MC :: Volume #33

#3281: The destiny is inadequate, will never give up!

3281 destiny are inadequate, will never give up! 3281天命不成,永不放弃! Has not thought Venerable really for Jun this kind of day, was eaten by the dog......” sees generation of handsome fates from the light shadow at present, cloud Yang sighs with emotion shakes the head. “真的没想到代俊这样一位天尊,就被狗吃了……”从眼前光影看见代俊的下场,云扬感慨摇头。 However the winner is the king, the defeated invader! This is a frank talk, many losers are live to might as well die finally, might as well becomes the dog grain. 不过胜者为王,败者寇!这本来就是一句大实话,很多失败者最后都是生不如死,还不如成为狗粮。 Ye Kong kills for Jun, finished a concern, he lifted hand one move, received in that golden color little Bei the hand. Sees that little Bei getting smaller, finally hidden to enter his palm, vanishes does not see. 叶空干掉代俊,也算是了却一桩心事,他抬手一招,将那金色小碑收入手中。就看见那小碑越来越小,最后隐入他的掌心,消失不见。 Afterward, Ye Kong turns around, kneels down quickly, to the primitive tomb containing clothing and effects without the body, is knocking three knocks continually! 随后,叶空转身,翻然跪倒,对着原始的衣冠墓,连磕三个响头! Primitive teacher, my Ye Kong obtains your inheritance, is your disciple! I become your disciple, will carry forward your unfulfilled will! With dogged perseverance, ant food shape, let alone is the tame chaos? In the world many matters often did not get it done in one action, need for generations, passed on the torch! “原始师尊,我叶空得到你的传承,就是你的弟子!我成为你的弟子,就会继承你的遗志!愚公移山,蚂蚁食象,又何况是驯服混沌?世上许多事往往并非一蹴而就,需要世世代代,薪火相传! My Ye Kong does not dare to anticipate that I am lucky last, the successor who may be the teacher, as Heavenly Mandate Chosen, I establishes the heavy oath in this today: The supreme inheritance, carries forward! The destiny is inadequate, will never give up! ” 叶空不敢期待我是幸运的最后一个,可作为师尊的后来人,作为天命者,我今日在此立下重誓:至尊传承,发扬光大!天命不成,永不放弃!” Supreme inheritance, carries forward. The destiny is inadequate, will never give up!” In the mouth is duplicating these words, stands cloud Yang in back, immediately in both eyes emerges the unusual look, that is an admiration and trust color of! “至尊传承,发扬光大。天命不成,永不放弃!”口中重复着这句话,站在后边的云扬,顿时双目之中浮出异色,那是一种敬佩和信任之色! Before, the losing soul of Pangu has asked that matter that primitive have not achieved, how did you achieve?” At that time everybody was speechless, Ye Kong does not know how to reply. 之前,盘古的遗魂问过,“原始自己都没做到的事,你们如何做到?”当时大家都无话可说,就连叶空也不知如何回答。 But now, Ye Kong has actually given own reply! 而现在,叶空却是给出了自己的回答! cloud Yang also knows, Ye Kong at this moment also certain fully restored the memory and natural disposition! Ye Kong that if original that likes laughing foolishly, to such firm reply! 云扬也知道,此刻的叶空也一定已经完全恢复了记忆和本性!若是原先的那个喜欢憨笑的叶空,给不出这样坚定的回答! In the world many matters are not one time can succeed, needs countless people, countless generation of it efforts and endeavors! It looks like a decayed dynasty, always needs countless people to work as one to overthrow! The tame chaos, break the samsara, can this matter more difficult 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 times, how possibly one time succeed?” “世界上很多事都不是一次就能成功的,需要无数人,无数代的人为之努力和奋斗!就像是一个腐朽王朝,总是需要无数人齐心协力才能推翻!驯服混沌,打破轮回,这种事要更难1e+20倍,怎么可能一次性就成功?” Supreme inheritance, carries forward! The destiny is inadequate, will never give up!” “至尊传承,发扬光大!天命不成,永不放弃!” Perhaps during is primitive he is dark has also induced, when Ye Kong these words said. Sound of the clear and melodious inscription on stone tablet and bronze exhausts in the samsara palace center however resounds, clang! As if from remote in the ancient times, several hundred hundred million years ago responses. 或许是原始他老人家冥冥之中也有所感应,当叶空这一句话说完。一声清越的金石之音在轮回殿中央罄然响起,铛!仿佛来自遥远古代,数百亿年以前的回应。 In this, sees only on sarcophagus that exceedingly high light beam to diverge loudly, turns into golden light, becomes the golden dust in broken bits, is dispersing the star type ray, in the air of dissipation! 这一声之中,只见石棺上那条通天的光柱轰然散去,化成一片的金光,成为细碎的金色尘埃,发散着星星样的光芒,消散的空气之中! The communication between Heaven and Earth, no longer needs. The protector of primitive coffin, no longer needs! Golden flame pool of water, no longer needs! 天地之间的沟通,不再需要。原始灵柩的保护层,不再需要!金色的火焰池水,不再需要! pond Jinshui, all floats the midair suddenly. 一池金水,猛然全部浮上半空。 cloud Yangsheng Venerable surprised turns to turn head, sees only these golden flame, complete, are maintaining various shapes, hangs in the midair. But in his surprised double pupil, these flame turns into the golden luminous spot in broken bits completely, in next second...... 云扬圣尊吃惊的扭回头,只见那些金色的火焰,全部一块块的,保持着各种形态,悬在半空。而在他吃惊的双眸之中,这些火焰全部都变成细碎的金色光点,在下一秒…… Bang! 轰! The golden flame as if had the invisible in explosion, these golden luminous spots in broken bits, the shock-wave is probably same, swings a circular! 金色的火焰仿佛发生了无形之中的爆炸,那些细碎的金色光点,好像冲击波一样,荡开一个圆形! This circular is super! Sweeps away this cave mansion, sweeps away the entire plate hole, sweeps away the entire Earth, sweeps away the entire Pangu first world! 这个圆形超级巨大!横扫这片洞府,横扫整个盘洞,横扫整个地球,横扫整个盘古第一世界! ...... …… Earth undergoes in 2635, Ye Kong and the others entered the plate hole later 102 years. 地球历2635年,叶空等人进入盘洞以后102年。 The burned black ruins, the rubble pile, the giant star ship wreckage, does not have the little green, eyeful is black. Above this darkness, what raising is azure smoke continuously. 焦黑的废墟,瓦砾堆,巨大的星舰残骸,没有一点点的绿色,满眼都是一片的黑色。在这片黑暗之上,升起的是缕缕的青烟。 Although Earth turned into stretch of bleak ruins now, but the war has not actually stopped. 虽然地球现在已经变成一片荒凉的废墟,可是战争却没有停止。 In ruins fortification in somewhere, a wear armed the man of armor to gasp for breath extremely fat finally, hides below the horizon gulf. Ka, he shot to protect the former face of mask, revealed one not to be young actually still the resolute face. 废墟之中的某处工事之中,一个穿着臃肿武装铠甲的男子终于喘了一口气,躲在了地平面以下的深坑中。咔,他弹开了保护面罩的前脸,露出一张并不年轻却依然刚毅的脸。 Cannot think that Evil Cultivator alliance attack so is unexpectedly intense.” The men have breathed two fresh air, this fishes out a very wallet in the style of antiquity, was actually extracts a wrinkled cigarette from inside, the ignition has attracted. “想不到邪修联盟这次进攻居然这么强烈。”男子呼吸了两口新鲜空气,这才摸出一个很仿古的钱包,从里边却是抽出一根皱巴巴的烟,点燃吸了起来。 The armed soldier of his side lays down the beam spear/gun, has snatched his wallet, inside watches the old picture of that turning yellow, has the attractive girl of brown hair, is resembling spring the flowered general smile. 他的身边的一个武装战士放下射线枪,抢过他的钱包,看着里边那张发黄的老照片,一个有着棕色头发的漂亮姑娘,正在好像春花一般的微笑。 Major General secure Xiaowei, is this your beforehand girlfriend?” Several armed soldiers depend to watch. “安小伟少将,这是你以前的女朋友吧?”几个武装战士都靠过来观看。 This is pride that we settle down, she is my younger sister, secure Xiaoran!” Although in the past over a hundred years, but thinks of the Younger Sister, secure Xiaowei resembled in the past equally bright smiling, she was one has the person of cultivate talent very much, in the past very diligently, although in others eyes she was inferior to Chen Zelin, but in my eyes, my younger sister was best......” “这是我们安家的骄傲,她是我的妹妹,安小冉!”虽然过去了上百年,不过想到妹妹,安小伟还是好像当年一样灿烂的笑,“她可是一个很有修炼天赋的人,当年就很努力,虽然在别人眼中她不如陈泽琳,不过在我眼中,我的妹妹是最棒的……” Although secure Xiaowei enjoys with the infatuated appearance very much, his these subordinates do not show respect for somebody's ability, stares to say completely: cultivate? Major General secure Xiaowei, is your younger sister the Evil Cultivator alliance? Enemies?” 虽然安小伟很是享受和痴迷的样子,不过他的那些属下并不买账,全部都瞪眼道:“修炼者?安小伟少将,你的妹妹是邪修联盟的?敌人?” „, cultivate is not cultivate, is not the Evil Cultivator alliance! Past cultivate, you do not know, you were too young, day hole event Ye Kong and massive cultivate elites disappeared, I think that our Earth was a very good cultivate star!” “不不不,修炼者就是修炼者,并不是邪修联盟!当年的修炼者,你们可不知道,你们太年轻,要不是天洞事件叶空和大量的修炼精英都消失了,我想我们地球可是一个非常不错的修炼星球!” Although secure Xiaowei's youngster are over 20 years old, but also had to know in the past the situation. 虽然安小伟身边的年轻人很多都是20多岁,不过也有知道当年情况的。 Some young soldiers open the mouth saying: I listened to my father saying that the cultivate method of cultivate was good, was only everybody cultivate speed is too it is said slow! Probably is because everybody said, Earth is not a suitable cultivate star, here does not have the cultivate resources, does not have the spirit tree, does not have the magical things, does not have Spirit Treasure, even the spiritual energy does not have!” 有的年轻战士就开口道:“我听我爸说过,修炼者的修炼方法是不错,只是据说大家修炼的速度太慢!好像是因为大家都说,地球并不是一个适宜修炼的星球,这里没有修炼的资源,没有灵树,没有灵物,没有灵宝,甚至灵气都没有!” Also there is a soldier to shake the head saying: I do not like cultivate, these cultivate are the devils of killing without batting an eye! Is some Evil Cultivator, the murder has not calculated, but must refine pill pill to eat up the flesh and blood of person, they are crueler than the abnormity! It is said Qiu Yue Princess of Evil Cultivator alliance and the others simply is a demon......” 也有战士摇头道:“我不喜欢修炼,那些修炼者都是杀人不眨眼的恶魔!都是一些邪修,杀人还不算,还要把人的血肉炼成丹丸吃下,他们比异形还要残忍!据说邪修联盟的邱悦公主等人简直就是一个魔头……” ...... …… Meanwhile, the battlefield other aspect, one crowd puts on cultivate of hempen garments long gown to sit cross-legged to sit, eats up blood red medicine pill, holds the breath to sit in meditation. 与此同时,战场的另一面,一群穿着麻衣长袍的修炼者正盘膝而坐,吃下一颗颗血红的丹药,屏息打坐。 However cultivate eats up medicine pill, is actually with tears, this is I refines my pair of children.” 不过其中一个修炼者吃下一颗丹药,却是目中含泪,“这是我把我一双儿女炼制的。” Side has cultivator is also puts in make a move medicine pill, opens the mouth to sigh: „The say/way of blood pill, if unable to move forward , one will inevitably lag behind, so long as had been eaten first by the enticement, can continuous eating! In order to guarantee in the hand blood pill keeps, grasping live person pill refining that must keep, cannot catch the live person, only then refining up the family member......” 旁边有修士也是放下手丹药,开口叹道:“血丹之道,不进则退,只要受不住诱惑吃了第一颗,就会源源不断的吃下去!为了保证手中血丹不停,就要不停的抓活人炼丹,抓不到活人,就只有炼亲人……” Numerous cultivator kept sighing, was actually not everybody wants to make Evil Cultivator, but blood pill of Evil Cultivator alliance was makes in this world all cultivate turn over to their camp. 修士都是长吁短叹,其实并不是人人都想要做邪修的,可是邪修联盟的血丹却是让这个世界上所有的修炼者都归到了他们的阵营。 That cultivator with tears swallows that blood pill throughout, long sighed: So long as it is said that has enough spiritual energy, everybody had the cultivate spiritual energy to originate, does not need to eat this blood pill.” 那含泪的修士始终还是吞下那颗血丹,长叹道:“据说只要有足够的灵气,大家有了修炼的灵气来源,就不需要吃这血丹了。” The people smile bitterly, Earth, where has any spiritual energy, do not have a dream!” 众人苦笑,“地球,哪有什么灵气,你别做梦了!” May speak in them, some people call out in alarm, you look at the sky!” 可正在他们说话间,有人惊呼,“你们看天空!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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