, said one, this was the second step that from the bottom they said that I went back to read the ancient book.” Then, cloud Yang flies back to Earth. 云扬也不知道如何应对,只是出了一口气,道一句,“这就是他们所言的倒数第二步,我回去看典籍了。”说完,云扬飞返地球。 ...... …… The chaos are boundless, is profoundly unpredictable. 混沌茫茫,深邃不可预料。 But must seek for this fellow to open the samsara time, as well as oncoming of samsara time also how long? But Ye Kong also wants to seek for the awakened mind! 可是现在要寻找出这家伙是不是要开启轮回时代,以及轮回时代的来临还有多久?而叶空也想要寻找菩提心! Entered the chaos deep place to be put the agenda. 进入混沌深处就被放上了议事日程。 Although it is said jade Yang Jinru chaos deep place, but Ye Kong definitely impossible to ask the jade positive situation. 虽然据说玉阳进入过混沌深处,可是叶空肯定不可能去问玉阳情况。 Therefore Ye Kong thinks that seeks in the ancient book of Pangu. 所以叶空就想到在盘古的典籍之中寻找。 Pangu loses the soul to flee, but Pangu leaves behind many ancient books, Ye Kong and cloud Yang have cost a lot of time sought about initially Pangu and jade positive competition sneaks the chaos depth only character phrase. 盘古遗魂亡命,不过盘古留下很多典籍,叶空和云扬耗费了不少时间在其中寻找关于当初盘古和玉阳比试潜入混沌深度的只字片语。 After long-term search, but also had found some contents to them. 经过长时间的查找,还真的给他们找到了一些内容。 The river wind blows the cotton wool, the Pacific Ocean central primitive cemetery scenery is at this moment pleasant. 河风吹絮,太平洋中央的原始陵园此刻正是风光宜人。 The cemetery corner, one crowd of foolish demon vision look at two people, is taking up jade Cambodia to watch crazily, immediately puts down. 陵园一角,一群痴傻精怪目光愣愣地看着两个人,正在疯狂的拿起玉柬观看,随即放下。 Seeking that Ye Kong and cloud raise, the vending points of these foolish demons have not let off. 叶空和云扬的寻找,就连这些痴傻精怪的摊点都没有放过。 Here......” cloud Yang discovers suddenly scatters jade Cambodia in dust together, the impatient opens the mouth discussed: „The Powerhouse shiva, the physique is enchanting, the strength may open the day, the pretty startled chaos, have the disciple jade positive......” “这里……”云扬突然找出一块散落在尘土之中的玉柬,迫不及待开口念道:“强者湿婆,身姿妖娆,实力可开天,貌美惊混沌,有弟子玉阳……” Jade positive is the disciple of shiva!” Ye Kong collects hastily, snatches jade Cambodia from cloud Yangshou, the spirit has read the strength one to spill into. “玉阳是湿婆的弟子!”叶空连忙凑过来,从云扬手中抢过玉柬,精神念力一下涌进其中。 Said that jade positive such Powerhouse impossible nameless not to send!” cloud Yang thought aloud. “就说玉阳这样的强者不可能无名无派!”云扬自言自语。 The Ye Kong's spirit read the strength to sink to jade Cambodia, discovered that this was one recorded the unofficial history in the past the ancient book. 叶空的精神念力沉入玉柬,发现这是一封当年记述野史的典籍。 Obviously that age, is Powerhouse stands in great numbers! 显然那个年代,也是强者林立! It is not only then primitive, shiva and the others! But these Powerhouse also like passing on some Eight Trigrams (gossip), some unofficial history, when the joke has recorded! Also does not know how to mix in the cultivate ancient book, making Ye Kong they discover. 并不是只有原始、湿婆等人!而那些强者也喜欢传一些八卦,就把有些野史当笑话记录了下来!也不知怎么混入修炼典籍中,让叶空他们发现。 In the ancient book recorded saying that the shiva was Powerhouse of primitive level, but the shiva was actually and primitive two disciple Pangu and acts recklessly hard to solve! 典籍之中记载说,湿婆是和原始一个层次的强者,不过湿婆却是和原始的两个弟子盘古和蛮乾纠缠不清! Other Venerate Realm Powerhouse pursue the shiva, how everywhere randomly passed on the shiva and Pangu, how with acting recklessly, to have the nose that passed on to be perforated. The shivas are powerful, therefore behind others also only dare to pass on a message, affects to her actually not in a big way. 尊界其他的强者追求湿婆不到,就到处乱传湿婆和盘古怎么样了,和蛮乾怎么样了,传的是有鼻子有眼。湿婆实力强大,所以别人也只敢背后传言,对她倒是影响不大。 Is but positive to her disciple jade, is the influence is really big! 可是对她的弟子玉阳,却是影响甚大! He originally with Pangu and the others a seniority in relationships, now baseless short a generation, but also was ridiculed own teacher to act recklessly everywhere a leg with Pangu, some Powerhouse even face to face ridiculed. 他本来是跟盘古等人一辈份,现在凭空矮了一辈,还到处被人讥笑自己的师尊跟盘古蛮乾有一腿,有的强者甚至当面嘲笑。 Therefore the jade hated Pangu and the others positive. 于是玉阳就恨上了盘古等人。 Some day, meeting that many Powerhouse attend, has the jade Yang He Pangu to participate. Some people instigated, said jade to be positive, Pangu linked your teacher to do, was not concerned about face, this was the chaotic seniority in relationships, chaotic lun! Can you also endure? Wants your teacher to make to become the laughing-stock really the Venerate Realm matter, do you have a face? 某天,很多强者参加的聚会,有玉阳和盘古参加。就有人挑拨,说玉阳,盘古连你师尊都搞啊,真不要脸啊,这是乱辈份,乱lun啊!你还能忍下去?真的要你师尊做出贻笑尊界的事,你还有脸没? The jade positive is also young and impetuous, looks for Pangu, challenges Pangu. 玉阳也是年轻气盛,就找上盘古,挑战盘古。 However if has fought and touched the face of main family at the scene, therefore plunges into the chaos on the agreement, under whose looks at far! 不过如果当场打斗又触了主家的面子,于是就约定跳入混沌中,看谁下的远! Sees here, Ye Kong is stunned, indeed this was the diving competition of antiquity Venerate Realm!” 看到这里,叶空愕然,“敢情这是上古尊界的跳水比赛啊!” ps: Thank everybody to care. ps:感谢大家关心了。 Oh, this person, does not say...... In brief everybody could rest assured that the ancestor will not be struck down, this book will not stop! Naturally, frequently off and on shenma, under everybody understanding, I will possibly have completed this book for everybody! 唉,这个人啊真是不经查,不说了……总之大家放心,蛮祖不会被击倒,本书也不会停更!当然了,可能经常会断断续续神马的,大家谅解下,我会为大家完成这本书! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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