MC :: Volume #33

#3293: Revisits, Daijun World!

329 tertiary are near, Daijun World! 329三重临,代俊世界 These year of what kind of?” Ye Kong smiles is stepping onto the summit of image of Buddha, moves toward that white clothing white skirt, female who as if the white lotus same blooms. 【:. / Writing first round “这些年怎么样?”叶空微笑着走上佛像之巅,走向那个白衣白裙,仿佛白莲一样绽放的女子。【:./文字首发 This female Xiling Lin, she accepted the inheritance of Buddhism in Daijun World, arrived at the Ye Kong's world to be the Buddha. Then, the Ye Kong's wives envy Xiling Lin. Because she develops India, is busy with passing on Buddha, had own enterprise, is not used in missing like they more time. 这个女子正是西陵琳,她在代俊世界接受了佛门的传承,来到叶空的世界就做了佛祖。说起来,叶空的老婆们都羡慕西陵琳。因为她开拓佛国,忙于传佛,有了自己的事业,不像她们更多的时间用于思念。 But who knows, in the heart of Xiling has is not inferior to their missing. 可是谁知道,西陵的心中有着不亚于她们的思念。 These years......” Xiling Lin just about to says anything, in the beautiful pupil is one startled, originally this bad boy came up to live in her slender and delicate small waist from the back link unexpectedly, a fiery lip has stuck to her scruff...... “这些年……”西陵琳刚要说什么,美眸之中就是一惊,原来这坏小子竟然一上来就从背后环住了她纤柔的小腰,一张火热的唇已经贴住她的后颈…… This, do not see...... Xiling Lin to sway from side to side to person, has actually smiled, scolded: I am a Buddha, you is a devil.” Then, she usually wields, the golden light beam raises together, keeps off them in the column. “别这样,会给人看见……”西陵琳扭动了一下,却是又笑了,骂道:“我是佛祖,你就是魔鬼。”说完,她素手一挥,一道金色的光柱升起,把他俩挡在柱中。 Looking from the distant place, the great mountain same image of Buddha buddhist image is dignified, the image of Buddha top of the head, the golden light beam links up Heaven and Earth together! 从远处看,巨山一样的佛像宝相庄严,佛像头顶,一道金色的光柱贯通天地 Buddha mark! Buddha mark!” If in the needle drizzle, the followers are wild with joy completely, kneels down quickly. “佛迹!佛迹!”如针细雨中,信徒们全部都欣喜若狂,翻然跪倒。 But who knows, in that Buddha mark light beam, Ye Kong is separating the long leg of this pure white lotus flower, penetrates the lotus plumule impatiently...... „the Xiling Buddha, that uses the water of your holiness, saves the soul of my this devil.” 可有谁知道,那佛迹光柱之中,叶空正分开这朵洁白莲花的长腿,迫不及待突入莲心……“西陵佛祖,那就用你的圣洁之水,拯救我这个魔鬼的灵魂吧。” You die!” “你去死!” How long after does not know, the golden light beam still shoots up to the sky, a man and a woman support to sit, look outside the column broad Divine Realm. Ye Kong another lifted the hand, palm presented a small jade pipa. 不知道多久以后,金色的光柱依然是冲天而起,一男一女相拥而坐,看着柱外恢宏的神界叶空又一抬手,掌心已经出现了一个小小的玉石琵琶。 „Is this?” Xiling Lin not too clear these, received the Xiao Yu stone pipa to place in the hand to hold appreciatively but actually, selects the point to reach the head, said: At this moment has the Buddha-nature very much, perhaps of Buddha-nature, my teacher Buddha, is far from!” “这是?”西陵琳倒不太明白这些,接过小玉石琵琶放在手中把玩一下,点点臻首,道:“此刻很有佛性,佛性之强,恐怕我的师尊佛祖,也相差甚远!” Ye Kong then said: This thing is the ficus religiosa, it is said after is awakening greatly, can turn into the ficus religiosa! Now in the chaos, there is a world hundreds of thousands, but the ficus religiosa only has 1080! Therefore my this coming back, very important clarifies the origin of this ficus religiosa! As well as it and Buddhism the relations of!” 叶空这才道:“这东西就是菩提树,据说是大彻大悟者涅以后,才可以化成菩提树!现在混沌之中,有世界数十万,可是菩提树却只有1080棵!所以我这次回来,很重要的就是搞清这菩提树的由来!以及它和佛门的关系!” Xiling one hear, on pure white face gets angry immediately: Originally you come to India to have the matter to come!” 西陵一听,洁白的脸上顿时怒道:“原来你来佛国是有事而来!” Ye Kong sighed: Really has the matter, but I also want as soon as possible looks for the ficus religiosa, bears the sweetsop, when the time comes, definitely first makes you Venerable Upper Realm, when the time comes, we can no longer separate!” 叶空叹道:“确实是有事,不过我也是想尽快的多找菩提树,多结菩提果,到时候,肯定是先让你们成为尊者上界,到时候,我们大家才可以不再分离!” Although Ye Kong has the matter to come, but the Ye Kong's matter for everybody, in Xiling actually heart is also moved , the pure white body will pour into the Ye Kong bosom, opens the mouth saying: I cannot clarify, but I listened to my teacher saying that our Buddhism highest Powerhouse, is not a Buddha, but is the bodhi! The Buddha manage the related business of Buddha, expands our inheritance, making in world people hear the Buddha sound, rescues the common people! But genuine these awakening greatly, their present world, these people will not call the bodhi, but I have not seen.” 虽然叶空是有事而来,不过叶空的事也是为了大家,西陵倒是心中感动,又将洁白的身子倒入叶空怀中,开口道:“我也弄不清,不过我曾经听我师尊说过,我们佛门最高的强者,不是佛祖,而是菩提!佛祖管理佛的相关事务,扩大我们的传承,让世间人都听到佛音,解救世人!可是真正的那些大彻大悟者,他们是不会现世的,这些人就叫菩提,只是我从来没见过。” So that's how it is.” Ye Kong nods, information that obtains are not many, says with a smile: Your this Buddha is not competent.” “原来如此。”叶空点点头,不过得到的信息并不多,笑道:“你这个佛祖不称职啊。” The Xiling Lin complexion one is angry to say red, I am not certainly competent, unexpectedly in Saint ancestor image of Buddha with you...... If my teacher elders know, they will scold me!” 西陵琳脸色一红嗔道,“我当然不称职,竟然就在圣祖佛像上跟你……若是我师尊长辈们知道,他们会骂死我!” Looks down this is angry suitably the suitable happy cheek, thinks the past years, she is similar to a lotus flower of acting alone in world equally is fresh faintly, but now, can so gentle and charming, so rich expression. 低头看着这张宜嗔宜喜的脸蛋,想想当年,她只是如同一朵独行世间的莲花一样清新淡漠,而现在,也能如此的娇柔,如此丰富的表情。 The heart movement that Ye Kong looks, turns over/stands up to press once again, this holy snow lotus once more wind and rain, the summit of image of Buddha, a spring scenery piece. 叶空看的心动,又一次翻身压过,将这朵圣洁的雪莲再次风雨一回,佛像之巅,春光一片。 The stay is short, the climb is eternal. 停留都是短暂,攀登才是永恒。 Even if infatuated Xiling Lin, Ye Kong must say goodbye. On this day, a person's shadow explains, runs out of the chaos, a free and easy man of barefooting long hair welcomed by far. 就算是痴迷西陵琳,叶空也是要告别的。这一天,一个人影破解而出,冲出混沌,远远的,一个赤脚长发的洒脱汉子迎了上来。 I said Ye Kong, your this getting down was also too long, in wife child hot head? The day, you know that now everybody is competing for the world of these derelictions, seizes every second and minute!” Barefoots Venerable very discontented approach greatly. “我说叶空,你这次下去的也太久了,难道在老婆孩子热炕头?天呐,你知道现在大家都在争夺那些无主的世界,分秒必争!”赤脚大尊很不满的迎上来。 Ye Kong said with a smile: Venerate Realm does not have including the time principle, you can say that I am long? How long I get down, can you talk clearly?” 叶空笑道:“尊界连时间法则都没有,你怎么能说我久?那我下去多久,你又能说清?” Barefoots saying: Venerate Realm does not have the time, but my world has the time! I know from that side, you went back for one year!” 赤脚哧道:“尊界是没有时间,可是我的世界有时间!我从那边就知道,你回去了一年有余!” Where has that many, your universal time flew too!” Ye Kong cold snort/hum, directly soars in the chaos another direction. “哪有那么多,你世界时间太快了!”叶空冷哼一声,直奔混沌中另一个方向。 Hey, here, here many......” barefoots Venerable greatly catches up hastily. “喂,这边,这边多……”赤脚大尊连忙赶上。 Under, I received for the world of Jun that guy first, I am useful!” “等下,我先把代俊那厮的世界收了,我有用!” The Daijun World distance crazy pledge world is not far, moreover not far away, for the Jun second world! Now had been eaten surface dog for Jun, his world completely became the without owner world. 代俊世界距离狂盟世界不远,而且不远处,就是代俊第二世界!现在代俊被人面犬吃了,他的世界就全部成为了无主世界。 Just Ye Kong and barefoots two people, person, separately two world receiving! 刚好叶空和赤脚两人,一人一个,分别把两个世界给收了! After refine ends, Ye Kong digs in Daijun World, starting today, this was his world! 炼化完以后,叶空一头扎入代俊世界之中,从今天开始,这就是他的世界了! ...... …… On this day, in Daijun World, the original day jade mountain, the exceedingly high channel vanished now! 这一天,代俊世界之中,原先的天琅山,现在通天的通道已经消失! On that white rubble mountains, what proliferates is various types of pens! 在那一片白色的瓦砾山上,遍布的是各种的牢笼! The day jade mountain, original God royal palace in it place, actually turns into the place of captivity now! 天琅山,原先神王宫所在之地,现在却变成囚禁之地! The God king was imprisoned! The light God was imprisoned! Mr. and Mrs. dragon God was imprisoned! 神王被囚!光神被囚!龙神夫妇被囚! The law Gods were imprisoned! The deep God was imprisoned! The Craftsman God whole family was imprisoned! 法神被囚!冥神被囚!匠神一家子都被囚! All and Ye Kong has the relations, all has received the Ye Kong advantage, all had helped the Ye Kong's big or small God, at this moment was imprisoned in the day jade mountain completely! 所有的和叶空有关系的,所有受过叶空好处的,所有曾经帮助过叶空的大小神祗们,此刻全部都被囚禁在天琅山! Day jade mountain that once kept aloof, now actually became a fearful prison! 曾经高高在上的天琅山,现在却成为了一片可怕的监狱! For handsome has brought the fearful planting fetish blood cane from the outside once again! These God blood canes are the Venerate Realm plants, only in Venerable palace unusual planter, but for Jun is actually once again bringing down! 代俊又一次从外界带来了可怕的植物神血藤!这些神血藤乃是尊界植物,只在尊殿之中少有种植,不过代俊却是又一次带下界! Outside these prison pens, plants/type full Shenxue the cane completely. Looking from the distant place, dark purple, flutter in the wind, as if dark purple tide is common! 那些监狱牢笼外,全部都种满神血藤。从远处看,一片黑紫色,在风中翻飞,仿佛黑紫色的潮水一般! Beginning God, we knew mistakenly, we should not know surnamed Ye that! We are also be forced......” “始神,我们知道错了,我们不该结识那姓叶的!我们也是迫于无奈……” Teacher, where we knows that Ye Kong and you relate inharmoniously, we completely have helped the Heavenly Mandate Chosen duty, what wrong has?” “师尊,我们哪里知道叶空和你关系不睦,我们只是尽了帮助天命者的义务,何错之有?” These were taken into custody the God in shackles, some of them entreated, some complained tearfully, some refused to accept. However these cannot reduce to their penalties, in the midair, a bald form concentrates to stand, opens the mouth haha to say with a smile: Useless, is useless! You not with Ye Kong? Don't you dislike me for braving? Haha, I must make you receive this suffering daily!” 那些被羁押在牢笼之中的神祗,他们有的哀求,有的哭诉,有的不服。不过这些都不能减少对他们的惩罚,在半空之中,一个光头的身影凝立,开口哈哈笑道:“没用,都没用!你们不是跟叶空好吗?你们不是讨厌我代冒嘛?哈哈,我就要让你们天天受这种折磨!” For braving to wave, drinks their blood to me! The Immortal Spiritual God, you shiver!” 代冒一挥手,“给我喝他们的血!不朽神灵们,你们颤抖吧!” In the voice, these God blood canes are completely excited, makes an effort to flutter to rock, is similar to the poisonous snake general sneaks in pens rapidly! 话音之中,那些神血藤全部都兴奋起来,使劲翻飞晃动,然后如同毒蛇一般飞速钻进一个个的牢笼中! Afterward, inside transmits the Spiritual God pain yells...... 随后,里边就传来神灵们痛苦的喊叫…… Thank slightly breaks, the martial arts world, Xiao thin bamboo and heaven defying evil and sparse building who Xiaozhu hits to enjoy...... Thanked! Thanked! Simultaneously the book city left a vip recommendation ticket, small shameless strove, hehe, others ticket are many, my ticket little embarrassed, asked the ticket, asked to the face, various types asked! 感谢打赏的小断、武林、筱筱、逆天邪、疏楼小竹……谢了!都谢了!同时书城出了一个vip推荐票,小蛮无耻的求一下,嘿嘿,别人票多,我票少就不好意思,求票,求给脸,各种求! Looks adless, entire writing correct first round novel, -w.w.w., Your optimization! 看无广告,全文字无错首发小说,-w.w.w..,您的最佳选择! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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