MC :: Volume #34

#3301: The jade visits positive, chaos mutation!

3301 jade visit positive, chaos mutation! 3301玉阳上门,混沌异变! Jade positive Sect Lord?” With Ye Kong and the others was discussing really happy Luo Shantian Venerable surprised raised the head to watch. 【 // “玉阳门主?”正在和叶空等人相谈甚欢的罗衫天尊吃惊的抬头观看。【// Also is the brow big wrinkle, thought aloud: „Isn't this old fogy cannot mention? How sudden did one come? However looks at his complexion, seems like the future bad appearance.” 蛮也是眉头大皱,自言自语道:“这老家伙不是说不来么?怎么突然一下就过来了?不过看他的脸色,貌似来者不善的样子。” Barefoots cold -ly snorted and said: That is best, since he must tear to pieces the facial skin, our Saint your home can coordinate Highest Venerate Sect to follow well him!” 赤脚冷哼道:“那最好,既然他要撕破脸皮,那我们圣尊门会配合至尊门跟他好好干上一场!” Ye Kong looks up the sky, said lightly: cloud Yang, asks jade positive Sect Lord to get down! Since came today, then the future is a guest! We cannot neglect the jade positive senior.” 叶空抬头看着天空,淡淡道:“云扬,去请玉阳门主下来!既然今天来了,那么来者都是客!我们可不能怠慢了玉阳前辈。” Yes.” cloud Yangdai the person was flying sky to greet the jade to be positive in the past. “是。”云扬带着人飞上天空过去迎接玉阳。 Many disciples are different from beforehand jade Yang Dai, this time he is a person comes. 和之前玉阳带着很多弟子不一样,这次他是一个人来的。 Moreover on the face the facial expression is not very good, obviously is not gives the Ye Kong celebration entrance to be open for business. 而且脸上气色很是不好,显然并不是来给叶空庆祝山门开张的。 Ye Kong, you may know you to bring the big trouble! Entire Venerate Realm! The hundreds of thousands of world in entire chaos, will vanish into thin air because of you completely, pebbles entirely Hui!” 叶空,你可知你已经闯下了大祸!整个尊界!整个混沌之中的数十万世界,全部将因为你而烟消云散,卵石俱毁!” The jade was brought positive by cloud Yang, immediately the whole face unlucky opens the mouth said. 玉阳被云扬带下来,顿时满脸晦气的开口说道。 In Ye Kong heart annoyed, own your home was just open for business, you did not speak some auspicious speech, but also running these, accuse themselves. 叶空心中恼火,自己的尊门刚开张,你不说些吉利话也就罢了,还跑来说这些,指责自己。 However does not use the Ye Kong opens the mouth, this jade positive old enemy, he has stood to sneer saying: Jade is positive, you were really older more do not pass the reason! Today is Highest Venerate Sect opens the extraordinarily good luck day, you do not deliver a basket of flowers to come, but also said these carelessly, does your day your home envy others Highest Venerate Sect to be inadequate?” 不过不用叶空开口,蛮这个玉阳的老对头,他就已经站出来冷笑道:“玉阳,你真是越老越不通情理了!今天是至尊门开张大吉的日子,你不送一个花篮过来也就罢了,还胡乱说这些,难道你天尊门嫉妒人家至尊门不成?” Delivers the basket of flowers?” The jade laughs positive, „the Ye Kong young child, heaven defying is unconventional, but also wants me to deliver the basket of flowers, I sent you wreath to be good! The extremely arrogant disciple, you have enraged the chaos!” “送花篮?”玉阳哈哈大笑,“叶空小儿,逆天忘形,还要我送花篮,我送你花圈好了!狂妄之徒,你已经激怒了混沌!” Highest Venerate Sect quarries a mountain, the jade runs to play gongs and drums positive, saying things just to frighten people makes the disciple on the scene panic-stricken, in the Ye Kong heart is angry. 至尊门开山,玉阳就跑来闹场,危言耸听让在场门人惊恐,叶空心中大怒。 Jade positive senior, my Ye Kong how heaven defying line, how enraging chaos? If you do not give me one to confess that in the presence of everyone I do not forgive you!” Ye Kong had all things at this moment, even if not feel timid to jade positive. “玉阳前辈,我叶空如何逆天而行,又如何的激怒混沌?你若是不当众给我一个交代我可不饶你!”叶空此刻已经拥有三千世界,就算是对上玉阳也并不犯怵。 Refuses stubbornly to acknowledge, you come to see along with me!” Jade Yang coldly snort, when flies first, departs the atmosphere. “死不承认,那你随我来看!”玉阳冷哼一声,当先飞起,飞出大气层。 Earth atmosphere at this moment in the Mortal World atmosphere. The present atmosphere had been reinforced by Ye Kong, very formidable, not only there are to isolate various spirits to read the effect of strength investigation, can protect the mortal of life all not being able to achieve Venerable ranks on Earth! 地球此刻的大气层也并非是在凡界的大气层。现在的大气层被叶空加固过,非常的强大,不但有隔绝各种精神念力探查的效果,更能保护生活在地球上的所有的达不到尊者级别的凡人 Follows the jade to be positive, Ye Kong barefoots Luo Shanyun and the others to fly, departs the atmosphere, arrives at Venerate Realm. 跟随着玉阳,叶空蛮赤脚罗衫云扬等人全部都飞去,飞出大气层,来到尊界 Waiting stands in Venerate Realm thin cloud Xiangxia looks...... 等站在尊界的薄云向下看…… Was startled, this, this, is this what reason?” 蛮都吃了一惊,“这,这,这是何缘故?” Presents all people in great surprise, Ye Kong is also perplexed completely. 在场所有人的全部都大惊,叶空也是不明所以。 The original chaos probably is a clay mire, Eternal are motionless. But now, this Huangnitan starts rotation slowly unexpectedly! Although current speed extremely slow, but can see that golden yellow color chaos material to operate slowly! 原先的混沌就好像是一个黄泥的泥潭,万古不动。而现在,这个黄泥潭竟然开始缓缓的转动起来!虽然目前的速度极其的缓慢,不过还是可以看见那金黄颜色的混沌物质正在缓慢的运行! Is you!” Jade Yang Nudao, I saw you to found your home, I do not want to manage your matter! But you looked, you have angered the chaos, if one day, the chaos open really the final 12 steps, perhaps our Venerable must die completely! If restarts the samsara time , our this vainglorious world, all lives, must destroy for this reason! Ye Kong, this matter depends on you!” “都是你!”玉阳怒道,“本来我见你开创尊门,我也不想管你的事!可是你看,你惹怒了混沌,若是真的有一天,混沌打开最后12步,恐怕我们这里的尊者全部都要死光!如果真的重启轮回时代,我们这个繁华世界,所有的生灵,都要为此毁灭!叶空,这事都赖你!” At this moment, on Earth had many people to receive the message. 此刻,地球上已经有很多人都收到了消息。 Not only there is a Saint your home to come the person of congratulation, Highest Venerate Sect own Powerhouse, all flew. 不但有圣尊门前来祝贺之人,还有至尊门自己的强者,也全部都飞了出来。 These people see below picture, heard again jade positive words, they all go to Ye Kong the vision! 这些人看见下边的景象,再听说玉阳的一席话,他们全部都把目光投向叶空 Obviously, if is really because Ye Kong ran amuck to provoke the chaos, finally harmed everybody to be killed completely...... Everybody was not so was perhaps respectful to Ye Kong. 显然,如果真的是因为叶空胡作非为惹恼了混沌,最后害得大家全部都丧命……那大家恐怕对叶空就不是原先那么的恭敬了。 Jade Yang is roaring as before, Venerate Realm does not know that has many years, contrasts my universal time, my jade lived positive over 62 eras! During these 62 eras have not had this unusual form! Until today, your Highest Venerate Sect has done broken star Upper Realm, this had the present condition...... Please look, hundred million years of motionless chaos moved unexpectedly, you said that because of Ye Kong, you said that you said!” 玉阳依旧在怒吼,“尊界不知存在多少年,对比我的世界时间,我玉阳就已经生活了超过62个纪元!这62个纪元之中从来都没有出现此种异状!直到今天,你至尊门搞了一个破星球上界,这才有了眼前的状况……诸位请看,亿年不动的混沌竟然动了,你们说是不是因为叶空,你们说,你们自己说!” His roars, presents all people completely silent, obviously, is dumbfounded completely! 他这一怒吼,在场所有人全部都沉默,显然,全部都哑口无言! But Venerable level Powerhouse that very much did not know about Ye Kong casts the vision that is not feeling well to Ye Kong completely...... 而其中很多本来对叶空并不是很了解的尊级强者全部都对叶空投来不爽的目光…… However at this time, cloud Yang took a jade Cambodia to walk slowly, the clear and resonant voice said: Hear of I said, actually the fact is not jade positive Sect Lord is so shocking!” 不过这时,云扬却是拿着一块玉柬缓缓走出来,朗声说道:“诸位听我说,其实事实并非是玉阳门主那样耸人听闻!” cloud Yang is one is infatuated in studying old book Powerhouse, although many people and he is not familiar, but is actually knows that his knowledge is rich. 云扬是一个醉心于研究古籍的强者,虽然很多人和他并不熟悉,不过却都是知道他学识丰富。 The vision of people completely hits on cloud Yang. 众人的目光又全部击中在云扬身上。 cloud Yang holds up a jade Cambodia in hand, said: „, This is my research note, including part, about chaos difference!” cloud Yang admits in blue emerald Cambodia to sweep own psychic force, immediately opens the mouth saying: According to the ancient book record, the chaos is not irrevocable, motionless! The contrast normal universal time, probably before more than 50 eras, in the chaos has a loud sound! Probably before 43 eras, a chaos corner/horn presented an vortex, suction the world to be innumerable! Probably in 20 eras to 18 eras, in the chaos presents the crowded difference! Until before 17 eras, starts to stabilize, still has not had the difference!” 云扬举起手中的一份玉柬,道:“诸位,这是我的研究笔记,其中有一部分,就是关于混沌异样的!”云扬把自己的精神力放进碧绿玉柬之中一扫,随即开口道:“根据典籍记载,混沌并不是一成不变,一动不动!对比正常的世界时间,大约是在50多个纪元之前,混沌之中发出一声巨响!大约在43个纪元以前,混沌一角出现了一个漩涡,吸走世界无数!大约在20个纪元到18个纪元之间,混沌之中出现密集的异样!直到17个纪元以前,才开始稳定,至今没有发生异样!” Must say that cloud Yang this scholar is really some influences, even if Venerate Realm Powerhouse, everybody also believes the words of brick. 要说云扬这学者果然是有些影响力,就算是尊界强者,大家也是相信砖家的话。 Therefore cloud Yang this saying, Venerate Realm Powerhouse on the scene vented anger completely, looked that also has the difference to the Ye Kong's vision. But looked that is positive to the jade, is actually the colors of anger. 因此云扬这一说,在场的尊界强者全部都出了一口气,看向叶空的目光又有不同。而看向玉阳的,却都是愤怒之色。 Jade is positive, in vain you are the Venerate Realm old seniors, today unexpectedly such comes taking the opportunity to cause trouble, you are really not concerned about face!” “玉阳,枉你是尊界的老前辈,今日竟然如此的就过来借机生事,你真是不要脸!” Jade positive Sect Lord, I also think that before you at least understand the integrity in later life, but now looks like, your anything does not want!” “玉阳门主,我以前还以为你至少懂得晚节,可是现在看来,你根本什么都不要了!” Facing people's question, the jade positive old face could not hang, but he was supporting as before, what did you understand? These that cloud Yang said are because some people violate the principle, is the prelude of chaos collapse, is laughable you not to understand to pretend to understand, but also thinks that is all right!” 面对众人的质疑,玉阳老脸也挂不住了,不过他依旧支撑着,“你们懂什么?云扬说的那些都是因为有人违背法则,是混沌崩坏的前奏,可笑你们还不懂装懂,还以为没事!” Although the jade still like this said positive, but nobody has believed him. 虽然玉阳仍然这样说,不过已经没有人信他。 Go away! Is never concerned about face! The hypocrite, you get lost/roll!” “滚!老不要脸的!伪君子,你滚!” In the people laughter, jade Yang Zhongyu could not bear, leaves in a huff, you will pay the price for your ignorance! We wait and see!” 众人哄笑声中,玉阳终于受不了了,拂袖而去,“你们都会为你们的无知付出代价!咱们走着瞧!” Do not manage him, this old thing is the hypocrite, I already completely understood him.” Also yes smiles, holds the fist in the other hand saying: Since the Highest Venerate Sect entrance opened, I said goodbye.” “别理他,这老东西就是伪君子,我早就看透他了。”蛮也是嘿嘿一笑,又抱拳道:“既然至尊门山门已开,那我就告辞了。” Good, walks slowly.” Ye Kong sends off Venerable that all parties have congratulated, this racket cloud Yang the shoulder, sighed: Critical moment must be only an member! Today many thanks to you!” “好,慢走。”叶空送走了各方祝贺的尊者,这才拍拍云扬的肩头,叹道:“关键时刻还是要只是份子啊!今天多亏你啊!” However what makes Ye Kong accidental/surprised is. 不过让叶空意外的是。 cloud Yang actually did not have a moment ago relaxed optional the appearance before the people, but is the brow big wrinkle said: But Ye Kong...... I thought that this chaos revolve, is really not the good sign!” 云扬竟然没有了刚才在众人面前轻松随意的样子,而是眉头大皱道:“可是叶空……我觉得这次混沌旋转,真的不是什么好迹象!” „?” The Ye Kong shock, asked: „Didn't you say a moment ago?” “啊?”叶空震惊,问道:“刚才你不是说?” cloud Yang sighed, a moment ago also not for the stable will of the people! Sees on the mural of samsara palace according to me, before chaos opening samsara, always likes starting overall revolving like this, then the revolutions is quicker, will sink to the world under chaos to swallow first...... Then presents trillion chaos eddy currents again, swallows the world wantonly...... Arrived finally, forms a super giant chaos vortex, all world completely will inhale, grinds, ejects!” 云扬叹气,“刚才还不是为了稳定人心!根据我在轮回殿的壁画上所看见,混沌开启轮回之前,总是喜欢这样开始整体的旋转,然后越转越快,将沉入混沌下的世界先吞噬……再接着出现亿万个混沌漩涡,大肆吞噬世界……到最后,形成一个超级巨大的混沌漩涡,将其中所有的世界全部吸入其中,碾碎,抛出!” cloud Yang spoke of here, an item of look changes was severe, said: Arrived that moment, is really the temporals, does not exist!” 云扬说到这里,目色变厉,道:“到了那一刻,真的是世间万物,不复存在!” Some that also how much time? Now Highest Venerate Sect just Upper Realm, was away from my plans still early!” Ye Kong clenches teeth to say. “那还有多少的时间?现在至尊门刚刚上界,距离我的计划尚早!”叶空咬牙道。 cloud Yang also said: Now just started, the situation is unknown, to know, must enter the bottom of chaos, searches to investigate thoroughly!” 云扬又道:“不过现在只是刚刚开始,情况不明,若是想知道,必须要进入混沌之底,探查个清楚!” ps: 3, are multi- code-points, recently the stomach was not good, tomorrow will make the gastroscope, will be quite fearful, seeks the comfort! ps:还是3更,还是多码点,最近胃又不好,明天去做胃镜,呜,好可怕,求安慰! Looks adless, entire writing correct novel, //-w.w.w. .c.o.m, your optimization! 看无广告,全文字无错小说,//-w.w.w..c.o.m,您的最佳选择! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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