MC :: Volume #28

#2788: 999 branch roads

This is Yao Hui body ti......” “这就是姚卉的身ti……” Before 56 road forks, a pair of nan female deity tight hug, the azure clothes man and black veil female collects a whole, but their shuang are actually tight connected. 56个岔路口之前,一对nan女天神正紧紧拥抱,青衣男子和黑纱女子汇集成一个整体,而他们的shuang却是紧紧相连。 Actually fading God such as body, so long as two people are standing, does not reject opposite party divine sense mutually. But at present this type own wen model that while carries on, actually under Ye ren suggested vigorously! 其实衰神如体只要两个人站着,互相不拒绝对方的神识就可以。而眼下这种一边亲wen一边进行的式样,却是在叶某ren大力建议之下! Yao Hui, prison ties the happy knot in ancient these days, along with two favors not from jin wen, therefore the atrium opens, fire of passion strong time! Therefore simply has not refused Ye Kong's to suggest, two people shuang mutual attraction, started a that intoxicant fading God to enter the body! 姚卉这段时间来,在古“狱”中打开心结,又随着两人情不自jin的一wen,所以正是心房打开,爱火浓烈的时候!因此也根本没有拒绝叶空的建议,两人就shuang相吸,开始了那醉人的一次衰神入体! After Ye Kong divine sense has also taken over control of Yao Hui divine sense, that feeling is very unusual! Ye Kong clear can feel that kisses to the psychological attribute that Yao Hui brings, can feel that the Yao Hui little psychology fluctuates! 叶空神识也接管了姚卉的神识以后,那种感觉是非常奇特的!叶空清楚的可以感觉到亲嘴给姚卉带来的心理感觉,也能感觉到姚卉一点点的心理波动! What is most important, Ye Kong can feel body ti of Yao plant! 最最重要的是,叶空可以感受到姚卉的身ti! The deity and mortal are different. 天神和凡人还是不同的。 Induction of deity to own ti, that is ultra mortal! Under the deity God read, where on oneself body ti had a pore, where grew root hair, these were instantaneously can know! 天神对自己身ti的感应,那是远超凡人!天神的神念之下,自己身ti上哪里有一个毛孔,哪里长了一根毛,这些都是瞬间就能知道! When Ye Kong's divine sense jin enters Yao Hui God body, is almost instantaneous, on Yao Hui God body each Qian knows! The tiny particle is not perhaps direct, direct point said, grew how much root hair to know! 叶空的神识jin入姚卉的神体,几乎是瞬间,姚卉的神体上每一个芊毫都知道!纤毫或许不直接,直接点说,就是长了多少根毛都知道! Some people must certainly stare big eye, then turns nie, asked Yao Hui to grow many awkwardly......” 有人肯定要瞪大眼,然后又扭nie,为难问道“姚卉到底长了多少……” That Ye Kong will definitely not tell you. 叶空肯定不会告诉你。 Actually Ye Kong has thought but actually, Yao Hui is the help, if oneself peep anything atypical...... However this God body control, naturally appears is same at present, this is also beyond control! 其实叶空倒想过,人家姚卉是帮忙的,自己要是偷看什么的不地道……不过这神体一接管,自然而然的就出现在眼前一样,这也无法控制的! Must say that this divine sense intercommunication also truly is mysterious, Ye Kong not only feels body ti and all inductions of Yao plant, Ye Kong can also have the influence to his God body! 要说这神识互通也确实是神奇,叶空不但感受到姚卉的身ti和一切的感应,叶空同时也能对他自己的神体造成影响! Therefore, when Ye feels the Yao Huimou section wei moving shape, Ye here had mysteriously mutation. 于是,当叶某人感受到姚卉某个部wei的动人形态时,叶某人这边发生了非常“神奇”的异变。 However what met with a disaster, Yao Hui can also feel Ye Kong sound! 不过遭殃的是,姚卉也能感受到叶空身上的动静! Although Yao Hui has lived year be longer than Ye Kong, but something actually are also not that complete understanding, for example the man chicken moves the psychology and lives li...... However this, Yao Huiquan knew! 姚卉虽然活过的年头要比叶空久,不过有些事却也并不是那么完全的明白,比如男人鸡动的时候的心理和生li……不过这一回,姚卉全知道了! On Yao Hui cheek that kissed is red immediately a piece, that feeling is mystical and strange, felt, probably is Ye Kong withstands itself shameless, is withstands others probably shameless...... 正在亲嘴的姚卉的脸蛋上顿时赤红一片,那种感觉非常的神秘和奇怪,感觉,好像是叶空无耻地顶住自己,又好像是自己无耻地顶住别人…… Perhaps this marvelous feeling, is the experienced middle-aged women must feel that strange and punctures ji, let alone Yao Hui this type without the beautiful appearance goddess of human affairs? 这种奇妙的感觉,恐怕就是久经沙场的中年妇女都要感觉离奇和刺ji,又何况姚卉这种未经人事的美貌女神? Immediately Yao Hui a little could not endure, on this ti had the response, Ye Kong on the clear feeling! Ye Kong lived was so big, wife has asked for much, but he has induced from the angle of man. But these time actually traded one to see the world, he felt clearly the original woman was this feeling, this idea, this response...... 顿时姚卉就有点吃不消了,她这身ti上一有反应,叶空就清晰的感觉到了!叶空活了这么大,老婆讨了不少,可是他一直都是从男人的角度感应。而这一次却是换了一只眼看世界,他清楚的感觉到原来女人是这种感觉,这种想法,这种反应…… Un, naturally is anything, Fellow Daoist self- display, hee hee. 嗯,当然了到底是什么,各位道友自我发挥,嘻嘻。 In brief two people this has not done well, but is hard in Ye the rei contact time, at this moment! 总之两人这样就弄不好了,不过就在叶某人难以rei的接触时候,就在这时! Somebody discovered very much sorrowfully, some water cock one droops unexpectedly the head! 某人很悲痛的发现,某个水龙头竟然一下耷拉下来脑袋! Not, my not xing!” In the Ye Kong heart is startled. “不是吧,难道我不xing了!”叶空心中一惊。 At this moment two people divine sense paragenesis sharing, Yao Hui knows immediately his idea, throws one to smile to make noise! 此刻两人的神识共生共享,姚卉顿时知道他的想法,扑哧一声就笑出声来! As her smiles, two people mouths separate immediately! Ye Kong embarrassed again is also holding Yao Hui, has to loosen the hand. 随着她的一笑,两人的嘴立即分开!叶空也不好意思再抱着姚卉,只好松开了手。 Listened to Yao Hui to say with a smile do not have thought that that was because your fading God entered the body, you have faded now the extreme, therefore...... Therefore that thing meets ruan! Hehe, giggle.” 就听姚卉笑道“别多想了,那是因为你衰神入体,你现在已经衰到极点,所以……所以那东西才会ruan!呵呵,咯咯。” Must say that the woman a little experiences is different, Yao Hui just understood anything from Ye Kong this, dares to play this joke. Naturally, she has also joked with a Ye Kong person. 要说女人有点见识就不一样了,姚卉刚从叶空这明白点什么,就敢开这种玩笑了。当然了,她也只是跟叶空一个人开玩笑而已。 Ye Kong forced smile say/way „, I also think that I was sick!” 叶空苦笑道“原来如此,我还以为我有病了呢!” Yao Hui also said that was good, now the fading God enters the ceremony of body to complete! Under by you are thought that chooses a method in 56 road forks, that must try one's luck purely!” 姚卉又道“好了,现在衰神入体的仪式已经完成!下边就由你自己想一个在56个岔路口中选择一个的方法,要纯碰运气的那种!” This method is very good to think, Ye Kong discovers a metal from the space along, under simple refine, became a top of outsize! 这个法子就很好想,叶空从随身空间之中找出一块金属,简单炼化之下,就成为了一个特大号的陀螺! Afterward, establishes a mark above that top, then rotates the top! 随后,又在那陀螺之上设置一个标记,然后转动陀螺! When top rotation, Ye Kong harbors intentions to think top stops, which direction is pointing, which direction jin I from enter!” 当陀螺转动的时候,叶空心心念念就会想着“陀螺停下,指着哪个方向,我就从哪个方向jin入!” Although Ye Kong thinks like this, when the top stops, he real jin will actually not enter! 虽然叶空这样想,不过当陀螺停下,他却不会真的jin入! He suddenly like this will be thinking, then continues to transfer again! 他会突然这样想着,然后继续再转! After several hundred rotations, so long as statistics! Immediately the result shows in their front! 数百次的转动以后,只要一统计!顿时结果就展现在他们的面前! Altogether has rotated 500 times, 56 branch road junctions, including 53 were referred to more than once! 一共转动了500次,56个岔道口,其中有53个都被指到不止一次! But in which three, are one time has not actually referred to! 而其中的三个,却是一次都没指到! The Ye Kong happy say/way does exactly the opposite, is really good! I fade now the extreme, refers to is wrong, number of times more crossroads that refers to are wrong! But branch road that three one time has not referred , is actually the correct channel!” 叶空喜道“反其道而行之,果然不错!我现在衰到极点,指到的都是错的,指到的次数越多的路口越是错误!而那三个一次都没有指到的岔路,却正是正确的通道!” Now had three correct channels, Ye Kong's divine sense searched inward, felt that these three were profound incomparable! It seems seemingly is correct! 现在有了三条正确的通道,叶空的神识向内一探,感觉这三条都是深邃无比!看上去都貌似正确! The so-called main roads pass Rome, three correct road that are also normal. 所谓条条大道通罗马,有三条正确的路那也是正常的。 However Ye Kong believes that in these three roads, has advantages and disadvantages! At least said that some road closer center, but some road is close, is difficult are more, the branch road are more, the circle that must transfer are more! 不过叶空相信,这三条路之中,也是有好有坏!至少说,有的路更接近中央,而有的路虽然接近,可是艰难更多,岔路更多,要转的圈更多! Therefore, Ye Kong must make a choice in these three roads! 因此,叶空还要在这三条路中做一个选择! This choice is also simple, that is makes Yao Hui please walk the fading God from the Ye Kong God body! 这个选择也简单,那就是让姚卉从叶空神体之中请走衰神! Let the Ye Kong's lucky value achieve in a big way! 叶空的幸运值达到最大! Then, Ye Kong rotates top again, that road that aims at first, is in three is best! 然后,叶空再去转动陀螺,最先指向的那条路,就是三条中最好的! Quick, Ye Kong had determined, leading Yao Hui to walk. 很快,叶空就确定了其中的一条,带着姚卉走了进去。 The day was day-by-day past, road forks from their under foot processes! 日子又是一天天的过去,一个个岔路口从他们的脚下经过! Actually unknowingly, Ye Kong actually secretly anticipates to meet the road fork. Because meets the road fork each time, he can hold the goddess in heart, own wen, shameless top one...... 其实不知不觉中,叶空倒是暗自期待遇到岔路口。因为每次遇到岔路口,他都可以抱着心中的女神,亲wen着,再无耻的顶一下…… However as if to retaliate him, Yao Hui will let him each time, when the chicken moves, one faded...... 不过仿佛是为了报复他,每次姚卉都会让他在鸡动的时候,一下就衰了…… They like this painful choice, turned into the happy yy process. 两人就这样把痛苦的选择,变成了幸福的yy过程。 Compared with them, four that back pursued may on a little sad Cui. Their four people are not such health, in this labyrinth, not only does not have the superiority, instead the inferiority completely reveals! 和他们相比,后边追来的四位可就有点悲催了。他们四人都不是那么的健康,在这种迷宫之中不但没有优势,反而劣势尽显! Most important of one mind, each time did not arrive at a road fork, dispute quite a while! 最重要的是不齐心,每次到了一个岔路口,就会争执半天! Most hateful, is silly God he arrives obviously silly, but he actually each time must choose a branch road, felt that he is intelligently same than others, otherwise he does not walk! 最可恨的,是傻神他明明傻到可以,可他却又偏偏每次都要选择一个岔路,感觉他比别人聪明一样,否则他就不走! This point, makes other three lack the God to walk simply each time in the brink of collapse! 这一点,简直让其他三个缺神每次都行走在崩溃的边缘! The blind God was still comforting everybody, no rush, our also tries one's luck, we sharply jin is not entering the center, so long as we bump into Ye Kong! 本来瞎神还在安慰大家,别急,我们这也是碰运气,我们不急着jin入中央,我们只要碰到叶空 The wrong road, instead is perhaps easier to bump into Ye Kong! 说不定错误的路,反而更容易碰到叶空 Therefore under the blind God's persuasion, four lacks the God unexpectedly idiot to letting a fool guides! They are like this complex and in the jií palace, wants to bump into Ye Kong, simply is the wishful thinking! 因此在瞎神的劝说之下,四缺神竟然白痴到让一个傻子带路!他们在这样复杂和jií宫之中,想要碰到叶空,简直是痴心妄想! But time lapse, is a half year passes, Ye Kong they already incomparable close prison palace most central! 而时间推移,又是半年过去,叶空他们已经无比的接近狱宫的最中央! But on this day, Ye Kong and Yao Hui have stood in front of an incomparably grand road fork, what is frightening, this road fork reaches 999 unexpectedly.!. 而这一天,叶空和姚卉又已经站在一个无比宏伟的岔路口前边,让人恐惧的是,这个岔路口竟然多达999个。!。 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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