MC :: Volume #33

#3288: Highest Venerate Sect, plate!

328 eight Highest Venerate Sect, plate! 328八至尊门,盘之界! Has Powerhouse oneself paradise from the Immortal World promotion to Divine Realm, many Powerhouse admit Immortal World the Mortal World star...... Ye Kong this boy selects for promotion Venerate Realm a Mortal World star unexpectedly directly!” “古有强者将自己的仙乡从仙界提升至神界,更有不少强者将自己凡界星球放进仙界……叶空这小子竟然将一颗凡界星球直接拔升到尊界!” „His was extremely crazy, must know, Venerate Realm was empty, two main halls, if were suddenly many a star, that is how strange?” “他这个太过疯狂了,要知道,尊界本来空空荡荡,就两座大殿,如果突然多了一颗星球,那是多么怪异?” Your these brains, swallow the ancient learning without digesting it simply! Why Venerate Realm cannot have star! Initially Venerate Realm just appeared, hundred did not have a thing! Then primitively supremely seeks for all belongings construction Venerable the palace...... After primitive, Pangu acts recklessly to divide family property, Pangu reconstruction day Venerable the palace, acts recklessly the reforger Saint Venerable the palace...... Thus it can be seen, so long as can think that dares to make is not impossible!” “你们这些脑子,简直是食古不化!为何尊界就不能有星球!当初尊界刚刚出现,其中百无一物!而后原始至尊寻找各方财物建造尊殿……原始之后,盘古蛮乾分家,盘古重建天尊殿,蛮乾新造圣尊殿……由此可见,只要敢想敢做一切都不是不可能!” But...... That is a main hall, this is actually a star!” “可是……那是大殿,这却是一颗星球!” That main hall greatly are innumerable than the star!” “那大殿比星球还大无数呢!” „It is not the size, is above mortal......” “不是大小,是上边的凡人……” mortal how? Immortal World has mortal and Divine Realm to have mortal and Venerate Realm also to have...... At least my Highest Venerate Sect had in Venerate Realm has stopped over!” 凡人又如何?仙界凡人神界凡人尊界也可以有……至少我至尊门尊界有了落脚地!” A Ye Kong's decision makes, on the scene Venerable level Powerhouse to whoop completely. 叶空的一个决定做出,在场尊级强者全部都是议论纷纷。 Some people favor, some people think laughable, some people see the new look, some people thought that this is crazy...... However felt in Ye Kong's, this actually must one step! 有人看好,有人觉得可笑,有人看到新气象,也有人觉得这是疯狂……不过在叶空的感觉,这却是必须的一步! The so-called unity is strength, the unity is strength, laughable these Venerate Realm Powerhouse unexpectedly unmanned can understand! 所谓众志成城,团结就是力量,可笑那些尊界强者竟然无人能懂! Venerate Realm, until now altogether several hundred Powerhouse! 尊界,至今一共不过数百名强者 Said that big vernacular, do Nyima several hundred over a thousand individuals want to defeat the chaos? 说句大白话,尼玛几百上千个人就想战胜混沌? This is the Venerate Realm biggest joke! 这才是尊界最大的笑话! Naturally, was very primitively formidable with Pangu, their person can go against 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 people, even the primitive person caused that the chaos almost open the samsara time...... 当然了,原始和盘古都很强大,他们一个人能顶1e+20的人,甚至原始一个人都引得混沌几乎开启轮回时代…… What now is Ye Kong, he has his idea! 可是现在当家的是叶空,他有他的想法! He has his conduct way! 他有他的行事方式! Naturally, some people suggested, you might as well make a Divine Realm star, one crowd of God Upper Realm, doesn't that help the birth of Venerable? Can't that refine more world? Doesn't that let a Highest Venerate Sect quicker growth? 当然了,也有人建议,你不如弄一颗神界的星球,一群神祗上界,那不是更利于尊者的诞生?那不是可以炼出更多的世界?那不是让至尊门更快成长? Ye Kong naturally has own selfishness, he always does not hide oneself selfishness! 叶空自然有自己的私心,他从来都不隐藏自己的私心! Good! I am the earthman, the advantage naturally must give the earthman on first! This is without a doubt!” “不错!我是地球人,好处当然要给地球人先上!这是毋庸置疑的!” However, even if promotes Venerate Realm Earth, the supply best environment and resources, is not everybody is Venerable! Did not say other, initially Ye Kong in Daijun World, there Immortal World has huge quantity of mortal, is not everybody can become an immortal! 不过话说回来,就算是把地球提升到尊界,供应最好的环境和资源,也并不是人人都是尊者!不说其他,当初叶空代俊世界,那里的仙界有着数量庞大的凡人,也并不是人人都可以成仙! This probably gives one group of children to provide a fine learning environment, the best teacher and top teaching material! Can become a useful adult, must think yourself! 这就好像给一群孩童提供一个优良的学习环境、最好的老师、顶尖的教材!能不能成材,还是要看你自己! , Also is not all earthman same treatment/salary! 还有一个,也并不是所有的地球人都一样的待遇! Ye Kong from China, has the yellow skin black eye, therefore the Chinese human treatment/salary naturally is best! The classes of these loathful Japanese, after coming up, just can act as the Venerate Realm enslaving retinue. You had a look at sage Venerable for several days daytime do not have the lackey to direct, evening not to have the small girl warm bed, was really pitiful...... 叶空来自中国,有着黄皮肤黑眼睛,所以中国籍的人类待遇当然是最好的!那些让人讨厌的倭人之流,上去以后刚好可以充当尊界的奴役仆从。你看看那些天尊圣尊白天没有狗腿子使唤、晚上没有小丫头暖床,真是可怜…… Highest Venerate Sect Powerhouse is happier, the island country people have just offset the insufficiency in this aspect, just, they also like making this. 至尊门强者就幸福多了,岛国人刚好弥补了这方面的不足,刚好,他们也喜欢做这个。 ...... …… Earth brings Upper Realm, is not that simple, must reinforce to want refine to do many preparatory work! 地球带上界,也不是那么简单的,要加固要炼化要做很多准备工作! Moreover, Venerate Realm anything does not have actually, might as well Immortal World Divine Realm, Ye Kong said that must give the earthman the best condition and resources, this is not baseless a few words! 而且,尊界其实啥也没有,还不如仙界神界,叶空说要给地球人最好的条件和资源,这也不是凭空一句话! These want Ye Kong to consume a lot of time and energy! 这些都要叶空耗费很多的时间和精力! However Ye Kong is not that silly, he must adjust under make a move existing 90 Venerable the level Powerhouse strength fully! The person who everything does personally is not one is good to lead! 不过叶空也不会是那么傻,他要充分调动手下现有的90位尊级强者的力量!凡事躬亲的人不是一个好领导! Soon, makes an open area in Pacific Ocean central Ye Kong, what here central laying aside is the spiritual leader primitive graveyard of Highest Venerate Sect. Gathers round around the graveyard, there are the innumerable islands and bridges, that is the numerous positions Venerable the level Powerhouse dwelling! 不久以后,在太平洋中央叶空造出一块空地,这里的中央放置的是至尊门的精神领袖原始的墓园。围着墓园四周,有无数的岛屿和桥梁,那是众位尊级强者的住处! Highest Venerate Sect main hall, in nearby! 至尊门大殿,也在附近! Starting today, my Highest Venerate Sect establishment your home contribution system! So long as is my disciple can to revere to send out the strength to be contributed the point through the contribution treasure! The contribution point can be used to trade, can exchange some supreme inheritance as well as Pangu loses the treasure!” “从今天开始,我至尊门创立尊门贡献点制度!只要是我门弟子都可以通过贡献宝物和为尊派出力而得到贡献点!贡献点可以用来交易,也可以兑换至尊传承以及部分盘古遗宝!” Pangu does not have what treasure to leave behind actually, but various types of ancient book crystal stones are the quantity are numerous, these cause Venerable raiding! But supreme inheritance that Venerable wants to obtain, but must wait on first-grade, because Ye he has not pondered over to understand. 盘古其实没有什么宝物遗留,不过各种典籍晶石却是数量众多,这些都引起尊者们的哄抢!而尊者们更想得到的至尊传承,还要等上一等,因为叶某人他自己还没琢磨明白。 After setting up a contribution system, level Powerhouse is your home increases for the interest that Earth strives! 建立贡献点制度以后,各位尊级强者为尊门为地球出力的兴致大增! Various cultivate materials that the earthmen need, Powerhouse brings from own world completely! 地球人需要的各种修炼材料,各位强者全部都从自己的世界拿来! Although there is Powerhouse to leave thing to strive, but wanted Earth to suit moves to the Venerate Realm operation, to want the earthman to be able in Venerate Realm to live, these need for a long time, not to get it done in one action! 虽然有了各位强者出物出力,可是要地球适合搬到尊界运行、要地球人能够在尊界生活,这些都需要很长时间,不是一蹴而就! Waits for Ye Kong calm good all, the Highest Venerate Sect step is on the track, matter that he also started him. 叶空安顿好一切,至尊门步上轨道,他也开始了他自己的事。 ...... …… Although I obtained supreme inheritance, becomes your home leader! But I still own did not have! My crazy pledge world has not known now what kind of! Now I must do, hurries the first refine Pangu first world, then goes to Venerate Realm, retrieves the crazy pledge world!” “虽然我已经得到至尊传承,成为尊门领袖!可是我至今一个属于自己的界还没有!我的狂盟世界现在还不知怎样!现在我要做的,是赶紧先炼化盘古第一世界,再去尊界,找回狂盟世界!” The Ye Kong intention, turned into ray, flies into the boundless universe. 叶空心念所至,已经化成一道光线,飞进茫茫的宇宙。 Pangu first world, this is one that Pangu refining up! 盘古第一世界,这是盘古炼出的一个界! Pangu 9000, 6000 are the homicide person seizes! And 3000 are he refines! 盘古9000界,其中6000是他杀人夺来!其中3000是他自己炼制! 6000 that the time, that seizes were built up completely by others, but 3000 that Pangu refine, still do not have one to become others! Cardinal virtue these degenerates, in their larceny Pangu the star, they want to steal away the world of Pangu! 其时候,那夺来的6000界全部被别人炼走,而盘古自己炼制的3000界,至今没有一个成为别人之界!大德这些败类,他们偷窃盘古界中星球,他们又何尝不想偷走盘古的世界! But they cannot achieve! Because Pangu is also the shocking great ability, he when refinement, the use different technique, hides the basic point! 可是他们根本做不到!因为盘古也是惊世大才,他在炼制界的时候,就使用不一样的手法,将基点隐藏! The basic point, probably is the town mansion pagoda in cave mansion! After refine, had the domination of entire cave mansion! 基点,就好像是洞府之中的镇府宝塔!炼化以后,就拥有了整个洞府的控制权! But Pangu is actually divided into trillion the basic point of own world, scatters in the world! Therefore you could not find! 而盘古却是把自己世界的基点分成亿万份,打散在世界中!所以你找不到! But Ye Kong obtained Pangu to keep the record of heart lake cave mansion, knew the technique, he can easily that trillion restorations, then its refinement! 可是叶空得到了盘古留在心湖洞府的记录,知道了手法,他可以轻易将那亿万份复原,然后将其炼制! A boundless starry sky corner, myriad luminous spots are silent, wells up from the universe deep place, toward this point, gathering! 茫茫星空一隅,万千的光点无声无息,从宇宙深处涌来,向着这一点,汇聚! This point gradually becomes bright, becomes dazzling, is dazzling and eye-catching! 这一点渐渐变得明亮,变得耀眼,耀眼而夺目! More and more bright...... 越来越亮…… Finally a shining circular appears, in the circular has the spiral-shaped mark, this is the mark that Pangu leaves behind! 终于一个金灿灿的圆形出现,圆形之中有着螺旋状的标记,这就是盘古留下的标记! Really is this!” A azure clothes person's shadow presents by the circular, the golden ray illuminates his face...... “果然就是这个!”一个青衣人影出现圆形旁边,金色的光芒照亮他的脸…… This has exchanged Ye Kong of azure clothes! 这就是已经换上青衣的叶空 refine ends this, hurries Venerate Realm, looks for my crazy pledge world!” 炼化完这个,就赶紧去尊界,把我的狂盟世界找回来!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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