MC :: Volume #33

#3298: Highest Venerate Sect, to!

w 329 eight Highest Venerate Sect, to! w329八至尊门,至强! The shining chaos, a vastness, probably is the shining vast expanse of water. But in which gem same flash, is world! 金灿灿的混沌,一片浩淼,就好像是金灿灿的一片汪洋。而其中的颗颗宝石一样的闪光,都是一个又一个的世界! Ye Kong and barefoots Venerable this flight not to know that greatly many years pass by, with the lapse of time, harvest increase of world, their strengths constantly are also growing, in the meantime, their friendship have also reached an unprecedented altitude! 叶空和赤脚大尊这一飞行就是不知多少年过去,随着时间的推移的,收获世界的增加,他们的实力也在不断增长,同时,他们的友情也达到了一个前所未有的高度! The rank of day your home is, Venerable and Venerable, day Venerable greatly \; 天尊门的等级是,尊者、大尊、天尊\; The rank of Saint your home is, Venerable and Venerable, Saint Venerable greatly. 圣尊门的等级是,尊者、大尊、圣尊。 However Highest Venerate Sect is not good, can't you call supremely? The supremeness is a unique title. Therefore Ye Kong has gotten down custom on subscribing, has above five world, is called Powerhouse! 不过至尊门就不行了,你不能叫至尊吧?至尊是一个独特的称号。于是叶空就订下了规矩,拥有五个世界以上的,就叫做强者 But has above 1000 world, that is called, to! 而拥有1000个世界以上,那就叫做,至强! Ye Kong with barefooting Venerable greatly in the vast chaos strives for success to accept the world unceasingly, he slowly also from Venerable turned Venerable greatly, from Venerable to turn into Highest Venerate Sect Powerhouse greatly, finally became Highest Venerate Sect to! 叶空跟赤脚大尊在浩淼的混沌之中不断地拼搏接受世界,慢慢的他也从尊者变成了大尊,又从大尊变成了至尊门强者,最后又成为了至尊门的至强! Has over over a thousand world to! 拥有超过上千个世界的至强! For those not supreme, the distance also falls far short supremely. Initially the Pangu fee/spent completely painstaking care obtained 9000, has not become supreme. 至强并不是至尊,距离至尊还差得远。当初盘古费尽心血得到了9000界,也没有成为至尊。 Thus it can be seen, becomes supreme by having world many decides! 由此可见,成不成为至尊并不是由拥有的世界多少来决定的! ...... …… On this day, in the chaos world, several Venerable are flying young! 这一天,混沌世界之中,正有几个年轻的尊者在飞行! These wears the long sleeve big robe completely, wears tall Guan! Looks, knows that is the disciple of day your home! 这些尊者全部都是身穿长袖大袍,头戴高冠!一眼望去,就知道是天尊门的门人! king Zifeng Venerable greatly, Venerable the world that leaves behind from white Zetian also far?” “王紫风大尊,距离白泽天尊留下的世界还有多远?” Is patient, should in front, you and others be the first time the duty, but this duty is quite simple, should not be irritable.” “稍安勿躁,应该就在前方,你等是第一次出任务,不过这任务还是比较简单的,不要过于急躁。” This crowd of several Venerable are flying, suddenly sees front has a golden valuable Shiheng in the chaos. What is different from other world, this world will look from the outward appearance unexpectedly in the future is the golden color! Obviously, this is a quite good world! 这一群几个尊者正在飞行,突然就看见前方的有一个金色的宝石横在混沌之中。和其他的世界不一样的是,这个世界竟然从外观看将来是金色的!显然,这是一个比较不错的世界! That golden luminous spot is the world that white Zetian Venerable to leave behind!” king Zi the wind of lead Venerable an item of color to move greatly, brought several new promote Venerable to fly hastily. “那个金色的光点就是白泽天尊留下的世界!”领头的王紫风大尊目色一动,连忙带着几个新晋尊者飞了过去。 However waited for them just to arrive above the destination, was actually one gushes out Venerable of one crowd of Saint your home from that golden microcosm. 不过等他们刚刚来到目的地上方,从那金色的小世界之中却是一下涌出一群的圣尊门的尊者。 Shouted responsibility, was so skillful, was king Zifeng, was really has not seen for a long time.” What lead of Saint your home is five dimension Saints Venerable, knows king Zifeng. “吆荷,这么巧,是王紫风啊,真是好久没见了。”圣尊门的领头的是一个五次元圣尊,认识王紫风。 Venerable to meet by bygone days sage must shiver, because the personnel of two your home drastically reduce, with regarding the guard of Highest Venerate Sect, therefore came in these two your home is also not that Qiu Shensi. 以往天尊圣尊见面就要打战,不过因为两个尊门的人员都大幅减少,和对于至尊门的防范,因此进来这两个尊门也并不是那么仇深似海了。 „, Is the night of class sea Saint Venerable, hello/you good.” king Zifeng is always polite , asked that „, this white Zetian Venerable is the disciple of my day your home, now his suddenly missing life and death unknown, how can you like this win his world?” “哦,是夜流海圣尊,你好。”王紫风一向都是客客气气,又问道,“诸位,这白泽天尊是我天尊门的门人,现在他突然失踪生死未知,你们怎么能就这样夺走他的世界?” The night class sea haha said with a smile: Let alone his life and death unknown, even if he lives is standing in my front, I can also win his world recklessly!” 夜流海哈哈笑道:“别说他生死未知,就算是他活着站在我的面前,我也可以肆意夺走他的世界!” But day sage Venerable recently some stipulations, said to avoid the mutual battle, did not permit the evil intention to compete for the world of opposite party......” “可是天尊圣尊最近有规定,说为了避免互相的争斗,不准恶意争夺对方的世界……” king Zifeng the words have not said, night class sea on cold -ly snorted and said: This is any nonsense stipulated, I have not heard! Also, you, when the disciple of our Saint your home is casual the simple-minded husband who the Sect Lord words work as the imperial decree?” 王紫风的话还没说完,夜流海就冷哼道:“这是什么狗屁规定,我可没听说过!再说了,你当我们圣尊门的门人是随便把门主的话当圣旨的愚夫嘛?” Saint your home is tyrannical, king Zifeng is not good to talk too much, has saying: That such being the case, making between our two your home speak!” Said that waves, we walk!” 圣尊门强横,王紫风也不好多言,只好道:“那既然如此,让我们两个尊门之间说话吧!”说完一挥手,“我们走!” But night class sea actually beckons with the hand, blocks!” 可夜流海却是一摆手,“拦住!” The person of Saint your home are obviously many, the strength is also strong, immediately disperses, the person of day your home blocking sky over chaos. 圣尊门的人明显要多,实力也强,立即分散开来,就把天尊门的人给拦住在混沌上空。 „Is your this must do?” In king Zifeng the heart the secretly thought is not good, knows that this night of class sea is immoral, especially to male homosexuality, is shameless. But in their batch of Venerable, youngster Venerable is actually the fresh good looks, very attractive! “你们这是要干什么?”王紫风心中暗道不好,都知道这夜流海淫邪无比,特别是对男色方面,更是无耻至极。而他们的这批尊者之中,有一个少年尊者却是生的唇红齿白,非常的漂亮! „Do that youngster name?” Sure enough, the night class sea lifts that youngster of hand on directional day your home person. “那个年轻人叫什么名字?”果不其然,夜流海抬手就指向天尊门人之中的那个少年。 I called......” that youngster Venerable not to know the good and evil, went forward to speak. “我叫……”那少年尊者也不知道好歹,上前就要说话。 king Zifeng hurries to block, said: Night class sea, your this mental not normal fellow, you must make do in your Saint your home do, my day your home proper school!” 王紫风赶紧拦住,道:“夜流海,你这心智不正常的家伙,你要乱搞在你圣尊门搞,我天尊门可是正经门派!” Bullshit, does the man do the man not to be proper?” The night class sea flies into a rage, opens the mouth to get angry exclaims: Everybody surrounds these fellows, then we do that pretty boy together! Let his buttocks blossom!” “屁话,男人搞男人就不正经了?”夜流海勃然大怒,开口怒吼道:“大家把这些家伙都困住,然后我们一起搞那个小白脸!让他的屁股开花!” That young small Venerable immediately ghastly pale look, he is also one creates world Powerhouse. But just Upper Realm, how long, must in turn be bloomed the chrysanthemum exploding! 那个年轻的小尊者顿时面无人色,他也是一个创世强者。可是刚上界,才多久,就要被人轮流的爆开菊花! Later can also survive in Venerate Realm? 以后还要不要在尊界生存? But at this moment, two Daoist believers light, are similar to a pair of child meteor that circles, touches and goes from the chaos suddenly, leaves behind some dazzling star point. 可正在此刻,两道流光,如同盘旋的双子流星,从混沌上空猛然擦过,留下一些耀眼的星点。 Barefoots, that side a little matter, I have a look.” In these two meteors its one, is Ye Kong. “赤脚,那边有点事,我去看看。”这两颗流星之中其一,正是叶空 Another is to barefoot Venerable greatly, now he became the barefooting Saint Venerable. He turns head to look, cold -ly snorted and said: Night class sea, this fellow to anus alone feeling emotion heart, I early looked that he is not pleasing to the eyes!” 另一个则是赤脚大尊,现在他已经成为了赤脚圣尊。他回头一看,冷哼道:“夜流海,这个对屁眼独有情衷的家伙,我早看他不顺眼了!” In an instant, two person's shadows have stood in the surrounding of Saint your home person, a azure clothes person walks, asked: f*ck your ancestor board board, buddy a moment ago from this peaceful, how to change suddenly?” 转眼之间,两个人影已经站在了圣尊门人的外围,其中一个青衣人走过来,问道:“日你先人板板,哥们刚才从这过还是安安静静,怎么一下就变样了?” The night class sea sees Ye Kong immediately facial color to change, but he does not want to retrocede, opens the mouth cold say/way: Ye Kong, here is the matter of day your home and Saint your home, what matter does not have your, can you hiring oneself day your home?” 夜流海看见叶空顿时面色一变,不过他也并不想后退,开口冷道:“叶空,这里是天尊门和圣尊门的事,没你什么事,难道你要投靠天尊门?” Ye Kong sneers: „The trifling thing of day your home I no matter, but king Zifeng is the friend of mine! His matter, I must manage!” 叶空冷笑:“天尊门的屁事我才不管,不过王紫风是我的朋友!他的事,我就要管!” During the speech, the barefooting Saint Venerable also to walk, holds the arm saying: „, Is night of class sea, Ye Kong is my friend, you give a face.” 说话之中,赤脚圣尊也走过来,抱着胳膊道:“哦,是夜流海啊,叶空是我朋友,你给个面子。” The night class sea sees such scene, has returns resentfully. 夜流海看见此等情景,也只得悻悻而回。 However behind actually resounds Ye Kong cold snort/hum, wants to maintain a livelihood to leave, the world that captured a moment ago stays behind!” 不过身后却是响起叶空冷哼,“想要活命离开,刚才夺得的世界留下!” You surnamed Ye go too far!” The night flows to think that lets off king Zifeng they, has not thought, must stay behind including white Ze the world that just captured. “姓叶的你欺人太甚!”夜流海本以为放过王紫风他们也就罢了,可没想到,连刚夺得的白泽的世界也要留下。 However for all that he must leave finally! Their several people add are not the Ye Kong's matches, let alone, nearby barefooting definitely helps Ye Kong, will not help them! 不过虽然如此,他最后也只得离开!他们几人加起来也不是叶空的对手,更何况,旁边的赤脚肯定是帮叶空,不会帮助他们! Night class sea and the others left, for several days your home Venerable in a low voice inquired newly, „this azure clothes youngster big power and influence, who he is?” 夜流海等人离开,那些天尊门的新尊者都是低声询问,“这青衣年轻人好大的威势,他到底是何人?” king Zifeng said in a low voice: This is Venerate Realm newest Highest Venerate Sect Sect Lord, Ye Kong!” 王紫风低声道:“这就是尊界最新崛起的至尊门门主,叶空!” Actually sees Ye Kong such power and prestige, king Zifeng at heart is also the feeling extremely. 其实看见叶空如此的威风,王紫风的心里也是感慨万分。 Back then Ye Kong Upper Realm was he aids, is now, others Ye Kong became Sect Lord, had over a thousand world to! Ranks first ten on the strength in entire Venerate Realm, but his king Zifeng actually is also only one does the miscellaneous matters big Venerable! 想当年叶空上界还是他去接应的,可是现在,人家叶空已经成为门主,更是拥有上千个世界的至强!论实力在整个尊界都是排名前十的,而他王紫风却还只是一个干杂事的大尊! Although in the heart so thinks, but king Zifeng thanks Ye Kong today the graciousness of aid. 虽然心中如此想,不过王紫风还是感谢叶空今天援手之恩。 Barefooting Saint Venerable, this white Ze world gave you to receive.” Ye Kong and barefoots the agreement, seizes the world that from Saint your home, gives to barefoot. “赤脚圣尊,这白泽的世界就给你接收了。”叶空和赤脚有约定,从圣尊门夺来的世界,都是交给赤脚的。 Sees Ye Kong to give to barefoot the world, king Zifeng does not certainly dare to say. After all, others saved him are the face, if did not rescue, his also no wonder others! 看见叶空将世界交给赤脚,王紫风当然不敢多说。毕竟,人家救他就已经是情面了,如果不救,他也怪不得人家! Ye Kong Sect Lord, is really thanks you to serve with the aid, king Zifeng and a numerous day your home disciple, are deeply grateful!” 叶空门主,真是感谢你施以援手,王紫风和一众天尊门弟子,感激不尽!” Ye Kong said with a smile: Quite skillful, initially when my Upper Realm, first sees, is your king Zifeng and barefooting, now we meet.” 叶空笑道:“好巧啊,当初我上界之时,首先见到的,就是你王紫风和赤脚,现在我们又见面了。” king Zifeng this hear of blushing with shame, said: You became Powerhouse of side, your Ye Kong do not discuss that barefoots the Saint Venerable the palace now is also stamps stamps the feet on the character of everything may become vulnerable, only then I penniless greatly Venerable.” 王紫风这一听更加的汗颜,道:“你们都已经成为一方的强者,你叶空就更别谈了,赤脚现在圣尊殿也是跺一跺脚就地动山摇的人物,只有我还是一文不名的一介大尊。” Barefoots to disdain saying: I teach you good means that now hurries to hire oneself our Saint your home, or requests this Highest Venerate Sect Lord to be the Master, perhaps the date of your raising one's head will draw near.” 赤脚不屑道:“那我教你个好办法,现在赶紧投靠我们圣尊门,又或者拜这位至尊门主为师,说不定你出头之日就快到了。” Barefooting words where is offers advice, radically is the shame. However king Zifeng the technique is inferior to person, only then smiles bitterly, bringing numerous position new promote Venerable to return. 赤脚的话哪里是出主意,根本就是羞辱。不过王紫风技不如人,也只有苦笑一下,带着众位新晋尊者返回。 This time, definitely is unable to complete the task that a palace gives. 这一次,是肯定无法完成尊殿交给的任务了。 However he just said goodbye to leave, said on the hearing back Ye Kong's sound: „After, I am going official moves to from the world of mortals my Highest Venerate Sect entrance Earth, you went back to say one with jade positive Sect Lord, asking him when the time comes, to want your honorable self to visit to me supports, after all, I was the abandoned disciple of day your home! Haha, ha!” 不过他刚告辞离开,就听见背后叶空的声音道:“不日之后,我将要正式的将我至尊门的山门地球从下界移上来,你回去和玉阳门主说一声,请他到时候,一定要大驾光临给我捧场啊,毕竟,我是天尊门的弃徒嘛!哈哈,哈哈哈!” king Zifeng has to smile bitterly once more, bringing hand/subordinate newly Venerable to leave. 王紫风只好再次苦笑,带着手下新尊者离开。 In these Venerable has female Venerable of moon-face newly, is actually very interesting to Ye Kong general, reviews to size up unceasingly, both eyes electric discharge, passes on the sound said to the white-faced youngster in a low voice: This person has the aggression! Quite wild!” 那些新尊者之中有一个圆脸的女尊者,倒是对叶空很有意思一般,不断回眸打量,双目放电,低声对白面少年传音道:“此人好有霸气!好狂放!” However that just appears did not thank by the white-faced youngster who Ye Kong rescued Ye Kong, did not like Ye Kong, cold snort/hum, I most hated the extremely arrogant person! Who cherishes him to save me, when I do have no alternative to these rampant Saint your home avid followers? Really laughable!” 不过那刚刚被叶空解救的白面少年却显得并不感谢叶空,也并不喜欢叶空,冷哼一声,“我最恨狂妄之人!谁稀罕他救我,真的当我对那些嚣张的圣尊门狂徒们无可奈何?真是可笑!” That female Venerable is actually passes on the sound said: Senior Brother, our times are to enter the execution seek for the duty, not must give birth to the knottiness!” 那女尊者却是传音道:“师兄,我们这次是入界执行寻找任务,莫要生出枝节!” The white-faced student sneers, returns saying: I looked that the Junior Sister you must manage well your show eye to be good.” 白面书生冷笑,回道:“我看师妹你要管好你的骚眼才好。” You die!” “你去死!” ps: Really today cannot write 4 chapters, hehe, this section Duoxie braille! The price is invariable, the increment does not increase price, thank everybody, hehe. m ps:今天实在是写不出4章啊,呵呵,就这章多写了点字!价格不变,加量不加价,感谢各位吧,呵呵。m { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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