MC :: Volume #28

#2787: The fading God enters the body

? ? 2787 the fading God enters the body 2787衰神入体 Labyrinth is a labyrinth! Really hateful, these hateful prison clans, want to make into the fool idiot them really completely! Causes these many labyrinths, does not know that my silly God your honorable self can kill people here?” “迷宫又是迷宫!真是可恨,这些可恨的狱族,真的想把他们全部都弄成傻子白痴!弄出这么多的迷宫,难道不知道我傻神大驾要在这里杀人么?” After four forms fall being put in prison palace, discovered, originally here is a giant labyrinth. This labyrinth so huge, wants difficultly, let alone can also find the person? 四个身影落入狱宫之后才发现,原来这里还是一个巨大的迷宫。这迷宫如此的巨大,想要走出去都困难,又何况还要找人? However the sliest mute God has the idea, he passes on the sound said, everybody, we cannot go out surnamed Ye that cannot go out! If he exits to run away, we may not find him, therefore this labyrinth is favorable for me! Opens also 50 years from the chaos dense boundary, I do not believe that 50 years could not find him!” 不过最狡猾的哑神却是有想法,他传音道,“各位,我们走不出那姓叶的也走不出!若是他出去逃走,我们不一定能找到他,所以这迷宫对我有利!距离混沌密境开启还有50年,我就不信,50年时间找不到他!” The people think, is greatly is reasonable, the blind God nods saying that good! We at risk of life in inside this boy finding! Hehe, perhaps if entered chaos dense boundary us to have cured we blindly deaf silly mute means!” 众人一想,都是大有道理,瞎神点头道,“好!那我们就拼死在里边把这小子给找到!嘿嘿,如果进了混沌密境说不定我们就有了治好我们瞎聋傻哑的办法!” Good, to go to the chaos dense boundary tries hard!” After the mute God everybody passes message, passes on the sound said, also has, our four 10 million/absolutely should not be separated, the boy has to extinguish the divine tool God blood from the pores of the feet! If separates, we not necessarily are his match, therefore everybody is careful!” “不错,为了去混沌密境而努力!”哑神给大家传音以后,又传音道,“还有,我们四个千万不要分开,那小子有灭神器神血箭!如果分开,我们不一定是他的对手,所以大家要小心!” In four lack the God to wander around the time in the giant labyrinth, another side of labyrinth, Ye Kong and Yao Hui are also facing a choice. 就在四缺神在巨大迷宫之中瞎转悠的时刻,迷宫的另一边,叶空和姚卉也在面临一个选择。 Although this is a labyrinth, was hard to find the outlet. But at present at least can also distinguish clearly, that is, side walks outward, side walks to! Where do we want toward to walk now?” “虽然这是迷宫,难以找到出路。可是目前至少还能分清一点,那就是,一边是向外走,一边是向里走!我们现在到底要往哪边走?” Yao Hui said right, labyrinth is complex, that channel also has two directions! A direction more walks is more thorough, but another direction more walks closer border! 姚卉说的没错,迷宫再复杂,那通道也是有两个方向的!一个方向是越走越深入,而另一个方向则是越走越接近边沿! Now, labyrinth under extinguishing a God arrow, change so huge. The wise means walk outward, first left here to say again! 现在,迷宫在灭神一箭之下,变化如此的巨大。明智的办法是向外走,先离开这里再说! However Ye Kong this person actually is never the wise person, or is not the person who that type will change the idea easily! 不过叶空这个人却从来不是明智的人,或者说不是那种轻易会改主意的人! I return to the labyrinth, the goal is to retrieve that not well-known female, now the goal has not achieved, the person had not found, I naturally must walk...... Ye Kong to want toward the center not to think, the nod replied. “我又回到迷宫之中,目的就是找回那不知名的女子,现在目的没有达成,人又没有找到,我当然要往中央走……”叶空想都不想,点头回答。 However Ye Kong said, turns head and has a look at Yao Hui, said: Small plant, this matter and you have nothing to do, you do not use with, you look for the outlet to leave outward......” 不过叶空说完,回头又看看姚卉,道:“小卉,此事和你无关,你不用跟来,你向外寻找出路离开……” Ye Kong has not said, Yao Huinu said that your affection and loyalty, you think I am a person who that leave, you looked down upon me!” 叶空还没说完,姚卉怒道,“你们都有情有义,你以为我是那种自己离开的人么,你太看不起我了!” Ye Kong knows immediately own speaking incorrectly words, opened the mouth to say with a smile, I also for hello/you good, since you did not leave, that together walked!” 叶空顿时知道自己说错话了,开口笑道,“我也是为了你好,既然你不离开,那就一起走!” Yao Hui then cloudy to clear, said, „, helping you save the young sweetheart, drank others sweethearts to be drunk......” 姚卉这才多云转晴,哧道,“是呀,去帮你救小情人嘛,喝了人家情人醉……” In Ye Kong heart cannot help but secretly joyful, cannot see the Yao Hui also a little small jealousy, is this explained that she cared about herself. 叶空心中不由得暗自喜悦,看不出姚卉还有点小醋意呢,这是不是说明她在意自己了呢。 They start toward to walk afterward thoroughly. 两人随后就开始往深入行走。 Must know, this is a labyrinth, although feels toward penetrating, but the result is actually not so. Especially arrived at branch road junction each time, this was hard to choose. 要知道,这是迷宫,虽然感觉是往深入走,可是结果却并不是如此。特别是每次到了分岔的道口,这就难以选择了。 Ye Kong has pondered over a simple method. 叶空琢磨了一个简单的方法。 That when a branch crossroad, he will emit divine sense, goes forward with divine sense! 那就是每到一个分岔路口,他就会放出神识,用神识前进! If left inside this branch branch road are few, will be removed, Ye Kong thought that the prison clan labyrinth will not be simple, the correct road should on the roads in many road fork! 如果左边这条分岔里边的岔路少,就会被排除,叶空觉得狱族迷宫不会那么简单,正确的路应该在很多岔口的路上! If the blind alley are many, that can also remove! 如果是死路多,那也可以排除! Therefore had these experiences, Ye Kong will have stood when a crossroad there, carried on the thorough exploration with divine sense, after the exploration was very long, pondered over very for a long time, will determine that turned left to turn right! 所以有了这些经验,叶空每到一个路口就会站在那里,用神识进行深入的探索,探索很久以后,又琢磨很久,才会确定向左走还是向右走! Then, the day crossed in wearing down of road fork, one day is one day, in an instant, is one month passes by. 就这样,日子在一个个岔路口的消磨之中渡过,一天又是一天,转眼之间,已经是一个月过去了。 However with the lapse of time, Ye Kong stopped each time in the time of road fork is getting more and more long! 不过随着时间的推移,叶空每次停在岔路口的时间越来越长了! It is not because Ye Kong is hard to calculate more and more, because the road fork were getting more and more! 不是因为叶空越来越难以推算,而是因为岔路口越来越多了! More is entering toward the labyrinth deep place, will discover, the branch road that meets each time are getting more and more! 越是往着迷宫深处进入,就会发现,每次遇到的岔路就越来越多! From starting one point two, to afterward one point three, one point four, one point five...... Finally to one point eight! 从开始的一分二,到后来的一分三,一分四,一分五……最后到了一分八! Eight roads, chooses one, you said that which strip chooses? 八条路,其中选一条,你说选哪条? Also how long Ye Kong's was firm, has insisted obstinately, this, entire past a half year...... 也多久了叶空的性格坚定,愣是坚持了下来,就这样,整整过去半年…… When Ye Kong stands before a road fork once more, the disposition probably is stubborn donkey same he, must collapse! 叶空再次站在一个岔路口之前,就连性格好像是犟驴一样的他,也要崩溃了! Because, the present road fork, really has reaches 56! 因为,眼前的岔路口,竟然有多达56条! Sees that crossroad, Ye Kong almost to spit blood to perish! 看见那一条条的路口,叶空几乎要吐血而亡! f*ck your ancestor board board, this also Taikeng father! 56, on each road will have the innumerable branches, in the branch also has the branch! If I with divine sense explorations, Nyima, lord knows when can find a seemingly correct path?” 日你先人板板,这也太坑爹了!56条,每条路上又会有无数的分岔,分岔上还有分岔!我如果用神识一条条的探索,尼玛,猴年马月才能找到一条貌似正确的道路呢?” Ye Kong was bogged down in difficulties, stands in the crossroad being hard choices of 56 roads. 叶空陷入了困境,站在56条路的路口再也的难以抉择。 „It is not good! Let alone 56 branches, are 156, could not stop my determination!” Ye Kong clenches teeth to say finally once again. “不行!别说56条分岔,就是156条,也阻挡不了我的决心!”叶空终于又一次咬牙说道。 Sees Ye Kong such appearance, has started talking with Ye Kong's Yao Hui finally. 看见叶空如此的模样,一直跟着叶空的姚卉终于开口说话了。 I thought that your such method was too stupid!” Yao Hui opens the mouth saying that „the great strength of this labyrinth, is not we are conceivable, even if were this time you found most appropriate that from 56 channels, that next crossroad! One after next crossroad! When the time comes accidentally is 560 branches! How much time do you want to spend to choose?” “我觉得你这样的方法太笨了!”姚卉开口说道,“这种迷宫之强大,不是我们可以想象,就算是这次你从56条通道之中找到最合适的那一条,那下一个路口呢!下下个路口呢!到时候万一是560条分岔!你又要花多少时间去选择呢?” A Yao Hui words probably idea heavy mallet, such strikes, has let the Ye Kong's thought thorough collapse! 姚卉的话就好像一计重槌,就这么一击,就已经让叶空的思想彻底的崩溃! At present 56 branches do not know how long time exploration must use, if back is really 560, that does need several thousand for over ten thousand years to study? 眼前56条分岔就不知要用多久的时间探索,如果后边真的是560条,那岂不是要几千上万年来研究? Not this, what also means can have other?” Ye Kong anxious say/way. “可是不这样,又能有其他的什么办法?”叶空焦急道。 Yao Hui hesitant, this finally slowly clenches teeth to put out several characters, has! The fading God enters the body!” 姚卉犹豫一下,这才终于缓缓的咬牙吐出几个字,“有!衰神入体!” Ye Kong has not thought that Yao Hui has the means unexpectedly, said surprised, what Weishuai the God does enter the body? Really effective?” 叶空没想到姚卉居然有办法,吃惊道,“何为衰神入体?真的有效吗?” Yao Huidao, so-called fading God enters the body, is your my divine sense is common, your divine sense can direct my body, my divine sense can direct your body! As the matter stands, I can make you fade in addition to fade, fade the extreme!” 姚卉道,“所谓衰神入体,就是你我的神识共通,你的神识可以指挥我的身体,我的神识可以指挥你的身体!这样一来,我就可以让你衰上加衰,衰到极点!” Ye Kong faints, you make me luck be a good idea to extreme that you make me fade the extreme, do you want me dead?” 叶空晕倒,“你让我幸运到极点那还是个不错的主意,你让我衰到极点,你是要我死么?” I most can only help the person remove the mildew to transport, actually cannot give the person to be lucky, after all I am not the lucky God!” Yao Hui smiled bitterly saying that also said that „, but, faded the extreme, then to you was also greatly helpful!” “我最多只能帮人去除霉运,却不能给人幸运,毕竟我不是幸运之神!”姚卉苦笑说完,又道,“不过,衰到极点,那对你也是大有帮助的!” Ye Kong strange does say/way, why, fade the extreme also helpful?” 叶空奇道,“为什么,衰到极点还有帮助呢?” Yao Hui said with a smile, that was certainly helpful. If you fade the extreme, you in all depending on the choice of luck, you can never choose correct that!” 姚卉笑道,“那当然有帮助。如果你衰到极点,那你在全凭运气的选择下,你就永远选不到正确的那一条!” Ye Kong hear this, immediately in both eyes fiercely one bright, good! Fades the extreme is the favorable turn, does exactly the opposite! Good, this strategy is really good! The small plant, you were really are more intelligent than me were too many, but you early had not said how.” 叶空听完这一句,顿时双目之中猛地一亮,“不错!衰到极点就是转机,反其道而行之!好,这个计策果然好!小卉,你真是比我聪明太多了,只是你怎么没早说。” What sounds queer, Yao Hui is actually on the face becomes flushed, said that „before actually me, has thought that had not said, is not does not want to help you, but is this, after this fading God enters the body, completely will feel mutually the body of opposite party, that feeling......” 让人奇怪的是,姚卉却是脸上涨红起来,道,“其实我之前就想到了,一直都没有说,不是不想帮你,而是这,这衰神入体以后,互相就会完全感觉到对方的身体,那种感觉……” Ye Kong understood immediately, this fading God enters the feeling of body to fear that is the same with exchange Nascent Soul of world of mortals, can the sensation to the body of opposite party, that feeling stand with the naked fruit body in front of the opposite party mutually is the same, no wonder Yao Hui has not said this suggestion. 叶空顿时明白了,这衰神入体的感觉怕是跟下界的互换元婴一样,互相可以感知到对方的身体,那种感觉就跟赤身果体站在对方面前一样,也难怪姚卉迟迟没有说出这个建议。 However Yao Hui said at this moment, was the need very big sacrifice and courage, after all the goddess like her, completely exposed the body before a man is a how difficult matter. 不过姚卉此刻说出,也是需要很大的牺牲和勇气,毕竟象她这样的女神,完全把身体暴露在一个男人面前是一件多么艰难的事。 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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