MC :: Volume #28

#2786: The prison palace reappears

2786 prison palaces reappear this are......”, when Ye Kong pulls out the time of lost blood from the pores of the feet, in the palace of prison God, four of the prison God talking is lacking the God, complete shock! 2786狱宫重现“这是……”当叶空拔出神血箭的时刻,狱神的宫殿之中,正在和狱神谈话的四缺神,全部震惊! Good tyrannical strength!” The blind God hoarse voice of resounds. “好强横的力量!”瞎神沙哑的声音响起。 This extinguishes the divine tool!” The prison God live year remote, natural induction of can induce to this is came from to extinguish the might of divine tool! “这是灭神器!”狱神活的年头非常的久远,当然一感应就能感应到这是来自灭神器的威力! However in his territory, suddenly appears extinguishes the might of divine tool, makes him shock! 不过在他的领地之中,突然出现灭神器的威力,还是让他大为震惊的! Certainly is Ye Kong!” The blind God hoarse voice has made a sound once again, „our time comes out to obtain the information, said that rebel Ye Kong already extinguished divine tool God blood from the pores of the feet, the might is astonishing!” “一定是叶空!”瞎神沙哑的声音又一次响了起来,“我们这次出来已经得到情报,说那叛逆叶空已经得到灭神器神血箭,威力惊人!” But he was locked by me obviously in antiquity the prison of ancient Yuzu, even if he uses to extinguish the divine tool there, the might will not send out. But the origin of this might, unexpectedly is...... Probably is neighbor!” In the heart of prison God in great surprise. “可是他明明被我锁在上古的古狱族的一个狱中,就算他在那里使用灭神器,威力也不会散发出来。可是这种威力的来源,竟然是……好像就是附近!”狱神的心中大惊。 Comes the person!” The prison God roars, immediately the prison clans of several choroids walked, kneels down to kowtow. “来人!”狱神怒吼一声,立即就有几个黑衣的狱族走了过来,跪下磕头。 Immediately gives me to look up, in Mid Division antiquity prison any situation, that surnamed Ye, where uses to extinguish the divine tool!” “立即给我去查,中部的上古狱中到底什么情况,还有那个姓叶的,到底在哪里使用灭神器!” However did not need the prison God to investigate, in the next quarter, outside the palace, suddenly spread a loud sound! 不过不用狱神去调查了,就在下一刻,殿外,突然传出一声巨响! Only listens to bang one, the entire world seems vibrating! That sound shaking, is really earthshaking! 只听轰地一声,整个世界仿佛都在震动!那一声震动,真的是惊天动地! The prison clan is always introverted, completely is the dwelling male dwelling females, hides in own prison, some tens of thousands of years did not go out, but actually in this moment, complete awaken, were awakened by this, rush to oneself prison, leave to come to see an outcome! 狱族一向内向,全部都是宅男宅女,躲在自己的“狱”中,有的已经成千上万年都不出门,不过却在这一刻,全部的惊醒过来,被这一声惊醒,奔出自己的狱,出来看一个究竟! Look! That is!” “看!那是!” At this moment, prison God and four lacked the God also all from the black prison God tower inside highest one/1st Layer the child tower to walk. The prison God appearance is fierce, in the heart is angry, for these years, some di people use to extinguish the divine tool in the black prison God tower unexpectedly! 此刻,狱神和四缺神也已经全部从黒狱神塔上最高一层的子塔里边走了出来。狱神面目狰狞,心中大怒,这么多年来,di一次有人竟然在黒狱神塔中使用灭神器! This is dislikes black prison God tower badly insufficient quick? 这是嫌黒狱神塔坏的不够快嘛? However when prison God comes out to lower the head looked, is actually in the surface lu leaves to be startled and doubt the huo expression! 不过当狱神出来低头一看,却是面上lu出吃惊和疑huo的表情! Those who let the prison God be startled, in female tower Mid Division mi palace Array Method of that antiquity God prison surrounding, at this moment unexpectedly fiercely swollened zhang to come! 让狱神吃惊的是,就在母塔中部的那个上古神狱外围的mi宫阵法,此刻竟然猛地膨zhang开来! That is, that mi palace Array Method regarding that antiquity God prison, in that stature tower, the surrounding could not feel, is by Ye Kong this arrow, unexpectedly shoots swollens zhang to get up. 也就是,本来那个mi宫阵法是围绕着那个上古神狱,在那个子塔之中,外围根本感受不到,可是被叶空这一箭,竟然射的膨zhang起来。 That mi palace Array Method unexpectedly complete swollens zhang to get up, forms very huge mi palace Array Method, hangs in pars centralis wei of female tower, seems, seems giant Saturn's rings, floats in Mid Division of black prison God tower, seems thinks a giant light halo. 那个mi宫阵法竟然完全的膨zhang起来,形成一个非常巨大的mi宫阵法,悬在母塔的中央部wei,看上去,仿佛是一圈圈巨大的土星光环,浮在黒狱神塔的中部,看上去就想一个巨大的光圈。 Grand and stirring! 宏伟而震撼人心! That is!” “那是!” How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” No matter in the place above of that huge mi palace light halo, is, all people on the scene. Whether or not the prison clan, was completely shocking! Was shocked! 不管是在那巨大mi宫光圈的上方,还是下方,在场的所有人。不管是不是狱族,全部都是震惊了!惊呆了! What's all this about!” The prison God as God Lord of prison clan, here highest hierarch, facing the picture that this type never presents, feels helpless! “这是怎么回事!”狱神作为狱族的主神,这里的最高掌权者,面对这种从未出现的景象,也是不知所措! Ye Kong used a moment ago extinguished divine tool, this is great strength on the scene can feel. However, after extinguishing the divine tool use, should possible possibly have two. Shoots mi palace Array Method broken, second does not shoot broken! 叶空刚才是使用了灭神器,这是在场的强大者都能够感受到的。但是,灭神器使用以后应该可能出现的可能有两个。一个是将mi宫阵法射破,第二个是射不破! But at present this type, swollens zhang to come, forms a giant light halo picture, is actually always nobody thinks, nobody has seen! 可是眼下这种,膨zhang开来,形成一个巨大光圈的景象,却是从来都没人想到,也没有人见过的! In the prison God astonished by present picture he has not seen the time, actually from some ancient prison goes out of an old prison clan! 正在狱神惊愕以眼前的景象就连他也没有见过的时刻,却从某个古老的“狱”中走出一个苍老的狱族! That seems incomparably old prison clan old man, sees the present picture, immediately is shocked, surface color/look dull such as wooden chicken! 那个看上去无比苍老的狱族老者,看见眼前的景象,顿时惊呆,面sè呆如木鸡! However is instantaneous, he is wild with joy, immediately plop kneels down, in the mouth chirp in oh, was saying words that others cannot understand! 不过就是瞬间,他又是狂喜,立即扑通跪下,口中叽里哇啦,说着别人听不懂的话语! Although many people cannot understand, but the prison God is actually clear, what that old man said is ancient Yuzu the language, but that a few words that in his mouth endlessly duplicates, is prison palace reappears, prison clan resurgence!” 虽然很多人听不懂,可是狱神却是清楚的很,那个老者说的是古狱族的语言,而他口中不断重复的那一句话,就是“狱宫重现,狱族中兴!” The red front hears this, immediately in both eyes projects the eye-catching ray, that unusual ray flashes, simultaneously he stands in the roof of female tower, raises the arm shouts, exclaims with the present prison clan language, prison palace reappears, prison clan resurgence!” 红锋听见这一句,顿时双目中射出夺目的光线,那种异样的光线闪动,同时他站在母塔的最高处,振臂一呼,用现在的狱族语言吼道,“狱宫重现,狱族中兴!” His, below 1 million prison clans hear completely clearly! 他这一声,下边的1000000狱族全部听得清楚! This is the prison palace! The day, this is the prison palace!” “这就是狱宫!天呐,这就是狱宫嘛!” Legend prison palace is the prison clan first generation initiates the prison God to design, this palace is a very strange mi palace, will spring up in a throng the dead life or death the time to appear in the prison each time!” “传说狱宫是狱族第一代创始狱神设计,此宫为一个非常离奇的mi宫,每次在狱族生死存亡的时刻就会出现!” „The legend, in this prison palace history appeared three times, each appearance, that person who goes out of inside is prison clan the Lord of Zhongxing! Is having the prison clan, creates a magnificence again!” “还有传说,此狱宫历史上出现了三次,每一次出现,从里边走出的那个人就会是狱族的中兴之主!带着狱族,再创一次辉煌!” The time in under being a focus of public attention, sees the prison God overhead to kneel down, in the mouth summoned, prison palace reappeared, day that my clan started to! According to the custom, the first person who goes out of inside, will be my prison clan new Boss, my prison God red front will present it is a Lord!” 就在下边万众瞩目的时刻,就看见狱神当头跪下,口中呼唤道,“狱宫重现,我族重新兴起的日子到了!根据规矩,从里边走出的第一个人,就会是我狱族新的首领,我狱神红锋将奉其为主!” As the prison God kneels down, below 1 million prison clans also completely worship on bended knees, in the mouth exudes the reverent sound, I and others am willing to present it am a Lord, leads my clan, creates again magnificently!” 随着狱神跪下,下边的1000000狱族也全部跪拜,口中发出虔诚之声,“我等愿意奉其为主,带领我族,再创辉煌!” However worships on bended knees in prison clan all, time of lying prostrate in worship. 不过就在狱族全体跪拜,顶礼膜拜的时刻。 Actually sees four to lack God surface to disdain, looks at each other one mutually, afterward, four people turn into four rays together, has thrown into that Saturn's ring same huge mi palace. 却看见四缺神一个个面有不屑,互相对视一眼,随后,四个人一起化成四道光线,一头扎进了那片土星环一样的巨大mi宫之中。 ...... …… In this moment mi palace, Ye Kong also in dull looks at the present scene. 此刻mi宫之中,叶空也在呆呆的看着眼前的情景。 Felt in Ye Kong's, this God blood from the pores of the feet strikes, the azure tiger draws back the defeat, the poisonous God body dies! According to the Ye Kong's imagination, this mi palace feared that must cave in instantaneously, collapse! Even vanishes! Also even, blasts the half the entire black prison God tower! 本来在叶空的感觉,这神血箭的一击,青虎退败,毒神身死!按照叶空的想象,这片mi宫怕是要瞬间塌陷,崩溃!甚至消失一空!还甚至,把整个黒狱神塔都炸掉半边! Ye Kong this possibility xing has thought continually, but has not thought that present mi palace by him, as soon as shoots, swollens zhang to come unexpectedly fiercely, forms an incomparably huge mi palace! 叶空连这种可能xing都想到了,可就是愣没有想到,眼前的mi宫被他一射,竟然猛地膨zhang开来,形成一个无比巨大的mi宫! Moreover, the original mi palace resembles the cave and wall. But the present mi palace, is actually the probably magnificent starry sky, resembles the mi palace in starry sky! 而且,原来的mi宫好像山洞和墙壁。而现在的mi宫,却是好像瑰丽的星空,就好像星空之中的mi宫! Brilliant, great, but is full of mysterious meaning! 绚烂,宏大,而充满神秘的意味! This is a matter, ri your ancestors board board, did my this arrow, how shoot the artillery the air gun? From the cave mi palace, turned into the starry sky mi palace, what situation is this?” “这是怎么一回事,ri你先人板板,我这一箭,怎么把鸟枪射成炮了?从山洞mi宫,变成了星空mi宫,这是什么情况?” Ye Kong is stunned, is somewhat bewildered. 叶空愕然,有些莫名其妙。 Starry sky mi palace, each channel, or the original mi palace appears greatly is broader! Ye Kong's divine sense emits, probably a magnificent slide channel, divine sense does not know that emits far, cannot feel the end point of mi palace! 星空mi宫,每条通道要不原先的mi宫显得更大更宽阔!叶空的神识放出,就好像一个瑰丽的滑梯通道,神识不知道放出多远,也感觉不到mi宫的终点! „It is not good! This mi palace becomes very formidable and terrifying, let alone found the central road, even if the present goes back, could not find the road!” In the Ye Kong heart shocks! “不好了!这个mi宫变得非常强大和恐怖,别说找到去中央的路,就算是现在回去,也根本找不到路了!”叶空心中震惊! However at this moment, the Ye Kong's intention actually fiercely moves! She also came in!” 不过就在此刻,叶空的心念却又是猛地一动!“她也进来了!” Originally, when Ye Kong shoots lost blood from the pores of the feet, fading God Yao Hui outside the mi palace! 原来,当叶空射出神血箭时,衰神姚卉是在mi宫之外的! Ye Kong feared that she suffers bringing disaster to of prestige of God blood from the pores of the feet, therefore makes her leave is quite remote. 叶空正是怕她遭受神血箭之威的殃及,所以让她离开的比较遥远。 But Yao Hui is worried about Ye Kong, ran. When prison palace appears, increases fiercely, just also covers her in! 可是姚卉担心叶空,又跑了回来。所以当狱宫出现,猛地增大的时候,刚好将她也罩在其中! However is also the divine intervention makes it so, after Yao Hui bedding bag comes, coincidentally is a Ye Kong similar circle! Therefore, divine sense that Ye Kong emits, just can induce her! 不过也是天意使然,姚卉被罩进来以后,刚巧是和叶空同样的一个圈!所以,叶空放出的神识,刚好可以感应到她! Small plant!” The Ye Kong loud call, pursues fiercely. “小卉!”叶空大声一呼叫,猛地追上去。 Because originally falls suddenly this strange mi palace, but surprised Yao Hui hears this, immediately on the moving powder face emerges the bright smiling face. 本来因为突然陷进这离奇mi宫而惊奇的姚卉听见这一声,顿时动人的粉脸上浮出灿烂的笑容。 Ye Kong!” 叶空!” No matter this world is dangerous, difficult layer on layer is unable to mediate again. Person who so long as but falls in love with very much together, that is a heaven. Instantaneous, just separately soon two people, once again closely hugged in the same place!!. 不管这个世界再危险,困难再是重重无法排解。可是只要很自己相爱的人一起,那就是天堂。瞬间,刚分别不久的两个人,又一次紧紧地抱在一起!!。 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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