MC :: Volume #33

#3274: The supreme inheritance, eagle-eyed perishes!

Bastard! You want dead really!” Eagle-eyed has not hated so a person! “混蛋!你真的想死了!”鹰眼从来没有如此仇恨过一个人! Although this life hatred many people, Ye Kong is one makes him hate. But , compared with present behind that person, is actually big being inferior! 虽然他这一生仇恨过很多人,叶空算是一个让他非常恨的。可是,和现在身后的那人比起来,却是大大的不如! The eagle-eyed this life most hates person, unexpectedly is own son! 鹰眼这一生最仇恨之人,竟然是自己的儿子! Fathers and sons deep enmity, really outsider! 父子深仇,更甚外人 My eagle-eyed life all by the person who I hate, finally died eventually! Li Zhenzhi, I pledged, I! Must! Kill! You!” The eagle-eyed rending roar reverberates in the high spacious luminous samsara palace! “我鹰眼一生所有被我恨的人,最后终究都是死了!李真志,我发誓,我!必!杀!你!”鹰眼的撕心裂肺的吼声在高旷光亮的轮回殿里回荡! But in this, the Xuanyuan double sword cuts the air! 而就在这一声之中,轩辕双剑划破空气! ! The blood light jumps presently! 嚓!血光迸现! The eagle-eyed right leg locked by the dragon bone whip, on the whip hangnail hooks enter the flesh and blood, is unable to get rid! 鹰眼的右腿被龙骨鞭锁住,鞭上倒刺一根根钩入血肉,根本无法摆脱! Therefore, eagle-eyed unexpectedly from breaking right leg! 因此,鹰眼竟然自断右腿! This!” Has not participated in cloud Yang who competes to look at the scene on float flagstone distantly, both eyes tightens fiercely! When shock, thought aloud: Eagle-eyed, although wicked, is to the heart of say/way, is stronger! I have not participated in their competitions luckily, compared with it them, I was inferior greatly!” “这!”没有参加争夺的云扬遥遥看着悬浮石板上的场景,双目猛地收紧!震惊之余,自言自语道:“鹰眼虽恶,可是向道之心,更强!幸好我没有参加他们的争夺,比之他们,我大有不如!” Eagle-eyed at this moment by a very unusual way advance. 鹰眼此刻以一种非常奇特的方式前进。 A pair of eyeball is dragging a blood red blood vessel and back body is connected, but broke an eagle-eyed hands and feet and using of leg, crazy vanguard! Place visited, dripping with blood! 一双眼球拖着一根血红血管和后边的身体相连,而断了一条腿的鹰眼手脚并用,疯狂前行!所过之处,鲜血淋漓! The leg may break, asks not losing hope of! Eagle-eyed hands and feet and using, before speed unexpectedly not next! When are not many, walked 90% of flagging! But his pair of eyeball, has surpassed Shibanqiao, clear sees giant pure white sarcophagus the symbol writing mark on deep blue color/look...... The handwriting dark green dragon is plain! 腿可断,求道之心不死!鹰眼手脚并用,速度竟然不下之前!不多时,已经走完了石板路的九成!而他的一双眼珠,已经超过了石板桥,清楚的看见巨大的洁白石棺上的湛蓝sè的符文字迹……字迹苍虬而古朴! When the world first took shape, does not have the jing magnificent, is pregnant the spirit, from number primitive...... Disciple Pangu is stupid, the life refine deceased teacher has not inherited completely, how is stranded for the sentiment, therefore leaves behind the inheritance of Master, only gives being predestined friends person, recedes another region......” “混沌初开,有未化之jing华,孕成成灵,自号原始……弟子盘古愚笨,一生未完全炼化先师传承,奈何为情所困,因此留下师之传承,只给有缘人,远走他乡……” Anything!” Sees the introduction writing on sarcophagus, the eagle-eyed heart as if must jump out the throat! Wishes one could to shout one, unexpectedly is not the inheritance of Pangu, is the primitive inheritance! Primitive! Also wants formidable existence compared with Pangu, in the world the only supremeness!” “什么!”看见石棺上的开篇文字,鹰眼的心脏仿佛都要跳出了喉咙!恨不得大喊一声,“竟然不是盘古的传承,是原始的传承!原始啊!比盘古还要强大的存在,世上唯一的至尊!” Supreme inheritance! The myriad things can be crazy! 至尊传承!万物都可以为之疯狂! Everyone thinks primitive after exploding all disperses in the chaos, turns into younger generation thousand 10 million/absolutely, the unremitting inheritance destiny, breaks the samsara! But who some knows, originally the most important inheritance actually left Pangu primitively! 谁都以为原始自爆以后将自己所有的一切都散开在混沌,化成后人千千万,不懈的传承天命,打破轮回!可是谁有知道,原来原始最重要的传承却是留给了盘古! But Pangu not completely refine primitive inheritance, already proud Li in Venerate Realm! 而盘古没有完全炼化原始的传承,就已经傲立在了尊界 This time was really comes right! Not in vain I a lot of years of exploration and waiting!” Eagle-eyed laughs wildly one, a both hands foot crawls on the ground fiercely, the speed is unexpectedly faster! “这次真是来对了!不枉我千百年的探索和等待!”鹰眼狂笑一声,双手一脚在地上猛爬,速度竟然更快! Back Li Zhenzhi and Ye Kong, see eagle-eyed to come to the flagstone end for Jun, is in each one hearts in great surprise, clenches teeth completely crazy forwarding, forwards, forwards! 后边李真志和叶空、代俊看见鹰眼就要走到石板尽头,也是个个心中大惊,全部都咬牙疯狂的向前,向前,向前! Asked road of , forever so! Pursues furiously, cannot fall behind one step, otherwise is distanced is, lives and dies! 求道之路,永远如此!奋力追赶,绝不能落后一步,否则相距的就是,生和死! Clang clang clang! The top of the head eastern sovereign clock hangs, timely exhortation to virtue and purity, knocks insistence in not broken heart! 铛铛铛!头顶东皇钟高悬,暮鼓晨钟,也敲不破心中的坚持! However in person who on the flagstone runs, in which ear also has the sound! Inheritance, inheritance, inheritance! Has blocked their eyes completely, blocks from their ears, covers up their hearts! 不过在石板上奔跑的人,哪一个耳中还有声音!传承,传承,传承!已经全部挡住他们的眼,遮住他们的耳,掩住他们的心! No one has heard, the sound of eastern sovereign clock changed! 谁也没有听见,东皇钟的声音已经变了! Stands cloud Yang near pond is actually distantly watches, he noted the ding changed. Looks up, immediately both eyes stare the big copper bell to be common! 站在池边的云扬却是遥遥观看,他注意到了钟声已变。抬头去看,顿时双目瞪大铜铃一般! Originally, that ray that came from Hidden Treasure Pavilion direction shè, is having the strength! This strength impact one by one on eastern sovereign clock, therefore sends out that clang clang the ding...... Very obviously, the eastern sovereign clock places on that three support not to be unstable, therefore, under the rap of this strength, the eastern sovereign clock displaces more and more, to finally, the border of bell end, has soon been separated from a pivot! 原来,从藏宝阁方向shè来的那一道光线,是带着力量的!这种力量一下又一下的冲击在东皇钟上,所以才发出那铛铛的钟声……很显然,东皇钟放在那三点支架上并不稳定,于是,在这种力量的敲击之下,东皇钟越来越偏移,到了最后,钟口的一处边沿,已经快要脱离一个支点! Ye Kong! Be careful! Ye Kong!” The flame pool of water of gold/metal color/look tumbles, cloud Yang shouting loudly! 叶空!小心!叶空!”金sè的火焰池水翻滚,云扬放声的呼喊! At this moment, the hawk must jump from the throat! 此时此刻,鹰要从喉咙中跳出来! Ten meters! Final ten meters! 十米!还有最后的十米! The instantaneous free time, can arrive at the other shore! Primitive inheritance, supreme, I was supreme! 只是瞬间的工夫,就可以到达彼岸!原始的传承,至尊,我是至尊了! But at this moment, clang! 可是就在此刻,铛! Last Zhong Ming, the great clock of top of the head that red copper slides the third point finally, the remaining two points are unable support! Two zhang (3.33 m) high great clock, sends out the final wail, falling slowly, gets down slowly...... Bang! 最后一声钟鸣,头顶那紫铜的巨钟终于滑出第三点,剩下的两个点根本无法的支撑!两丈高的巨钟,发出最后的哀鸣,缓缓地、缓缓的倾倒,下去……轰! The eastern sovereign clock, this formidable ancient times Venerable the level treasure, such has fallen into the gold/metal color/look flame pond! The flame as if smoke and fire same splash of that gold/metal color/look, can see red copper color/look the eastern sovereign clock to turn into black color/look instantaneously, afterward, vaporization! 东皇钟,这件强大的远古尊级宝物,就这样一头掉进了金sè的火焰池之中!那金sè的火焰仿佛烟火一样的飞溅,可以看见紫铜sè的东皇钟瞬间就变成了黑sè,随后,汽化! The eastern sovereign clock destroyed. However this is unimportant, more importantly. 东皇钟毁了。不过这不是重要的,重要的是。 Gloomy ray that came from Hidden Treasure Pavilion direction shè, is unobstructed! Probably the sharp sword general penetration space, punctures the air, very slight that ding, ray shè above that exceedingly high gold/metal color/look light beam! 从藏宝阁方向shè来的一道暗淡光线,再无阻挡!好像利剑一般的穿透空间,刺破空气,叮的很轻微的一声,光线shè在那通天的金sè光柱之上! What's all this about?” The eyeball flies , outside eagle-eyed suddenly discovers the deep blue color/look handwriting on pure white sarcophagus, suddenly vanishes, but in afterward, whish! “这是怎么回事?”眼珠子飞在外边的鹰眼突然发现洁白石棺上的湛蓝sè字迹,突然消失,而在随后,哗! Massive gold/metal color/look flame, probably current of water, probably waterfall same flowing off! Giant pure white sarcophagus, complete covers its under! 大量的金sè的火焰,好像水流,好像瀑布一样的流下!将巨大的洁白石棺,完全的覆盖其下! How was this?” Eagle-eyed frightens the eyeball backward to contract suddenly. “这是怎么了?”鹰眼吓得眼珠子猛然向后收缩。 However a more fearful matter occurred! He felt suddenly the flagstone of oneself under foot started rocking! But at this moment, he has stood above the last flagstone! 不过更加可怕的事情发生了!他突然感觉到了自己脚下的石板开始了晃动!而此刻,他已经站在了最后一块石板之上! From inheritance so close, one pace! But is also the distance of living and dying! 距离传承如此的接近,一步之遥!可是也是生和死的距离! Surfaces order to be the same with these flagstones, the flagstone of closest sarcophagus falls into below gold/metal color/look flame first! But eagle-eyed stands, is this first flagstone! 和这些石板浮出水面的次序一样,最接近石棺的石板最先落入下边的金sè火焰之中!而鹰眼所站,就是这第一块石板! How this was!” Eagle-eyed has not clarified what's the matter, had discovered that the flagstone of under foot was about to fall into the gold/metal color/look flame! “这到底是怎么了!”鹰眼根本没弄清怎么回事,就已经发现脚下的石板已经快陷入了金sè的火焰! Does not want!” “不要!” In eagle-eyed fierce shouting, his desperate has taken into the gold/metal color/look flame with the flagstone. 鹰眼厉声的嘶吼之中,他绝望的跟石板带进了金sè的火焰之中。 Does not want! The primitive inheritance, I must obtain! I must obtain!” When the eagle-eyed body moves these gold/metal color/look the flame, on his face has emerged the fearful dying embers immediately! He feels the gold/metal color/look flame the might! “不要!原始的传承,我就要得到了!我就要得到了!”当鹰眼的身体触碰到那些金sè的火焰,他的脸上顿时浮出了可怕的死灰!他感觉到金sè火焰的威力! That is he has not felt the strength of formidable element! 那是他从来没有感受过的强大的元素之力! In an instant, each cell in his body started the combustion! That is one type the flame that emits from the cell! Bang! Eagle-eyed, has the Saints of eight dimensions Venerable, like this turns into one group of gold/metal color/look the flame! 转眼之中,他身体之中的每一个细胞都开始了燃烧!那是一种从细胞之中放出的火焰!轰!鹰眼,一个拥有八次元的圣尊,就这样化成一团金sè的火焰! Instantaneously becomes ashes, was vaporized, in the flame of gold/metal color/look, does not leave a trace! 瞬间成为一片灰烬,被汽化,在金sè的火焰之中,不留一点痕迹! Is good because , when these flagstones with appearing same is the grading falls, therefore more runs in back the actually security. For handsome originally in last, at this moment frightens turns head to run, in the heart scolded secretly: You run quickly, under making you all fall into burns is good!” 好在,那些石板和出现时一样是次第落下,所以越是跑在后边的这回倒是更加的安全。代俊本来在最后一位,此刻吓得回头就跑,心中暗自骂道:“你们跑得快,让你们全掉进下边烧死才好!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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