MC :: Volume #33

#3291: Said goodbye the jade pipa

3291 said goodbye the jade pipa 3291再见玉石琵琶 The time of Ye Kong's crazy pledge world and Earth is not the synchronization. Initially Ye Kong after Daijun World Divine Realm ascended again has not come back, in addition he went to Earth to toss about, this coming back, in the crazy pledge world crosses for more than 3000 years! 叶空的狂盟世界和地球的时间并不是同步。当初叶空代俊世界神界飞升以后就再也没有回来过,加上他去地球又折腾一圈,这次回来,狂盟世界里已经过了3000多年! Although will say in 3000 regarding the deity not very remote, but there is a few words to say like this. A person is not lonely, waits for a person, is lonely! 虽然说3000年对于天神来说并不是非常的久远,可是有一句话是这样说的。一个人不孤单,等一个人,才孤单! Some waiting, therefore day is unendurable. 正是有了等待,所以日子才难熬。 In 3000, regarding other deities and shortly after! Also appears very short regarding the evolution development of crazy pledge world! But regarding these, when them of Ye Kong homing...... In 3000, is not that good! 3000年,对于其他的天神来说并不久!对于狂盟世界的进化发展也显得很短!可是对于那些等到叶空归航的她们来说……3000年,可不是那么好等! Let alone Venerate Realm Powerhouse is more numerous, Ye Kong's spouses which wasn't worried for him? 更何况尊界强者众多,叶空的爱人们哪个不是为他担心? When sees Ye Kong to come back, old ladies and numerous wives cannot bear have tears streaming down the face. 所以当看见叶空回来,老娘和众位老婆都是忍不住泪流满面。 Good, has been all right, didn't this come back?” Although comforts everybody, but Ye Kong is also in the heart sighs with emotion. Own this time is really the danger, the luck is good, perhaps did not come back! “好啦,没事了,这不是回来了?”虽然安慰大家,不过叶空也是心中感慨。自己这一次真是危险,要不是运气还不错,恐怕就回不来了! Meanwhile, he has also put down one breath, had been lucky barefoots Venerable the help to protect greatly, if otherwise were received for Jun this bastard, own crazy pledge world consequence is really inconceivable! 同时,他也放下了一口气,多亏了赤脚大尊帮忙守护,否则若是被代俊这种混蛋收去,自己的狂盟世界后果真是不堪设想! Your this bastard, makes us that be worried each time!” Chen Jiuniang scolded with tears. “你这个混蛋,每次都让我们那么担心!”陈九娘含泪骂道。 Originally, more than 1000 years ago, the Divine Realm inexplicable vibration, all principles must collapse suddenly general. High and low several, felt this vibration! 原来,1000多年以前,神界突然莫名的抖动起来,所有的法则都要崩溃一般。上下好几界,都已经感觉到了这种抖动! At that time may scare to death everybody, thinks that this world must collapse! Thinks that Ye Kong had an accident in Upper Realm. 当时可把各位都吓死了,以为这世界要崩溃了!以为叶空上界出了什么事。 Ye Kong knows at heart, at that time, deciding was the jade eliminates his Venerable qualifications positive, separated his world forcefully the time! 叶空心里知道,那个时候,定是玉阳剥夺他尊者资格,强行分离他世界的时间! Thinks of here, in Ye Kong concentrates, said that mother! You feel relieved! Later Ye Kong I will not make you feel alarmed and anxious again! I promise you!” 想到这里,叶空目中一凝,道,“娘!你们都放心吧!以后叶空我不会再让你们担惊受怕了!我答应你们!” For these years maintains beautiful appearance moving Shadow Race Yi Manying has been spitting with tears, promises us...... Initially you promised me saying that must lead us to go to your native place, was drinking the fruit juice, wears the sunglasses, wore the bikini, insolation on sunlight beach! Currently over ten thousand years had, your commitment?” 这么多年来一直保持着美貌动人的影族易曼影含泪啐道,“又答应我们……当初你答应我说要带我们去你老家,喝着果汁,戴着墨镜,穿着比基尼,在阳光海滩上日光浴!现在上万年都有了,你的承诺呢?” The females all despise immediately. 众女顿时全都鄙视。 Only then Chen Jiuniang does not make the word, crossed these many years, she also becomes the female God, if she cannot think through Ye Kong and son's relations again, she was silly! What native place therefore hears each time, she keeps silent, will not say one silly, „isn't native place our Southern Capital City?” 只有陈九娘默不作言,过了这么多年,她也成为母神,她要是再想不通叶空和自己儿子的关系,她就傻了!所以每次听说什么老家,她都是不言不语,不会傻兮兮地说一句,“老家不是我们南都城?” Ye Kong also has the shame to this matter in the heart, he smiles, makes fun saying that feels relieved! I will definitely lead you to go, but we must wait for some time again, when the time comes, hehe, you will satisfy!” 叶空对这个事也是有愧于心,他嘿嘿一笑,打哈哈道,“放心吧!我肯定会带你们去的,不过我们还是要再等一段时间,到时候,嘿嘿,你们会满意!” What he thinks, waits for Earth to be formidable enough, brings Venerate Realm, when the time comes immigrates again fellow wives Earth , helping own family member fully becomes Venerable! 他想的是,等地球足够强大,就带来尊界,到时候再把各位老婆移民到地球,全力助自己的家人成为尊者! Returns to the crazy pledge world, naturally must a matter saying that has outside, wives scolded for Jun, has not thought of that fellow hatefully unexpectedly so! Initially in Daijun World, but also respects him very much, who knew can unexpectedly like this! 回到狂盟世界,自然要把外边发生的事一说,诸位老婆们都骂代俊,没想到那家伙竟然是如此的可恨!当初在代俊世界,还很是敬仰他,谁知竟会这样! May simultaneously everybody to live in Daijun World these old friends were worried! 可同时大家又为了生活中代俊世界中那些老友担心! Ye Kong said with a smile, you felt relieved! This time had been killed by me for Jun, his world became the without owner, later went its one and received, when the time comes two world can also two canals, pace up and down!” 叶空笑道,“你们就放心吧!这次代俊被我杀了,他的世界已经成为无主之界,稍后去就会将其一并收了,到时候两个世界还可以两界通渠,来回走动!” That was really good!” The wives are delighted, Lian Ruolan is the happy say/way, for a long time did not see, did not know her to be what kind, was really good to think her!” “那真是太好了!”众老婆都是喜出望外,炼若兰更是开心道,“好久不见朵朵了,也不知她怎么样,真的好想她!” Ye Kong comes back, is together some date and time with the wives, naturally meets again after a long separation, surpasses newly-married! 叶空回来,和老婆们相处一些时日,当然是久别重逢,胜似新婚! Every day immerses in the red light district, the day passes in an instant! The red light district is heroic tomb, wives full chest infatuated, but Ye Kong actually does not dare to indulge is too long! 每天都沉醉在温柔乡中,日子转眼即逝!温柔乡是英雄冢,老婆们饱满的胸脯让人痴迷,不过叶空却也不敢沉溺太久! After all, too many people, too many matters, too many are too many, is waiting for him! 毕竟,太多的人、太多的事、太多太多,都在等待着他! Moreover he returns to the crazy pledge world also to have another matter. 而且他回到狂盟世界还有另外一件事。 ...... …… Crazy pledge world, some star in some Mortal World. 狂盟世界,某一个凡界中的某一个星球。 Stands tall and erect the Ruyun great mountain, this great mountain is palatial, the surface covers the thick clay, but on clay, is growing the green vine trees. 一座高耸如云的巨山,这座巨山巍峨,表面覆盖厚厚的粘土,而在粘土上,又生长着绿色的藤蔓树木。 Mountain of this mountain is also very strange, crown high-pitched and fine, under is suddenly huge, is pregnant with one almost. 这山的山型也很奇怪,顶部尖细,中下突然庞大起来,跟一个大肚子差不多。 „Our time walks into the mountain to treasure hunt, the wife you may are more careful!” “我们这次进山寻宝,老婆你可要小心些!” Relax husband, although went to the belly to be big, but I was also Golden Core Stage Powerhouse!” “放心吧老公,虽然去肚子大了,可是我也是一个金丹期强者!” Do not pull rank, although both of us are Golden Core Stage Powerhouse, but a mountain compares mountain tall!” “你也不要托大,我俩虽然都是金丹期强者,可是一山更比一山高!” To the speech sound, a man and a woman two people treadon Flying Sword, floats in more than ten meters high airborne, flies to go to that strange mountain. 对话声中,一男一女两人脚踏一根飞剑,浮在十多米高的空中,飞向那座怪山而去。 After meeting, two people fell in the mountain the waist prominence place. 一会以后,两人已经落在山中腰突起处。 This mountain is some cane Luo adult plants, will have the treasure?” Is pregnant the woman to go down Flying Sword to open the mouth to ask. “这座山都是一些藤罗植株,会有宝物嘛?”大肚子女人走下飞剑开口问道。 male cultivator haha said with a smile, naturally had the treasure, it is said many year of previous marmot monsters lived here for over a thousand years, was waiting for here treasure!” 男修士哈哈笑道,“当然有宝物,据说很多年前一个土拨鼠妖住在这里上千年,就在等着这里出宝!” That afterward......” female cultivator raised the head, immediately the saying a word stem lives, surprised looks at the front, the startled say/way, has the person!” “那后来……”女修士一抬头,顿时言语梗住,吃惊的看着前方,惊道,“有人!” How possible......” this mountain, although is high, is the area is not big, can cover front all mountain tops as two Golden Core cultivator spiritual sense, but male cultivator raised the head, really saw the front to stand azure clothes youngster. “怎么可能……”这山虽高,可是面积不大,作为两个金丹修士灵识可以覆盖面前所有的山头,可是男修士一抬头,果然看见前方站了一个青衣年轻人。 Hey! Who you are, careful! We are Golden Core Stage Powerhouse!” male cultivator goes forward immediately one step, keeps off is being pregnant the wife front. “喂!你是谁,小心点!我们可是金丹期强者!”男修士顿时上前一步,挡在孕妻前方。 Golden Core Stage was Powerhouse?” The azure clothes youngster laugh in spite of trying not, this follows the crowd Ye Kong of Divine Mountain world of mortals. 金丹期的就算是强者了?”青衣年轻人失笑,这正是从众神山下界的叶空 However this to Dao companion female cultivator is actually exquisite, holds on the husband hastily, is saluting to say to Ye Kong, has seen the senior, younger generation gold/metal Lili, this is my Dao companion Liu Ziyan, our is climbs mountains to treasure hunt, if has dashed the senior, but also please excuse me!” 不过这对道侣女修士却是玲珑,连忙拉住丈夫,对着叶空行礼道,“见过前辈,晚辈金莉莉,这是我道侣刘梓言,我们这是来上山寻宝,若是冲撞了前辈,还请见谅!” male cultivator Liu Ziyan is also awakens, salutes to ask for mercy hastily. The words said that others stand in front of oneself, spiritual sense has not felt, this clarified the strength to surpass the couple! 男修士刘梓言也是醒悟过来,连忙行礼告罪。话说人家站在自己面前,灵识都没感觉到,这摆明了实力远超自己夫妇二人! Ye Kong beckons with the hand to say with a smile, might as well, but I want to know that which that marmot?” 叶空摆手笑道,“无妨无妨,只是我想知道那土拨鼠哪去了?” Liu Ziyan said hastily, senior, the marmot monster had been killed by one group of treasure hunt, but that group of treasure hunt had not found the treasure, returns empty-handed!” 刘梓言连忙道,“前辈,土拨鼠妖已经被一群寻宝者杀了,不过那群寻宝者也没找到宝物,空手而归!” Such quickly was killed?” Ye Kong shows a faint smile, it seems like that marmot divine intervention cannot trace Pipa Bead, if his relieved cultivate, perhaps can also live is longer! If no that life, more valuables and money instead more have harmed him! “这么快被杀了?”叶空微微一笑,看来那土拨鼠天意就是摸不到琵琶珠,若是他安心修炼,说不定还能活的久一些!若是没有那个命,越多的财宝反而越是害了他! The Ye Kong look receives, asks, „, since had not found the treasure, what treasure can also seek you?” 叶空眼神一收,问道,“既然没找到宝物,把你们还要来寻什么宝物?” Liu Ziyan smiles bitterly saying that is open about the facts the senior, do not see our husbands and wives is Golden Core cultivator, but is actually destitute, wants to prepare to cultivate Yuan medicine pill to the future child not to have ahead of time, Foundation Establishment Pill does not know when has, wants to come to here to have the luck.” 刘梓言苦笑道,“不瞒前辈,别看我们夫妻都是金丹修士,可是却是穷困,想给未来的孩子提前准备一些培元丹药都没有,筑基丹也不知何时才有,想要来这里碰下运气。” female cultivator gold/metal Lili looked that this senior is actually friendly, asked hastily, senior, did here have the treasure?” 女修士金莉莉看这前辈倒是和气,连忙问道,“前辈,这里到底有宝没?” ps: In the evening also has. ps:晚上还有。 Recommendation next two meters 1 book «Murdered Soul Tyrant Day» was fat, moreover was similar to this book style, everybody can have a look. 推荐下两米1的书《弑魂霸天》已经肥了,而且和本书风格相似,各位可以看看。 { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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