MC :: Volume #33

#3283: The bull wheel returns, the pickpocket who works on trains returns!

3283 bull wheels return, the pickpocket who works on trains returns! 3283大轮回,小轮回! The plate hole, lost soul to say according to Pangu, this then channel to outside! However was very regrettable this channel to be destroyed! To open this channel, at least must reach the altitude of original Pangu! 盘洞,根据盘古遗魂所说,这便是通向界外的通道!不过很遗憾这通道被毁了!想要重新打开此通道,至少也要达到原先的盘古的高度! Ye Kong is always curious to the strange thing, wants to have a look outside is what picture. 叶空对陌生的事物一向都是好奇,想要看看界外到底是何景象。 However he just obtained the supreme inheritance, strength also difference is very far! Wanted to achieve Pangu past Cultivation Base, perhaps was also not that easy. 不过他刚刚得到至尊传承,实力还差的很远!想要达到盘古当年的修为,恐怕也并不是那么轻而易举的。 Therefore he does not consider this, is leading cloud Yang directly, two people arrive at the plate hole through Transmission Array. 所以他也不考虑这个,直接带着云扬,两人通过传送阵来到盘洞。 In plate hole, dark profound. The plate hole deep place, tower Array Method, emit the white hazy light fog, looks, just like many holy pagodas is ordinary, but in each tower, has a person form! 盘洞之中,幽暗深邃。盘洞深处,一座座的塔型阵法,放出白色的朦朦光雾,远一看去,犹如许多的圣洁佛塔一般,而在每一尊塔中,就有一个人身影! These forms had been deadlocked. Besides was lost the eight people in soul choice by Pangu, other enter the Array Method person, no matter the Cultivation Base height, had been deadlocked completely! 这些身影已经都被锁死。除了被盘古遗魂挑选中的八个人以外,其他进入阵法的人不管修为高低,全部都已经被锁死! Because they lost the status of contention successor, therefore they were deadlocked, waits for the successor to appear, decides their life and death! 因为他们已经丧失了角逐继承者的身份,所以他们都被锁死,等着继承者出现,来决定他们的生死! Ye Kong leads cloud Yang to pass through from channel, looks that in tower Array Method sits cross-legged the person who sits and others. These people had is human, some are other races, some are the Saint Venerable, some are the day Venerable, some are cultivate on Earth, some Ye Kong knew, some Ye Kong have not seen! 叶空带着云扬从通道之中走过,看着一个个塔型阵法之中盘腿坐着的人等。这些人等有得是人类,有的是其他的种族,有的是圣尊,有的是天尊,有的是地球上的修炼者,有的叶空认识,有的叶空根本没见过! However these, cloud Yang knows overwhelming majorities actually. Although he always concentrates on study, but he has stayed in two sides your home, the head/number of people is actually very familiar. 不过那些尊者,云扬倒是认识绝大多数。虽然他一向都潜心研究,不过他在两边尊门都呆过,人头倒是很熟悉。 This is Venerable of insect clan, the day your home person, you do not look that his appearance is ugly, but is actually the unusual letter face upwards Venerable, is a good person! People good...... That side that man is black Tongsheng of Saint your home Venerable, this person extremely savage, blood-thirsty, he and others interlock to pass through, great distance Wan Li also specially pursues to massacre the person bewilderedly, this person already bloodthirsty to mental not normal situation, Saint your home, although tasteful all things are optional, may many people unable to bear him......” “这个是虫族的尊者,天尊门人,你别看他长相丑陋,可是却是非常的信仰天尊,是一个好人!人不错……那边那个男人是圣尊门的乌瞳圣尊,此人极其的凶残,嗜杀成性,他和人家交错走过,相隔万里还专门追上去把人莫名其妙杀掉,此人已经嗜杀到心智都不正常的地步,圣尊门虽然讲究万事随意,可都有很多人受不了他……” Is listening to cloud Yang telling, Ye Kong also step by step proceeds. 听着云扬一个个的讲诉,叶空也是一步步的往前走。 However walked little segment not to see Chen Zelin, actually discovers an issue. 不过走了一小段还没看见陈泽琳,却是发现一个问题。 This Array Method should be the receiving person one by one, but why actually separates several steps to have Array Method to be spatial?” The Ye Kong intention moves, immediately connects Array Method. “这阵法本来应该是挨个的收人,可是为何却隔几步就会有一处阵法是空的?”叶空心念一动,立即连接阵法 He is the owner of this side world, therefore in this world Pangu loses the soul to transfer the use, he can use. Some arrangements and records of before Ye Kong this looked at, immediately both eyes are shocked! 他已经是这一方世界的拥有者,所以这世界之中盘古遗魂能够调动使用的,他都可以使用。叶空把这之前的一些安排和记录一看,顿时双目惊呆! Day! Regarding enters that these Cultivation Base cannot achieve, they have two opportunities of choices! Was deadlocked, second randomly was sent to the world in chaos to make Heavenly Mandate Chosen! But a large part of enters, they do not hope oneself destiny by the unknown control, therefore chose to make Heavenly Mandate Chosen!” “天!对于那些修为达不到的进阵者,他们有两个选择的机会!一个是被锁死,第二个就是被随机送去混沌中的世界去做天命者!而很大一部分的进阵者,他们不愿自己的命运被未知掌控,所以都选择去做了天命者!” Sovereign nobility armor has made Heavenly Mandate Chosen! reckless Jinse has not gone! My f*ck your ancestor board board, this does not beat with a club the affectionate couple!! Wang Wei has also made Heavenly Mandate Chosen...... It is not right! This a little chaotic......” “皇爵铠去做了天命者!胡堇色没去!我日你先人板板,这不是棒打鸳鸯!啊!王炜也去做了天命者……不对!这有点混乱……” Ye Kong in the heart feels immediately somewhat chaotic, opens the mouth to ask: cloud Yang, the issue I had not clarified.” 叶空顿时心中感觉有些混乱,开口问道:“云扬,有一个问题我一直没有弄清楚。” cloud Yang goes forward one step, asked respectfully: Please say.” 云扬上前一步,恭敬问道:“请讲。” Ye Kong asked: I come out from Daijun World, where I pass through am cultivator time, picks books that in Heavenly Mandate Chosen Wang Wei leaves behind! But after waiting for me to return to Earth, has actually met this Wang Wei! What I want to ask, this Wang Wei was passes through, passed through?” 叶空问道:“我是从代俊世界出来,在哪里我穿越过去还是一个修士的时候,捡到一本上一个天命者王炜留下的书籍!可是等我回到地球以后,却是又遇到了这个王炜!我想问的是,这个王炜是穿越过去了,还是穿越回来了呢?” Is this, I have not met actually.” cloud Yang hesitant, opens the mouth saying: I think Wang Wei that Wang Wei that you afterward met has not passed through, in the different world in the time node, will have the dislocation actually.” “是这样,我倒是没有遇到过。”云扬犹豫一下,开口道:“我想你后来遇到的王炜是没穿越的王炜,其实在不同的世界在时间节点上,就会产生错位。” But Ye Kong also said: I know that your meaning, is I in the generation handsome world, saw the Wang Wei soul! If illuminates your view, then the Wang Wei soul should knows me, why doesn't he know?” 可是叶空又道:“我知道你的意思,可是我在代俊的世界,见到了王炜的魂魄!如果照你的说法,那么王炜的魂魄应该是认识我,为何他不认识了呢?” cloud Yang hears this issue also to think that some brain corona sink, after hesitant one next, facial color dignified say/way, „, if I have not guessed that wrong, that only has a possibility...... That is a samsara!” 云扬听到这个问题也是觉得有些大脑晕沉,犹豫一下以后,面色凝重道,“如果我没有猜错的话,那就只有一个可能……那就是轮回!” Samsara?” Ye Kong has gawked, has not understood, what samsara, is the first samsara, is the chaos samsara?” “轮回?”叶空愣了一下,没有明白,“什么轮回,是一世轮回,还是混沌轮回?” cloud Yang hesitated once more, but actually does not dare to confirm, said: Should be the chaos samsara, if is really such, that was really fearful.” 云扬再次犹豫了一下,不过却又不敢确认,道:“应该是混沌轮回,如果真是那样,那就真的可怕了。” Ye Kong is not clear. 叶空还是不明白。 cloud Yang every single word or phrase said finally: To the mural knows according to my preliminary study, the chaos opening samsara time is not suddenly one day starts! But before is very long is very long, starts to return in the pickpocket who works on trains of partial range! I think the seed of Heavenly Mandate Chosen that Wang Wei that you said that he obtains originates in the chaos some region, but this region, opens the region that the pickpocket who works on trains returned to...... Therefore he is not Wang Wei that you met, but is the Wang Wei samsara, new Wang Wei!” 云扬终于一字一句道:“根据我对壁画的初步研究知道,混沌开启轮回时代并不是突然某一天就开始的!而是在此之前很久很久,就开始在局部范围的小轮回!我想你说的那位王炜,他得到的天命者的种子就是来源于混沌之中某一块区域,而这一块区域,正是开启了小轮回的区域……所以他不是你原先遇到的王炜,而是王炜的轮回,一个新的王炜!” cloud Yang the theory is very complex, is unreadable. 云扬的理论很是复杂,让人难以理解。 However Ye Kong actually understood the most essential point, chaos opened the new samsara time in the preparation really!” Ye Kong is dumbfounded. 不过叶空却是从中明白了最关键的一点,“混沌真的已经在预备开启新的轮回时代了!”叶空目瞪口呆。 cloud Yang nods, I also thought quickly! You look at Venerate Realm, now the chaos have contracted very small region, must know, the samsara from the beginning, the chaos can fully occupy Venerate Realm each time! Its samsara probably is the breath of person is the same, the time of when shouting was too long, naturally needed to attract fiercely!” 云扬点头,“我也觉得快了!你看尊界,现在混沌已经收缩到很小的区域了,要知道,每次轮回一开始,混沌是可以占满尊界的!它的轮回就好像是人的呼吸一样,当呼的时间太久,自然就需要猛地吸一下!” In Ye Kong's has the startled color to dodge, but these in his expected, he nod saying: It seems like our time are not much.” 叶空的目中有惊色一闪,不过这些还是在他的意料之中,他点头道:“看来我们的时间不多了。” cloud Yang said with a smile: You also leave were too worried, chaos operation very slow, each movement calculates according to the era! So long as you will not break the rule excessively, does not enrage it, should also many eras. Era 100 million years, sufficed you to use......” 云扬笑道:“你也别太担心,混沌的运行是非常的缓慢的,它每一个动作都是按照纪元来计算的!只要你不会过分的破坏规则,不激怒它,应该还有不少纪元。一个纪元100000000年,够你用了……” However the Ye Kong's intention moves, every single word or phrase said: Feared that was I must break the rule now!” 不过叶空的心念一动,却是一字一句道:“怕是我现在就要破坏规则了!” cloud Yangjing said: How did this words say?” 云扬惊道:“此话怎讲?” Chen Zelin was transmitted to make Heavenly Mandate Chosen!” Ye Kong both eyes stare in a big way, clenches jaws to get angry: Chen Zelin this girl, she does not wait for me here, why can comply to make Heavenly Mandate Chosen?” “陈泽琳被传送去做了天命者!”叶空双目瞪大,咬牙切齿怒道:“陈泽琳这个丫头,她不在这里等我,干嘛要答应去做天命者?” „?” cloud Yangleng, guessed: Deciding is Pangu loses the soul to transmit Chen Zelin, throws directly here. The female has closed for 100 years in Daijun World, perhaps wanted insanely, suddenly appeared here, thinks that Pangu lost the soul not to urge her one, directly asked how she chose, she does not know that you and Li Zhenzhi will save her, naturally is not willing to deadlock here, has to choose to make Heavenly Mandate Chosen.” “啊?”云扬楞了一下,猜测道:“定是盘古遗魂把陈泽琳传送出来,直接扔在这里。那女子在代俊世界之中关了100年,恐怕都要疯了,突然出现在这里,想必盘古遗魂也没有叮嘱她一声,直接问她如何选择,她不知道你和李真志会救她,当然不愿意锁死这里,也只好选择去做天命者。” Pangu loses soul bastard!” Ye Kong opens the mouth to curse angrily one, I must reverse, I must look for her!” “盘古遗魂这个混蛋!”叶空开口怒骂一声,“我要逆转,我要把她找回来!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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