MC :: Volume #33

#3292: Is he, came?

3292 are he, came? 3292是他,来了么? „Does here have the treasure?” Ye Kong looks look that front pair of cultivator anticipates, he turns head to hold up the head to look at this mountain high place, said lightly: Here has certainly the treasure, here biggest treasure, is this mountain! I come for this mountain!” “这里有宝没有?”叶空看着面前一对修士期待的眼神,他回头昂首看着这山高处,淡淡道:“这里当然有宝,这里最大的宝物,就是这座山!我为这座山而来!” „! Is this mountain the treasure?” Liu Zi said Dao companion to be startled, had not seen that this mountain had any specialness. “啊!这座山是宝物?”刘梓言道侣都是吃惊,没看出这座山有什么特殊。 Good, you fast depart, I must take away this mountain.” A Ye Kong big sleeve pendulum, hints these two people to leave. “好啦,你们速速离去,我要把这座山收走了。”叶空大袖一摆,示意这二人离开。 Takes away this mountain?” Two cultivator both secretly stick out one's tongue. As Golden Core Stage cultivator is Old Ancestor in school, but they are also uses Flying Sword magical treasure and so on weapons, where has seen the mountain same treasure? “把这座山收走?”两个修士都是暗自吐舌头。作为金丹期修士已经是门派之中的老祖了,可是他们也就是使用飞剑法宝之类的武器,哪里见过山一样的宝物? This person perhaps at least is above Nascent Soul, Powerhouse of Divine Transformation rank!” They think of here, in the item is panic-stricken, wanted to have some luck here, has not thought that meets Powerhouse. “这人恐怕至少是元婴之上,化神级别的强者!”两人想到这里,目中都是惊恐,本来想要在这里碰些运气,没想到遇到一位强者 However when they want to leave, that azure clothes man calls them, is slow.” 不过就在他们想要离开的时候,那位青衣男子却是叫出他们,“慢着。” Senior...... What?” They turned head gingerly. “前辈……还有何事?”两人都是战战兢兢回过头来。 Sees only that azure clothes youngster saying: Since runs into you today here, is the fate, will give your future child gift.” 只见那青衣年轻人说道:“既然今天在这里遇到你们,就是缘分,送你们未来的孩子一点礼物。” Ye Kong was says, lifted the hand, the golden light entered in the abdomen of female cultivator together. 叶空是说完,一抬手,一道金光打进女修士的腹中。 Liu Ziyan sees both eyes to stare the big, startled say/way immediately: Senior your this is......” 刘梓言一见顿时双目瞪大,惊道:“前辈您这是……” Does not do anxiously, I have not brought the weapon that anything suits you to use, does not have medicine pill of world of mortals cultivator use to you, therefore gave your child to hit one to protect the body to be spirited! When he was born, perhaps refine this true understanding air/Qi, this could not block him......” Ye Kong saying that a big sleeve pendulum, shouted: You go!” “休要紧张,我没有带什么适合你们使用的武器,也没有下界修士使用的丹药可以给你,所以给你们的孩儿打了一道护体神气!等他出生,炼化这道真气,恐怕这一界就已经拦不住他了……”叶空说完,大袖一摆,喝道:“你们去吧!” In the voice, Liu Zi making peace gold/metal Lili only felt that at present the light shadow dodges, had been sent out to mountain top a thousand miles away on. 话音之中,刘梓言和金莉莉只感觉到眼前光影一闪,已经被送出到千里外的一个山头上。 Distant looks at that side strange mountain, in two people eyes is shocking! 遥遥的看着那边的怪山,两人的眼中都是震惊! „Is that senior Immortal World Powerhouse?” “那位前辈难道是仙界强者?” Our children, so long as his protecting body spirited refine, this cannot block, big imposing manner......” “我们孩子只要把他的护体神气炼化,这一界就挡不住,好大的气势……” What, did you listen clearly? The senior a moment ago said spirited? He is on the Upper Realm deity...... Day!” “什么,你听清楚了?刚才前辈说的可是神气?难道他是上上界的天神……天!” Thanked for kindness in a big hurry.” “快快谢恩。” When two world of mortals cultivator distant kowtows to that side, felt that the ground of under foot entire was shivering. Startled two people raise the head look again, see only that side strange mountain vibration fierce! Fierce rocking back and forth! 就在两位下界修士遥遥的给那边磕头的时候,就感觉到脚下的地面整个都在颤抖了起来。惊慌的两人抬头再看,只见那边的怪山抖动的更加的厉害!来回的剧烈晃动! „During that is two people who......” is panic-stricken watches distantly, sees only that strange mountain surface wisteria and soil is vibrating flakes. After the sludge completely sheds, one, only then the mountain peak size, the bright and clean clear snow white jade pipa stands and waits for a long time in the opposite! “那是……”惊慌失措的两人遥遥观看,只见那怪山表面的藤萝和泥土都在抖动之中剥落。而在污泥尽褪以后,一只有山峰大小,光洁晶莹的雪白玉石琵琶伫立在对面! Jade pipa, smooth and white moving. Ye Kong stands under the pipa, in heart a complex mood raises. 玉石琵琶,白润动人。叶空站在琵琶下,心中一股复杂的情绪升起。 Custom that actually he has not given a present everywhere, reason that gives that to the young Dao companion that heavy generous gift. Is because, initially he was also similar to this pair of Dao companion, arrived under the jade pipa! 其实他并没有到处送礼的习惯,之所以送给那对年轻的道侣那么重的厚礼。是因为,当初他也如同这一对道侣,来到了玉石琵琶下! In the past, he was the same with them, Golden Core Stage Cultivation Base! 当年,他和他们一样的,金丹期修为 In the past, he was the same with them, did not have a thing in the world poorly and blankly! 当年,他和他们一样的,一无所有、一穷二白! In the past, he was the same with them, only then to the future dream, with a young heart! 当年,他和他们一样的,只有对未来的梦想,和一颗年轻的心! Present I, old?” Ye Kong smiles lightly, I am very young.” “现在的我,老了么?”叶空淡淡一笑,“我还是很年轻。” The great Da Yu stone pipa income palm that in laughter, his sleeves move, already this being indomitable spirit, afterward, turns into the light shadow, vanishes. 笑声之中,他衣袖一招,已经将这座顶天立地的巨大玉石琵琶收入手心,随后,化成光影,消失一空。 ...... …… Ye Kong leaves from the red light district, receives since the pipa ficus religiosa, that has the reason! 叶空从温柔乡之中抽身出来,把琵琶型的菩提树收起,那是有原因的! According to the Ye Kong's big plan, that must more to become Venerable! Wants some people to accompany him to fight, must have more people to stand him, must make Highest Venerate Sect a bigger great strength! 根据叶空的大计划,那就是要让更多的人成为尊者!要有人陪他战斗,要有更多的人站在他这边,要让至尊门变得更大的强大! However the issue came, actually, other issues are not the issues. The biggest problem, is the output of ficus religiosa are too few, trades one only to produce one, moreover after producing, must the quite long time grow! 不过问题就来了,其实,其他的问题都不是问题。最大的问题,就是菩提树的产量太少,换一个界只能出产一枚,而且出产以后还要相当长的时间生长! Ye Kong must complete plan that oneself vainly hope , the bodhi bead( Pipa Bead) is his bottleneck! 叶空要完成自己梦想的计划,菩提珠(琵琶珠)就是他的瓶颈! However during the supreme inheritance, Ye Kong saw the hope! 不过在至尊的传承之中,叶空已经看到了希望! Ye Kong within the body golden color little Bei revolves slowly, some information, being similar temperament, has flowed. 叶空体内的金色小碑缓缓旋转,一些信息,已经仿佛音律,流淌而出。 So-called bodhi, is awakens greatly, engages in introspection the seeing nature! Proves final bright nature, but finally Nirvana! Ficus religiosa, for it, therefore is called as the ficus religiosa!” “所谓菩提,即是大彻大悟,明心见性!证得最后的光明之性,终而涅槃!菩提树,为之所化,因此称作菩提树!” Ye Kong obtains these information, in the item concentrates, „after awakening greatly Nirvana, turns into the ficus religiosa! The production and are the appearance of that ficus religiosa, related with the Buddhism? But Venerate Realm, not a Buddha! Normally Buddha controls ten thousand/myriad boundary, the world that no matter basically day sage Venerable has Buddhists, why can Venerate Realm, not have a Buddha?” 叶空得到这些信息,目中一凝,“大彻大悟者涅槃以后,化成菩提树!那菩提树的产生和出现,岂不是和佛门有关?可是尊界,并无一佛!按说佛界控制万界,基本不管天尊圣尊的世界都有佛门弟子,可为何尊界,没有一个佛?” „It is not good! I must clarify this matter, this matter is related with my big plan! I must make more ficus religiosas, must have many sweetsops, must create many Venerable!” “不行!我一定要把这个事情弄清楚,这个事情和我的大计划有关!我必须要弄出更多的菩提树,要结出更多的菩提果,要创造更多的尊者!” Ye Kong gets hold of ficus religiosa in the world, afterward turns into the light shadow, directly soars the crazy pledge world Divine Realm to go! 叶空一把将自己世界中的菩提树握紧,随后化成光影,直奔狂盟世界的神界而去! Divine Realm one side. 神界的一侧。 Like another side, here is still everywhere drizzle! Divine Realm of crazy pledge world, rainy season, entire one is also raining each time. 和另一侧一样,这里依然是漫天的细雨!狂盟世界的神界,每次雨季,整个一界都在同时下雨。 Bathes in the drizzle, but scenery completely different. 都是沐浴在细雨中,不过景色完全的不同。 Here has to soar to the heavens the bamboo shoots same pagoda, under the pagoda, has the pure white alike group in leisurely and carefree loitering, but on these clean paths, the follower of wear hemp robe clothing, to that pagoda central huge image of Buddha, is washing the drizzle devotionally, salutes to worship on bended knees! 这里有着根根冲天竹笋一样的佛塔,佛塔下,有着洁白的象群在悠闲的逛荡,而在那些干净的道路上,一个个穿着麻袍衣物的信徒,虔诚地对着那佛塔中央的巨大佛像,沐着细雨,行礼跪拜! Regarding these reverent buddhists, they greatly, can test their faith that looks forward to the rain to get down. 对于这些虔诚的佛徒来说,他们巴不得雨下的更大一点,才能考验他们的信念。 In this washes in the massive buddhists in rain, azure clothes young people are actually the condition completely different, he head high, chest out, takes big strides the line! dragon Hang is vigorous and mighty strides, steps onto front directly! 而在这沐在雨中的大量佛徒之中,一个青衣青年人却是状态完全的不同,他昂首挺胸,阔步而行!龙行虎步,直接走上前方! He does not despise the Buddha, but is a natural imposing manner, as if brings to surmount all strengths inborn! Buddha, cannot make him lower the head! 他并不是藐视佛祖,而是一种自然的气势,仿佛天生带着超越一切的力量!就连佛祖,也不能让他低头! Then, person who Ye Kong really has not believed! This world, some people believe the Buddha, some people believe the strength, but the Ye Kong's belief, is oneself! It is not because he is extremely arrogant, because he knows, every so often, except for by oneself, he has no alternative! 说起来,叶空还真是没有信仰的人!这个世界,有人信仰佛祖,有人信仰力量,而叶空的信仰,就是自己!不是因为他狂妄,而是因为他知道,很多时候,除了靠自己,他别无选择! At this moment, in that as if mountain same huge image of Buddha, a white clothing floating white skirt female suddenly turns head, slender ten thousand/myriad Ziyin of her forehead flashes the light golden light, turns head to look at that remoteness, her red lip moves slightly, on the tranquil easy and comfortable face emerges a bright smile unexpectedly! 此刻,就在那仿佛高山一样的巨大佛像上,一个白衣飘飘的白裙女子蓦然回头,她眉心的纤细万字印闪动淡淡的金光,回头看着那一片遥远,她红唇微动,宁静安逸的脸上竟然浮出一丝灿烂的微笑! Is he, came?” “是他,来了么?” At that moment, an India ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light flashes, all canna flowers pure white bloom! 那一刻,佛国万丈金光闪动,所有的昙花都洁白绽放! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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