MC :: Volume #33

#3294: Died by our place

3294 died by our place 3294已经被我处死 For braving! Does your bastard, Ye Kong kill you and I and other what did/worked? You could not find Ye Kong to suffer me and others!” “代冒!你混蛋,叶空杀你与我等何干?你找不到叶空就来折磨我等!” Has put me, lets loose, for braving, I hate you!” “放了我,放开,代冒,我恨你!” If there is an opportunity, I must kill you!” “若有机会,我必杀你!” Frigid yelling in day jade mountain reverberation, these Gods although is the Immortal Spiritual God, in Divine Realm is existences of pyramid best level. 一声声惨烈的喊叫在天琅山回荡,这些神祗虽然很多都是不朽神灵,在神界都是金字塔最好层的存在。 But, is creating the world Miyoshiro Jun's front, their anything is not! 可是,在创世神代俊的面前,他们什么都不是! For handsome arrived actually not necessarily punishes these Spiritual God, the generation of but by him being reactivated braves actually unceasingly to enter the greedy word, said that these deities betray completely! By rights ought to damn, even if the capital crime escapes, must suffer them! 代俊其实本来到并不一定处罚这些自己界中神灵,可是被他复活的代冒却是不断地进馋言,说这些天神全部都是背叛!理当该死,就算是死罪逃脱,也要折磨他们! For comes back handsome, is a day Venerable Powerhouse! 代俊回来,已经是一个天尊强者 He has imprisoned easily these with the Ye Kong related deity , the use Venerable strength the generation will brave the strengthen! 他轻易地就囚禁了这些与叶空有关的天神,又使用尊者力量将代冒变强! Then one, for braving to have become this world, although he chases off the stage the God king of Ye Kong selection, says the God king. But he is actually basic, no matter the matter of Divine Realm, knows that every day suffers these imprisoned deity. 这下一来,代冒就成了这个世界的至强,虽然他将叶空选拔的神王赶下台,自称神王。可是他却是根本不管神界之事,每天就知道折磨这些被囚的天神。 Time day-by-day past, for braving to be many a problem, every day does not suffer these people personally, his whole body is not comfortable. 时间一天天的过去,代冒就多了一个毛病,每天不亲自来折磨这些人,他就浑身不自在。 God blood cane, are you so stupid? Drinks the blood to be useful, must sneak in them, long......” generation in their bodies braved to lower the head to arrive at light outside the God permits Delong basket, said with a smile, permits Delong, initially my brother cultivated you, do you look at Ye Kong to massacre me unexpectedly?” “神血藤,你们这么蠢?喝血有什么用,要钻进他们内,长在他们身体中……”代冒低头来到了光神许德龙的笼子外,笑道,“许德龙,当初我哥那么栽培你,你竟然就看着叶空杀掉我?” permits Delong by dozens God blood canes on the body, was been continually very painful, but is actually clenches teeth to scold, goes to your mother! Early knows that before letting Ye Kong kills you, first suffer your millennium ten thousand years well!” 许德龙被数十根神血藤连在身上,痛苦不堪,不过却是咬牙骂道,“去你妈!早知道就让叶空杀你之前先好好折磨你千年万年!” Haha, the present is I suffers your millennium ten thousand years to be right.” For braving to laugh, transfers to head another basket, lowers the head to ask, dragon God plum soldier and female dragon Shenqin Yani, haha, your husbands and wives live in this basket can be easy and comfortable? Knew perfectly well oneself were old, do not come out to mix again, now good, the integrity in later life does not guarantee, the noble dragon God becomes the captive......” “哈哈,现在是我折磨你千年万年才对。”代冒哈哈大笑,又把脑袋移到另一个笼子上,低头问道,“龙神梅士兵、女龙神秦娅妮,哈哈,你们夫妻在这个笼子里住的可安逸?明知自己老了,就不要再出来混了,现在好,晚节不保,高贵的龙神成为阶下囚……” The plum soldier is the whole body is also inserted by the purple black God blood cane fully, is in deep sorrow, the face that but he twists is actually clenches teeth to support by hard and stubborn effort, seeing the generation to brave to collect, he puts out saliva, opens the mouth to scold, generation braves, you will not be successful very for a long time, I must kill you!” 梅士兵也是全身都被紫黑色的神血藤插满,痛不欲生,不过他扭曲的面孔却是咬牙硬撑,看见代冒凑过来,他噗地吐出一口唾沫,开口骂道,“代冒,你不会得志很久,我必杀你!” His saliva is certainly impossible to spit the generation to brave, but actually enraged the generation to brave, when for Modu the great anger, „did plum soldier, you court death? Comes the person, draws to me his wife, separates the basket to detain, making their husbands and wives unable to see mutually, haha, had anything difficultly to say!” 他这口唾沫当然不可能吐中代冒,不过却是激怒了代冒,代冒顿时盛怒,“梅士兵,你找死是不是?来人,把他的老婆给我拉出来,分开笼子关押,让他们夫妻互相看不见,哈哈,发生什么就难说了!” dragon God always loves the wife, listened to this saying, immediately an item of scarlet desire cracked, struggled crazily, in the mouth will not speak other words, but roared fierce, I must kill you! I must kill you!” 龙神一向疼爱老婆,听这一说,顿时目赤欲裂,疯狂挣扎,口中已经不会说其他话了,只是厉声呼吼,“我必杀你!我必杀你!” Kills me? You have a dream!” For braving to laugh, complacent. “杀我?你做梦!”代冒哈哈大笑,得意洋洋。 Immediately several God soldiers, flew, when turns on the shackles, pulls out female dragon God...... 顿时就有几个神兵,飞了过去,正待打开牢笼,拉出女龙神…… Rumbling. 轰轰轰。 Suddenly, the ground entire vibrates. 突然,地面整个抖动起来。 This is......” generation braves to be startled, in the eye reveals the startled color. “这是……”代冒吃惊,眼中露出惊色。 The vibration is getting bigger and bigger! Afterward, sees the day of jade mountain space an corner/horn, suddenly rumbles to split, reveals a black hole! 震动越来越大!随后,就看见天琅山空间的一角,突然轰地一声裂开,露出一个黑色的窟窿! Was being seen that black hole by God blood cane extraction God blood light God and the others is the surface has the startled color, but the generation braves yes haha to say with a smile, Upper Realm came the person, thinks that was my brother comes back...... Previous time he said that must for a long time come back very much.” 正在被神血藤抽取神血的光神等人看见那黑色窟窿都是面有惊色,不过代冒却是哈哈笑道,“上界来人了,想必是我哥回来了……上次他说要很久才回来的呀。” Suddenly. 突然。 Bang! The opening expands once again, seemed defeated by some outside person of fists, big piece space inward lasing! 轰!裂口又一次扩大,仿佛被外边有人一拳击破,大片的空间向内激射! In people various vision, a azure clothes person's shadow takes big strides goes out...... 紧接着,在众人各不相同的目光之中,一个青衣人影阔步走出…… Ye Kong!” Presents all people, stared in a big way the eye completely! 叶空!”在场所有人,全部都瞪大了眼! Ye Kong walks also to stare, has not thought that the day of jade mountain turns into this unexpectedly. However his spirit read the strength to emit sweeps, understood had anything! 叶空走出来也是一愣,没想到天琅山竟然变成这样。不过他精神念力放出一扫,就明白了发生了什么! Friends, Ye came lately.” In Ye Kong heart guilty, making friend endure hardships for him, this is one of several matters he most cannot bear. “朋友们,叶某来迟了。”叶空心中愧疚,让朋友为他遭罪,这是他最受不了的几件事之一。 That side sea god god of thunder and the others were completely excited, opens the sound to exclaim, late what late? So long as you came, is not late!” 那边海神雷神等人已经全部兴奋起来,开声吼道,“迟什么迟?只要你来了,就不迟!” dragon God also loudly said with a smile, good! Even if late comes again millennium for ten thousand years, we can also wait!” 龙神也放声笑道,“不错!就算是再迟来千年万年,我们也等得起!” permits Delong always does not give anybody face, said, cuts! You do a bit less! Also the millennium ten thousand years, I looked that Ye Kong late comes half double-hour again, you must cry.” 许德龙向来不给任何人面子,哧道,“切!你少来!还千年万年,我看叶空再迟来半个时辰,你都要哭鼻子了。” The Gods on the scene laugh completely loudly. 在场众神全部放声大笑。 However in the midair, for braving actually to know well, a while ago Divine Realm did not shiver, he felt that was not the good sign. Now sees Ye Kong suddenly to appear, in his heart anxious. 不过半空之中,代冒却是知道不好,前段时间神界颤抖,他就感觉不是好兆头。现在看见叶空突然出现,他心中紧张了起来。 Is it possible that my brother has not hit him, was seized by him this world? For braving to think that Ye Kong seized the world, but actually has not thought that perished for Jun! 我哥莫非没打过他,把这个世界被他夺了?代冒想到叶空夺了世界,倒没想到代俊已经殒命了! No matter he, leaves here...... generation to brave to want first to leave secretly. “不管他,先离开这里……”代冒就想要偷偷离开。 However behind actually resounds the Ye Kong's sound, generation braves, are you sharply walking to do? For a long time does not see, I have words to ask you.” 不过背后却是响起叶空的声音,“代冒,你急着走干什么?好久不见,我有话问你。” For braving in heart one startled, but has turned head, compensates to say with a smile, this is not Ye Kong, I just had not seen you, you have anything to ask, decides below however knows says all.” 代冒心中一惊,不过还是回过头,赔笑道,“这不是叶空嘛,我刚没看见你,你有什么就问,在下定然知无不言。” Ye Kong walks step by step from void, in the surface the belt smiles, in the item is actually cold severe, asked that I have said that God blood cane thing, Divine Realm will never plant, why can you violate me to order?” 叶空一步步从虚空中走过来,面上带笑,目中却是冷厉,问道,“我说过,神血藤此物,神界永不栽种,你为何要违背我命令?” For braving one hear, the future is bad, opens the mouth saying that is my brother makes for Jun, you have the skill to look for him, you asked that I doing anything?” 代冒一听,来者不善,开口道,“是我哥代俊弄来的,你有本事去找他,你问我干什么?” Originally is this.” The Ye Kong light say/way, generation of handsome days Venerable to do, that!” “原来是这样。”叶空淡淡道,“代俊天尊搞来的,那就算了!” For braving in heart one happy, the heart said that you are also soft goods, hears my brother, immediately instigated. 代冒心中一喜,心说你也是个软货,听说我哥,顿时怂了。 However Ye Kong was a few words has not said that also said, few days ago he died by our place, does not investigate.” 不过叶空却是一句话没说完,又道,“前些日子他已经被我处死,就不追究了。” ...... …… ...... Static ……静 ...... …… In the field completely is immediately peaceful! 场上顿时全部都安静下来! Who for Jun is, this beginning God, creates the God of world! In this is day, is the myriad things, is all! 代俊是谁,这一界的始神,创世之神!在这一界就是天,就是万物,就是一切! Existence that eternal does not die, in all person hearts forever milestone! 永恒不死的存在,所有人心中永远的丰碑! But now, unexpectedly is executed by Ye Kong! 可现在,竟然被叶空处死了! What you said is really?” For braving startled to back up two steps, even if sees Ye Kong to nod, he is still not able to believe, is impossible, how my brother will die, he is the formidable day Venerable!” “你说的可是真的?”代冒惊地倒退了两步,就算是看见叶空点头,他依然无法相信,“不可能,我哥怎么会死,他是强大的天尊!” How does day revere? When the person of dying, will die sooner or later!” Ye Kong is walking at this moment in the day jade mountain high place, raised the head shouts loudly, numerous position big or small deities are listening: Died for Jun, this turns over to me! Today changes the name as the crazy pledge second world officially, in the future will pass through with other crazy pledge world mutually!” “天尊又如何?当死之人,早晚会死!”叶空此刻正走在天琅山高处,抬头放声喝道,“众位大小天神听着:代俊已死,此界归我!今日正式更名为狂盟第二世界,日后将会与其他狂盟世界互相通行!” The Ye Kong's sound, spreads over entire Divine Realm instantaneously, everyone, monster, beast and in demon ear! 叶空的声音,瞬间传遍整个神界,每一个人、妖、兽、魔的耳中! Said these, Ye Kong, again shouted, „the crazy pledge second world, this name, never will again change!” 说完这些,叶空顿了一下,再次喝道,“狂盟第二世界,此名称,永不再变!” For braving to know oneself must die, sighed, „, my brothers had been killed by you, I run away also nowhere run away, you killed me are!” 代冒知道自己必死,叹道,“罢了,我哥都被你杀了,我逃也无处逃,你杀了我就是!” Ye Kong is actually swift and fierce, looks at the under foot big piece purplish black, „, since you like these God blood canes, I do not kill you, making you forever receive him to suffer!” 叶空却是目中凌厉,看着脚下大片紫黑,“既然你喜欢这些神血藤,那我就不杀你,让你永远受其折磨!” For braving to shout fierce, you did not fear that I had to turn over/to stand up on the 1st......” 代冒厉声喊道,“你不怕我有一日翻身……” Ye Kong shouted, never meeting!” 叶空喝道,“永远都不会!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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