MC :: Volume #33

#3297: Five and other bodhi

32,975 and other bodhi 32975等菩提 The Buddha die in a sitting posture only to let Ye Kong see clearly the process of ficus religiosa achievement. 【 // 佛祖坐化只为让叶空看清菩提树成就的过程。【// However when Ye Kong is moved, in the heart also has the doubts to be puzzled. 不过叶空感动之余,心中又有疑惑不解。 If Buddha only to increase a ficus religiosa, that does want him to see clearly the process of bodhi achievement also to have what significance? 若是佛祖只为多增加一株菩提树,那要他看清菩提成就的过程又有何意义呢? Also, a world only had a Buddha. 再说了,一个世界只有一个佛祖。 In entire chaos existing world hundreds of thousands, collapse that except some left uncultivated the world that soon will wither away, most also only has 500,000-600,000 Buddha, even if completely to become tree, to Ye Kong, is still the futile attempt! 整个混沌中现有世界数十万,除去一些已经荒废的崩坏的即将消亡的世界,最多也只有五六十万的佛祖,就算是全部都涅成树,对叶空来说,依然是杯水车薪! Let alone Buddha Cultivation Base of some world are more insufficient, or was not willing to sacrifice for this reason! 更何况有些世界的佛祖修为不够,抑或不愿为此牺牲! ...... …… The Buddha die in a sitting posture, the ceremony is complex, does not need Ye Kong to participate, back has to cultivate the Grandmaster to receive the monk's room Ye Kong, this Buddha last words 11 instructions. 佛祖坐化,典礼仪式纷繁复杂,也不用叶空去参加,自有能修大师将叶空领到后边禅房,这才将佛祖遗言11传授。 Buddha clouds, the bodhi is the respectful designation of Buddhism Venerable, awakens greatly, but has strong capability, the side is the bodhi! In order to surpass all living things, showed that ten thousand numerous equalities, with the ten thousand hearts of numerous suffering distress, the bodhi do not need ascended to be together Venerable......” “佛祖云,菩提是佛门尊者的敬称,大彻大悟,而有强大能力者,方为菩提!为超度众生,显示万众平等,与万众一同受难之心,菩提不用飞升为尊……” So that's how it is.” Ye Kong cannot help but nods. “原来如此。”叶空不由得点头。 No wonder Venerate Realm does not have a Buddhism people, that is because the Buddha achieves the rank of Venerable, not ascended, but stays in the world of mortals, undergoes the tribulation with ten thousand numerous together, protects all living things. 怪不得尊界没有佛门中人,那是因为佛祖就算是达到尊者的级别,也不飞升,而是留在下界,与万众一起经历磨难,守护众生。 At this time listened to cultivate oneself according to religious doctrine, bodhi had five, first made a vow the bodhi, said hoping of making a vow, yearned to high, was initially bodhi \; Second bends down the heart bodhi, the saying uniform worry, vanquishes my heart, is the second-level bodhi \; Third engaging in introspection bodhi, the saying innermost feelings scene, engages in introspection the seeing nature, is the intermediate bodhi!” 这时又听能修道,“菩提有五等,一曰发心菩提,谓发心之愿,向往至高,为初之菩提\;二曰伏心菩提,谓制服烦恼,降伏我心,为二级菩提\;三曰明心菩提,谓内心情景,明心见性,为中级菩提!” Ye Kong listened to nod very much, originally Venerable the day Venerable( Saint Venerable) with Venerable greatly to be the same supremely, the bodhi also had the rank! Is makes a vow the bodhi, to bend down the heart bodhi and engaging in introspection bodhi, to the bodhi and unsurpassed bodhi separately! 叶空听了很是点头,原来和尊者大尊天尊(圣尊)至尊等一样,菩提也是有等级的!分别是发心菩提、伏心菩提、明心菩提、出到菩提和无上菩提! Initial makes a vow the bodhi, in other words this bodhi had the idea and wish of achieving Buddhahood! 最初的就是发心菩提,也就是说这个菩提有成佛的想法和心愿了! Then bends down the heart bodhi, in other words he has conquered oneself innermost feelings, had the potential of achieving Buddhahood! 然后伏心菩提,就是说他已经征服了自己的内心,具备成佛的潜质了! Sanming heart bodhi was fiercer, he true awakening greatly, has engaged in introspection the seeing nature, not only understands own heart, but also understands others' mental! 第三明心菩提就更厉害了,他已经真正的大彻大悟,明心见性,不但明白自己的心,还明白别人的心智! However talked about here, can cultivate also not anxiously back two, opened the mouth saying that our Buddha, were the engaging in introspection bodhi!” 不过讲到这里,能修也并不急着将后边的两种,开口道,“我们佛祖,就是明心菩提!” Originally is the three/3rd Layer bodhi!” Ye Kong nods secretly, Cultivation Base of Buddha arrived at the level that the ordinary five dimension days Venerable normally, has surpassed his Ye Kong! “原来已经是第三层的菩提!”叶空暗自点头,佛祖的修为按说已经到达了普通五次元天尊的水平,已经超过他叶空 The world several people can restrict to kill the Buddha, was for the principle of righteousness, the Buddha dies in a sitting posture! 天下又有几人能制约杀死佛祖,可是为了大义,佛祖还是坐化涅了! However spoke of here, Ye Kong lived to more formidable two awakeneds mind curiously, back two types should be the Buddhism surmount all Powerhouse, is only where they at present? 不过说到这里,叶空又对更强大的两种菩提心生好奇,后边两种应该是佛门超越一切的强者,只是他们目前在哪里? Also strong? 又有多强? Can cultivate and say, the ficus religiosa that „the bodhi of different level, produce is different. After first three/3rd Layer each bodhi , can only form a ficus religiosa, but the 4th Layer bodhi dies in a sitting posture can form ten to hundred bodhi!” 能修又道,“不同层次的菩提,产生的菩提树是不一样的。前三层每个菩提涅以后只能形成一株菩提树,而第四层菩提坐化就可以形成十株到百株菩提!” In Ye Kong both eyes concentrates, originally can also like this, that 5th Layer unsurpassed bodhi, that be able to turn into tens of thousands of ficus religiosas?” 叶空双目中一凝,“原来还可以这样,那第五层无上菩提,那岂不是可以化成成千上万的菩提树?” „.” Can cultivate the nod saying that unsurpassed bodhi is my Buddhism to high existence, a person may cross thousand 10 million/absolutely ten thousand people!” “正是。”能修点头道,“无上菩提是我佛门至高的存在,一人可渡千千万万人!” Ye Kong hears here, actually cannot help but smiles bitterly. 叶空听到这里,却是不由得苦笑起来。 Unsurpassed bodhi, to exists high, in entire chaos, boundless hundreds of thousands, how many does the unsurpassed bodhi have? Also, others Cultivation several eras, my Ye Kong was unable to walk in one by one, urges others dead in a sitting posture?” “无上菩提,至高存在,整个混沌之中,茫茫数十万界,无上菩提又有几个?再说了,人家修行几个纪元,我叶空总不能挨个找上门去,去劝人家坐化涅吧?” Can cultivate to continue saying that above the unsurpassed bodhi, has a thing!” 能修继续道,“不过在无上菩提之上,却是还有一物!” „A thing?” Ye Kong both eyes one bright. “还有一物?”叶空双目一亮。 Good!” Can cultivate oneself according to religious doctrine, Buddha said that in the Buddhism ancient book has the record, the appearance of first Buddha, from awakened mind! So long as found the awakened mind, can have more ficus religiosas, knot many sweetsops!” “不错!”能修道,“佛祖说了,佛门典籍之中有记载,第一个佛祖的出现,源自菩提心!所以只要找到菩提心,就能有更多的菩提树,结更多的菩提果!” Awakened mind! That is the ancestor of bodhi, is fiercer than the unsurpassed bodhi?” Ye Kong is startled, hesitates, raised the head to ask fiercely, that awakened mind is the person or the thing , where?” “菩提心!那就是菩提之祖,比无上菩提还厉害?”叶空吃惊,沉吟一下,猛抬头问道,“那菩提心到底是人还是物,又所在何处?” Buddha left a message, said that awakened mind non- matter also not thing, conceal in the chaos lowest level, non- big wisdom big ability cannot obtain!” “佛祖留言,说菩提心非事亦非物,藏于混沌最底层,非大智慧大能力者不能取得!” Ye Kong also asked that that Buddha made me see clearly him dead in a sitting posture into the process of ficus religiosa, why that was, had what relation with the awakened mind?” 叶空又问道,“那佛祖让我看清他坐化成为菩提树的过程,那又是为何,和菩提心有何联系呢?” Can cultivate to speak of here, has been speechless, the paper volume in the hand gives Ye Kong, said that under did not have, the Buddha said that all the Buddhism Buddha of world will assist fully, other again had not said.” 能修说到这里,已经无话可说,将手中纸卷递给叶空,道,“下边就没有了,佛祖只是说所有世界的佛门佛祖都会全力协助,其他就没有再说。” How can like this? Can I find awakened mind to where?” Ye Kong received the paper volume hastily, knits the brows to watch, except for can cultivate saying that does not have other clue again. “怎么会这样?那我到哪里才能找到菩提心?”叶空连忙接过纸卷,皱眉观看,果然,除了能修所言,再也没有其他的头绪。 „, This matter cannot be anxious, I participated to say goodbye to the ceremony of Buddha to say first again.” “也罢,这件事急不得,我先参加完告别佛祖的仪式再说。” Tenth Buddha dies in a sitting posture, turns into seven color column same ficus religiosas, moreover is several glittering and translucent carving buddhist relics crystallization, draws in these buddhist relics, places in a Buddha pen direct day stupa. 第十世佛祖坐化,化成一株七彩柱一样的菩提树,另外就是数颗晶莹剔透的舍利子结晶,将这些舍利子收拢,安放在佛界一座笔直接天的舍利塔之中。 Afterward, announced that the successor of new Buddha, a wood becomes the 11 th Buddha. 随后,又宣布新任佛祖的继任者,一木成为第11世佛祖。 Ye Kong departure, has not been handling anxiously completely here matter, this leaves this. 叶空并没有急着离去,一直把这里的事情全部处理完毕,这才离开本界。 Light flies, Ye Kong rapid is separated from this world, is separated from the attraction of chaos. 身边的光影飞逝,叶空飞速的脱离这个世界,脱离混沌的吸引。 In the flight, his right hand opens, a palm seven colored straight bough, is sending out the magnificent halo! 在飞行中,他的右手张开,掌心一支七彩色的笔直树干,正散发着瑰丽的光晕! Ficus religiosa, is Venerable level Powerhouse of Buddhism, is only, that awakened mind where?” “菩提树,原来就是佛门的尊级强者所化,只是,那菩提心又在哪里?” When are not many, Ye Kong got rid of the restraint of chaos, saw barefooting that not far away flies. 不多时以后,叶空已经摆脱混沌的约束,也看到了不远处飞来的赤脚。 No matter awakened mind where, only then becomes by oneself stronger, can fulfill the expectations of all people!” In the Ye Kong heart read and here, got hold of seven color ficus religiosas, welcomed to barefooting Venerable to go greatly. “不管菩提心在哪里,只有让自己变得更强,才能不负所有人的期望!”叶空心中念及此处,握紧七彩菩提树,迎向赤脚大尊而去。 Hey, I said Ye Kong, you are the mushroom, how so to be each time slow?” Barefoots Venerable greatly said very much discontentedly. “喂,我说叶空,你是不是属蘑菇的,每次怎么都这么慢呢?”赤脚大尊很是不满地说道。 Ye Kong said with a smile, Daijun World was my ascended world, that side acquaintance friend were many, I naturally must delay some date and time, back so will not be slow.” 叶空笑道,“代俊世界是我飞升的世界,那边熟人朋友很多,我当然要耽搁一些时日,后边就不会这么慢了。” Barefoots Venerable to say greatly, that hurries, hurries, when your time has met several batch of Powerhouse in the past, we are slow, could not drink the soup!” 赤脚大尊道,“那赶紧,赶紧走吧,等你的时间已经遇到几批强者过去,我们再慢,就连汤都喝不到了!” Ye Kong said with a smile, that you can snatch with them!” 叶空笑道,“那你可以跟他们抢呀!” Barefoots Venerable with Ye Kong to fly greatly, he sighed, is the friends of Saint your home, must care about some faces! But has you not to be different, you do not need to care about the face, kills to snatch! Later I not convenient your make a move, you not convenient my make a move, this called to help, to accord to his need mutually!” 赤脚大尊和叶空都飞行起来,他才叹道,“都是圣尊门的朋友,总要顾及些面子!可是有你就不一样了,你不用顾及面子,打杀抢都可以!以后我不方便的你出手,你不方便的我出手,这才叫互相帮助,各取所需呢!” Ye Kong said stunned, no wonder you always in this I, are such idea , the f*ck your ancestor board board, you were too sly!” 叶空愕然道,“怪不得你始终在这等我,原来是打的如此主意,日你先人板板,你太狡猾了!” Looks adless, entire writing correct novel, //-w.w.w. .c.o.m, your optimization! 看无广告,全文字无错小说,//-w.w.w..c.o.m,您的最佳选择! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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