MC :: Volume #33

#3295: Western Paradise India, a wooden Grandmaster.

3295 Western Paradise India, a wooden Grandmaster. 3295西天佛国,一木大师。 Never can!” Ye Kong is confident to oneself, this is also a Powerhouse breadth of spirit! “永远都不会!”叶空对自己有信心,这也是一个强者的气魄! Afterward, on the day jade mountain was waved to eliminate by Ye Kong according to most God blood canes, light Divine Dragon God and the others emit completely. The God royal palace and sky temple, return to original state completely the original design! 随后,天琅山上据大多数的神血藤都被叶空挥手消灭,光神龙神等人全部都放出。神王宫、天空神庙,全部都还原回原样! But the remaining that some God blood canes brave the preparation for the generation! 而剩下的那一些神血藤就是为代冒准备的! Inside the Ye Kong arrange/cloth next ban, the generation will brave to place with the God blood cane, making Divine Realm all people pass through from here, can see the fate of generation of braving! 叶空布下一个禁制,将代冒和神血藤都放在里边,让神界所有人从这里经过,都可以看到代冒的下场! Ye Kong did not hate the generation to brave to him to make anything, rather, cannot tolerate others to humiliate his friend! 叶空并不是恨代冒对他做了什么,而是,不能容忍别人凌辱他的朋友! Cannot think that you also really came back.” dragon God and the others come out from the shackles, gathers round Ye Kong, is having the earnest smiling face completely! “想不到你还真的回来了。”龙神等人从牢笼出来,围着叶空,全部都是带着热切的笑容! In a Daijun World many years of harvest most important, Ye Kong thought throughout is these friendship, the friend! 代俊世界多年收获的最重要的,叶空始终觉得是这些友情,朋友! Yes! I not only came back, but also became the Master of this world! I completely all strengths, making you also Venerable! Cannot become Venerable, can in the links of other world, take a walk mutually, experience more world!” “是!我不但回来了,还成为了这个世界的主人!我会尽一切的力量,让你们也成为尊者!不能成为尊者的,也可以在和其他世界的联通之中,互相走动,见识更多的世界!” Walks the watch the far road, sees many sceneries, this is the life!” “走更远的路,见更多的风景,这才是人生!” When Ye Kong said these, in the friends eyes projected the strange ray completely. 叶空说出这些,朋友们全部都眼中射出奇异光芒。 ...... …… Before Ye Kong appears, this world is a gloominess! 叶空出现以前,这个世界已经是一片的灰暗! Pipa Bead only then, the ficus religiosa also move! The remaining deities, leave their, is desperate! 琵琶珠只有一个,菩提树也被挪走!剩下的天神们,留给他们的,就是绝望! cultivator, cultivate, the Ascetic Cultivation gentleman, gives up the world being lively diligently, only to become an immortal ascended \; Arrived Immortal World, the rush, sought for the chance at risk of life, finally can break through a tight encirclement, once more ascended \; Arrived Divine Realm, continued cultivate that tries hard, puts together completely all strengths, climbs up upwardly! 一个修士,努力修炼,苦修士,放弃人世繁华,只为成仙飞升\;到了仙界,拼死冲杀,寻找机缘,终于可以杀出重围,再次飞升\;到了神界,继续努力的修炼,拼尽一切的力量,向上攀爬! May climb up the summit really...... 可真的攀爬到山顶…… Unexpectedly is the dead end! 竟然是绝路! Arrived ceiling, again difficult little advance! cultivate that if you continue to try hard, waits for your, only then supernatural power inflation. Injures someone to cause self infliction, the God is chaotic! 到了天花板,再难寸进!如果你继续努力的修炼,等待你的只有神力膨胀。害人害己的,神乱! The fact is this, dying embers are the same, the deities cannot see the hope. The especially those Immortal Spiritual God, their supernatural powers are formidable, but they were away from the death close! 事实就是这样,一片死灰一样,天神们根本看不到希望。尤其是那些不朽的神灵,他们的神力越是强大,而他们距离死亡就更加的接近! Naturally they can also give up Godhead, gives up the supernatural power, since then goes into hiding in the sea of clouds. 当然他们也可以放弃神格,放弃神力,从此销声匿迹于云海之中。 But cultivate 10 million/absolutely year, in the end, had, is such one spatial? 可是修炼千万年,到头来,所拥有的,难道就是这样一场空嘛? Spatial, who can break all these? This is the regular heartlessness, the sweetsop forever only then, only then Strongest can go out! Other people, after before person, complete will again not have completely the sweetsop available, not the date of raising one's head! 一场空,但是又有谁能够打破这一切?这就是规则的无情,菩提果永远只有一个,只有一个最强者可以走出!其他的人,以前以后的人,全部的全部都不会再有菩提果可用,没有出头之日! Until Ye Kong appeared. 直到叶空出现了。 The rule that these conventions, these nobody can break, in front of Ye Kong's, as if can be torn into shreds easily general. He told them, opportunity Upper Realm, became Venerable, everyone had the opportunity! 那些框框,那些无人可以打破的规则,在叶空的面前,都仿佛可以轻易被撕碎一般。他告诉他们,还有机会上界,成为尊者,每个人都有机会! We hope that has! cultivate arrives at the end, road! Goes nonstop to the zenith! 希望,有!修炼到尽头,还有路!直通天顶! This has solved in this world the bright worry, these believed generation of handsome Gods extremely, these hopes that after obtaining Ye Kong brought about, they cancelled all resistances completely, worshipped Ye Kong wholeheartedly, treated as the new belief Ye Kong. 这是解决了这个世上所有神祗的烦恼,本来那些极度信仰代俊的神祗们,在得到叶空带来的这些希望以后,他们全部都打消一切的对抗,一心一意敬拜起叶空,把叶空当作新的信仰。 But at this point, a form walked in Divine Realm some western state. 而在此时,一个身影已经走在神界的西部某一个国度。 Western Paradise India. 西天佛国。 The boundless sea of clouds, opens slowly, what appears at present is golden color and white world. The golden roof, pure white wall, looks, holy serene. 茫茫云海,缓缓打开,出现在眼前的是一片金色和白色的世界。金色的屋顶,洁白的墙壁,一眼望去,圣洁安详。 With the crazy pledge world, India of Xiling Lin construction is the same. Here also proliferates the bamboo shoots general stupa, after standing in great numbers tower, a giant Buddha statue, is a golden mountain peak, is broad and dazzling. 和狂盟世界之中,西陵琳建造的佛国一样。这里也是遍布竹笋一般的舍利塔,林立的塔后,一尊巨大的佛祖雕像,就是一座金色的山峰,恢宏而耀眼。 Suddenly, a azure clothes form appeared sky over India. 突然,一个青衣身影就出现在了佛国上空。 He just appeared, one crowd of forehead have the Buddha gate god that ten thousand word marks record to fly, what lead is the Ye Kong acquaintance, sword Buddha opens asks the day. 他刚出现,就有一群眉心有着万字标记的佛门神祗飞临上来,领头的是叶空熟人,剑佛张问天。 Has seen the new beginning God, leaf Shishen!” Opens asked that the day and the others already heard Ye Kong's to announce, naturally knows Ye Kong has massacred for Jun captures this world. “见过新任始神,叶始神!”张问天等人早就听到了叶空的宣布,当然知道叶空已经杀掉代俊夺得这个世界。 En, I want to seek an interview Buddha.” Although Ye Kong is the control of this world, but the Buddha is actually an out of the ordinary character! Ye Kong more is upwardly tracks down, is the specialness of discovery Buddhism! “恩,我想要求见佛祖。”虽然叶空是这个世界的主宰,可是佛祖却是一个与众不同的人物!叶空越是向上追寻,就越是发现佛门的特殊! Almost in every world, will have the trace of Buddha! But they actually forever such low key, does not reveal the mountain non- dew, even does not step in Venerate Realm! 几乎每个世界之中,都会有佛的痕迹!可是他们却永远的那么的低调,不显山不露水,甚至连尊界都不涉足! Ye Kong believes that so long as the Buddhism thought, Venerate Realm will present many Buddhism Powerhouse! 叶空相信,只要佛门心想,尊界会出现很多的佛门强者 But others do not struggle! 可是人家不争! Sees Ye Kong so respectful Divine Realm Buddha, sword Buddha and the others to have profound respect, opens the mouth saying that where Buddha didn't know? We reported a wooden Grandmaster, he will immediately come out from closed-door cultivation.” 看见叶空如此的恭敬一个神界佛祖,剑佛等人更是肃然起敬,开口道,“佛祖不知去了哪里?我们已经禀告了一木大师,他马上就会从闭关之中出来。” „A wooden Grandmaster!” In Ye Kong heart one startled, from Immortal World he hears this by strength of ascended Divine Realm benevolence to the high savant, but has missed to see. “一木大师!”叶空心中一惊,从仙界他就听闻这位以仁爱之力飞升神界的至高仁者,只是一直都无缘得见。 Hurries to lead me to go!” Ye Kong said hastily. “赶紧带我去!”叶空连忙道。 Sword said with a smile, here waited, he came immediately!” 剑佛笑道,“在这里等就可以,他马上就来!” Ye Kong gets angry: Leads me to see him! I have listened to his given name from Immortal World, he is my senior, is person who I respect wholeheartedly, how can make him see me! Quick!” 叶空怒道:“带我去见他!我从仙界就听过他的大名,他是我前辈,是我一心尊敬的人,怎么能让他来见我!快!” That invited.” “那这边请。” The stupa is pure white, the green bamboo is deep green, bypasses a bamboo grove, arrives at outside a thatched hut, just sees a skinny high old man to walk in a hurry. 舍利塔洁白,翠竹碧绿,绕过一片竹林,来到一处茅舍外,刚好看见一个枯瘦的高个老者匆匆走出来。 Opens asks the Heavenly Dao: Beginning God, that is a wood.” 张问天道:“始神,那个就是一木。” Beginning God arrives, a wood greets late.” A wooden Grandmaster who puts on grey hemp/numb robe hurries, wants to give Ye Kong to salute. “始神降临,一木迎接来迟。”穿着灰色麻袍的一木大师赶紧走过来,想要给叶空行礼。 But he actually by a pair of hand cradling, Grandmaster dispense with ceremony.” Ye Kong takes a look at this gentle old man, in the item was having the luminous spot to flash. 可他却被一双手托住,“大师免礼。”叶空打量着这个慈祥老者,目中已经有光点闪动。 Grandmaster, must kneel down is not you, but is I!” Ye Kong this saying, the people of a wood and sword Buddha as well as accompaniment were in great surprise, hastily the say/way are not applicable. Ye Kong is actually persists in shaking the head saying: Grandmaster Buddha keeps the treasure, to wood spirit bead! The exorcize demons cross hardship, five Ming Dynasty king seal! Helps me to cut the monster except the demon, saves me innumerable in the danger! Without the help of Grandmaster, my Ye Kong already unravelled! The Grandmaster is my teacher, for these years, always wants to see Grandmaster one time, had not actually formed a line......” “大师,要下跪的不是你,而是我!”叶空这一说,一木和剑佛以及陪同的人都是大惊,连忙道使不得。叶空却是坚持摇头道:“大师佛界留宝,至木灵珠!降魔渡厄,五大明王印!助我斩妖除魔,无数次救我于危难之中!没有大师的帮助,我叶空早就灰飞烟灭!大师已经是我的师尊,这么多年来,总是想要见大师一次,却是一直都没有成行……” Ye Kong spoke of here, the tears gushed out, passed kneels down, has knocked three heads straight, said: Grandmaster is not startled, the strength of benevolence, the common people respect, let alone my Ye Kong by the Grandmaster advantage, these three heads, you could be received!” 叶空说到这里,已经泪光涌出,噗通跪倒,端端正正磕了三个头,道:“大师莫要惊慌,仁爱之力,世人敬仰,何况我叶空受大师好处,这三个头,你受得起!” A wooden Grandmaster is also a personality people, the instantaneous mouth cannot say, feels the Ye Kong's head, this slowly said: Your creates the world beginning God, how could to kneel I, fast, gets up.” 一木大师也是性情中人,瞬间口不能言,摸着叶空的头,这才缓缓道:“你一个创世始神,岂能跪我,速速起来,起来。” Back sword Buddha and the others started also the heart saying that this time surnamed Ye has to ask the Buddha intentionally so to be polite, but this looked now, is startled completely quite a while does not know said anything. 后边的剑佛等人开始还心说这姓叶的这次来是有求佛祖才故意这么客气吧,可是现在这一看,全部都惊得半天不知道说什么。 Waits for Ye Kong to stand, a wood then also said: „Do you come for the bodhi bead incident?” 叶空站起来,一木这才又道:“你可是为了菩提珠一事而来?” ps: Thank throws cercis chinensis Xiaoli, the love avid follower who the vip ticket and hit to enjoy not to explain to me, refers to tobacco taste, lushimin and other Fellow Daoist with the angel of sickle, thanks ps:感谢给我投vip票和打赏的紫荆晓丽、爱狂徒不解释、拿镰刀的天使、指间烟草味、lushimin等道友,谢谢啦 { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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