MC :: Volume #33

#3287: Completely is Venerable?

Are 3287 completely Venerable? 3287全部都是尊者? Came out!” “出来了出来了!” The white snow is boundless, the iceberg stands tall and erect. However in sheet ice snowscape of Antarctic, actually several catwalks stands and waits for a long time likely, above each stage, the public figures from all parties, is raising the head completely the hope! 白雪茫茫,冰山高耸。不过在南极的一片冰雪景象之中,却有数座高台伫立,各个高台之上,来自各方的人士,全部在翘首期盼! Stops the revolutions many years of black cyclones, finally once again revolves. But along with that revolving, first has to think that high fat Powerhouse goes out, he lifts the hand, has the light shadow to appear. 停转多年的黑色气旋,终于又一次旋转起来。而随着那旋转,首先是有以为高高胖胖的强者走出,他只是一抬手,就有光影出现。 Afterward, a light shadow platform appears before the cyclone, then some people unceasingly from goes out. 随后,一个光影平台就在气旋之前出现,接着就有人不断从其中走出。 Day, is Senior Brother Liu! In the past we followed the Ye Kong teacher to study together, afterward his aptitude good to feed in the cyclone cultivate, I well envied. However afterward heard that they were killed by outside Powerhouse completely...... Haven't I misread?” “天呐,是刘师兄!当年我们一起跟随叶空师尊学习,后来他资质好被送进气旋之中修炼,我还是好羡慕。不过后来听说他们全部都被外界强者杀死……我没有看错吧?” Is Second Lieutenant white! Really! He has not died! In the past in the armed forces selected, was he has defeated me, has entered the cultivate opportunity! May say that they were killed?” “是白少尉!真的!他没有死!当年军中选拔,是他击败了我,得到进入修炼的机会!可是不是说他们都被杀了?” They are living, moreover wants to be younger than us!” “他们都活着,而且比我们还要年轻许多!” In each stage, sits is each camp stands in the person of pyramid roof. Their ages are not small, obviously is the people of 100 year ago and Ye Kong time. When Ye Kong resurrects to go out of these people, many people knew them, simultaneously wells up, these past past events! 各个高台上,坐着的都是各个阵营站在金字塔最高处的人。他们的年纪都不小,显然都是100年前和叶空时代的人。所以当叶空把这些人复活走出,很多人都认识了他们,同时涌上的,还有那些当年往事! In some stage, secure Xiaowei also sought in the crowd of going out, wants to find oneself Younger Sister. 某个高台上,安小伟也在走出的人群之中寻找,想要找到自己的妹妹。 However when several tens of thousands faces go out, actually could not see that wipes the brown braid. 不过当数万张脸孔走出,却是见不到那一抹棕色的发辫。 In the past killed more than 30,000 people, completely resurrect now, Cultivation Base also restored. They stand completely in light shadow platform, does not look askance, looks at the black cyclone, seems waiting for anything. 当年被杀死的30000多人,现在全部复活,修为也恢复。他们全部都站立在光影平台上,目不斜视,看着黑色的气旋,仿佛在等着什么。 Supreme inheritance, carries forward! The destiny is inadequate, will never give up!” cloud Yang that goes out of first roars, more than 30,000 people on the scene all raise the arm to shout loudly! “至尊传承,发扬光大!天命不成,永不放弃!”最先走出的云扬一声呼吼,在场30000多人全部振臂高呼! Although they are only the Immortal Cultivator levels, but they have joined completely Highest Venerate Sect! Ye Kong this time must make completely different Powerhouse, founds a completely different your home! But Earth, will not treat absolutely as a world of mortals ordinary cultivate star! 虽然他们只是修仙者的水平,不过他们已经全部都加入至尊门叶空这次要做一个完全不同的强者,创建一个完全不同的尊门!而地球,也绝对不会只是当作一个下界普通的修炼星! Ten thousand numerous shouted loudly, prestige startled day, along with roaring, Ye Kong floating went out, followed his side is being the stature selects makings astonishing Chen Zelin high, another side was may gently secure Xiaoran of person timid young girl or child who inspires tenderness! Present Ye Kong was not that dumb kid, will not intertwine in receiving this again does not receive that issue! 万众高呼,声威惊天,随着呼吼,叶空飘然走出,跟随着他的一边是身材高挑气质惊人的陈泽琳,另一边是温婉可人小鸟依人的安小冉!现在的叶空可不是那个傻小子了,也不会再纠结于收这个不收那个的问题! Finally saw own Younger Sister, peaceful small vented anger greatly. Back looks again, is the familiar sovereign nobility armor and reckless Jinse, Li Bing and the others! 终于看见了自己的妹妹,安小伟大出了一口气。再看后边,是熟悉的皇爵铠、胡堇色、李冰等人! But in the latter step, is one crowd of looks varies again, looks is one crowd of super Powerhouse person! These fellow each have destroys the strength of Earth easily, but is actually to Ye Kong, respectful! 而在再后一步,是一群相貌各异,一看就是一群超级强者的人!这些家伙每一个都有轻易毁灭地球的实力,不过却是对叶空,毕恭毕敬! Actually before Ye Kong comes out, various on Earth hit is winning over Ye Kong, lets Ye Kong this dumb kid for the idea that own camp works oneself to death. But when the emergence of Ye Kong so high-sounding talk, all parties keep silent, does not dare to open the mouth. 其实在叶空出来之前,地球上的各家都是打着拉拢叶空,让叶空这个傻小子为自己阵营卖命的想法。可是当叶空如此高调的出现,所有各方都噤若寒蝉,不敢开口。 Ye Kong will not go to chat with them on own initiative, but stands above the stage, operates the sound said: All earthmen are listening, my Ye Kong came back!” 叶空也不会主动去跟他们聊天,而是站在高台之上,开声道:“所有的地球人听着,我叶空回来了!” When Ye Kong starts to speak, his sound does not explode the ear, but can actually spread over the entire this sky-blue star! At this moment, all television screens, all three dimensional images, all broadcast televisions, only have an image completely, a sound! 叶空开始说话,他的声音并不炸耳,不过却可以传遍整个这个蔚蓝色的星球!此时此刻,所有的电视屏幕,所有的三维影像,所有的广播电视,全部都只有一个图像,一个声音! Looks quickly! Is Founder Ancestor!” secret Daomen who has joined the Evil Cultivator alliance completely is startled looks at front large screen. “快看!是祖师!”已经加入邪修联盟的秘道门全部吃惊的看着面前的大屏幕。 Is Ye Kong!” In the ruins, several old take a worn-out radio to shout to clear the way surprised. “是叶空!”废墟之中,几个苍老者拿着一只破旧的收音机吃惊喝道。 Unexpectedly is he, he really comes back!” In some Moon villa, because once Ye Kong became world wide web what Zhen of deputy manager surprised looks at the sky image...... “竟然是他,他果然回来!”月球某个别墅之中,曾经因为叶空成为全球网的副总经理的何振吃惊的看着天空影像…… A Ye Kong's strength restores, relaxed can let Earth and neighbor all stars, human in this all bases, simultaneously hears his sound! 叶空的尊者之力恢复,轻松的可以让地球和附近所有的星球,人类在这一界所有的基地,都同时听到他的声音! My Ye Kong came back!” Ye Kong gives a loud shout, in the item has the affection, as if looks these for hundred years the grief of Earth, I know that these for hundred years everybody received many pain, the Earth alliance and Evil Cultivator alliance massacres mutually, there is a heteromorphous spirit clan to spread coal human, many people die of the flames of war, dies of the civil strife, even death bewildered......” “我叶空回来了!”叶空又大喝一声,目中含着深情,仿佛已经看着这百年来地球的悲怆,“我知道这百年来大家受了不少的苦,地球联盟和邪修联盟互相残杀,又有异形灵族涂炭人类,很多人死于战火,死于内乱,甚至死的莫名其妙……” The Ye Kong's sound is serious, these have family member in the person who in the war died completely with tears. 叶空的声音沉重,那些有亲人在战争中死去的人全部都目中含泪。 I came back, for brothers no longer remnant! I came back, no longer separates for the flesh and blood! I came back, for Earth in this, on one, on Upper Realm, highest also will have to the high honor and status!” “我回来了,为了兄弟不再相残!我回来了,为了骨肉不再分离!我回来了,为了地球会在这一界,上一界,上上界,最高界也有至高的荣誉和地位!” The Ye Kong getting bigger and bigger sound, to finally, the sound has liked thunder reverberating in one's ears, in these original hearts hides all parties that is using the Ye Kong's thoughts high-level, feels in the heart completely fearful, rises not to be up distracting thoughts again! 叶空越说越大声,到了最后,声音如雷贯耳,那些本来心中都藏着利用叶空的心思的各方高层,全部都感觉到心中惶惶,再也升不起一点杂念! Earth is my hometown, where no matter my Ye Kong will arrive at not to forget, I will be an earthman! Now my Ye Kong had the ability, naturally must to an Earth opportunity, to the earthman an opportunity!” Ye Kong said, announces: Starting today, my Highest Venerate Sect headquarters, are located in Earth!” “地球是我家乡,我叶空不管走到哪里都不会忘记,我是地球人!现在我叶空有了能力,当然要给地球一个机会,给地球人一个机会!”叶空说完,开口宣布道:“从今天开始,我至尊门总部,就设在地球!” „?” In the platform these level Powerhouse completely were immediately chaotic. “啊?”顿时平台上那些尊级强者全部都乱了。 The earthmen do not know the Highest Venerate Sect altitude, but they know. Highest Venerate Sect that is day sage Venerable a level, your Highest Venerate Sect must resist with others, can you also construct the base in Venerate Realm? You place the world of mortals the headquarters, any aspect, is improper! 地球人不知道至尊门的高度,可是他们知道。至尊门那是和天尊圣尊一个层次的,你至尊门要跟别人抗争,你也要在尊界建基地吧?你把总部放在下界,无论是哪个方面来说,都不妥的! cloud Yang in both eyes is startled immediately, secretly thought Ye Kong really does not lose crazily, the speech works did not discuss with the person completely. 云扬顿时双目之中吃惊,暗道这叶空果然不负“狂”名,说话做事全部都不跟人商量。 He stands side Ye Kong, said hastily in a low voice: This act is improper. Constructs your home in the world of mortals, the security field has the issue very much, if there is an enemy to attack, is not suitable defends \; Moreover communicated was Venerate Realm Powerhouse, always did not come and go conveniently \; Let alone, the Venerate Realm Powerhouse strength is very big, graces, perhaps has destroyed these small stars......” 他就站在叶空身边,连忙低声道:“此举不妥。将尊门建在下界,安全方面很有问题,若有敌人进攻,不宜防守\;而且来往的都是尊界强者,老是来来去去不方便\;更何况,尊界强者力量很大,举手投足,说不定就毁灭了这些小小的星球……” Ye Kong turns head saying: Who said in the world of mortals?” 叶空回头道:“谁说在下界?” Then, he operates sound said: I use my strength, reinforces Earth! Changes the principle! Then perhaps its promotion to Venerate Realm, you do not understand the concept of Venerate Realm, there, everyone , so long as moves the intention to make this star vanishes in a puff of smoke!” 说完,他又开声道:“我使用我之力量,加固地球!改变法则!然后将其提升至尊界,或许你们不明白尊界的概念,在那里,每一个人只要动动心念就可以让这颗星球灰飞烟灭!” The earthmen are startled completely, secretly thought: Which this seeks benefits to Earth, this harms Earth! Arrived that dangerous place, doesn't want everybody dead? 地球人全部都吃惊,暗道:这哪是给地球谋福利啊,这是害地球啊!到那么危险的地方,不是要大家死么? However the Ye Kong's sound conveys once again, person lives must always yearn for a higher sky! Obtains a more formidable strength! Each cultivator Cultivation to not fly Immortal Ascension? Becoming the Immortal dream is ascended Divine Realm? Arrived is also only ascended Venerate Realm that Divine Realm wanted! But now makes everybody get down Venerate Realm, is an opportunity, is a challenge! I will should better to you best resources and environment, so long as you try hard cultivate, everybody can become Venerable! The key is your efforts!” 不过叶空的声音又一次传来,“人活着总是要向往更高的天空!得到更加强大的力量!每个修士修行不就是为了飞升仙界?成为仙人梦想的不过是飞升神界?到了神界想要的也只是飞升尊界!而现在让大家一下去尊界,是一个机会,也是一个挑战!我会给你们最好最好的资源和环境,只要你们努力修炼,人人都能成为尊者!关键是你们的努力!” Ye Kong these words, more than 90 on the scene revere level Powerhouse to be completely scared, „are 10 billion human completely Venerable?” 叶空这句话,在场的90多位尊级强者全部傻眼,“10000000000人类全部都是尊者?” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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