MC :: Volume #33

#3279: Non- Heavenly Mandate Chosen refine, death!

3279 non- Heavenly Mandate Chosen refine, death! 3279非天命者炼化,死! You, do not match!” In the Ye Kong mouth blows out one suddenly. “你,不配!”叶空口中突然爆出一句。 These words actually probably were matches rapidly light one group of flame, Li Zhenzhi hand have shaken, dragon bone chain on poisonous snake same entangled. Although Ye Kong tries to resist with the harpoon, but is invalid! 这句话却好像是一根火柴迅速点燃了一团火焰,李真志手一抖,龙骨链就毒蛇一样的缠上来。虽然叶空试图用鱼叉抵抗,不过无效! Do not forget Ye Kong to be suppressed here, but holds Li Zhenzhi mortal body Pangu to lose the soul actually, acts in a self-serving manner! 别忘了叶空在这里是受压制的,而占有李真志肉身的盘古遗魂却可以,为所欲为! ! 啪! The Ye Kong's harpoon tossed into the golden flame pond, dragon bone whip easy ties down the Ye Kong's nape of the neck, an icy cold aura spreads to the Ye Kong's body by the skin. 叶空的鱼叉被抛入金色的火焰池中,龙骨鞭轻而易举的缠住叶空的脖颈,一股冰凉的气息透过皮肤传入叶空的身体。 Ka! The dragon bone whip deadlocks the Ye Kong's neck! 咔!龙骨鞭锁死叶空的脖子! Why said that I do not match, you need to give me a reasonable explanation!” Pangu loses in soul both eyes to dodge the angry flame, he has collected , to continue saying that I do not want to kill you, you are the youth talents, can be my right-hand, but you have actually enraged me!” “为什么说我不配,你需要给我一个合理的解释!”盘古遗魂双目之中闪着愤怒的火焰,他凑了过来,继续说道,“本来我不想杀你们,你们都是青年才俊,可以作为我的左膀右臂,可是你却激怒了我!” If truly, Ye Kong scolded several mothers, his not accountant. He most fears to hear, is he does not match, he does not have qualifications words! 确实,如果叶空骂几句娘,他都不会计较。他最怕听见的,就是他不配,他没资格这种话! Although Ye Kong was deadlocked by his dragon bone whip firmly, the hangnail that even momentarily will be shot grips the broken throat, but every single word or phrase said, you truly do not match, because you and our idea is different! Our that competitors, what in each individual heart thinks is inherited, resists the chaos, changes the chaos, breaks the samsara...... Although our uncertain everybody can achieve, is we not like you, has not tried, wants to run away!” 叶空虽然被他的龙骨鞭牢牢锁死,甚至随时会被弹出来的倒刺扎破嗓子,不过还是一字一句道,“你确实不配,因为你和我们想法不同!我们这那个竞争者,每个人心中想的是得到传承,对抗混沌,改变混沌,打破轮回……虽然我们不一定人人能做到,可是我们不像你,还没有试,就想要逃走!” In samsara palace flame flaming, except for the Ye Kong's sound, does not have other sounds, for frightens the atmosphere not to dare to leave handsome. 轮回殿里火焰熊熊,除了叶空的声音,没有其他声音,代俊吓得大气都不敢出。 Looks that Pangu loses on the soul face the cloudy clear twinkle to be uncertain, Ye Kong continues saying that you have not attempted to run away, wants to leave, you is a coward, is the military deserter! The inheritance that leaves behind primitively does not escape to you, is used to resist!” 看着盘古遗魂脸上阴晴闪烁不定,叶空继续说道,“你还没有尝试就想要逃走,就想要离开,你就是懦夫,就是逃兵!原始留下的传承不是给你逃命的,是用来抗争的!” In the broad main hall, the Ye Kong's sound back and forth surges. 宽广的大殿之中,叶空的声音来回激荡。 Senior, you do not listen his, he is azure! Actually escapes also very well, when the time comes remembers that leads me to walk together.” For hurries hehe to flatter handsome with a smile. “前辈,你别听他的,他就是个楞头青!其实逃跑也挺好,到时候记得带我一起走。”代俊赶紧嘿嘿笑着讨好。 Go away!” Pangu lost the soul to open the mouth to scold one, washed one's hands, loosened the dragon bone whip on Ye Kong neck unexpectedly, boy, you and past Pangu were exactly the same, but you did not understand a simplest truth......” “滚!”盘古遗魂开口骂了一声,一抖手,竟然松开了叶空脖子上的龙骨鞭,“小子,你和当年的盘古一模一样,只是你不明白一个最简单的道理……” Pangu loses during the soul speeches to move toward the central sarcophagus gradually, the sound transmits from that side, primitive supreme are unable to break the samsara, can the inheritance that he leaves behind, make you break the samsara? Weak!” 盘古遗魂说话之间已经一步一步走向中央石棺,声音从那边传来,“原始至尊自己都无法打破轮回,他留下的传承,就能让你打破轮回?幼稚!” Pangu lost a soul these words saying, three people on the scene were the body shake completely. 盘古遗魂这句话一说,在场的三人全部都是身体一震。 That side cloud Yang thinks somewhat blurry, scratches the head said, probably is this...... Primitive has not broken samsara, we inherited his inheritance, even if promotes the strength to primitively such, dies eventually!” 那边云扬觉得有些迷糊,抓头道,“好像是这样……原始那么强也没有打破轮回,我们继承了他的传承,就算是把实力提升到原始那样,终究还是死啊!” Nods for Jun again and again, right, escapes reasonable here! Manages his anything samsara time, we jump out three outside, cultivates one's own moral worth!” 代俊更是连连点头,“对对对,还是逃出这里靠谱!管他什么轮回时代,我们跳出三界外,独善其身就可以!” Although Ye Kong has not opened the mouth, but is actually blurry. 叶空虽然没有开口,可是目中却是一片的迷糊。 Sees nobody to oppose that his words, Pangu loses the soul to laugh, before leisurely strolling arrives at that white jade sarcophagus, points at that golden soaring to the heavens light beam saying that sees not to have, this to is outside! This golden flame, is outside the fire that brings in!” 看见没人反对他的话,盘古遗魂哈哈大笑,信步走到那白玉石棺前,指着那根金色的冲天光柱道,“看见没,这个通向的就是界外!这金色的火焰,也是引来的界外之火!” Originally is this!” For the exclamation of handsome exaggeration, said, that we want to be directly upward following this light beam, can run away?” “原来是这样!”代俊夸张的惊叹,道,“那我们只要顺着这条光柱直接向上,岂不是就可以逃出去?” Pangu loses the soul to shake the head saying that is not good. Here golden flame deathtrap to outside! The genuine channel is plate hole, that channel to outside, but was a pity that had been destroyed half by the main body.” 盘古遗魂摇头道,“不行。这里通向界外的金色火焰的死地!真正的通道就是盘洞,那才是通向界外的通道,只是可惜被本尊毁了一半。” The people then understand, no wonder plate hole is a long and narrow channel, originally to outside. 众人这才明白,怪不得盘洞是一条狭长的通道,原来是通向界外的。 ...... …… Was good, now I must take Pangu to inherit.” Pangu loses the soul to beckon with the hand, making other people do not speak. “好了,现在我要取盘古传承了。”盘古遗魂一摆手,让其他人不要说话。 He has not gone to look at the deep blue writing on sarcophagus, obviously these are not the inheritance. If died eagle-eyed knows that he must look at a writing at the point of death is only some epitaphs, does not know he must be mad comes out from flame pond Lipa. 他并没有去看石棺上的湛蓝文字,显然那些并不是传承。如果死掉的鹰眼知道他临死也要多看一眼的文字只是一些墓志铭,不知道他是不是要气的从火焰池里爬出来。 Whish! 哗! Heavy coffin coverlet Pangu of pure white sarcophagus loses the soul to shove open, in that giant sarcophagus, does not have the corpse, only then primitive pullover armor. The primitive grave is tomb containing clothing and effects without the body, his disciple Pangu to respect worships to construct. 洁白石棺的沉重棺盖被盘古遗魂推开,那巨大的石棺里,并没有尸体,只有原始的一套衣甲。原始的墓是衣冠墓,他的弟子盘古为了敬仰祭拜所建。 But in the coffin, except for pullover armor, inherited. 而棺中,除了一套衣甲,就是传承了。 Comes out!” Pangu loses the soul to sink to drink one. “出来!”盘古遗魂沉喝一声。 Ye Kong and the others look from afar, sees in the sarcophagus to have the golden light to be shining, afterward, square approximately child head big golden color little Bei, flew to float. That gold/metal tablet surface radiance is bright, the item cannot look straight ahead, in all around air has wrapped the one/1st Layer rainbow type light haziness, looks is the mysterious thing. 叶空等人远远看着,就看见石棺之中有金光灿灿,随后,一个四四方方大约小孩脑袋大的金色小碑,飞浮了出来。那个金碑表面光华熠熠,目不可直视,四周空气之中都包裹了一层彩虹样的光朦,一看就是神奇之物。 Originally this inherits tablet!” Ye Kong and the others, completely eyeful startled colors. “原来这就是传承碑!”叶空等人,全部都满眼惊色。 Sees this tablet, Pangu loses soul in the eye is also the greedy color increases suddenly, lifts the hand to catch hastily, rubs the suo monument with another gently, in the mouth thinks aloud, past years saw the main body to try to find out the thorough study every day, I am thinking, if one day, I can also obtain this formidable thing, cannot think of today, came true unexpectedly!” 看见此碑,盘古遗魂的眼中也是贪婪之色猛增,连忙抬手接住,用另一手轻轻磨挲碑体,口中自言自语道,“当年看见本尊每日摸索研习,我就想着如果有一天,我也能得到这强大之物,想不到今天,竟然梦想成真!” Sees Pangu to lose the soul to capture inheritance tablet, Ye Kong, has no alternative for Jun and cloud Yang. 看见盘古遗魂夺得传承碑,叶空、代俊和云扬都是无可奈何。 After all, in this world he is an Boss, decides all people! 毕竟,在这世界中他就是老大,决定一切的人! Pangu loses the soul not hesitant, has not left, he ponders himself to be powerful, sits cross-legged to sit down directly at the scene, will inherit the tablet to place the front, starts refine! 盘古遗魂并没有犹豫,也没有离开,他自忖自己实力强大,直接当场盘膝坐下,将传承碑放在面前,就开始炼化 Refining up to me!” Pangu loses the soul and refers to one finger/refers, the fingertip projects the five colors God light, the God light will inherit together the tablet package, this started refine. “给我炼!”盘古遗魂并指一指,指尖射出一道五色神光,那神光将传承碑包裹,这就开始了炼化 The supreme inheritance must be taken away by others shortly, that side three people stand on the flagging, must smile bitterly. 眼看至尊传承就要被别人拿走,那边三人站在石板路上,也只得苦笑。 However they envy floated the startled color! 不过他们羡慕的就浮上了惊色! Ye Kong will flee first in the future, for handsome also frightens in the future will rush. 叶空先是往后奔逃,代俊也吓得往后奔。 Originally, along with generation handsome refine, the golden flame in pond starts unexpectedly silently rushes the central platform! 原来,随着代俊的炼化,池中的金色火焰竟然开始无声无息的涌向中央平台! But Pangu loses the soul also to know nothing unexpectedly, still in refine. 而盘古遗魂竟然还一无所知,依然在炼化 Ye Kong and look at each other one for Jun, although two people Qiu Shensi, but has simultaneously chosen, was silent. 叶空和代俊对视一眼,虽然两人仇深似海,不过同时选择了,闭口不言。 However Pangu loses the soul is not a fool, he discovered the difference quickly, the golden flame must inundate the upper mounting plate. 不过盘古遗魂也不是傻子,他很快就发现了异样,金色火焰已经要漫上平台。 But just wants to stop refine in him, in that inheritance tablet, really also has flame together to kick out! Following his five colors God light, directly spreads to his body on! 可就在他刚想停止炼化,那传承碑中,竟然也有一道火焰扑出!顺着他的五色神光,直接蔓延到他的身体上! These golden flame are outside the strong fire, Pangu cannot control and resist, his body caught fire instantaneously! 这些金色火焰都是界外强火,盘古自己也不能控制和抵挡,他的身体瞬间就着火了! Cannot! How can be this?” Pangu loses the soul to go crazy same yelling, whips flame. “不会!怎么会是这样?”盘古遗魂发疯一样的喊叫,拍打身上的火焰。 At this moment, in the sarcophagus the primitive supreme clothes flutter, the dignified sounds spread, „does my primitive inheritance, how allow outsider to obtain? Non- Heavenly Mandate Chosen refine, death!” 此刻,石棺中原始至尊的衣冠飘扬起来,有一个威严声音传出,“我原始之传承,岂容外人获得?非天命者炼化,死!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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