MC :: Volume #33

#3280: Must inherit finally, for falls from the sky handsome!

3280 must inherit finally, for falls from the sky handsome! 3280终得传承,代俊殒落! Non- Heavenly Mandate Chosen refine, death!” When that sound ends, primitive clothes armor falls in the sarcophagus, bang, the sarcophagus closes in light of this. “非天命者炼化,死!”当那一声响完,原始的衣甲落回石棺之中,轰地一声,石棺就此合上。 How can like this? Non- can't Heavenly Mandate Chosen refine? Why I remember that during does not have this......” Pangu to lose the soul whole body by the golden flame cauterization, but he actually stopped struggling, is absentminded stands before the sarcophagus generally. “怎么会这样?非天命者不可以炼化?我为什么记忆之中没有这一段……”盘古遗魂全身被金色火焰烧灼,不过他却停止了挣扎,失魂落魄一般站在石棺之前。 At this moment, the golden flame pond surrounding, cloud Yang walks, asked curiously: Pangu is not refine excessively inherits supremely, why isn't he Heavenly Mandate Chosen?” 此刻,金色火焰池外围,云扬走过来,好奇问道:“盘古不是炼化过至尊传承,为什么他不是天命者?” Ye Kong said: Naturally is not, this Pangu loses a soul of soul genuine Pangu to read, he does not bring any aniline black of Pangu. But he becomes now this, from the essence, he is the monster that the soul read turns into! Evil spirit! At is not Heavenly Mandate Chosen!” 叶空道:“当然不是,这盘古遗魂只是真正盘古的一丝魂念,他本身并不带盘古的任何精元。而他成为现在这样,从实质来说,他是魂念化成的妖!妖物!根本不算天命者!” cloud Yang then nods, I also think, because Li Zhenzhi is not Heavenly Mandate Chosen, our Heavenly Mandate Chosen did not seize the body of mortal.” 云扬这才点头,“我还以为因为李真志不是天命者,我们天命者不都是夺了凡人之身么。” They spoke, that side heard one to laugh wildly suddenly, Pangu lost the soul completely already was lit by the flame, became a torch of emitting golden color flame. 他们说话之间,那边突然传来一声狂笑,盘古遗魂已经完全的被火焰点燃,成为一个喷吐金色火焰的火炬。 Non- Heavenly Mandate Chosen refine this thing dies! But I remember that during actually does not have...... The main body, I do not believe that you do not know this general knowledge! Thinks that was you cancels me to remember intentionally, you also deceived me to participate in the competition! I hate, I hate you!” “非天命者炼化此物就是死!而我记忆之中竟然没有……本尊,我不相信你不知道这常识!想必是你故意抹去了我记忆中的这段,你还骗我可以参加竞争!我恨啊,我恨你!” In the speech sound, Pangu loses the soul to be vaporized a nihility by the golden flame completely, has not stayed behind including the dregs. 话声之中,盘古遗魂已经完全被金色的火焰汽化成一片的虚无,连渣都没留下。 Here three people grasp the wrists completely sigh, originally from beginning to end is eight competitors, simply does not have ninth! Thinks Pangu he leaves already guessed correctly this point, this cheated lost the soul!” 这边三人全部都扼腕感叹,“原来自始自终就是八个竞争者,根本没有第九个!想必盘古他老人家离开的时候早就猜到这一点,这才蒙骗了遗魂!” Ye Kong looks at present golden flame pond, cannot help but nods saying: Pangu senior, really right and wrong with mortal, although leaves 50 billion years, but is still controlling the present situation!” 叶空看着眼前金色的火焰池,不由得点头道:“盘古前辈,果然是非同凡人,虽然离开50000000000年之久,可是依然掌控着眼前的局势!” However for Jun is actually cloudy sad smiles, Ye Kong, you think the Pangu senior, when outside rambles, there are to guess correctly the supreme inheritance that he leaves behind, was obtained for Jun by me?” 不过代俊却是阴恻恻的一笑,“叶空,你觉得盘古前辈在界外逍遥的时候,有没有猜到他留下的至尊传承,是被我代俊得到呢?” cloud Yang gets angry immediately said, for Jun, what you said? Currently also has three of us, who must inherit also perhaps! Snort, I and Ye Kong cope with you with joint forces, you want to result in inherit, do not have the gate!” 云扬顿时怒道,“代俊,你说什么呢?现在还有我们三人,谁得传承还说不定!哼,我和叶空两人合力对付你,你想得传承,没门!” Haha, haha......” turned into laughing for Jun from the sinister smile, turns head to look at Ye Kong saying: Ye Kong, you said that you do want to compete for the inheritance with me? Clever disciple, is obedient, turns head to give you sugar to eat.” He was saying, lifts the hand frivolously pats the Ye Kong's face. “哈哈,哈哈……”代俊从阴笑变成了大笑,回头看着叶空道:“叶空,你说你想要跟我争夺传承么?乖徒儿,听话,回头给你糖吃。”他说着,抬手轻佻的去拍叶空的脸。 However his hand, was actually gripped tightly by Ye Kong seizes firmly...... 不过他的手,却是被叶空一把牢牢捉住…… Ye Kong! Do you do, you do not think that your woman did maintain a livelihood?” For felt handsome is not right, immediately exclaimed fierce. 叶空!你干什么,你不想你的女人活命了?”代俊感觉到不对,顿时厉声吼道。 Welcomed to his is Ye Kong violent anger eyes, I wanted certainly her live well!” 迎向他的是叶空一双暴怒的眼睛,“我当然想要她活的好好的!” „Do you also dare to go against my will?” For has gawked handsome, suddenly haha said with a smile: I knew, are you expectation are inherited later resurrect she? I told you, do not have a dream! You do not know, we are, illusory space that but the Pangu main body constructs, here is different from our original world, without the principle of resurrecting, died died, before these died, do you also want to resurrect they? Really laughable.” “那你还敢违背我的意志?”代俊愣了一下,突然哈哈笑道:“我知道了,你是期望得到传承以后复活她吧?我告诉你,别做梦了!难道你不知道,我们所在的,只是盘古本尊构建出来的虚幻空间,这里和我们原先的世界不一样,没有复活的法则,死了就是死了,之前那些死掉的,你难道还想复活他们嘛?真是可笑。” Ye Kong actually shakes the head, looks that the pool center falls on the dragon bone whip of ground, opens the mouth to say slowly: Must say real that loves, my Ye Kong is inferior to Li Zhenzhi! However my Ye Kong promised him, will happen one day found the Pangu main body, looks at him to have method resurrecting Li Zhenzhi......” 叶空却是摇摇头,看着池子中央落在地上的龙骨鞭,开口缓缓道:“要说爱的真,我叶空不如李真志!不过我叶空答应了他,终有一天找到盘古本尊,看他有没有法子复活李真志……” Listens to Ye Kong to keep on proclaiming raises Li Zhenzhi, reveals the startled color for Jun immediately, works loose Ye Kong's suddenly, takes out obviously melts the crystal stone...... 听着叶空口口声声提李真志,代俊顿时目中露出惊色,猛然挣脱叶空的手,取出显化晶石…… „, No! In my space along actually anything did not have! The day, Pangu loses the soul is you do certainly, good that your this bastard, you dies!” For goes crazy handsome same shouted. “哦,不!我的随身空间里竟然什么都没有了!天呐,盘古遗魂一定是你做得,你这混蛋,你死的好!”代俊发疯一样的喊了起来。 Obviously, Li Zhenzhi gives Pangu to lose the soul body voluntarily, naturally must put forward the condition, rescues Chen Zelin, is the most important condition! 显然,李真志把身体自愿让给盘古遗魂,当然要提出条件,救出陈泽琳,就是最重要的条件! cloud Yangxiong helps me block, I go to refine!” Ye Kong nods to cloud Yang, afterward the stride steps the flagging, the safe trend center, moves toward that golden little Bei! “云扬兄帮我挡住,我去炼化!”叶空对云扬点点头,随后大步踏上石板路,稳稳当当走向中央,走向那金色的小碑! Primitive inheritance, supreme inheritance! 原始传承,至尊传承! Finally settles down! 终于尘埃落定! Bastard, has not thought, has not thought advantage completely surnamed Ye obtained!” Was scolding for Jun, ran quickly in the lakeside, he has not struggled with Ye Kong again, because he knows, oneself hit two definitely not to hit! “混蛋,没想到,没想到好处全部被姓叶的得到了!”代俊中骂着,快步奔跑在湖边,他并没有和叶空再争,因为他知道,自己一个打两个肯定打不过! He only then hurries to run away! Cannot obtain to inherit, cannot lose the life! 他只有赶紧逃走!得不到传承,总不能把命丢了! He remembers in some underground of entrance, has one to outside Transmission Array! Although he knows the opportunity to be uncertain, but he wants to try! 他想起在入口处的某个地下,有着一个通向外边的传送阵!虽然他知道机会渺茫,不过他还是想要一试! Works as! 哐当! After meeting, he has shoved open front iron gate, walks into front stretch of ruins. Place that here, they just started! 一会以后,他已经推开了面前的铁门,走入面前的一片废墟。这里,正是他们刚开始的地方! „!” Has not walked several steps, he discovered that one flock of face dogs followed. “嗷嗷嗷!”没走几步,他就发现一群人脸狗跟了上来。 Has not thought that these fellows have not dispersed!” For frightens handsome resembles the stray cur same to run away, but back the dog is with are more. Is good runs quite quickly because of him, a short while later arrives at the surrounding, before one big rubble piles! “没想到这些家伙还没散!”代俊吓得好像丧家之犬一样逃窜,不过后边狗却是越跟越多。好在他跑得相当快,没一会就来到外围,一片高大的瓦砾堆之前! First hides in the rubble pile!” For handsome cannot give a thought to the image, in the small dagger with the hand makes an effort to dig out a hole, then hides, these person of surface dogs ran not to find him. “先躲进瓦砾堆!”代俊也顾不得形象,用手中小匕首使劲挖出一个窟窿,然后躲进其中,那些人面犬跑来没有找到他,也就罢了。 The weather is gradually black, a person's shadow crawls from the rubble, before, he has left behind the symbol in the Transmission Array position, therefore a short while later had found that position. 天色渐黑,一个人影从瓦砾之中爬出,之前,他已经在传送阵的位置留下记号,所以没一会就已经找到那个位置。 Crash-bang crash-bang! 哗啦哗啦! Deeper hole appears a greatly, for handsome saw underground Transmission Array finally. Digs, all digs greatly!” 一个更大更深的窟窿出现,代俊终于看见了地下的传送阵。“挖大点,全挖出来!” Had the dagger in hand, for handsome quick has dug out entire Transmission Array, this is Transmission Array of need energy. However regarding for Jun, this is not a matter, he takes obviously has melted the crystal stone to input some of his strengths, then places on array eye, immediately the Transmission Array center has mysterious rune/symbol writing to reappear, the white hazy light has also shone. 有了手中的匕首,代俊很快就挖出了整个的传送阵,这是一个需要能量的传送阵。不过对于代俊来说,这并不是一个事情,他拿过显化晶石输入一些自己的力量,然后放在阵眼上,顿时传送阵中央有神秘的符文浮现,白色的朦光也亮了起来。 Hehe, but can also use really! Ye Kong, I will exit to hold here matter! Let your destiny forever unable completion!” For handsome sinister smile one, throws into Transmission Array. “嘿嘿,还真的可以用!叶空,我会出去把这里的事情都捅出去!让你的天命永远都无法的完成!”代俊阴笑一声,一头扎进传送阵之中。 However what he does not know, above his top of the head sky, two eyes is looking. 不过他不知道的是,在他头顶天空之上,有两双眼睛正在看着。 Ye Kong, you just let inheritance tablet accept owner, can control this cave mansion?” 叶空,你刚让传承碑认主,是不是可以控制这洞府?” Naturally! Where even Transmission Array transmits, I can control!” “当然可以!甚至传送阵到底传送到哪里,我都可以控制!” This bastard is too hateful! Delivers to the flame pond him!” “这个混蛋太可恶!把他送到火焰池!” That is makes him die was easier!” “那还是让他死的更容易了!” The white light dodges, appears for the handsome form...... 白光一闪,代俊的身影出现…… ! 嗷嗷嗷! When the ear resounds the familiar crazy dog to call, for catches the eye handsome looks again, a face was also painstakingly. Transmits Transmission Array not to deliver to outside him, but has delivered to the lair of person of surface dog! 当耳边响起熟悉的疯狂狗叫,代俊抬眼再一看,一张脸也是苦了起来。传来传送阵并没有把他送到外边,而是送到了人面犬的巢穴之中! „! Does not want! Help!” a short while later, was submerged for handsome praying for rescue sound in the yelp of noise, one generation of five dimension days revere, like this are buried in the dog abdomen, for fall from the sky handsome! “啊!不要!救命啊!”没一会,代俊的求救声被淹没在喧嚣的狗叫声中,一代五次元天尊,就这样葬身犬腹,代俊殒落! ps: The fourth chapter could not write, sorry, wrote about here big plot to come to the end, the next big plot has not started, was often most difficult to write, was embarrassed. ps:第四章是写不出来了,抱歉,写到这里一个大情节告一段落,下一个大情节还没开始,往往是最难写的时候,不好意思了。 { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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