MC :: Volume #33

#3296: Buddha Nirvana, body bodhi.

3296 Buddha Nirvana, body bodhi. 3296佛祖涅槃,身化菩提。 „Do you come for the bodhi bead incident?” “你可是为了菩提珠一事而来?” Wooden a few words make Ye Kong be startled, in this world ten thousand/myriad Caowan the wood, all things, cannot escape the Ye Kong's discernment. But only exception is actually Buddha, oneself cannot trace the whereabouts of Buddha, cannot think that was also known own whereabouts and thoughts by others. 一木的一句话就让叶空吃惊,这一世界之中万草万木,万事万物,都逃不过叶空的法眼。可是唯独例外的却是佛祖,自己摸不到佛祖的行踪也就罢了,想不到还被别人知道了自己的行踪和心思。 Looks at Ye Kong to be startled, a wood said with a smile: You are not surprised, is only that ficus religiosa and my Buddhism relations are deep, you bring the ficus religiosa to arrive at this world, the Buddha can feel, naturally guesses correctly your thoughts.” 看着叶空吃惊,一木笑道:“你莫要惊讶,只是那菩提树和我佛门关系深厚,你带着菩提树来到这一世界,佛祖就能感觉到,当然就猜到你的心思。” „, So that's how it is.” In the Ye Kong then heart felt relieved, originally the Buddhism then guesses correctly own whereabouts according to the induction of ficus religiosa. “哦,原来如此。”叶空这才心中放心,原来佛门是根据菩提树的感应这才猜到自己的行踪。 A wood also said: I just came out from closed-door cultivation, the information that receives the Buddha, he makes me lead you to go to Buddha, he will see you there.” 一木又道:“我刚刚从闭关之中出来,就收到佛祖的信息,他让我带你去佛界,他会在那里见你。” Ye Kong holds their palms together to say respectfully: That has Grandmaster Lao.” 叶空恭敬双手合十道:“那就有劳大师。” He only knows, no wonder do not know the whereabouts of Buddha, went to Buddha! 他这才知道,怪不得自己不知道佛祖的下落,原来去了佛界! Buddha was a very unusual place, Ye Kong accepted the generation of handsome world, therefore from all walks of life can see up and down, actually can only see Saint light one piece to Buddha in only. To come to be the Buddha and reached any agreement for Jun, has shielded the outside spiritual strength. 佛界是一个很奇特的地方,叶空接受了代俊的世界,所以上下各界都能看见,唯独对佛界之中却是只能看见圣光一片。想来应该是佛祖和代俊达成了什么协议,屏蔽了外边的精神力量。 A wood said, lifts the hand, opened a leaf of front door to Buddha in the front. 一木说完,一抬手,已经在面前打开了一扇通向佛界的大门。 Leaf Venerable, asking here to invite.” Listens to a wooden name, Ye Kong to feel the person of Buddhism, although does not have Upper Realm, but knows to the Upper Realm matter, otherwise others called leaf Shishen, only then he called the leaf Venerable! “叶尊者,请这边请。”听一木的称呼,叶空已经感觉到佛门之人虽然没有上界,可是对上界的事还是知道一些的,要不然别人都叫叶始神,只有他叫叶尊者! Ye Kong is not first time arrives at Buddha, just trod, the opposite walks a monk of wear gray frock, is the acquaintance, in the past received Ye Kong's to cultivate the Grandmaster. 叶空并不是第一次来到佛界,刚一踏进去,对面就走来一个穿着灰色僧袍的和尚,也是熟人,正是当年接待叶空的能修大师。 For several years does not see, the Grandmaster has been well since last meeting.” Ye Kong salutes single-handed, this was with can cultivate the Grandmaster third time to meet, but on the same day can cultivate to shear the action that the meat encouraged good behavior, making his impression profound, that time had the different understanding to the Buddhism. “数年不见,大师别来无恙。”叶空单手行礼,他这是和能修大师第三次见面了,而当日能修割肉劝善的举动,让他印象深刻,也正是那一次对佛门有了不一样的认识。 Leaf Venerable, here invited.” The expression that however today can cultivate is somewhat strange, although is be with smile on the face, but is actually somewhat complex, moreover seems is not that warm, was not willing to say with Ye Kong. “叶尊者,这边请。”不过今天能修的表情有些奇怪,虽然是面带微笑,不过却是有些复杂,而且看上去并不是那么热情,也不愿和叶空多说。 Good.” Ye Kong many did not say, has to nod, can cultivate toward inside walks. “好。”叶空也不好多说,只好点点头,跟着能修往里边走。 Buddha is other is really different, Ye Kong can cultivate to pass through, some people salute all the way the nod. However Ye Kong also discovered, many followers are following them, is welling up toward the central temple of Buddha! 佛界果然是和其他界大不一样,叶空跟着能修走过,一路上都有人行礼点头。不过叶空也发现,很多的信徒都跟随着他们,也在往佛界的中央寺庙涌去! Today on Buddha what important matter?” In the Ye Kong heart has doubts, can cultivate to proceed secretly. “难道今天恰逢佛界什么大事?”叶空心中疑惑,暗自跟着能修往前走。 After meeting, a giant temple appears in front of Ye Kong's, before Ye Kong had also gone, that is the inner courtyard Tallinn that goes, but this time, Ye Kong is actually the whereabouts front courtyard. However walks all the way, Ye Kong is the doubts. 一会以后,一座巨大的寺院出现在叶空的面前,以前叶空也进去过,那是去的后院塔林,而这一次,叶空却是去向前院。不过行走的一路上,叶空更是疑惑。 Saw only one group of pasts, was decorated with lanterns and colored streamers, everywhere seemed like a jubilance. But looks on the faces of these clergy followers, actually probably is not this, expressions are solemn and respectful, even also some sad Qiang! 只见一路过去,张灯结彩,到处看上去好像是一片喜气洋洋。可是看那些僧侣信徒的脸上,却好像并不是这样,一个个表情肃穆,甚至还有一些悲呛! How was this?” “这是怎么了?” At present pure white winding corridor, the portrait of Buddha...... Followed can cultivate to transfer curved, at present broadminded openness! An open yard appears in the front of people, the parapet that the jade builds, the lotus ripples in the ocean waves, pure white lotus fluctuates with the wind...... 眼前洁白的回廊,佛祖的画像……跟随着能修转了一个弯,眼前豁然的开朗!一处开阔的大院出现在众人的面前,玉砌的栏杆,荷花在碧波之中荡漾,洁白的莲朵随风起伏…… This is lotus pond in a yard, but in most central of lotus flower pond, a huge white lotus flower is similar to a platform float in the ocean waves, but above that lotus throne, a man of wear white cassock reveals one side shoulder, he is sitting cross-legged to sit. 这是一个大院之中的莲花池,而在莲花池的最中央,一朵巨大的白色莲花如同一个平台悬浮在碧波之中,而在那莲台之上,一个穿着洁白的袈裟的男子露出一侧的肩头,他正盘膝而坐。 Buddha!” Although Ye Kong first time sees this person, but knows that this is a Buddha. “佛祖!”叶空虽然第一次见到此人,不过已经知道这就是佛祖。 Ye Kong's induces is not the ten thousand word marks of this person of forehead records , after is not the brain, golden light shining disc. But is Ye Kong felt that the strength of this person, the strength of this person actually cannot have in the Venerable strength! 叶空的感应并不是此人眉心的万字标记,也不是脑后金光灿灿的圆盘。而是叶空感觉到此人的力量,此人的力量竟然具有不下于尊者的力量! Cannot think that in this also has such strength! How however is in this in the person to feel this strength the great strength, only then Venerable can know the great strength of Buddha!” A Ye Kong item of color moves, preparation clear and resonant voice opens the mouth. “想不到在这一界还有如此的力量!不过身在此界之中的人又如何能感觉到这种力量的强大,只有尊者才能知道佛祖的强大!”叶空目色一动,就准备朗声开口。 However has not actually thought, the Buddha opens eyes fiercely, is showing a faint smile to Ye Kong, beckons with the hand, hints him do not speak. 不过却没想到,佛祖猛地一睁眼,对着叶空微微一笑,摆摆手,示意他不要说话。 What situation is this?” Ye Kong is somewhat bewildered. “这是什么情况?”叶空有些莫名其妙。 However a following scene, is makes Ye Kong have a big shock immediately. 不过接下来的一个场景,却是让叶空顿时大惊失色。 Bang! Suddenly boils up the billowing flame from the Buddha body fiercely! These flame appear very rapid, one sweeps across the whole body of Buddha, during Ye Kong shocks, the body of Buddha did not see completely, entire was submerged in the flaming flame. 轰!突然从佛祖身体之中猛地迸出滚滚的火苗!那些火苗出现的非常的迅速,一下就将佛祖的全身席卷,就在叶空震惊之中,佛祖的身体已经完全不见,整个被淹没在熊熊火焰之中。 This is......” Ye Kong does not know once more, therefore, turns head to look to cultivate. “这是……”叶空再次不知所以,回头去看能修。 Amitabha, infinitely merciful.” Can cultivate to proclaim sound Buddha to turn over/to stand up to kneel down, is the same with him, side all followers kneel down completely, both eyes shut, in the mouth read aloud the scrip­tures! “阿弥陀佛,大慈大悲。”能修宣了声佛号翻身跪倒,和他一样,身边所有的信徒全部都就地跪下,双目闭起,口中念诵经文! Finally what kneels down is a wood, he holds their palms together, salutes saying: Amitabha, the Buddha the process that wants you to have a look at him dead in a sitting posture carefully.” Then, a wooden Grandmaster, kneels down, shuts both eyes, in the mouth reads aloud! 最后跪下的是一木,他双手合十,行礼道:“阿弥陀佛,佛祖是要你仔细看看他坐化的过程。”说完,一木大师,也跟着跪下,闭起双目,口中念诵! „Does Buddha die in a sitting posture?” Ye Kong faints. “佛祖坐化?”叶空晕死。 Died in a sitting posture is a Buddhism people died, according to the truth, Buddha such Cultivation Base has not needed dead in a sitting posture, he has achieved the Venerable rank Cultivation Base, did he why die in the world of mortals? The principle was unable to limit him, does he why want dead? 坐化就是佛门中人死了,按道理来说,佛祖这样的修为已经根本不用坐化,他已经达到尊者级别的修为,他何必在下界之中死去?法则都已经无法限制他,他何必要死? Let alone, luckily Buddha clearly knows own today must come, he today dies in a sitting posture, what meaning is this? 更何况,巧的是佛祖明知道自己今天要来,他就今天坐化,这到底是什么意思? The flame is getting bigger and bigger, as if the Buddha is a wood/blockhead, the flame flaming. In recitations of Buddha ten thousand numerous surpass in the sound, the lotus petal on that giant lotus flower closes up, probably are many a hand, covers, wraps the Buddha and flame in...... 火焰越来越大,仿佛佛祖就是一段木头,火光熊熊。在佛界万众的吟诵超度声中,那巨大莲花上的莲瓣都合拢起来,就好像很多张手,覆盖下来,将佛祖和火焰都包裹在其中…… But Venerable level Powerhouse as one, Ye Kong can feel that inside strength in fierce struggling, these strengths are Buddha trillion years of Cultivation Base, they are not resigned to melt with the Buddha together! They want to work loose, want to leave the body of Buddha, returns to this world! 而作为一个尊级强者,叶空更是可以感觉到里边的力量在剧烈的挣扎,那些力量是佛祖亿万年修为,它们不甘心跟着佛祖一起消融!它们想要挣脱,想要离开佛祖的身体,回归这世界! Although the Buddha had been burnt by oneself did not have the consciousness, but is still limiting them...... Finally, these strengths felt that a breach, they are spraying toward the sky completely fiercely! 可是佛祖虽然已经被自己烧的没有了意识,但是依然限制着它们……终于,这些力量感觉到一个突破口,它们全部往着天空猛地喷射! A stream of seven colored, probably rainbow the giant light beam, turns toward the sky suddenly, the pen straightly shoots goes! 一道七彩色的,好像彩虹的一样的巨大光柱,猛然向着天空,笔直射去! But in afterward, this strength light beam ices up unexpectedly probably general, the instantaneous congealment, becomes a somewhat strange seven colored giant bough! 而在随后,这道力量光柱竟然好像结冰一般,瞬间的凝结,成为一株有些奇异的七彩色巨大的树干! When arrives at this moment, all followers read aloud the sound of scrip­tures to increase suddenly. 当这一刻来到,所有信徒们念诵经文的声音骤然加大。 But in the Ye Kong's ear also broadcasts the sound that Buddha leaves behind, Ye Kong, you may see clearly, this is the process that the ficus religiosa turns into, hopes that has helped you.” 叶空的耳中也传来佛祖留下的声音,“叶空,你可看清楚了,这就是菩提树所化成的过程,希望对你有所帮助。” Hears this, the Ye Kong mouth cannot say, immediately has the tears to well up, salutes to say respectfully: Sacrificed itself, only to save the common people, Ye fulfills the expectations of all people inevitably, the Buddha you rests.” 听到这句,叶空口不能言,顿时有泪水涌上,恭恭敬敬行礼道:“牺牲自己,只为拯救世人,叶某必然不负所有人的期望,佛祖你安息吧。” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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