MC :: Volume #33

#3276: Inheritance tablet, helpless emits

3276 inheritance tablets, helpless emits( three) 3276传承碑,无奈放出(三更) Good, Li Zhenzhi strength truly has no way to compare with other people, but he has caring for of Pangu! Also does not know why the Pangu senior such favors him, has given him unexpectedly a strength unusual dragon bone whip! 不错,李真志的实力确实和其他人都没法比,可是他却是有着盘古的眷顾!也不知道盘古前辈为什么这么宠他,竟然给了他一条实力超凡的龙骨鞭! In space that Pangu constructs, all level Powerhouse strengths were suppressed! Suppressed 99%! 在盘古构建的空间之中,所有尊级强者的实力都被压制!压制了99! In this case, a Li Zhenzhi super formidable whip, not only has assured his safety, but also is used to kill people, is handy! 在这种情况下,李真志一条超级强大的鞭子,不但保证了他自己的安全,而且用来杀人,更是得心应手! Had this whip, cloud Yangbi has defeated! Must die! 有了这条鞭子,云扬必败!必死! Pitiful cloud Yang is hit by the unexpected misfortune, east his sovereign clock can protect oneself actually. But east the sovereign clock does not have now, is unarmed, what is more important, at this moment he immersed on the wall on wholeheartedly a mural! 可怜云扬遭受无妄之灾,他本来有一件东皇钟倒是可以自保。可现在东皇钟没有,又是赤手空拳,更重要的是,此刻他已经全心全意沉浸在墙上一副壁画上! Thunders cannot hear! 就连打雷都听不见! In Li Zhenzhi hand is flinging successively the connected dragon bone long whip, approaching gradually to vacant cloud Yang unconsciously, bright and clean such as in the marble ground of mirror, the inverted image leaves the face that he grins fiendishly...... 李真志手中甩着节节相连的龙骨长鞭,一步一步的接近向茫然不觉的云扬,光洁如镜的大理石地面上,倒影出他狞笑的面孔…… Also that side Ye Kong, although in mouth shouted that cloud Yang wakes up, but cloud Yang actually cannot hear! 再说那边叶空,虽然口中大喊云扬醒来,可是云扬却是根本听不见! But in generation of handsome hands is taking the dagger, sneers is blocking Ye Kong! 而代俊手中拿着匕首,也冷笑着挡住叶空 Here, must do dead Ye Kong for Jun perhaps is not that easy \; But must block Ye Kong, ties down Ye Kong, that basically is not an awkward matter! 在这里,代俊要搞死叶空恐怕不是那么容易\;可是要挡住叶空,缠住叶空,那基本上不是一件为难的事! He can achieve, can achieve absolutely! 他可以做到,绝对可以做到! f*ck your ancestor board board, should die like your this person!” Ye Kong clenches jaws to curse angrily. 日你先人板板,像你这种人就该去死!”叶空咬牙切齿怒骂道。 „Is the matter that you do frank on each article?” For handsome cloudy said with a smile sadly, that you came out from my world, my world has provided all cultivate conditions to you, haven't you repaid a debt of gratitude?” “你做的事就桩桩件件光明磊落?”代俊阴恻恻笑道,“那你从我世界出来,我的世界给你提供了一切修炼条件,你也没报恩嘛?” I do not dare to say me to be frank, but my Ye Kong works not to be unfair to own conscience!” “我不敢说我光明磊落,可是我叶空做事没有一件对不起自己的良心!” Haha, stupid. I and other people of cultivate, but also spoke any conscience, I from making world of mortals cultivator time, has forgotten these two characters!” For laughs handsome. “哈哈,愚蠢。我等修炼之人,还讲什么良心,我从做下界修士的时候,就忘记了这两个字!”代俊哈哈大笑。 I remind your night road to walk many will run into the ghost, too does not speak conscience Dao Heart also to have the gap!” The Ye Kong voice has not fallen, bypassed for Jun charges into cloud Yang. “我提醒你夜路走多是会遇到鬼的,太不讲良心道心也会有缺口的!”叶空话音未落,已经绕过代俊冲向云扬。 Relax, I for Jun five dimensions, how the person who used your one to be eliminated the Venerate Realm qualifications have not taught me to train Dao Heart!” For the handsome laughter, in the hand the small dagger has emitted all over the sky the light shadow, blocks the Ye Kong's way! “放心,我代俊已经五次元了,不用你一个被剥夺尊界资格的人来教我如何培养道心!”代俊笑声之中,手中小匕首已经放出满天光影,挡住叶空的去路! Clang clang clang! 铛铛铛! The clear metal impact noise deafening sound, harpoon and small dagger collide the dazzling spark! A Ye Kong form revolution, is similar to windmill is ordinary, in the hand the harpoon is dances to sprinkle all over the sky shadow. 清脆的金属撞击声震响,鱼叉和小匕首碰撞出耀眼火花!叶空身影一转,如同风车一般,手中鱼叉更是舞得洒下满天的黑影。 However these has also spelled for Jun, in mouth severe howl, Li Zhenzhi, quick!” 不过代俊这一回也是拼了,口中厉吼一声,“李真志,快啊!” Then, the stimulation of movement dagger emits the long sword same light shadow fully, blocks Ye Kong furiously! 说完,全力催动匕首放出长剑一样的光影,奋力挡住叶空 ...... …… That side Li Zhenzhi arrived at cloud Yang behind not far away. 那边李真志已经来到了云扬身后不远处。 Actually Li Zhenzhi this whole life has been accustomed to the little darling, but also has not killed people. But these days makes him rapidly grow at Pangu the experience in heart lake cave mansion! 其实李真志这辈子做惯了乖宝宝,还真的没杀过人。可是这段时间在盘古的心湖洞府之中的所见所闻让他迅速的成长起来! Especially attacked bloody one that eagle-eyed has a moment ago, he discovered, kills individual seemingly not to have any difficulty! 特别是刚才袭击鹰眼发生的血淋淋的一幕,他发现,杀个人貌似也没啥难度! cloud Yang senior, although your my not resentment does not have the enmity, even you remind me of my teacher, to make my heart live the admiration! But...... I must kill you! Because, here, only then you should better kill!” “云扬前辈,虽然你我无怨无仇,甚至你让我想起我的老师、让我心生敬佩!可是……我还是要杀你!因为,这里只有你最好杀!” In Li Zhenzhi heart meditates one, in both eyes accumulated had the boundless murderous intention! 李真志心中默念一句,双目之中已经蕴起无边的杀机! cloud Yang, sorry!” “云扬,对不起了!” Li Zhenzhi is away from far away, the end volume of dragon bone whip goes to the frail nape of the neck that the cloud raises! 李真志隔着老远,龙骨鞭的鞭梢卷向云扬的脆弱脖颈而去! Li Zhenzhi!” In the stern countenance with Ye Kong both eyes of generation handsome fight is dodging crazily, clenches teeth, drinks one suddenly, calls a halt! I have the thing to block the beam!” “李真志!”正在和代俊战斗的叶空双目之中厉色狂闪,咬咬牙,猛然喝出一句,“停手!我有东西能挡住射线!” Ye Kong is not willing saying that wants to wait for them to leave, oneself enjoy the fruits of victory. 叶空本来一直都不愿意说,就想等他们离开,自己才享受胜利果实。 Can see that cloud Yang must be killed, if he is that selfish, this is not his style! 可以眼看云扬要被杀,他如果还是那么自私的话,这不是他的风格! Therefore he has to open the mouth to say! 所以他只好开口说出! „Do you have the thing to block?” Li Zhenzhi stares. “你有东西能挡住?”李真志一愣。 However that dragon bone whip under the inertia function, the link lived in cloud Yang the nape of the neck! 不过那龙骨鞭已经在惯性的作用下,环住了云扬的脖颈! „Do you do?” Is immersing in powerful and unconstrained style cloud Yang in thinking is attacked, opens eyes suddenly, shouted fierce: I withdrew from battle, do you why also want to be ruthless?” “你们干什么?”正在沉浸在天马行空的思索之中的云扬受到攻击,猛然睁开眼,厉声喝道:“我都已经退出了争斗,你何必还要赶尽杀绝?” However Li Zhenzhi has not responded him, but turns head to look at Ye Kong, say/way that in the mouth does not believe: Ye Kong, I give you one second, you have any thing to block you to take to me! Otherwise, so long as I the hand move, the hangnail on dragon bone whip will stretch out, when the time comes, ahem!” 不过李真志并没有搭理他,而是回头看着叶空,口中不信的道:“叶空,我给你一秒钟的时间,你有什么东西可以挡住你给我拿出来!否则的话,我只要手一动,龙骨鞭上的倒刺就会伸出,到时候,哼哼!” Heard Li Zhenzhi to say like this, cloud Yangcai knows, Ye Kong has saved him once again! 听见李真志这样说,云扬才知道,叶空又一次救了他! Snort, I know that your boy has the secret!” For handsome cold snort/hum one, receives the dagger, but keeps off in front of Ye Kong's, preventing him to take advantage of loopholes. “哼,我就知道你小子有秘密!”代俊冷哼一声,收起匕首,不过还是挡在叶空的面前,防止他钻了空子。 Ye Kong really has certainly the thing to block, he has not proceeded to move toward cloud Yang the direction, but will have drawn back in the future several steps, like this he approaches the golden flame pond. 叶空当然真的有东西可以挡住,他并没有往前走向云扬方向,而是往后退了几步,这样他更加的靠近金色火焰池。 Then sees only him to lift the hand one to beckon to the samsara palace outside, opens the mouth to shout to clear the way, comes!” 然后只见他抬手对着轮回殿外边一招手,开口喝道,“过来!” All people turn head to look outward, but they see, is a huge black big tablet by a shining fishing net bag, flies into the samsara palace, flies directly to the pool! 所有人都扭头往外看,而他们看见的,是一座巨大的黑色大碑被一张金灿灿的渔网兜着,飞进轮回殿,直接飞向池子上空! Originally that three basic points, specially place this stele!” The people are then suddenly enlighted! “原来那三个基点,就是专门安放这石碑的!”众人这才恍然大悟! Bang, the stele falls above the three basic points in midair! Immediately the deactivation above, blocks the ray that Hidden Treasure Pavilion shoots, this may want reliable many compared with the eastern sovereign clock! 轰地一声,石碑落在半空中的三个基点之上!顿时卡死在上边,挡住藏宝阁射来的光线,这可比东皇钟要牢固的多! When the ray was blocked, under the golden flame in pond , the flagstone grading raise, probably slowly gives front everybody, opens path a to heaven! 当光线被挡住,池中的金色火焰之下,又有一块块的石板次第升起,就好像是缓缓给面前的各位,打开一条通向天堂的道路! Ye Kong your boy, is really hiding the thing, haha!” 叶空你小子,果然藏着东西,哈哈!” So-called chart poor dagger sees, when the inheritance tablet drops the giant body, when that float the flagging appears! Also is round competition starts! 所谓图穷匕见,当传承碑落下巨大的身体,当那条悬浮着的石板路出现!又是一轮的争夺开始! For handsome pulls out the dagger in hand, went crazy same threw! Meanwhile, back Li Zhenzhi cannot attend to cloud Yang, lifted the hand to remove the dragon bone whip, dashed about wildly to the flagging. 代俊一拔手中的匕首,已经发疯一样的扑了上来!与此同时,后边的李真志也顾不上云扬,一抬手撤了龙骨鞭,也是狂奔向石板路。 However this, Ye Kong early is prepared, he ran first! Back follows close on for Jun! Li Zhenzhi slow, was flung several roads! 不过这一回,叶空早有准备,他跑了第一个!后边紧跟的代俊!李真志来的慢,被甩下了几步路! For following close on Ye Kong handsome, but on the slow 34 flagstones, cannot catch up! 代俊紧跟着叶空,不过还是慢上34块石板,就是赶不上! He runs while clenches jaws to shout: Ye Kong! Let me be inherited! Assists me becomes supreme, I will not treat unjustly you!” 他边跑边咬牙切齿喊道:“叶空!让我得到传承!辅佐我成为至尊,我不会亏待你!” Ye Kong does not respond. 叶空根本不搭理。 Boy, you will regret!” For roars handsome, in hand the dagger emits three chi (0.33 m) radiance, afterward pounds suddenly to Ye Kong! “小子,你会后悔的!”代俊怒吼一声,手中匕首放出三尺光华,随后猛然砸向叶空 Haha, for handsome, useless!” The Ye Kong turning head harpoon has swept, sweeps the dagger, lifts hand one finger/refers! “哈哈,代俊,没用的!”叶空回头鱼叉扫过,将匕首扫开,又是抬手一指! Blocks!” Sees only that golden fishing net to lower suddenly, probably a barrier, at the same time the spider web is common, will keep off for Jun in the back! “挡住!”只见那金色的渔网猛然降下,就好像一个屏障、一面蛛网一般,将代俊挡在后边! For handsome, do not move, you move are captured go.” Ye Kong laughs, turns head to dash about wildly, finally has cast off for Jun, directly soars to the primitive inheritance! “代俊,你别动,你一动就会被兜进去哟。”叶空哈哈一笑,回头狂奔,终于甩开了代俊,直奔向原始的传承! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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