MC :: Volume #33

#3299: Unity is strength, Earth Upper Realm!

3299 unity is strengths, Earth Upper Realm! 3299众志成城,地球上界 Ye Kong refines Earth, does not get it done in one action. 叶空炼制地球,并非一蹴而就。 But refining up Earth reinforcement first , the promotion pulls out into Immortal World. Then in Immortal World is long-term concise, then again selects for promotion Divine Realm! 而是先把地球加固炼实,提升拔入仙界。而后在仙界又是长时间的凝练,而后再拔升到神界 Arrived Divine Realm, again after number by millenniums, in this period unceasing has level Powerhouse to carry on refinement in turn, finally, this achieved can enter the Venerate Realm degree! 到了神界,再经过数以千年,期间不断的有尊级强者进行轮流的炼制,最后,这才达到了能够进入尊界的程度! According to the truth, this type concise will reduce many. In other words, the increase of density and quality, the volume naturally must reduce. From the Mortal World star, to can enter Venerate Realm, Earth should reduce to original 1/1000000! 按道理来说,这种凝练会缩小很多。也就是说,密度和质量的增加,体积当然是要缩小。从凡界星球,到能进入尊界,地球理应缩小到本来的1都不到! But the fact is not this, Earth unexpectedly has not changed, is the original that sky-blue star! 可是事实并不是这样,地球竟然一点都没变,还是原来的那颗蔚蓝色的星球! Why can so? 为什么会如此? That is because Ye Kong already ordered the Highest Venerate Sect disciple, fills with various materials completely! If calculates, perhaps the quantities and volumes of these materials, must be over originally hundreds of thousands of times of Earth! 那是因为叶空早就命令至尊门的门下,全部都用各种材料进行填充!如果计算起来,那些材料的数量和体积,恐怕要超过原先地球的数十万倍! Naturally also some people thought that this is tires the people and squanders resources, you look for a formidable star refinement of Divine Realm directly, is that easy? However Ye Kong replied, so-called earthman, if lost including Earth, what earthman that also did call? Although this act the hardships, need everybody to work with concerted efforts, but Highest Venerate Sect founds the first matter that must do, how can give up halfway? 当然也有人觉得这是劳民伤财,你直接找一个神界的强大星球炼制,那岂不是容易?不过叶空却是回答,所谓地球人,如果连地球都失去了,那还叫什么地球人?此举虽然艰难困苦,需要大家同心协力,不过正是至尊门开创要做的第一件事,怎能半途而废? Highest Venerate Sect person, named supreme, naturally all things must make! 至尊门人,名为至尊,当然万事都要做成! Some Ye Kong's had insisted, your home works as one up and down actually, in one vigorous effort, has spent for ten thousand years, Earth finally achieved has delivered the Venerate Realm intensity! 有了叶空的坚持,尊门上下倒是齐心协力,一鼓作气,花费了万年的时间,地球终于达到了送上尊界的强度! Earth delivers Venerate Realm, matter that this other people want not to dare, this may be initially more primitive, Pangu and the others to construct the main hall to be difficult! 地球送上尊界,这个旁人想都不敢的事情,这可比当初原始、盘古等人建造大殿还要困难! But its second difficulty is the person on Earth! 而其第二个困难就是地球上的人! The intensity of Earth was strengthened, is the above human? 地球的强度加强了,可是上边的人类呢? Experiences for ten thousand years to pass, after Mortal World, Immortal World and Divine Realm! Now but the human on Earth today we are no longer as we have been, although is not everybody can become an immortal the situation of God, is their own strengths and adaptive faculty, adapted to the life of Venerate Realm sufficiently! 经历万年过去,历经凡界仙界神界!现在地球上的人类可是今非昔比,虽然并不是人人都能成仙成神的地步,可是他们自身的力量和适应力,已经足以适应尊界的生活! Similarly is mortal, is different in different! Mortal World mortal, with Divine Realm mortal, that cannot certainly compare, completely is not a level! 同样是凡人,在不同界也是不一样的!凡界凡人,和神界凡人,那当然是不能比的,完全不是一个层次的! ...... …… On this day, Earth over ten thousand numerous are excited, they know oneself soon will become Venerate Realm! This is known upper bound! 这一日,地球上万众兴奋,他们都知道自己即将成为尊界的一员!这是已知的最高界面! Arrived Venerate Realm, the biggest advantage is, Divine Realm was also stepped on under their feet. Although they are also only mortal, but said, actually in the deities compared with these each world must higher first-grade! This is Ye Kong gives all human the gifts! 到了尊界,最大的好处就是,神界也被踩在了他们的脚底下。虽然他们很多都还只是凡人,可是说起来,却是比那些各个世界之中的天神还要更高一等!这是叶空送给所有人类的礼物! However in other words, does not hope Cultivation regarding some, cannot endure hardship, or the luck is not good, they only then die quickly! 不过反过来说,对于有些不愿修行的,吃不得苦,又或者运气不是太好的,他们只有死得更快! Matter that but this does not have the means that Ye Kong has achieved to show extreme tolerance, cannot wipe the buttocks to all earthmen! Brings to arrive at Venerate Realm you, provides the best cultivate condition and resources, this is the biggest kindness, you are inadequate the talent, you cannot adapt to the competition, you cannot snatch in most people's front...... 可是这也是没办法的事,叶空已经做到仁至义尽,总不能给所有的地球人都去擦屁股吧!把你们带到尊界,提供最好的修炼条件和资源,这就是最大的恩惠,你还不成才,你适应不了竞争,你不能抢在大部分人的前边…… You die. 那你们就去死吧。 Void, has galaxy big piece, has stars, has giant land that horizontal lies down! 虚空之中,有着星河大片,有着繁星点点,有着横躺的巨大的陆地! These are the present crazy pledge first world, before the empty picture could not see again, these are these Highest Venerate Sect disciples bring from oneself world! 这些就是现在的狂盟第一世界,以前空空荡荡的景象再也看不见,这些都是那些至尊门的弟子从自己世界之中拿过来! Leaves behind an own star in the Sect Lord world, for a long time becomes the movements that Highest Venerate Sect is always all the rage. 门主的世界之中留下自己的一颗星球,很长时间都成为至尊门一向风靡的运动。 The light shadow dodges, Ye Kong and barefooting Saint Venerable two people forms to appear during the vast black is void. 光影一闪,叶空和赤脚圣尊两人的身影已经出现在浩淼的黑色虚空之中。 „The Highest Venerate Sect person, can you once prepare?” The Ye Kong's sound is similar to beyond the day flying sound, on entire Earth all people hear completely. 至尊门人,你们可曾准备好?”叶空的声音如同天外飞音,整个地球上所有人全部都听见。 Supreme inheritance, carries forward! The destiny is inadequate, will never give up!” Highest Venerate Sect hundred Venerable had replied completely loudly! “至尊传承,发扬光大!天命不成,永不放弃!”至尊门过百名尊者全部轰然回答! During the echo of filling people with enthusiasm, these hundred revere level Powerhouse to turn into the flowing light completely, the direct impact sky! Rays, go from out of the blue, pull out the long gassed thread! 振奋人心的回响之中,这百名尊级强者全部都化成流光,直冲天空!一道道的光线,破空而去,拉出长长的光丝! On this day, on Earth all lives hold up the head to look, waiting, that moment oncoming! 这一天,地球上所有的生灵都昂头看着,等着,那一刻的来临! Ten thousand years ago, a small asteroid of Mortal World corner, who can think, today has being honored of whole staff ascended Venerate Realm! 万年之前,凡界一隅的小小行星,谁能想到,今日有全员飞升尊界的荣幸! Hundred revere level expert to be separated from Earth completely, they concentrate to stand in void! 百名尊级高手全部都脱离地球,他们凝立在虚空之中! The position that they stand also has the characteristics, is not the dispersion stands in each position, but stands in Earth completely, from looks remotely, altogether is 99 Venerable, forms a square matrix! Another several complete the order form, stands is not far, as substitution! 他们所站的位置也有特点,并不是分散站在各个方位,而是全部都站在地球的正下方,从遥远看去,一共是99名尊者,形成一个四四方方的矩阵!另有数名落单的,站在不远,作为替补! Another side of this deep blue star, a azure clothes man flies, looks at the disciple who stands neatly, his jaw head, shouts a question slightly once again, you can others once prepare?” 这颗蔚蓝星球的另一侧,一个青衣男子飞临,看着整齐站立的门人,他微微颌首,又一次喝问,“你等可曾准备好?” The people responded loudly, supreme inheritance, developed generally!” 众人轰然回应,“至尊传承,发扬广大!” Ye Kong also asked that „, if cannot push, you and others can be discouraged?” 叶空又问,“若是推不上去,你等可会泄气?” The disciples also fully exclaimed completely: Destiny is inadequate, will never give up!” 门人全部又全力吼道:“天命不成,永不放弃!” Ye Kong claps fiercely, date his ancestors board board, that also waited for anything, pushed!” 叶空猛地击掌,“日他先人板板,那还等什么,推!” In voice, above 99 Venerable top of the heads, there are hiding Array Method to appear! This Array Method is bright, probably a giant checkerboard, probably is a giant fishing net! This is these many years continuously the preparation, is waiting for today! 话音之中,在99名尊者的头顶上方,有隐藏着的阵法显现!这阵法明亮起来,就好像一个巨型的棋盘,又好像是一张巨型的渔网!这是这么多年一直都在准备的,就等着今天! That giant checkerboard Array Method in the starry sky, afterward, 99 Venerable level Powerhouse everyone to withstand a point on checkerboard horizontally, draws back suddenly upwardly! 那巨型的棋盘阵法横在星空之中,随后,99名尊级强者每人顶住棋盘上的一个点,猛然向上退! Bang! 轰! Giant checkerboard finally cradling huge sky-blue star! 巨大的棋盘终于托住了巨大的蔚蓝色星球! Pushes!” Also the great roars resound in the starry sky! “推!”又有一声巨吼在星空之中响起! 99 revere level Powerhouse, makes an effort completely, checkerboard cradling Earth, in the violent force pushes! 99名尊级强者,全部用力,将棋盘托住地球,猛力上推! Moved!” Promotes Earth not to be difficult, Powerhouse can take away easily. This act maximum difficulty, must be certain strength and speed, breaks through all bans, is separated from the attraction of chaos! “动了!”推动地球并不难,一个强者轻易可以收走。此举最大的难度,就是要达到一定的力量和速度,突破所有的禁制,脱离混沌的吸引! Push! 推! Earth was not only promoted, but also upward flight rapidness of more and more! 地球不但被推动,而且向上飞行的越来越快! Meanwhile, Venerable level Powerhouse below 99 is refreshed, opens the mouth to shout to clear the way completely: Sect Lord! Pushes up Venerate Realm this thing, is not difficult!” 同时,在下边的99名尊级强者更是爽快,全部开口喝道:“门主!把这东西推上尊界,不难!” Ye Kong also finally loudly said with a smile: On the same day I said that must deliver Venerate Realm Earth, the countless sufferings and hardships, does not know that many people opposed! Today does not say difficultly! The unity is strength, difficult is not difficult! All people be not standing, with me on!” 叶空也终于放声笑道:“当日我说要把地球送上尊界,千难万难,不知道多少人反对!今天却都说不难!众志成城,难者不难!所有人都别站着了,跟我上!” Ye Kong roars, one volume of sleeves, having these of substitution to fly, picks up the sideline of checkerboard, offers own strength! 叶空呼吼一声,一卷袖子,带着替补的那些尊者全部都飞过去,托起棋盘的一条边线,奉上自己的力量! This boy surnamed Ye, is really different!” The barefooting Saint Venerable in the double pupil also to have admiring, nods, shouts: Calculates my one!” “这姓叶的小子,果然不一样!”赤脚圣尊双眸之中也有钦佩,点点头,喝道:“算我一个!” Then, curls up the sleeve, follows flies! 说完,也卷起袖子,跟随飞上! Void, sees only a star to be getting quicker and quicker and be getting quicker and quicker, finally is similar to points out frankly the day the startling thunderclap, runs out of the chaos at one fell swoop! More rises to be higher! 虚空之中,只见一颗星球越来越快、越来越快,最后如同一道破天的惊雷,一举冲出混沌!越升越高! Earth is separated from the chaos finally, enters Venerate Realm! 地球终于脱离混沌,进入尊界 { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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