MC :: Volume #33

#3282: Trillion people of waiting

328.20001 billion people of waiting! 328200010000人的等待! You look!” “你们看!” Not only opposite Evil Cultivator felt, that side hid the Earth alliance soldier in pit fortification, raised the head to watch completely! 不但对面的邪修们感觉到了,那边躲在地坑工事中的地球联盟战士,也全部都抬头观看! Bang! 轰! Sees only the top of the head to have the golden light halo to swing suddenly! Sweeps across golden color that comes, magnificent all over the sky! As if golden yellow coverage in fairy tale! 只见头顶有金色光圈猛然荡开!席卷而来的金色,辉煌满天!仿佛童话之中的金黄覆盖! But after this, in the sky, rains unexpectedly! 而在此之后,天空中,竟然下起了雨! Golden light rain! 金色的光雨! How this was!” secure Xiaowei surprised looks at the sky, his vision follows trillion light rain intravenous drip that is dropping! “这是怎么了!”安小伟吃惊的看着天空,他的目光跟随着那落下的亿万光雨点滴! ! The light rain falls into the ground! 啪!光雨落入地面! That is!” Evil Cultivator surprised seeing, when the light rain falls, on these burned black ruins, has the green seed growth immediately. “那是!”邪修们吃惊的看见,当光雨落下,那些焦黑的废墟上,顿时有绿色的萌芽生长。 Naked eye obvious speed, the glossy dark green small leaf spreads out, extracts a bud, a small deep green bush appearance. But in SMIC of this bush, bright red small finely ground particles. 肉眼可见的速度,油绿的小叶伸展开,抽出枝芽,一株小小的碧绿灌木出现。而在这灌木的中芯,还有一颗鲜红的小小颗粒。 What fruit is this? What plant is this? Is unprecedented, in any textbook does not have......” “这是什么果实?这又是什么植物?前所未见,任何教科书上都没有……” Evil Cultivator pinches a grain of rice big pellet to place in the mouth boldly, sees only in his both eyes, immediately fills the glow of difference! 一个邪修大胆掐起一颗米粒大的颗粒放在口中,只见他双眼之中,顿时充满异样之芒! Good rich spiritual power! So small, surpasses blood pill!” “好浓郁的灵力!如此小的一颗,就超过血丹!” Really?” Evil Cultivator probably goes crazy to be the same completely, crazy collection. “真的?”邪修全部都好像发疯一样,疯狂的采集。 However quick, they discovered that does not need to collect, because, this golden light rain everywhere one visit, the myriad things recover, the spiritual energy overflows! All kinds of spiritual power plants, spirit tree spirit fruit, all over! 不过很快,他们发现并不需要采集了,因为,这金色光雨所到之处,万物复苏,灵气四溢!各种各样的灵力植物,灵树灵果,漫山遍野! Too many, eyeful is, could not finish eating cannot use up! 太多了,满眼都是,吃不完用不完! Not only the spirit fruit, golden rain water everywhere one visit, the myriad things long, lose one's temper spirit! But these original beasts of Earth, starts to change, becomes formidable, becomes fierce, turns into spirit beast! 不但灵果,金色雨水所到之处,万物长、灵气生!而那些地球的原先的兽类,也开始变化,变得强大,变得凶猛,变成灵兽 Roar! 吼! The ground shocks, mighty mouse break out from the ground! This is the field-mouse that obtains the golden raindrop variation, now it is more giant than the fierce tiger. 地面震撼,有一只巨鼠破土而出!这正是一只获得金色雨点变异的田鼠,现在它比猛虎还巨大。 Its material can refiner!” Does not know that which Evil Cultivator shouted first, afterward, Evil Cultivator went crazy the same launch attack! “它身上的材料可以炼器!”不知道哪一个邪修先喊起来,随后,邪修们发疯一样的发动进攻! Another side, secure Xiaowei pours at the pit fortification, holds up the head to look at obviously the deep blue sky, muttered, day had gold/metal rain, the myriad things new student! Ye Kong, is your boy does! Does not know, little Ran is living also?” 另一边,安小伟倒在地坑工事呢,昂头看着更显湛蓝的天空,喃喃自语,“天降金雨,万物新生!叶空,又是你小子搞出来的吧!只是不知道,小冉是不是还活着呢?” At this moment, is having bang bang the loud sound to resound outside the fortification, hand/subordinate the soldier to/clashes to report, major general! These Evil Cultivator and a mouse giant beast hit, do we want to seize the opportunity to kill off Evil Cultivator?” 正在此刻,有砰砰巨响在工事外响起,手下士兵冲来报告,“少将!那些邪修和一只鼠型巨兽打起来了,我们要不要乘机杀光邪修?” secure Xiaowei turns over/stands up to stand up immediately, gets ready for action!” 安小伟立即翻身站起,“做好战斗准备!” Yes!” The soldiers stand up completely with deep veneration, but secure Xiaowei's order is makes them be startled. “是!”战士们全部肃然站起,不过安小伟的命令却是让他们吃惊。 Helps Evil Cultivator strike to kill the mighty mouse!” “帮助邪修击杀巨鼠!” What? Major general!” “什么?少将!” Performance order!” secure Xiaowei then watches outside the fortification the big piece prosperous green, opens the mouth to say slowly, „the pattern of Earth must change! The Earth alliance and Evil Cultivator alliance are human! Our enemies, only then these abnormities!” “执行命令!”安小伟这才看着工事外大片欣欣向荣的绿色,缓缓开口道,“地球的格局要变了!地球联盟和邪修联盟本来都是人类!我们的敌人,只有那些异形!” ...... …… Actually secure Xiaowei guessed mistakenly, the enemy of human was not the abnormity. 其实安小伟还是猜错了,人类的敌人并不是异形。 When that golden light rain has swept, opposite sex type did not allow in the thing of cultivate world, entire to be swept away! Not only on Earth, the abnormity in Pangu first universe, was destroyed completely! 当那金色的光雨扫过,异性这种本来就不容于修炼世界的东西,整个就被横扫!不但地球上,就连盘古第一宇宙之中的异形,也全部被毁灭! Kills this world complete abnormity instantaneously, only then this gold/metal rain strength can achieve. 瞬间杀死这个世界全部的异形,也只有这金雨的力量可以做到。 The abnormity vanished, the Earth alliance and Evil Cultivator alliance are not easy to dispel the hatred, after all attacked to kill mutually for hundred years. However among them the fight are getting fewer and fewer. 异形消失了,地球联盟和邪修联盟也并不是那么容易化解仇恨的,毕竟互相攻杀百年了。不过他们之间的战斗越来越少。 Because various formidable monster beasts appeared, the biggest enemy of human turned into the monster beast! 因为各种各样强大的妖兽出现了,人类的最大敌人变成了妖兽! These once docile small creature, even is the plant, turned had the life intelligence formidable creature! 那些曾经驯良的小动物,甚至是植物,变成了具有生命智能的强大生物! Exterminates a formidable monster beast each time, human must bear the massive loss, when the monster beast was struck to kill, will have many people, instantaneous developed. Monster beast material, is the best refiner material! 每次剿灭一只强大的妖兽,人类就要承受巨大的损失,不过当妖兽被击杀,就会有许多人,瞬间发达。妖兽身上的材料,是最好的炼器材料! Is the fierce monster beast, the material is more precious! 越是凶猛的妖兽,材料越珍贵! Similarly, these materials, the beast blood and crystal stone, these have the same advantage to the Earth alliance! These scientists have quickly developed crystal stone arming! With armed armor that monster animal skin bone makes, in installment the nucleus of monster beast...... The strength is not inferior cultivate! 同样,这些材料、兽血、晶石,这些对地球联盟也有一样的好处!那些科学家已经很快开发出晶石武装!用妖兽皮骨制造的武装铠甲,安装上妖兽的晶核……实力不逊于修炼者! Meaning that the science and technology becomes a lay priest, starts to appear! 科技入道的意味,也开始显现! However, no matter the Evil Cultivator alliance or the Earth alliance, they know, sky over in Antarctic day hole must have the mutation! The two sides have sent out the past years and that person relate the good senior, waits for outside the hole, waited for that person gets out of trouble! 不过,不管邪修联盟还是地球联盟,他们都知道,南极上空的天洞之中要有异变了!两边都派出了当年和那人关系不错的前辈,守候洞外,等待那人脱困! Afterward, the Martian of being self-contained came, the Moon person of keeping aloof came, even the indigenous opposition force of remote say/way star they came! 随后,自成一体的火星人来了,高高在上的月球人来了,甚至遥远道顿星的土著反抗力量他们都来了! All people know, is the cultivate big time soon to arrive! 所有人都知道,一个属于修炼的大时代已经快要到来! But the change of opening and entire human society of this time, needs a person to appear! 而这个时代的开启和整个人类社会的改变,都需要一个人出现! Once some younger generations asked that since your leadership came, everybody consulted, didn't become? However all parties stand the person in pyramid most peak smile bitterly, cannot accomplish! Only then his a few words, all human will show respect for somebody's ability!” 曾经有晚辈问,既然你们各家的领导都来了,大家协商协商,不就成了?不过所有各方站在金字塔最顶端的人都是苦笑,“办不到!只有他一句话,所有的人类才会买帐!” Truly, is split up same human in a state of disunity, only then Ye Kong this once had the senior Grandmaster of 10 billion disciples, can make all parties be convinced! 确实,四分五裂一盘散沙一样的人类,只有叶空这样曾经拥有10000000000弟子的前辈宗师,才可以让各方服气! ...... …… However Ye Kong also not anxiously coming out. 不过叶空还并没有急着出来。 The heart lake cave mansion by Ye Kong refine, became the Ye Kong's heart lake cave mansion, but demon who in which these become a ghost, Ye Kong also only then makes them run its own course! 心湖洞府已经被叶空炼化,成为叶空的心湖洞府,而其中的那些成精的精怪,叶空也只有让他们自生自灭! These demons, they become a ghost in the special world that present this Pangu leaves behind, lets they go to the chaos world unable cultivate. 这些精怪,他们成精在眼下这种盘古留下的特异世界中,让他们去混沌世界也是无法的修炼 In the samsara palace, after that gold/metal Huo volatilizes, has been in full bloom unexpectedly a lotus flower, green responsibility piece by piece, scatters the water surface, white lotus, during the embellishment. Coordinates the central pure white great coffin, the deep blue epitaph, in the midair hangs the vertical big stele, white vault and black ground, good solemn silence mourning hall! 轮回殿之中,那一池金火挥发以后,竟然盛开了一池的莲花,绿荷片片,散落水面,白莲朵朵,点缀其间。配合中央的洁白巨棺,湛蓝墓志铭,半空中悬立的高大石碑,白穹顶、黑地面,好一个庄严肃穆的灵堂! This cave mansion is useless to Ye Kong, he already thought, in the future must puts down the outside Hidden Treasure Pavilion and ruins anything. Entire completes the cemetery here, finds a place to place, lets primitive this intention 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 lives first ancestors throughout the ages, by all people's beliefs and worshipping! 这个洞府对叶空无用,他早就想好,日后要把外边的藏宝阁和废墟什么都平了。把这里整个建成陵园,找个地方安放下来,让原始这位心怀1e+20生灵的万代始祖,受所有人的信仰和祭拜! Must make all people and all Heavenly Mandate Chosen know, is this supreme worthy people of former times, has younger generation throughout the ages! Has to destroy the hope of samsara! 要让所有人、所有天命者都知道,是这位至尊先贤,才有万代后人!才有打破轮回的希望! In this Pangu cave mansion, did not have any treasure actually. These become the treasures of demon, when intelligence vanishes, above energy also vanished. 这个盘古洞府之中,其实也没什么宝物了。那些成为精怪的宝物当灵性消失,其上的能量也消失了。 Only, is cloud Yang thinks the important these murals. 唯一的,就是云扬觉得重要的那些壁画。 But Ye Kong obtains, is that dragon bone whip. 叶空得到的,就是那条龙骨鞭。 Pangu loses the soul to dissipate in golden flame, but this dragon bone whip had been covered by the golden flame, is all right unexpectedly! Therefore Ye Kong recognized that for the heavy treasure, naturally must stay behind, as own weapon. 盘古遗魂都在金色火焰之中消散,而这条龙骨鞭被金色火焰覆盖过,竟然没事!所以叶空认定为重宝,当然要留下,作为自己的兵器。 Afterward must do, was sees Chen Zelin, Pangu lost the soul to emigrate from the generation handsome space her, threw in the outside plate hole directly. 随后要做的,就是去见陈泽琳了,盘古遗魂把她从代俊空间移出,直接扔到了外边的盘洞里。 cloud Yang, turns head to study again, goes the plate hole with me!” “云扬,回头再研究,跟我去盘洞!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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