MC :: Volume #33

#3286: Providing for a rainy day

3286 provides for a rainy day 3286未雨绸缪 When visits the samsara palace, has chosen to level Powerhouse. 当参观完轮回殿,到了各位尊级强者们选择的时候了。 The politeness that Ye Kong said that is willing to stay behind leaves behind into the Highest Venerate Sect disciple, is not willing to stay behind, can leave from Transmission Array of cave mansion surrounding. 叶空说的客气,愿意留下的就留下成为至尊门门人,不愿意留下的,可以从洞府外围的传送阵离开。 However had beforehand black Tong and three learning from another's mistakes, do the person on the scene and other dare to take risk? Everyone knows, at present Ye Kong this act, that is heaven defying the line! Now had joined a gang of evildoers, wants to get down, do you have a dream? 不过有了之前乌瞳和三眼的前车之鉴,在场人等哪个敢去冒险?谁都知道,眼下叶空此举,那是逆天而行!现在已经上了贼船,想下去,你做梦吧? Naturally also has many Powerhouse is not very pessimistic, they saw the hope! That is the primitive inheritance, that is Ye Kong's is outstanding! Such powerful, the entire life only sees! 当然也有不少的强者们并不是很悲观,他们已经看到了希望!那就是原始的传承,那就是叶空的出类拔萃!如此的强势,生平仅见! 91 on the scene revere level Powerhouse, distributes the pledge completely, joins Highest Venerate Sect voluntarily! 在场的91个尊级强者,全部发下誓言,自愿加入至尊门 Supreme inheritance, carries forward! The destiny is inadequate, will never give up!” Ye Kong lifts the arm to shout loudly suddenly! “至尊传承,发扬光大!天命不成,永不放弃!”叶空猛然举臂高呼! Supreme inheritance, carries forward! The destiny is inadequate, will never give up!” More than 90 revere level Powerhouse to hold up the right arm completely, the sound vibration entire cave mansion. “至尊传承,发扬光大!天命不成,永不放弃!”90多个尊级强者全部都举起右臂,声响震动整个洞府。 However is burning with rage, cloud Yang also in a low voice inquired, Ye Kong, that Transmission Array to where? If some people are not willing to follow you, you will let off really?” 不过在群情激愤之中,云扬也低声询问,“叶空,那传送阵到底是通向哪里?如果是真的有人不愿意跟随你,你真的会放过?” Ye Kong has a look at that Transmission Array, smiles lightly, shows neither approval nor disapproval. 叶空看看那个传送阵,淡淡一笑,不置可否。 The plate hole treasure hunt, numerous Powerhouse falls over one another. Has not thought finally, is actually causes Highest Venerate Sect to appear! Moreover this is born, is strongest! 盘洞寻宝,众强者你争我夺。没想到最后,却是弄出一个至尊门横空出世!而且这一出世,就是最强! The day Venerable, Saint Venerable supremely! 天尊、圣尊、至尊! Supreme strongest! 至尊最强! Naturally, this most said population! But strength, that difficultly said that did not say that represents the Venerate Realm most mystical strength jade to be most greatly positive, said that the Saint Venerable that side Sect Lord jie! That is not affable! 当然了,这个最强只是说人数方面!可是实力方面,那就难说了,不说代表着尊界最大最神秘的力量的玉阳,就说圣尊那边的门主蛮劼!那也不是好惹的! Who is the jie father? Acts recklessly! Who acting recklessly is, is the Junior Brother of Pangu! 蛮劼的老爹是谁?是蛮乾!蛮乾是谁,是盘古的师弟! ...... …… The day Venerable in the palace. 天尊殿之中。 Since lost the massive days Venerable, the day Venerable in the palace obviously spacious. However the jade positive is always not worried about nobody, because wants him , the day Venerable the palace in! Chaos in! This world in! 自从损失了大量的天尊,天尊殿之中更显空旷。不过玉阳是从来都不担心没有人的,因为只要他在,天尊殿就在!混沌就在!这个世界就在! The jade knows positive, if some day he perishes, that was it once again opened certainly the samsara time! 玉阳知道,如果真的有一天他灭亡,那一定是“它”又一次开启了轮回时代! However positive the jade recognizes is really this, can he only die under this kind of scene? Very obviously, even if he now is a little also afraid! 不过玉阳认定的真的是这样嘛,他只能在这样一个情景下死嘛?很显然,就算是他自己现在也有一点心虚! What? Primitive inheritance that inherits unexpectedly? Isn't good......” in empty main hall, there is an air current process, has pale beard the lower hem of old man to tilt the main hall central that tall Guanda robe, in his profound vision is full of the worried look, some little time, opens the mouth to call said: Kosuke!” “什么?竟然继承的原始的传承?不好不好……”空空荡荡的大殿之中,有气流经过,将大殿中央那个高冠大袍有着苍白胡须的老者的衣摆掀动,他深邃的目光中充满忧色,好一会,才开口唤道:“小佑!” In.” The white fog covers, embroidered shoes step into the palace, the silk skirt sways, obviously the coming out person extremely good physique. Was Kosuke by jade Yang Huan, is actually the day Venerable in the palace to be revered by the female day that all parties love, Luo Shan! “在。”白雾罩地,一只绣鞋踏入殿来,罗裙飘摇,显出来人极好的身姿。被玉阳唤作小佑的,竟然就是天尊殿之中备受各方宠爱的女天尊,罗衫! Sect Lord, you did not call me the infant name for a long time.” Luo Shantian Venerable, kneels down facing the jade positive, salutes. 门主,你已经好久不叫我乳名了。”罗衫天尊走过来,面对玉阳跪下,行礼。 Today old-fashioned person jade positive very rare shows a smile, opens the mouth saying: Yes, if I did not call, perhaps in this world nobody knew your infant name.” 今天老古板玉阳很难得的露出一个微笑,开口道:“是啊,要是我不叫,恐怕这世界上没有人知道你的乳名了。” Today although displays is very kind, Luo Shantian Venerable to start also a giving a good account of oneself looks like child...... But when jade positive this said that Luo Shantian Venerable is actually supinely begins, looks at the jade to be positive that moving solid colored, in the show pupil, the hatred flashed, finally said: Yes, other know two people who my infant name, wasn't is killed by you?” 虽然今天表现的很是亲切,罗衫天尊开始也表现得好像一个孩童……可是当玉阳这一句说出,罗衫天尊却是仰起头,将那张动人的素面看着玉阳,秀眸中,恨意闪动,终于道:“是啊,其他知道我乳名的两个人,不是都被你杀了?” They......” “他们……” The jade Yang Canglao double pupil, one appeared older. In eyeball that turns yellow, producing an inverted image seemed in the past, these white clothing floating years, these love, these friendship, the love of these process hated...... 玉阳苍老的双眸,一下显得更加的苍老了。那发黄的眼珠中,倒映的仿佛是当年,那些白衣飘飘的岁月,那些爱情,那些友情,那些经过的爱恨…… Looks in Luo Shanyan hatred, the jade has shown positive actually the gentle smiling face, good, I have killed them, but has actually nurtured you! En, because they betrayed me, you like my daughter, I hope that do not betray me!” 看着罗衫眼中的恨意,玉阳却是露出了慈祥的笑容,“不错,我杀了他们,可是却哺育了你!恩,因为他们背叛了我,你就像我的女儿,我希望你不要背叛我!” Also does not know that who they are, six dimension days revere Luo Shan to think that they cannot help but are also with flowing tears, the hatred in item actually reduced, opens the mouth saying: Sect Lord, others said that you are false, but I know that you are also involuntary, you have killed them, is not because betrays, because of it!” 也不知道“他们”到底是谁,六次元天尊罗衫想到“他们”也不由得潸然泪下,目中的恨意却是减少了,开口道:“门主,别人都说你虚伪伪善,可是我知道你也是身不由己,你杀了他们,不是因为背叛,是因为它!” Yes.” The jade sighed positive, had not denied, opened the mouth and said: Therefore we can do, do not enrage it, do not enrage it, lets it by its satisfactory way operation, do you understand? This will not let the tragedy to repeat!” “是呀。”玉阳叹息一声,并没有否认,开口又道:“所以我们能做的,就是不要触怒它,不要激怒它,让它以它满意的方式运行,你懂吗?这样才不会让悲剧重演!” The jade was saying positive has stood, a big sleeve pendulum, the back to the Romanian garment, said: Positive result that Ye Kong this boy does is not small! He does matter of the heaven defying every time, this world on a collapse point! Kosuke, I cannot look at this world toward the destruction development! He is one must destroy Venerate Realm, destroys all big demons!” 玉阳说着站了起来,大袖一摆,背对罗衫,说道:“叶空这小子搞的名堂不小啊!他每做一件逆天之事,这世界就崩坏一分!小佑,我不能看着这个世界向着毁灭发展!他就是一个要毁灭尊界,毁灭一切的大魔头!” Accepts the primitive inheritance, forms Highest Venerate Sect, slogan heaven defying......” Luo Shantian Venerable has the worried look, reaches the first molecule, asked: „But how do you prepare to do?” “接受原始传承,组建至尊门,口号都那么逆天……”罗衫天尊目中有忧色,臻首微点,问道:“可是您准备如何做呢?” Jade Yang Huitou said: How is not I to do, but how is you to do!” 玉阳回头道:“不是我如何做,而是你如何做!” „?” Luo Shantian Venerable is on the rise surprised. “啊?”罗衫天尊吃惊抬起头。 The jade strokes positive must steadily, said with a smile: This child cannot kill not to annoy, I must achieve to deceive both superiors and subordinates, disappearance crisis in invisible! Only then asked you to go into action, with a thing sentiments, hobbled his thoughts, making him vanish the heart of heaven defying!” 玉阳一捋长须,微笑道:“此子杀不得惹不得,我要做到欺上瞒下,消失危机于无形!所以只有请你出马,用情之一物,牵绊他的心思,让他消失逆天之心!” „With a thing sentiments? Do you want me?” Luo Shantian Venerable is startled immediately reddens all over the face. “用情之一物?您是要我?”罗衫天尊顿时惊得满脸通红。 The jade also said with a smile positive: Male **** loves is one of the main road principle, embarrassed what has? I have been pondering over to you seek for a pleasant my dear, I see you quite to have the favor to him, if he can return to the fold, pouring is a good Monarch court attendant!” 玉阳又笑道:“男****爱本来就是大道法则的一种,有什么不好意思的?我一直都在琢磨给你寻找一个如意郎君,我见你对他颇有青睐,如果他能浪子回头,倒不失为一个好君郎!” But......” Luo Shantian Venerable hesitates. “可是……”罗衫天尊还在犹豫。 The jade puts on a serious face positive, shouts, Kosuke, you must see this boy to destroy the principle crazily, caused that it does go out of final 12?” 玉阳一板脸,喝道,“小佑,难道你要看见这小子疯狂破坏法则,引得它走出最后的12步么?” Luo Shantian Venerable to listen to this, has to nod seriously, Kosuke was compliant.” Then, sets out, takes the lotus foot, withdraws from the main hall. 罗衫天尊听了这一句,只好郑重点头,“小佑遵命。”说完,起身,迈出莲足,退出大殿。 After Luo Shan walks, jade Yang then turns head to look at the direction of that mysterious main hall, thought aloud: That that person, in a water side, many years does not see, does not know that can be good? I do am right, is wrong?” 等罗衫走后,玉阳这才回头看着那神秘大殿的方向,自言自语道:“那位伊人,在水一方,多年不见,不知可好?我做得到底是对,还是错呢?” ...... …… Venerate Realm has been providing for a rainy day, Ye Kong also just went out of shortly after the plate hole actually. 尊界已经在未雨绸缪,叶空其实也刚刚走出盘洞不久。 Outside the plate hole ten thousand Earth cultivate who was killed by the black pupil, the Ye Kong use chaos repeats resurrected finally completely they. Slightly is good to operate some because of the plate hole outside world, if were killed in the plate hole, that is more difficult to resurrect! In Li Zhenzhi as for heart lake cave mansion, Pangu who that perhaps really must formulate the principle revises the principle! 在盘洞外被乌瞳杀死的万名地球修炼者,叶空使用混沌重演终于全部都复活了他们。还在盘洞外边的世界稍微好操作一些,若是在盘洞之内被杀,那更难复活!至于心湖洞府之中的李真志,那恐怕真要制定法则的盘古自己来修改法则了! Afterward, Ye Kong goes out of the world of plate, on this day, is the Antarctic sky sky deep blue, a sea day color! That stops the revolutions many years of black cyclones, finally starts revolving slowly...... 随后,叶空走出盘之世界,这一天,正是南极上空天空湛蓝,海天一色!那停转多年的黑色气旋,终于开始缓缓的旋转起来…… { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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