MC :: Volume #33

#3277: Pangu seizes the body

3277 Pangu seizes the body( four asked monthly ticket) 3277盘古夺体(四更求月票) The geomancy transfers in turn, has not thought that a free time of meeting, everybody ran on this long and narrow stone anode circuit. However what is different, this Ye Kong ran in first! 风水轮流转,没想到一会的工夫,大家又跑在了这条石板路上。不过不同的是,这次叶空跑在了第一位! However will his destiny with eagle-eyed be the same? 不过他的命运是不是会和鹰眼一样呢? Obviously, the different people have the different lucky reason, the result of having is different. 显然,不同的人有着不一样的福缘,发生的结果也是不一样的。 In Ye Kong finally through the flagging 1/2 positions, back stands behind the fishing net in piece of chill/yin cold for Jun finally both eyes, opens the mouth every single word or phrase saying: Ye Kong, you fast return at once!” During the speech, pulls out in the pocket, the palm opens...... 就在叶空终于通过石板路1的位置,后边站在渔网后边的代俊终于双目之中一片的阴寒,开口一字一句道:“叶空,你速速回来!”说话之中,在兜里一掏,手掌一开…… A dark green crystal stone, under shine of below flaming golden brilliance, obviously strange. 一颗暗青色的晶石,在下方熊熊金色光焰的映照下,更显诡异。 f*ck your ancestor board board, I may go how back, the sleep-talking that spoke!” Ye Kong cold snort/hum, does not return, directly soars the central sarcophagus. 日你先人板板,我怎么会可能回去,说的梦话!”叶空冷哼一声,头都不回,直奔中央石棺。 Ye Kong, who do you turn head to have a look at this are?” Back on the flagging, for stands after the golden fishing net handsome, light smile. 叶空,你回头看看这是谁?”后边石板路上,代俊站在金色的渔网后,淡淡的微笑。 Ye Kong does not believe can do anything for Jun, but he turns head, immediately both eyes receive suddenly, footsteps for it! Anchors at the scene! 叶空本来不相信代俊能搞出什么,不过等他一回头,顿时双目猛然一收,脚步为之一顿!停住当场! Sees only, makes together the straight ray for the handsome left hand, by obviously melts the crystal, that ray probably is shows a film to be the same, decomposes the seven colors of the spectrum light fog. But the light fog of that big piece composes a picture in the above space of golden flame pond! 只见,代俊的左手打出一道笔直的光线,透过显化水晶,那光线就好像是放电影一样,分解成七色的光雾。而那大片的光雾在金色火焰池的上方空间组成一副景象! In the picture, a composed form calmly stands in a probably closed room, motionless...... 景象之中,一个婉约的身影正静静站立在一个好像封闭空间之中,一动不动…… Zelin!” The Ye Kong both eyes anger opens, forehead blue vein sticks out suddenly, blurted out, for Jun, you must die!” “泽琳!”叶空双目怒张,额头青筋暴起,脱口而出,“代俊,你必死!” For sees Ye Kong to be so irritable handsome, immediately knows possible. Actually before him, catches Chen Zelin, wants accidentally to act bashful Ye Kong in critical moment. However to their this ranks, has not cared to the woman generally, but for Jun actually to cope with Ye Kong, has understood Ye Kong in own world specially, knows this person of heavy friendship! 代俊看见叶空如此急躁,顿时就知道有戏。其实他之前抓陈泽琳,就是想要在万一的关键时刻上拿捏叶空。不过到了他们这个级别,一般对女人已经不是那么在乎了,但是代俊却是为了对付叶空,专门在自己的世界之中了解过叶空,知道此人重情义! Haha, sentimental seed Ye Kong, do you want me dead? I first want her dead!” For laughs to say handsome: Where knows her? She in my space along!” “哈哈,多情种子叶空,你要我死?我就先要她死!”代俊哈哈大笑道:“知道她在哪里?她就在我的随身空间之中!” This moment Ye Kong crosses the center point of flagging, must be inherited, his opportunity is much bigger than for Jun and Li Zhenzhi! 此刻叶空已经过了石板路的中点,要得到传承,他的机会要比代俊和李真志都大得多! However at this moment gives up Chen Zelin...... 不过此刻放弃陈泽琳…… Under foot flame pond, golden flame flaming, the tumbling surges, fierce revolving. The golden ray, on the Ye Kong's face, scattered the one/1st Layer diamond dust! 脚下火焰池中,金色的火焰熊熊,翻滚涌动,剧烈的旋转。金色的光芒,将叶空的脸上,都撒上了一层的金粉! Although primitive supreme inheritance at present! However gives up own love, he cannot achieve! He can never achieve! 虽然原始至尊的传承就在眼前!不过放弃自己的爱人,他做不到!他永远都做不到! How can you?” Ye Kong attracted the one breath suddenly, in heart has sentenced the generation of handsome death penalties secretly! Although Ye Kong liked saying frequently, my Ye Kong was never threatened! Actually generally said such words person, most fears the threat! “你要如何?”叶空猛然吸过一口气,心中已经暗自判了代俊的死刑!叶空虽然经常都喜欢说,我叶空从不受威胁!其实一般说这样话的人,最怕威胁! How can I?” For laughs handsome, in the hand ray receives, in the sky the light shadow turns into mist and dust, vanishes. Along with it, on the stern countenance for handsome face dodges, crossing the hands behind the back stands after the fishing net, both eyes stared to be bigger than the past, every single word or phrase said: I must inherit supremely!” “我要如何?”代俊哈哈一笑,手中光线一收,天空之中光影化成一片烟尘,消失一空。随之,代俊的脸上厉色一闪,负手站在渔网后,双目比以往瞪大许多,一字一句道:“我要至尊传承!” Good!” At this moment, Ye Kong only then holds the breath the nod , said that „, but......” “好!”此时此刻,叶空只有屏息点头,又道,“但是……” For a handsome big hand pendulum, I know that you must say anything! I can promise you here, you guarantee me to obtain the supreme inheritance, I guarantee you and your woman do not die! Snort, I for Jun, if becomes the supreme successor, you is a my present ant insect, did not haggle over with you!” 代俊大手一摆,“我知道你要说什么!我在这里可以答应你,你保我得到至尊传承,我保你和你的女人不死!哼,我代俊若是成为至尊传人,你不过是我眼前的一只蚁虫,不跟你计较了!” Then, his both hands defeated/carrying after behind, proud Shou hold up the head, puts me to pass!” 说完,他双手负在身后,傲首昂头,“放我过去!” Ye Kong has to lift hand one finger/refers, on the golden fishing net opens a door immediately. For handsome is similar to east the jade emperor the roaming is ordinary, joins hands behind the back, takes a step proudly, bridges over the fishing net, in the mouth is one, „back blocks Li Zhenzhi!” 叶空只好抬手一指,金色的渔网上顿时张开一个小门。代俊如同玉帝东游一般,背着手,傲然迈步,跨过渔网,口中又是一声,“挡住后边李真志!” Yes.” Ye Kong clenches teeth, has to swallow an insult, lifts the hand is a finger/refers, the golden fishing net closes immediately, blocks the path, Li Zhenzhi back isolates completely in the back. “是。”叶空咬咬牙,只好忍气吞声,抬手又是一指,金色的渔网顿时又合上,把道路封死,把后边的李真志完全隔绝在后边。 I have said that you will make me obtain the supreme inheritance...... Haha, ha!” Back and forth surges in the samsara palace for handsome dissolute laughing, he is treading the laughter, passes through the central point, passes through side Ye Kong's. “我就说过,你会让我得到至尊传承……哈哈,哈哈哈!”代俊放肆的大笑在轮回殿来回激荡,他踏着笑声,走过中心点,走过叶空的身边。 Ye Kong, later the little darling listens to my words, I will treat well your.” For having the smiling face of victor handsome, the racket Ye Kong, refers to back wanting with Li Zhenzhi who the dragon bone whip pulls out the broken fishing net, told: Blocks that boy, blocks fully, woman who don't forget, you loved also in my belt-bag!” 叶空,以后乖乖听我的话,我会好好待你的。”代俊带着胜利者的笑容,拍拍叶空,又指指后边想要用龙骨鞭抽破渔网的李真志,吩咐道:“挡住那小子,全力挡住,别忘了,你爱的女人还在我的腰包里!” Haha, ha haha......” laughs three for Jun, crosses Ye Kong, alone moves toward pond heart, on that pure white giant sarcophagus had revealed once again Zhen's blue writing, he has been pondering over, these writing are the supreme inheritance, probably is a little few, when will approach then said. “哈哈,哈哈哈……”代俊大笑三声,越过叶空,独自走向池心,那洁白的巨大石棺上又一次显露了湛蓝色的文字,他已经在琢磨,这些文字就是至尊传承么,好像有点少,等会靠近了再说。 Ye Kong! Your bastard, how you can make Zelin be seized for Jun that bastard!” Li Zhenzhi who handsome light shadow that the present age emits Chen Zelin, has pursued crazily, unexpectedly getting angry circle. 叶空!你混蛋,你怎么能让泽琳被代俊那混蛋捉走!”当代俊放出陈泽琳的光影,一直疯狂追来的李真志,竟然红了眼圈。 Ye Kong walks lightly, he thinks Li Zhenzhi crazy pulling out strikes the fishing net to clash to snatch the inheritance, has not actually thought that Li Zhenzhi actually is also extremely cared to Chen Zelin. 叶空淡淡走过去,他本来以为李真志疯狂的抽击渔网是为了冲过来抢传承,却没想到李真志竟然也是对陈泽琳太过关心。 I have not thought.” Ye Kong sighed, turns head to have a look at more and more close sarcophagus for Jun, shaking the head that has no alternative. “我也没想到。”叶空叹了一口气,回头看看越来越接近石棺的代俊,无可奈何的摇摇头。 Li Zhenzhi is actually gets angry: Ye Kong, you are silly, even if has been inherited for Jun, he will not let off you and Zelin! Although he said guarantees you not dead, what he suffers your methods to be many are! This does not know how you make Venerable, your this silly x!” 李真志却是怒道:“叶空,你傻啊,就算是代俊得到传承,他也不会放过你和泽琳!虽然他说了保你们不死,可是他折磨你们的手段多的是!这都不知道,你怎么做尊者的,你这傻x!” Ye Kong by heart anger that he scolded, got angry: I have any means! At that time entered the plate hole, where I know that could not come out! Where knows that meets these many years? Where knows that Zelin will be seized for Jun?” 叶空被他骂的心头火气,怒道:“我又有什么办法!当时进盘洞,我哪里知道进去就出不来!哪里知道会这么多年?哪里知道泽琳会被代俊捉走?” The words spoke of here, Li Zhenzhi was suddenly is sad smiles, useless thing, although you were more formidable than me, but you were inferior to me, saved Zelin to depend on me!” 话说到这里,李真志却是突然怆然一笑,“没用的东西,虽然你比我强大,可是你不如我,救泽琳还是要靠我!” By you?” The Ye Kong brow selects. “靠你?”叶空眉头一挑。 Under the flagging, the flame bear, the golden flame change, the ray flickers, reflects on Li Zhenzhi face to shine, he muttered opens the mouth saying: My this life, one like father's father, one is not the friend of friend, will like one never being my woman the person, I was really the failure!” 石板路下,火光正熊,金色的火焰翻动,光线忽明忽暗,映得李真志的脸上忽闪忽闪的,他喃喃开口道:“我这一生,有一个不像爹的爹,有一个不是朋友的朋友,爱了一个永远都不会做我女人的人,我真是失败!” Then, he turns head to shout to clear the way in a soft voice: „The Pangu senior, I promised you.” 说完,他回头轻声喝道:“盘古前辈,我答应你了。” With this, outside the samsara palace, hears rapidly, shouted! Shout! Shouted!” That sound seems bringing the boundless excitement! 随着他这一声,轮回殿外,传来一声声急促的,“吆!吆!吆!”那声音仿佛带着无边的兴奋! In the songs and calls, a bird of person surface black wing goes crazy the same crashing in palace, at the maximum speed, a bullet seems to be same, crashes in Li Zhenzhi chest! 在鸣叫声中,一只人面黑翅的鸟发疯一样的冲进殿来,以最快的速度,仿佛一颗子弹一样,冲进李真志的胸口! Bang! 砰! Black bird wool shakes suddenly, saw Li Zhenzhi face one to twist, a formidable strength in body, crazy dashing! As if the devil sneaks in Li Zhenzhi leather bag, swaying from side to side of making an effort! 黑色的鸟毛猛然震开,就看见李真志的脸孔一下就扭曲了,一股强大的力量在身体之中,疯狂的冲撞!仿佛有一个魔鬼钻进李真志的皮囊之中,使劲的扭动! How was this?” Ye Kong surprised retreat half step! “这是怎么了?”叶空吃惊的后退半步! ps: Four, asked the ticket! Monthly ticket! Is this chapter a little dog blood? Careless. ps:四更了,求票!月票!这章是不是有点狗血?忽忽。 { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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