MC :: Volume #33

#3285: Using both kindness and severity

3285 uses both kindness and severity 3285恩威并施 „Is given name supreme? Highest Venerate Sect? Good!” cloud Yang listened to this saying, immediately both eyes shone. “名号至尊?至尊门?好!”云扬听这一说,顿时双眼放光。 Before Ye Kong had not discussed with him, when Ye Kong this announced, cloud Yang is not only suddenly, and excited! 之前叶空并没有和他商量,所以当叶空这一宣布,云扬是既突然,又激动! Just knew that the Ye Kong's time looked his face laughed foolishly, but after laughing foolishly, was hiding slyly some. However that is by no means aggressive, is not the feeling of Powerhouse, after Ye Kong accepted the inheritance, the powerful completely reveals, appears externally aggressively! 刚认识叶空的时候看他一脸傻笑,而傻笑之后,又隐藏着一些狡猾。不过那并非霸气,并非是强者的感觉,而当叶空接受了传承之后,强势尽显,霸气外露! This made cloud Yang also see the hope, felt that roused! 这让云扬也看到了希望,感觉到振奋! ...... …… However is not all person feelings is this, hearing Ye Kong must found your home, presents level Powerhouse to snort contemptuously completely! It can be said that has not been serious! 不过并不是所有人感觉都是这样的,听说叶空要开创尊门,在场各位尊级强者们全部都嗤之以鼻!可以说没有一个当一回事! Day your home, is this your Venerable? Also did not know the immensity of heaven and earth! Haha, founds your home, has he thought each family?” “天尊门的,这就是你们的尊者?也太不知天高地厚了!哈哈,开创尊门,他以为过家家?” Saint your home! Do not take away the evil reputation above us! This idiot is our day your home abandons the disciple, is not our Venerable!” “圣尊门!你们不要把屎盆子扣在我们头上!这种蠢货是我们天尊门弃徒,不是我们的尊者!” This boy, he thinks that who he is? However is by the small chop suey that day your home removes!” “这小子,他以为他是谁?不过是个被天尊门除名的小杂碎!” In people of noise, purple pupil walks, holds up the head to say with a smile, Ye Kong, you open eyes to have a look! Venerable which isn't on the scene fiercer than you? We have not thought founds your home, your this boy, boasts shamelessly unexpectedly, I think your let alone your home, don't you want Earth are?” 喧嚣的众人之中,又有一个乌青瞳孔者走出来,昂头笑道,“叶空,你睁眼看看!在场尊者哪个不比你厉害?我们都没想过开创尊门,你这小子,竟然大言不惭,我看你别说尊门,你连地球都不想要了是不是?” cloud Yang who walks had introduced to Ye Kong black Tongsheng Venerable, he is unruly, kills people like the hemp, looks down upon at present this little fellow radically. 走出来的正是云扬给叶空介绍过的乌瞳圣尊,他性格桀骜不驯,杀人如麻,根本看不起眼前这个小家伙。 Ye Kong stands in the stage, lowers the head to show a faint smile, black Tongsheng Venerable, since you jump, I take your operate with a knife!” 叶空站在高台上,低头微微一笑,“乌瞳圣尊,既然你跳出来,那我就拿你开刀!” He spoke, lifted hand one finger/refers, in the mouth shouts, plate hole God thunder!” 他说话之间,抬手一指,口中喝道,“盘洞神雷!” In God thunder this hole guards existence of principle, before black Tong looked has Venerable to be struck by lightning dead. 那神雷正是这洞中守卫法则的存在,之前乌瞳已经看过有尊者被雷劈死。 Anything! You can transfer this God thunder......” black Tongsheng Venerable unexpectedly, if knows that Ye Kong has this ability, perhaps does not dare to jump easily. “什么!你竟然可以调动这种神雷……”乌瞳圣尊若是知道叶空有此能力,恐怕不会敢轻易跳出来。 Does not want!” In black pupil alarmed and afraid both eyes, was filled by the light of God thunder finally. “不要!”乌瞳惊惧的双目之中,终于被神雷之光充满。 Of bang, God thunder Tianjiang, falls into black Tong the top of the head. The next second, projected ten thousand Daoguang swords from his body, his body was split up, turns into the powder! 轰的一声,神雷天降,落入乌瞳的头顶。下一秒,从他身体之中射出万道光剑,他的身体四分五裂,化成粉末! The Saint Venerable Powerhouse, same vanishes in a puff of smoke! 圣尊强者,一样灰飞烟灭! Venerable level Powerhouse on the scene is one startled, has not thought Ye Kong unexpectedly such murders decisively, makes pupil resolution the opportunity not give unexpectedly, at the scene strikes to kill! 在场的尊级强者都是一惊,没想到叶空竟然如此的杀伐果断,竟然让乌瞳分辨的机会都不给,就当场击杀! However these Venerate Realm Powerhouse have not been afraid very much, the feeling is actually exciting! 不过这些尊界强者也并没有很害怕,倒是感觉大快人心! Because this black pupil is the murder like the hemp, the unpopular, person on the scene and others nine achievements wait for him dead! Therefore everybody is afraid actually good, claps and cheers actually similarly. 因为这乌瞳本来就是杀人如麻,不得人心,在场人等中九成就等着他死呢!所以大家害怕倒是还好,拍手称快倒是差不多。 When black Tong was killed by explosion by the thunder , the look uglily has the days of three eyes Venerable, Ye Kong, I refuse to accept! I know that you obtained Pangu to inherit, but Pangu is also a day Venerable, even if he stands here, I most called him a Senior Brother! If said other, that is absolutely impossible?” 当乌瞳被雷轰死,却又有一个相貌丑陋有着三只眼睛的天尊走出来,“叶空,我不服!我知道你已经得到盘古传承,不过盘古也不过是一个天尊而已,就算他站在这里,我最多叫他一声师兄!若说其他,那是绝对不可能?” Before this three days revere cloud Yang, had introduced insect senior members, Venerable some two sides prestige in day sage, the manner is good, everybody praises very much. 这个三眼天尊正是云扬之前介绍过的虫族尊者,在天尊圣尊两边都有一些威信,为人不错,很得大家赞誉。 Also therefore, he dares to jump the opposition. 也正是因此,他才敢于跳出来反对。 Ye Kong both eyes concentrate, unhappy does not get angry, lowers the head cold sound to ask, three days revere, your meaning did not approve that I do found Highest Venerate Sect?” 叶空双目一凝,不喜不怒,低头冷声问道,“三眼天尊,你的意思也是不赞成我开创至尊门?” Good!” Three days revere to look that the Ye Kong happy anger does not show, in the heart somewhat was worried, but also thought that Ye Kong will not kill itself, therefore holds up the head to say proudly, actually you found any gate not to relate with us, you fast put me and others to depart!” “不错!”三眼天尊看叶空喜怒不形于色,心中有些担心,不过也觉得叶空不会杀自己,所以傲然昂头道,“其实你开创什么门跟我们没有关系,你速速放我等离去!” His saying, other people shouted completely, fast put me and others to depart!” 他一说,其他所有人全部喊起来,“速速放我等离去!” You think that I don't dare to kill you?” Ye Kong laughs, wants dead dies!” “你以为我不敢杀你?”叶空哈哈一笑,“想死就去死吧!” During the speeches, Ye Kong lifts hand, three days revere the top of the head being correct startling thunderclap to fall loudly. 说话之间,叶空一抬手,三眼天尊头顶有道惊雷轰然落下。 Bang! Three days revere vanish into thin air immediately, perish at the scene! 轰!三眼天尊顿时烟消云散,殒命当场! Slow......” cloud Yang a slow character has not shouted the exit|to speak, Ye Kong three killing. “慢……”云扬一个慢字还没喊出口,叶空已经把三眼给杀了。 Only kills the unprincipled person not to be dreadful, if you do not divide the quality totally to kill, is different on the effect! 只杀坏人并不会让人害怕,可是如果你不分好坏一概都杀的话,那就效果不一样了! After Ye Kong has killed three, the effect achieves immediately. 叶空杀了三眼以后,效果顿时达到。 Venerable level Powerhouse on the scene is all peaceful, was silent, they looked, this Ye Kong was not the tender stalk that they thought! It is not affable! 在场的尊级强者全都安静下来,闭口不言,他们都看出来,这叶空不是他们以为的嫩秧子!可不好惹呢! Sees Ye Kong this achievement, earthman sovereign nobility armor and the others in secretly to be startled, this Ye Kong how disposition big change, said that the murder kills people, those Powerhouse are afraid him, was really too terrifying! 看见叶空这一番作为,地球人之中的皇爵铠等人都是暗自吃惊,这叶空怎么性格大变,说杀人就杀人,那么些强者都害怕他,真是太恐怖了! However Wang Wei Chen Zelin actually secretly nods, knows that original Ye Kong came back! 不过王炜陈泽琳却都是暗自点头,知道原先的叶空回来了! Chen Zelin in secret has worry, does not know that restores the Powerhouse status Ye Kong, before will be also she will work as, same treatment. 只是陈泽琳又暗中生出担心,不知道恢复强者身份的叶空,是不是还会把她当以前一样的对待。 ...... …… Sees everybody to be peaceful, Ye Kong then opens the mouth, Lang Lang voice spreads over the audience. 看见大家安静下来,叶空这才开口,郎朗声音传遍全场。 Has not to know, actually I accept the inheritance, is not Pangu Senior Brother inherits, but is my teacher remains primitively supremely!” “诸位有所不知,其实我所接受之传承,并非是盘古师兄传承,而是我师尊原始至尊所留!” Ye Kong these words said that the audience was shocked. 叶空这一句话说出,全场震惊。 Everybody thinks is Pangu loses the treasure, that was serious! But now knows, is not Pangu loses the treasure, but is the supreme inheritance! 大家本来都以为是盘古遗宝,那就已经不得了!可是现在才知道,不是盘古遗宝,而是至尊传承! In the people heart also only then envies the envy to hate secretly, hates this boy good luck, this matter can meet to him \; Hates itself not to have the opportunity, with so the most precious object, just misses! 众人心中也只有暗自羡慕嫉妒恨,恨这小子好运气,这种事情都能给他遇上\;恨自己没有机会,与如此至宝,失之交臂! When everybody calms down, Ye Kong then also said, also therefore, I will newly create your home to be called Highest Venerate Sect! Because I am the supreme disciple, supreme direct disciple, the successor of supreme cassock and almsbowl! But is willing to join Highest Venerate Sect Venerate Realm Powerhouse, completely is the Highest Venerate Sect people!” 等大家静下来,叶空这才又说道,“也正是因此,我才将新创尊门叫做至尊门!因为我是至尊弟子,至尊的亲传弟子,至尊衣钵的传人!而愿意加入至尊门尊界强者,也全部都是至尊门人!” Highest Venerate Sect person!” 至尊门人!” Although does not have the opportunity to become the supreme disciple, if becomes the Highest Venerate Sect person...... 虽然没有机会成为至尊弟子,可是如果成为至尊门人…… Some people start hesitant, but joyful also in back! 有人开始犹豫,不过更加的喜悦还在后边! Ye Kong also said, after the travel of this second quotation hole, believes has known about the destiny, we must achieve, is several thousand tens of thousands samsara time nobody achieves! Why beforehand Heavenly Mandate Chosen cannot succeed, that is because they is a person are fighting! But my this time, must lead everybody to fight together...... Therefore whenever I refine part of kind teacher inheritance, I will select the key point, church everybody, letting everyone to become, is more formidable!” 叶空又道,“经过这次盘洞之旅,相信诸位对天命都有所了解了,我们要做到,是几千几万个轮回时代都没人做到的!之前的天命者为什么不能成功,那是因为他们是一个人在战斗!而我这一次,要带着大家一起战斗……所以我每当炼化一部分的恩师传承,我会选取重点,教会大家,让每个人都能变得,更强大!” „! This good deed!” “啊!还有这种好事!” Venerable level Powerhouse on the scene is startled completely, pleasantly surprised! From the beforehand fear, fear, to the present pleasant surprise! 在场的尊级强者全部吃惊,惊喜!从之前的恐惧,害怕,到现在的惊喜! Was good, I think that everybody was unable entirely to believe my words, therefore I will open the Pangu cave mansion now, allowing everybody to enter visits info clerk supreme graveyard!” “好了,我想大家还并不敢完全相信我的话,所以我现在会开放盘古洞府,让大家进入参观收纳其中的至尊墓园!” Intentions some on the scene hesitate, enters Pangu cave mansion visit, that was dead set on completely. Ye Kong's combined threats with inducements, obtained finally successfully! 在场的各位有些心念犹豫的,进入盘古洞府这一参观,那全部都死心塌地了。叶空的威逼利诱,也终于获得成功! Was good, is willing to take an oath into staying behind of my Highest Venerate Sect person, does not want, Ye is not awkward. That side has Transmission Array, departs voluntarily is!” “好了,愿意宣誓成为我至尊门人的留下,不愿意的,叶某也不为难。那边有传送阵,自行离去便是!” ps: Sorry, today is a little late, in the morning afternoon goes to the hospital, oh, old gastric disease. In the evening also has. ps:抱歉,今天有点迟,上午下午都去医院,唉,老胃病啊。晚上还有。 Finally asked a monthly ticket with everybody, for me, was not the faint clearance of female frequency, a very good younger sister paper, her «snake baby: The agent mother cannot annoy» now is the phoenix list fourth, nearby misses for several points( two tickets), everybody helps her, when helped me. Small thanked first! 最后跟大家求点月票,不是为我,是女频的幽幽净空,很好的一个妹纸,她的《蛇宝宝:特工妈咪惹不得》现在是凤榜第四,跟前一名就差十几分(两票),大家帮下她,就当帮我了。小蛮先谢了! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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