MC :: Volume #33

#3275: The strategic maneuvering, flaunts the plans respectively.

3275 strategic maneuvering, flaunt the plans respectively. 3275合纵连横,各逞心机。 Rumbling!” In flagstone explosion sound sound, the flagstone one after another starts to fall from the central sarcophagus direction, falls into the golden flame pond, sinks to under that flame, vanishes does not see! “轰轰!”石板的轰响声中,一块接一块的石板从中央石棺方向开始掉落,落入金色的火焰池中,沉入那火焰下方,消失不见! Ye Kong they quickest also runs up to the center-section of flagging, goes back actually with enough time. 叶空他们最快的也就是跑到石板路的中段,倒是来得及回去。 Bang! 轰! When last thundered to end, settled down, the last flagstone fell into under the golden flame. 当最后一声轰鸣结束,尘埃落定,最后一块石板落入金色火焰下方。 Three people who runs, look at each other in blank dismay, still shaken, really made them fearful. 跑回来的三个人,面面相觑,惊魂未定,刚才的一幕实在让他们心寒。 Runs eagle-eyed, almost must touch the inheritance, but actually in light of this perishes, how even have not ravelled oneself dead. 跑一个的鹰眼,几乎就要摸到传承,可是却是就此殒命,甚至自己都没弄明白自己怎么死的。 However eagle-eyed died, in Li Zhenzhi heart cannot help but raises actually a feeling. 不过鹰眼真的死了,李真志心中倒是不由得又升起一种感慨。 After all is the biological father. 毕竟是亲爹。 Very obviously, eagle-eyed, although does not have completely to arrive at father's responsibility, what Li Zhenzhi does not know, the biological father exactly here is he biggest taking advantage! Now eagle-eyed dies, the backer collapses, the danger looked immediately visited...... 很显然,鹰眼虽然没有尽到老爹的责任,可是李真志不知道的是,亲爹活在这里就是他最大的依仗!现在鹰眼一死,靠山倒塌,危险立马儿地就找了上门…… Li Zhenzhi, if not for you use the dragon bone whip to obstruct me, thinks that I obtained the primitive inheritance! Your this bastard!” “李真志,若不是你用龙骨鞭阻挠我,想必我就得到了原始传承!你这混蛋!” First what launches an attack is for Jun, he runs off at the mouth, must look for the appearance that Li Zhenzhi goes all out, probably received the greatest grievance, ate the world to owe greatly. Completely does not raise Li Zhenzhi to obstruct, he now already with eagle-eyed similar fate! 最先发难的是代俊,他黄口白牙,一副要找李真志拼命的样子,好像受了莫大的委屈,吃了天下大亏。全然不提要不是李真志阻挠,他现在已经跟鹰眼同样下场! Li Zhenzhi is not a fool, the free time but who blinks understood generation of handsome intentions. 李真志不是蠢人,只是眨眼的工夫就已经明白了代俊的用心。 The remaining four people, his Li Zhenzhi Cultivation Base is weakest, basic mortal, is existence that three people on the scene look down upon. Therefore, the persimmon picks soft pinching, looks certainly for him for handsome first! 剩下的四人,他李真志修为最弱,根本一个凡人,是在场三人都看不起的存在。因此,柿子捡软的捏,代俊当然第一个找上他! However cloud Yang has not understood actually, opens the mouth to urge, everybody ran away a moment ago the birth day, why must slaughter, now did not have the method to see the inheritance, might as well collect the idea......” 不过云扬倒是还没明白,开口劝道,“大家刚才逃出生天,何必又要厮杀,现在还没有法子见到传承,不如凑凑主意……” Ye Kong smiles lightly, draws cloud Yangdao, „the present issue is to lack the large-scale treasure blocks that ray!” 叶空淡淡一笑,一拉云扬道,“现在的问题是缺少大型宝物挡住那道光线!” cloud Yang nods saying that „, therefore everybody makes a decision together!” 云扬点头道,“是呀,所以大家一起拿个主意呀!” The Ye Kong forced smile, this cloud Yangsheng Venerable also is really mental pure and good-hearted. 叶空苦笑,这云扬圣尊还真是心智纯良。 That side said the true meaning for Jun! 那边代俊却是道出了真谛! Has killed this boy, had the flesh and blood, wasn't has?” “杀了这小子,有了血肉,不是什么都有了?” cloud Yangpai the head, is suddenly enlighted, originally has killed Li Zhenzhi, goes to at the rural fair to trade the large-scale treasure with his flesh and blood!” cloud Yang said, cannot help but smiles bitterly saying that your three people used for one second to think through, but I was actually so dull-witted, I was really not the material of battle, you continued, I went to the relieved research! No matter anyone of you have been inherited, I will assist you wholeheartedly, helping you complete the destiny!” 云扬拍拍脑袋,恍然大悟,“原来是杀了李真志,用他的血肉去集市上换大型宝物!”云扬说完,不由得又苦笑道,“你们三人只是用了一秒就想通,而我却是如此愚钝,我真的不是争斗的料,你们继续,我去安心研究!不管你们谁得到传承,我都会一心一意辅佐你们,帮你们完成天命!” cloud Yang said, the stride leaves , to continue to arrive at the wall to watch the wallpaper, even if Heaven and Earth changes countenance, no longer talks too much one! 云扬说完,大步离开,继续走到墙边观看壁纸,身后哪怕天地变色,也不再多言一句! His is true totally gives up! Three people on the scene no one will have any hostility to him again. 他这是真真正正的彻底地放弃!在场的三人谁也不会再对他有任何的敌意。 For nods handsome, another is beckoning with the hand to Ye Kong, said: Do not be hypocritical, don't you want to be inherited? Is the primitive inheritance!” Here, in his both eyes greedy flashed fiercely! 代俊点点头,对着叶空又一摆手,道:“别假仁假义了,难道你不想得到传承?是原始的传承!”说到这里,他双目中贪婪猛闪! Nobody can reject the enticement of supreme inheritance, Ye Kong, on, kills Li Zhenzhi together!” “没有人可以拒绝至尊传承的诱惑,叶空,一起上,干掉李真志!” However facing the generation handsome warm invitation, Ye Kong is light smiles, crossing the hands behind the back is standing the say/way, for Jun, you forgot that what you have made to me? You forgot, I had not forgotten!” 不过面对代俊的热情邀请,叶空却是淡淡一笑,负手站着道,“代俊,难道你忘记你对我做了什么?你忘记,我可没忘记!” You......” smile to shake the head for Jun, you such such bear a grudge, we celebrate a holiday, but do not forget, you are my world come out, looks like in outsider, you are always my disciple! Also, I before also had the mistake, I admit mistakes to you, I give you to admit mistakes in the presence of everyone, I give you Venerable in the main hall in the day to admit mistakes in the presence of everyone!” “你这人……”代俊笑笑摇头,“你这么就这么记仇,我们是有过节,可是你别忘了,你是我世界出来的,在外人看来,你始终是我弟子!再说了,我以前也有错,我给你认错,我给你当众认错,我给你在天尊大殿上当众认错!” Kept on proclaiming for Jun, says speaks righteously, is loud and clear! 代俊口口声声,说得义正辞严,掷地有声! However the Ye Kong reply only then, after that has killed Li Zhenzhi, how do your I process the primitive inheritance?” 不过叶空回答只有一句,“那杀了李真志以后,你我又如何处理原始传承呢?” Ye Kong these words asked the exit|to speak, was dumbfounded for Jun immediately! 叶空这句话问出口,代俊顿时哑口无言! Good, massacres Li Zhenzhi to be easy! 不错,杀掉李真志容易! But after killing, who inherits the primitive inheritance? When the time comes, the enmity of everybody inevitably life and death! 可是杀完以后,谁来继承原始传承?到时候,大家势必还是生死之仇! For handsome awkward, vision greedy has a look at the central sarcophagus, in front of look two people, open the mouth to say finally, Ye Kong, in front of True Master did not tell the lie! I for Jun do not want to say that cheats you! After killing Li Zhenzhi opens the channel, I naturally must compete for the primitive inheritance, when the time comes your my two people, depending on strength, fair competition! How do you look?” 代俊尴尬一下,目光贪婪的看看中央石棺,又看看面前两人,终于开口道,“叶空,真人面前不说假话!我代俊不想说谎骗你!杀死李真志打开通道以后,我当然还是要争夺原始传承,到时候你我二人,凭实力,公平竞争!你看如何?” His these words actually very hoodlum very man! 他这一番话倒是很光棍很男人! However in his heart is actually cold snort/hum: Ye Kong, so long as massacres Li Zhenzhi, I have the means to deadlock you firmly! 不过他的心中却是冷哼:叶空,只要杀掉李真志,我自有办法牢牢锁死你! But at this moment, Li Zhenzhi actually has opened the mouth, Ye Kong, although you must kill me, but I have not actually hated to you! Was inferior that your my two people collaborate, first massacres this hateful alien race! Then my two people of again fair competitions!” 可是就在此刻,李真志却是开口了,“叶空,虽然你要杀我,不过我对你却没有仇恨!不如你我两人联手,先杀掉这个可恨的异族!然后我二人再公平竞争!” In an instant, Ye Kong became a sweetie pie is actually ordinary, becomes focal point that competes. 转眼之间,叶空倒是成为了一个香饽饽一般,成为争夺的焦点。 Three people gamble, is such strategic maneuvering! However what makes Ye Kong somewhat curious is, why for is handsome treats as the match Li Zhenzhi from the beginning, according to the truth, should invite Li Zhenzhi to cope with his Ye Kong for Jun to be right from the beginning! 三人博弈,本来就是如此的合纵连横!不过让叶空有些好奇的是,代俊为何一开始就把李真志当作对手,按道理,代俊应该一开始就邀请李真志对付他叶空才对! Ye Kong does not think clearly, temporarily does not think, shows a faint smile, holds the arm saying that must hit you to hit! Should better hit, can draw me to do really?” 叶空想不明白,也就暂时不想,微微一笑,抱着胳膊道,“要打你们打!最好出去打,非要拉着我作甚?” Actually Ye Kong has own idea, does not need in any side cooperation with these two. The one who makes Ye Kong depressed is, cloud Yang this boy does not participate in the battle, otherwise helps itself keep off these two talented people good. 其实叶空有自己的想法,根本没有必要和这两人之中的任何一方合作。让叶空郁闷的是,云扬这小子坚决不参与争斗,否则帮自己挡一下这两人才好。 A those present not fool, Ye Kong not make a move, cannot hit for Jun and Li Zhenzhi! 在场的人没有一个傻子,叶空出手,代俊和李真志也打不起来! Both of us put together life and death, making you pick the peach? The fools come not to do this matter! Let alone for Jun and Li Zhenzhi these two astute people? 哦,我们俩拼个你死我活,让你来摘桃子?傻子来都不会干这个事!何况代俊和李真志这两个精明人? Present aspect, actually most depressed is Ye Kong! 眼前的局面,其实最郁闷的就是叶空 He looks forward to two people to hit at present, leaves here, then he had the opportunity. But now these two already do not hit do not walk! Those who make Ye Kong be worried, these two were shouting a moment ago also hits fellow who lives to kill, starts to flirt with the eyes unexpectedly! 他巴不得眼前两人打起来,离开这里,然后他就有了机会。可是现在这两人既不打也不走!更让叶空担心的是,这两个刚才还喊着打生打死的家伙,竟然开始眉来眼去! Ye Kong starts to think that these two want to form a partnership to attack itself, but actually discovered afterward, two people start unexpectedly separately circuitously, cloud Yang who gives up the battle approached toward that side! 叶空开始以为这两人是想合伙攻击自己,可是随后却发现,两人竟然开始分头迂回,向着那边已经放弃争斗的云扬接近! Hateful! Bastards! cloud Yang gave up competition!” Ye Kong roars, but that side cloud Yang fell into unexpectedly to a thinking of mural , the God read has shielded the outside all sounds, wholly-absorbed ponder! “可恶!混蛋!云扬已经放弃了争夺!”叶空怒吼一声,可是那边云扬竟然已经陷入对一副壁画的思索中,神念屏蔽了外边的一切声音,专心思考! Ye Kong! Your his mother is really the width of control!” For flies into a rage handsome, instructed that Li Zhenzhi blocks the exit|to speak, he then passes on the sound said, Ye Kong! Do not make me be driven beyond the limits of forbearance! I have let one step to you, has not united Li Zhenzhi to attack you! If you block us to kill cloud Yang again, does not take it ill me not to say for a Jun face!” 叶空!你他妈真是管的宽!”代俊勃然大怒,指示李真志挡住出口,他这才传音道,“叶空!你不要让我忍无可忍!我已经对你让了一步,没有联合李真志攻击你!你若是再挡住我们杀云扬,休怪我代俊一点情面都不讲!” Ye Kong sneers, how could you have been concerned about somebody's feelings to my Ye Kong! In brief for Jun is my friend, you want to kill him, I did not agree!” 叶空冷笑,“你何曾对我叶空讲过情面!总之代俊是我朋友,你想杀他,我不同意!” For handsome haha said with a smile, you worked as yourself a character, did I want you to agree?” Then, he then shouted, Li Zhenzhi, I tied down Ye Kong, you killed cloud Yang!” 代俊哈哈笑道,“你把自己当个人物,我要你同意?”说完,他回头喝道,“李真志,我缠住叶空,你去杀云扬!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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