MC :: Volume #33

#3284: Given name, supreme!

3284 given names, supreme! 3284名号,至尊! „Becoming Heavenly Mandate Chosen sends off?” cloud Yang nods saying that Heavenly Mandate Chosen is passes through, after reaching the destination truly is very long time, shortly after your woman should just transmit, by your strength, pursues not to be a problem her now.” “成为天命者送走?”云扬点头道,“天命者都是穿越出去,真正到达目的地已经是很长的时间以后,你的女人应该是刚传送不久,以你的实力,现在将她追回来不成问题。” cloud Yang these words said, suddenly remembers anything, urged hastily, „, your the friend who called Wang Wei, do not pursue!” 云扬这句话说完,突然又想起什么,连忙叮嘱道,“哦,你那个叫王炜的朋友,就不要追回来了!” Ye Kong then asked that why?” 叶空回头问道,“为何?” cloud Yangdao, said a moment ago, the chaos samsara has the bull wheel to return to the pickpocket who works on trains to return, has the comprehensive samsara and partial samsara, draws an analogy, the chaos probably is a body of person, but the pickpocket who works on trains returns probably is the wound on his body, the innumerable pickpockets who works on trains return, the innumerable wounds, one day, his whole body covers entirely the wound, finally will destroy the reconstruction...... But your friend is a pickpocket who works on trains returns to the small wound, you can pull back your other friends, but is located in the friend who the pickpocket who works on trains returns to is actually 10 million/absolutely does not clutch......” 云扬道,“刚才所说,混沌轮回有大轮回小轮回,有全面轮回和局部轮回,打个比方,混沌就好像是一个人的身体,而小轮回就好像是他身体上的伤口,无数的小轮回,无数的伤口,总有一天,他全身都布满伤口,最后才会毁灭重建……而你的那位朋友就是一个小轮回小伤口,你可以拉回你的其他的朋友,可是位于小轮回的朋友却是千万揪不得……” Here, in cloud Yangyan one severe, every single word or phrase said that „, because that will stimulate the chaos the wound! Drives arriving that the bull wheel returns to!” 说到这里,云扬眼中一厉,一字一句道,“因为那会刺激混沌的伤口!驾驶大轮回的来到!” However listened to cloud Yang saying that Ye Kong was the forced smile said that Daijun World Queen of night Zelin, Chen Zelin of Earth...... Although they like Wang Wei are not the same people, but obviously is also another type of samsara! Perhaps is also chaos small wound!” 不过听云扬说完,叶空却是苦笑道,“代俊世界的月神泽琳,地球的陈泽琳……虽然她们并不像王炜那样是同一个人,不过显然也是另一个种的轮回!恐怕也是混沌的小伤口!” cloud Yang listens to the startled say/way, that your 10 million/absolutely do not pull back them! You are in the wound put salt!” 云扬一听惊道,“那你千万不要拉回他们!你这是伤口上撒盐啊!” Ye Kong is actually cold snort/hum one , to continue to walk forward. 叶空却是冷哼一声,继续向前走。 I know that this will stimulate chaos! However my Ye Kong does not live for him, my Ye Kong is never looked that others meaningful glance earns a living! My woman and friend of mine, I see somebody in danger and do nothing, sees separation also ignores its occurrence...... This, is not my Ye Kong behavior!” “我知道这会刺激混沌!不过我叶空不是为他而活,我叶空从来不是看别人眼色过活!我的女人、我的朋友,我见死不救,眼看分离还放任其发生……这,不是我叶空所为!” Hears Ye Kong to say these words unyieldingly, cloud Yang feels once more, before present Ye Kong, just knew when Ye Kong that laughs foolishly silly, was different! 听见叶空硬气地说出这些话,云扬再次感觉到,现在的叶空和之前刚认识时那个傻傻憨笑的叶空,已经不同! cloud Yangleng, Ye Kong moved toward the Array Method total control center. 云扬愣了一下,叶空已经走向阵法的总控制中心。 Ye Kong, I know that you save the friend to be cherished, but you rather world look! Also do not enrage the chaos......” cloud Yangpao to come up, holds on Ye Kong saying that you just obtained the supreme inheritance, should study the senior worthy people of former times, is hiding the chaos, the low key conduct!” 叶空,我知道你救朋友心切,可是你宁可一个一个的世界去找!也不要触怒混沌……”云扬跑上去,拉住叶空道,“你刚刚得到至尊的传承,理应学习前辈先贤们,躲着混沌,低调行事!” Ye Kong actually laughs, a pair of pupil is similar to the stars glistens, the bright sound said, senior worthy people of former times are all low-key, but passes to my this generation, must leave out of the ordinary Heavenly Mandate Chosen!” 叶空却是哈哈一笑,一双眸子如同星辰般闪亮,朗声道,“前辈先贤个个低调,而传到我这一代,就是要出一个与众不同的天命者!” That Array Method controls, in surpasses above other Array Method catwalks. 阵法的中控,正是在一个远超其他阵法的高台之上。 Ye Kong suspends Cayenne to raise, both hands defeated/carrying after behind, walk up the stair step by step steadily, in the mouth shout, „, since the low key is not necessarily successful, then the high-sounding talk is not necessarily defeated!” 叶空摆开云扬,双手负在身后,一步步稳稳走上台阶,口中喝道,“既然低调不一定成功,那么高调未必就失败!” cloud Yangzhan under the stair, holds up the head to look at the Ye Kong's back, in the heart the secretly thought, this is really completely different Heavenly Mandate Chosen! Although does not know whether he can succeed, but struggles with him together, refreshed! 云扬站在台阶之下,昂头看着叶空的背影,心中暗道,这果然是一个完全不一样的天命者!虽然不知道他能否成功,可是跟着他一起奋斗,爽快! Shows me, in which Array Method Chen Zelin and Wang Wei separately are...... Good, had found, immediately cuts the space and time to me, the connection foreign country, the Venerable technique!” “给我看看,陈泽琳和王炜分别是哪个阵法之中……好,找到了,立即给我切割时空,连接外域,尊者技!” Chen Zelin they transmit from plate hole, but the plate hole world is completely different from the chaos world, must therefore carry on reconnects, can receive these two! 陈泽琳他们是从盘洞之中传送出去,而盘洞世界和混沌世界完全不一样,所以就必须进行重新连接,才能把这两人收回来! However looks for the plate hole space to open such one, this completely different world and chaos connected...... 不过就找盘洞空间打开那么一丝,将这片完全不一样的世界和混沌相连…… Roar! 吼! Venerable the palace in the Venerate Realm day, some are consecrating in a piece of fuzzy light shadow main hall, suddenly transmits a continuous long rave! 尊界的天尊殿,某一间供奉着一片模糊光影的大殿之中,突然传来一声连绵悠长的狂吼! Was it gets angry! It felt anything! It felt with it completely different principle!” “是它发怒了!它感觉到了什么!它感觉到了和它完全不一样的法则!” Another day Venerable in the palace, jade positive Sect Lord both eyes panic-stricken. 另一间天尊殿内,玉阳门主双目一片惊恐。 Meanwhile, in Venerate Realm another main hall, a big form stands in the building roof, looks below shining chaos surprised, in both eyes is also a startled color. 与此同时,尊界另一间大殿之中,一个高大的身影站在楼宇最高处,吃惊地看着下方的金灿灿的混沌,双目之中也是一片惊色。 „Is sound so big? Really is that Ye Kong? Also does not know that can draw support from him, arrives at the greatly comfortable other shore?” “动静这么大?难道真是那叶空?也不知道能不能借助他,到达大自在的彼岸呢?” ...... …… Beginning masterstroke, the space and time reverses, the chaos repeat!” “始神技,时空逆转,混沌重演!” Ye Kong and Venerable technique and beginning masterstroke, originate from the rule of chaos world, therefore in the plate hole is unable displaying. 叶空和各位尊者的尊者技、始神技,都是来源于混沌世界的规则,所以在盘洞之中无法的施展。 The space and chaos world that but after Chen Zelin and Wang Wei vanish are connected, that piece of space operates under the chaos principle, Ye Kong can certainly use! 可是当陈泽琳和王炜消失的空间和混沌世界相连以后,那一片空间就在混沌法则之下运行,叶空当然可以使用! Actually pulls back Chen Zelin they to need the too formidable strength, the space and time reverses. 其实拉回陈泽琳他们并需要太强大的力量,时空逆转就可以。 The time flows backwards, lets in that several tower Array Method, before the scene returned. 时间倒流,让那几个塔型阵法之中,场景又回到了之前。 Chen Zelin appears! Wang Wei appears! Other transmissions Heavenly Mandate Chosen, was returned to original state. 陈泽琳出现!王炜出现!还有其他的传送出去的天命者,又被还原了回来。 Looks that these people come back, cloud Yang knows, this unavoidably stabbing pain chaos nerve...... If forever fraught with uncertainty, will not necessarily succeed! 看着这些人回来,云扬知道,这难免又刺痛混沌的神经……只是,若是永远的畏首畏尾,也不一定就会成功! Right that Ye Kong said! Is would rather refreshed!” cloud Yang nods secretly. 叶空说的对!倒不如爽快一点!”云扬暗自点头。 After Chen Zelin they were recovered, these were locked, for example secure Xiaoran, reckless Jinse and the others, was relieved locking completely. 当陈泽琳他们被复原回来以后,那些被锁定的,比如安小冉、胡堇色等人,也全部都被解除了锁定。 Restored soberly. 全部恢复了清醒。 Not only these earthmen woke up completely, these Saints revere the day Venerable, regains consciousness completely! Completely sober, restores the intelligence from locking! 不但这些地球人全部都醒来了,就连那些圣尊天尊,也全部都苏醒!全部清醒,从锁定之中恢复神智! However, an important choice is waiting for them. 不过,一个重要的选择在等待着他们。 Ye Kong!” After sovereign nobility armor recovers comes soberly, raised the head sees Ye Kong above distant place stage, he lifts the hand to greet to say with a smile hastily: What does your boy stand above does?” 叶空!”当皇爵铠复原以后清醒过来,抬头就看见远处高台之上的叶空,他连忙抬手打招呼笑道:“你小子站在上边搞什么?” Rests impolitely!” cloud Yang roars immediately, if sound mighty bell. “休得无礼!”云扬顿时一声怒吼,声若洪钟。 Above the stage, Ye Kong to below slight bow, lightly said that later again said that stands in the one side, can not talk too much, goes.” 高台之上,叶空只是对下边微微点头,淡淡道了一句,“稍后再说,站在一旁,不得多言,去吧。” Beforehand Ye Kong, is happy, who jokes with him good. 以前的叶空,都是一脸憨笑,谁跟他开玩笑都行。 But this meeting, Ye Kong, although on the face is having the light smile, but actually keeps aloof, a strong appearance! 而这一会,叶空虽然脸上带着淡淡微笑,可是却是高高在上,一副强势模样! Where has the half minute gruff silly? 哪有半分的憨傻? Wang Wei also looks up Ye Kong, arrives at side Chen Zelin, said in a soft voice: Present Ye Kong is probably different from before.” 王炜也抬头看着叶空,走到陈泽琳身边,轻声道:“现在的叶空好像和以前不一样了。” Although Chen Zelin hundred years does not see, may be the long hair is still floating, stands in the corner/horn of crowd, on the face emerges the smile, perhaps you do not adapt to present Ye Kong, but I actually know, true Ye Kong, came back! In the past that Christmas Eve, I saw was this Ye Kong, but was not gruff silly that!” 陈泽琳虽然百年不见,可依然是长发飘飘,站在人群的一角,脸上浮出微笑,“或许你们都不适应现在的叶空,可是我却知道,真正的叶空,回来了!当年那个平安夜,我见到的就是这个叶空,而不是憨傻的那个!” Above the stage, the light shadow buds, in light shadow, a young man crosses the hands behind the back to stand, lowers the head to overlook all living things. 高台之上,光影萌动,光影之中,一个年轻男子负手而立,低头俯视众生。 The earthmen are the Ye Kong's disciples and followers, respects Ye Kong. But these level Powerhouse actually refuse to accept. 地球人都是叶空的徒子徒孙,都尊敬叶空。可是那些尊级强者却是不服。 When the Venerable anger sound of next three items of panther eyes shouted: Ye Kong, what are you are doing? You fast put us to exit, otherwise Saint your home is held responsible with you!” 当下一个三目豹眼的尊者怒声喝道:“叶空,你这是在搞什么?你速速放我们出去,否则圣尊门拿你是问!” Venerable also gua of day your home chirp gets up, „! Ye Kong your day your home abandons the disciple, your what Cultivation Base, you dare to put under house arrest us, do you court death?” 天尊门的尊者也呱噪起来,“是呀!叶空你一个天尊门弃徒,你什么修为,你竟敢软禁我们,你是不是找死啊?” Ye Kong did not dispute with them, but light smiled, bright sound said: Day sage Venerable, the status is lofty, but is actually shiftless, only knows the mutual battle, holds a job without doing any work, completely is one group of Venerate Realm degenerates! The day Venerable falsely, the Saint Venerable shameless, before competing, generation of inheritances, steal the ancestor star, fights for world of mortals Venerable...... The matter of doing, making person despise!” 叶空也并不和他们争执,只是淡淡一笑,朗声道:“天尊圣尊,地位崇高,可是却不思进取,只知互相争斗,尸位素餐,全部都是一群尊界败类!天尊虚伪,圣尊无耻,争夺前代遗产,盗窃祖宗星球,争抢下界尊者……所作之事,让人不齿!” Two sides Venerate Realm Powerhouse roar completely, Ye Kong, you spoke carefully, how can you?” 两边尊界强者全部怒吼起来,“叶空,你说话小心点,你到底要如何?” How can I?” Ye Kong both eyes concentrate, shout, I must found new your home, the given name, supreme!” “我要如何?”叶空双目一凝,喝道,“我要开创新的尊门,名号,至尊!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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