MC :: Volume #33

#3278: You, do not match!

3278 you, do not match! 3278你,不配! Shout! Shout! 吆!吆! Still keeps transmitting bird uncle excited calling out of Li Zhenzhi body, but follows that song of the birds, the sound in Li Zhenzhi body also getting smaller. 从李真志的身体之中依然不停传来鸟叔兴奋的嚎叫,而跟随那鸟鸣,李真志身体之中的动静也越来越小。 Ye Kong stands after the golden fishing net surprised looks at this, the face that until finally, Li Zhenzhi twists is showing a faint smile to Ye Kong...... 叶空站在金色的渔网后吃惊的看着这一幕,直到最后,李真志扭曲的脸对着叶空微微一笑…… In the next second, a boundless strength swings suddenly from Li Zhenzhi body, his gloomy eye is instantaneously sharp! 在下一秒,一股磅礴的力量从李真志的身体之中猛然荡开,他暗淡的眼睛瞬间锐利起来! In an instant, Li Zhenzhi turned into another person to be ordinary! 只是一转眼,李真志已经变成了另外一个人一般! At this moment, has passed through two-thirds positions for Jun, he had also discovered the back difference, turns head to get angry: Ye Kong, are you doing, you block him! Didn't you want the life of your woman?” 此刻,代俊已经走过了2的位置,他也发现了后边的异样,回头怒道:“叶空,你在干什么,你挡住他呀!你不要你女人的性命了?” Ye Kong has gawked, does not know how to reply. 叶空楞了一下,不知道怎么回答。 Li Zhenzhi sneers actually, contemptuous looks at Ye Kong, „can you be able to block me?” In the voice, his wrist/skill lifts, the dragon bone whip bolt of white silk common overhead pulls out falls, a front golden fishing net scrap paper seems to be common, divides into two! 李真志倒是冷笑一声,轻蔑的看着叶空,“你能挡得住我?”话音之中,他手腕一抬,龙骨鞭匹练一般的当头抽落,面前的金色渔网仿佛一张废纸一般,一分为二! Closely is paying attention for Jun back, discovered after Li Zhenzhi by scoter Body Possession, becomes formidable, in his heart one startled, accelerates to rush to the sarcophagus hastily. However present Li Zhenzhi was not initially, his wrist/skill shakes, the dragon bone whip turns into a large snake to be common immediately, the crazy extension, followed in an instant for Jun! 代俊始终关注着后边,发现李真志被黑鸟夺舍以后变得强大,他心中一惊,连忙加速奔向石棺。不过现在的李真志可不是当初,他手腕又是一抖,龙骨鞭顿时变成一条长蛇一般,疯狂的伸展,转眼之间就跟上了代俊! Poke! For handsome one was entangled by dragon bone whip, Li Zhenzhi is the hand shakes, the dragon bone whip takes back, was hauled back the Ye Kong's side position for Jun. 擞!代俊一下被龙骨鞭缠上,李真志又是手一抖,龙骨鞭收回,代俊又被拖回到叶空的身边位置。 This......” in generation of handsome hearts with amazement, the great strength of this person, unimaginable, he cannot help but opens the mouth to ask: Senior, who are you?” “这……”代俊心中骇然,此人的强大,不可想象,他不由得开口问道:“前辈,您到底是谁?” Li Zhenzhi has not killed their hearts, holds up the head saying: „Before 500 eras, Pangu is stranded for the sentiment, throws down own responsibility and deceased teacher inherits, alone recedes outside. Just before leaving, he branches out of a wisp states of mind, protects all that he leaves behind, waits for that person of being predestined friends!” 李真志也并没有杀死他们之心,昂头道:“500纪元以前,盘古为情所困,丢下自己的责任和先师传承,独自远走界外。临走时,他分出神魂之一缕,守护他留下的一切,等待那有缘之人!” Under foot golden color flame flaming, the Li Zhenzhi double pupil is also a golden light selects, unusual animals cultivate to become spirit who „the 100 th era later, he leaves behind, my heart thinks little \; Treasure cultivate to become spirit who the 200 th era later, he leaves behind, starts according to ancient book cultivate that he leaves behind, I do not spare a glance \; The crystal stone that the 300 th era later, he leaves behind starts cultivate to become spirit, even some demons urged me to embezzle, I still categorically rejected!” 脚下金色火焰熊熊,李真志双瞳也是金光一点,“第100个纪元下来,他留下的异兽修炼成灵,我心不以为意\;第200个纪元下来,他留下的宝物修炼成灵,开始照着他留下的典籍修炼,我也不屑一顾\;第300个纪元下来,就连他留下的晶石都开始修炼成灵,甚至有精怪劝我监守自盗,我依然断然拒绝!” Arrived the 400 th era, this and other person had not arrived! The stele of samsara palace on cultivate to become spirit! I grasp principles finally!” In Li Zhenzhi eyes is sharp immediately, original temporals, have to the heart of say/way!” “可是到了第400个纪元,该等的人还是没有到!就连轮回殿的石碑就修炼成灵了!我终于悟道!”李真志的眼中顿时锐利起来,“原来世间万物,都有向道之心!” Saying, he looks down Ye Kong, said: The say/way that you said is shackles, good! But breaks this shackles layer upon layer, is the natural disposition of temporals! They must break this numerous shackles, advances to a higher sky, has been surmounted all big freedoms! Also including me!” 说着,他低头看着叶空,道:“你说的道就是枷锁,不错!而打破这层层的枷锁,就是世间万物的本性!他们要打破这重重的枷锁,迈向更高的天空,得到超越一切的大自由!也包括我!” Also including me. These four characters almost with saying of roar. 也包括我。这四个字几乎是用吼的说出来。 In the roar, was panic-stricken for handsome both eyes, mutters: You is a state of mind of Pangu, you embezzle, you betrayed the main body, you...... Your this, how do we fight with you? The so-called supreme inheritance, we forever could not obtain!” 吼声之中,代俊双目之中已经惊恐,喃喃道:“你就是盘古的一丝神魂,你监守自盗,你背叛了本尊,你……你这样,我们如何与你斗?所谓的至尊传承,原来我们永远都得不到!” However Ye Kong actually wants to be calmer, shakes the head saying: „It is not right. If the senior you have protected here relieved, how you can know that inside the stele also does turn into the demon? Moreover these weapons and crystal stones of Hidden Treasure Pavilion, I think the Pangu main body, when arranges these, he cannot think, he will certainly suppose the seal!” 不过叶空却是要冷静许多,摇头道:“不对。如果前辈你一直安心守护这里,你如何能知道里边的石碑也变成精怪?而且那些藏宝阁的武器和晶石,我想盘古本尊在布置这些的时候,他不会想不到,他一定会设下封印!” The Ye Kong's words fought with the fists probably on Li Zhenzhi face, but he is actually not able the rebuttal, smiled finally, good, you were very intelligent, I acknowledged that the main body just walked me to start to be ready to make trouble, but you know that I have given you opportunity!” 叶空的话好像一拳打在了李真志的脸上,不过他却是无法的反驳,终于微笑一下,“不错,你很聪明,我承认本尊刚走我就开始有蠢蠢欲动,不过你知道吗,我给了你们机会!” Ye Kong nods, I guessed correctly that Li true Zhicheng is one of the eight people, has the plot. If we have killed Li Zhenzhi from the beginning, your plan failed, but that eight keys actually could not collect...... En, is not right, cannot collect key not to relate, the stele can run away strangely, thinks that you can come in...... Certainly was the main body in the past has thought that you will revolt, therefore supposing has gotten down the ban, therefore you have to draw support from Li Zhenzhi mortal body......” 叶空点头,“我就猜到李真志成为八人之一,其中就有阴谋。而如果我们一开始就把李真志杀了,那你的计划就失败了,只是那八把钥匙却是凑不齐了……恩,不对,凑不齐钥匙没关系,石碑怪能逃出去,想必您老就能进来……一定是本尊当年就已经想到你会叛变,所以设下了禁制,所以你不得不非要借助李真志的肉身……” For handsome also quickly awakens, startled say/way: Therefore you have given him a strong dragon bone whip, guarantees him not dead!” 代俊也幡然醒悟,惊道:“所以你给了他一条超强的龙骨鞭,保他不死!” You are very intelligent.” Li Zhenzhi laughs saying: Ban that main body supposes only then, that is only then some people are willing mortal body to me, I can become the ninth competitor! This is I this honors the reward that 50 billion years of cave mansion earned!” “你们都很聪明。”李真志哈哈大笑道:“本尊设下的禁制只有一条,那就是只有有人心甘情愿的把肉身给我,我就可以成为第九个竞争者!这是我给本尊守了50000000000年的洞府应得的报酬!” Ye Kong said lightly: All that actually here all has are arrange, but all that our these competitors make, nothing but is forcing Li Zhenzhi, making him be willing to contribute the mortal body, yes?” 叶空淡淡道:“其实这里所有发生的一切都是安排好的,而我们这些竞争者所作的一切,无非就是在逼迫李真志,让他心甘情愿贡献肉身,是嘛?” Li Zhenzhi said: Absolutely correct.” 李真志道:“完全正确。” For handsome must be inherited shortly, may know to the present, originally use up all the tricks, finally is also only one is the cannon fodder of bridal clothes to the person. The soul of this wisp of Pangu, will allow never others to be inherited! 代俊眼看就要得到传承,可到现在才知道,原来自己机关算尽,最后也只是一个给人做嫁衣的炮灰。这一缕盘古的魂魄,是永远都不会允许别人得到传承的! Said that anything approaches the heart of say/way, actually nothing but was you also drew out the greedy heart! I early have said that supreme inheritance, temporals irresistibly this enticement!” For clenches jaws handsome. “说什么向道之心,其实无非就是你也起了贪婪之心!我早说过,至尊传承,世间万物都无法抵抗这诱惑!”代俊咬牙切齿。 „The inheritance so is incessantly simple.” Li Zhenzhi eyes look out the flagging opposite say/way: Produces, vividly, collapses and turns into chaos...... Samsara that this is unable to resist! You may know, whenever some people violate the principle, this world has collapsed an corner/horn! Violates the principle primitively, Pangu violates principle, Saint your home violates the principle, more and more cultivate violate the principle!” “不止传承这么简单。”李真志眼睛遥望石板路对面道:“产生、繁华、崩坏、化成一片的混沌……这就是无法抗拒的轮回!你们可知,每当有人违反法则,这个世界就崩坏了一角!原始违反法则,盘古违反法则,圣尊门违反法则,越来越多的修炼者违反法则!” Here, the Li Zhenzhi double pupil emitted the frightened ray, said fierce: „The most important increasing number of people know that the chaos the secret, after opening of this second quotation hole, the chaos has been hard to take more and more! Opens the samsara time, was quick!” 说到这里,李真志的双眸放出恐惧的光芒,厉声道:“最重要越来越多的人知道混沌的秘密,经过这一次盘洞的打开,混沌已经越来越难耐了!开启轮回时代,快了!” Opened the samsara time to be quick!” Ye Kong and are blurt to say for Jun surprised. “开启轮回时代快了!”叶空和代俊都是脱口吃惊道。 Li Zhenzhi said: Now has been collapsing, you do not know!” Then, he vented anger, said: Therefore I not only to the heart of say/way, covets this to inherit supremely, what is more important, I cannot wait for death here! I must obtain the formidable strength, I must become stronger, probably initially the main body was the same! I must open outside channel! I must flee!” 李真志道:“现在已经在崩坏,你们不知道而已!”说完,他出了一口气,又道:“所以我不但是向道之心,觊觎这至尊传承,更重要的是,我不能在这里等死!我要得到强大的力量,我要变得更强,就好像当初本尊一样!我要打开界外的通道!我要逃离!” Ye Kong in listening to him said that when hears the final four characters, in the Ye Kong double pupil ice-cold, looks at front Li Zhenzhi, or is the soul of Pangu, his shaking the head slowly. 叶空一直在听他说,可是当听到最后四个字,叶空双眸之中一片的冰冷,看着面前的李真志,又或者是盘古的魂魄,他缓缓的摇头。 Senior, although you are on a Pangu senior wisp of soul, is having marking of Pangu senior, but I must say one, you do not match for the ninth contender! You, do not match!” “前辈,虽然你是盘古前辈身上的一缕魂魄,带着盘古前辈的标识,可是我还是要说一句,你不配成为第九个争夺者!你,不配!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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