MC :: Volume #28

#2789: Turns left to turn right

? 27 ** turns left to turn right ?27**向左走向右走 999 road forks!” Even if crossed Ye Kong of innumerable road fork, at this moment stands in the face of the so great picture, was one has been shocked, the chin must pound the expression of instep! “999个岔路口!”就算已经渡过了无数岔路口的叶空,此刻站在如此宏大的景象面前,也是一副惊呆了,下巴要砸到脚面的表情! Quite is all the way calm free Yao Hui, is a similar expression. «» 一路上比较淡定自若的姚卉,也是同样的一副表情。《》 999 road forks! On the road that really has come has not seen! 999个岔路口!实在是一直来的路上都没有见到过! However immediately, Ye Kong and Yao Hui discover a stranger matter. 不过随即,叶空和姚卉又发现一个更加离奇的事情。 Because of the beforehand road fork, is only standing outside, divine sense can put! 因为之前的岔路口,只在站在外边,神识就可以放进去! But at present these 999 road forks, the crossroad unexpectedly is a darkness. Not only the line of sight cannot look, but also divine sense cannot put! 可是眼前这999个岔路口,路口内部竟然是一片的黑暗。不但视线根本看不进去,而且就连神识也放不进去! Looks at the out of the ordinary of present great scene and this scene. 看着眼前的宏大场景和这场景的与众不同。 Ye Kong cannot help but surprised is in a daze, afterward calls out in alarm one, „wasn't this to has hit the time of headquarters?” 叶空不由得吃惊发愣,随后惊呼一声,“这不是是到了打总部的时刻了吧?” Yao Huiting has gawked, raised the head to ask: What hits the headquarters?” 姚卉听了一愣,抬头问道:“什么叫打总部?” Eh, this......” Ye Kong has smiled, said: Hits the headquarters is many years ago my local dialect of that native place, in other words arrived at the final moment, last option, final fight!” “额,这个……”叶空笑了一下,道:“打总部是很多很多年前我的那个老家的土话,就是说到了最后的关头,最后的选择,最后的战斗!” By Ye Kong such explanation, Yao Hui immediately was also understood! 叶空这样一解释,姚卉也立即明白了! „, I understood your meaning!” Yao Hui is also in the surface one happy, said that huge choice of this unprecedented, to finally! 999 road forks, inside possibly have the group possibly not to have the road, in brief, so long as possibly elects to one, will arrive at us to go to the destination!” “哦,我明白你的意思了!”姚卉也是面上一喜,说道,“这个前所未见的巨大选择,就是到了最后!999个岔路口,里边可能有路也可能没有路,总之,可能只要选对其中的一个,就会到达我们要去目的地!” Thinks of here, Ye Kong and Yao Hui are the great happiness. 想到这里,叶空和姚卉都是大喜。 Although has not seen the victory, but can come here, is explained that front choice, was completely correct! If did not guess wrong, they arrived at the last choice of this giant labyrinth. 虽然还没有见到胜利,可是能够来到这里,就已经是说明前边的选择,全部都正确了!如果猜测没有错,他们已经来到了这巨大迷宫的最后一个选择。 Beforehand checkpoint, if went in the later feeling to make a mistake, some time within can also walk again...... Here is but different, I believe the opportunity that be only one time chooses, after going, is unable to come out! Therefore this time, we must cautiously choose!” “以前的关卡,如果进去以后感觉错了,一段时间之内还可以再走回来……可是这里不一样,我相信只有一次选择的机会,进去以后,就无法出来!所以这一次,我们一定要慎重选择!” If changes one team of other people, at this moment stands, in this absolutely does not have in front of 999 road forks of any prompt, that was really a zhang (3.33 m) two diamond does not touch the head. However regarding Ye Kong and Yao who Hui walks, was familiar and easy, because they have the shortcut to walk. 如果换一队其他人,此刻站在这完全没有任何提示的999个岔路口面前,那真是丈二的金刚摸不到脑袋了。不过对于一路走来的叶空和姚卉来说,却是已经轻车熟路,因为他们有捷径可走。 Afterward, two people have the tacit understanding very much, once again hugs and kisses in the same place! 随后,两人很有默契的,又一次拥吻在一起! After the Ye Kong fading God enters the body , to continue to use his top. The opportunity that however because this time chooses were too many, is discrete, therefore plays the top, is the suitable fee/spent time! 叶空衰神入体以后,就继续使用他的陀螺。不过这一次因为选择的机会太多了,又必须要谨慎,所以玩起陀螺来,也是相当的费时间! 999 choices, Ye Kong revolving tops, this, fully has spent for one year, had an official statistical result! 999个选择,叶空一次次的旋转陀螺,就这样,整整花费了一年的时间,才有了一个正式的统计结果! 999 choices, all road forks, were referred to by the top! 999个选择,所有的岔路口,都被陀螺指中过! If according to the truth of doing exactly the opposite, in other words these 999 channels, not having one to be correct. However from probability, even if Ye Kong faded again, he transferred many ten thousand times, always has will have such several times to choose correctly! 如果按照反其道而行之的道理,也就是说这999个通道,没有一个是正确的。不过从概率来说,就算叶空再衰死了,他转了多少万次,总有会有那么几次会选择正确的! Therefore in changed to number of times few road forks to choose by the top. 所以就在被陀螺转到次数少的岔路口之中选择。 Changed to by the top twice, altogether has 20 channels! Changed to three by the top times, altogether has 190 channels! Changed to four times by the top...... 被陀螺转到两次的,一共有20个通道!被陀螺转到三次的,一共有190个通道!被陀螺转到四次的…… Ye Kong sees the digit of these statistics, even if he has the deity head, he also looks to the end in a big way. 叶空看见这些统计的数字,就算他有颗天神的脑袋,他也看到头大。 However under he chooses, he chose changed to three times within 210 channels. 不过在他选择之下,他就选择了转到三次以内的210个通道。 Then, according to the old rule, his lucky value promotion, then continues the revolving top, chooses in these 210 channels! Has a look at the lucky value maximum time, is that channel changed to probability is bigger. 然后,按照老规矩,把他的幸运值提升,然后继续旋转陀螺,就在这210个通道之内选择!看看幸运值最高的时刻,是那个通道被转到的机率更大。 Also is more than ten days passes, Ye Kong never has the discovery to transfer the top is a such fearful matter. However is good because, he also had the new statistical result finally! 又是十多天过去,叶空从来没有发现转陀螺是这么可怕的一件事。不过好在,他终于又有了新的统计结果! Finally, falls into the Ye Kong eye, is two channels. 最后,落入叶空眼中的,是两个通道。 These two channels are the fading God enter the body to change to twice, then after the lucky value promotes changed to 36 times! Completely same! 这两个通道都是衰神入体是被转到两次,然后在幸运值提升以后被转到36次的!完全一样! Inside these two which?” Ye Kong both eyes were in a daze. “这两个里边到底哪一个?”叶空双目都发愣了。 Is two both?” Yao Hui has doubts to say. “难道是两个都可以?”姚卉疑惑说道。 Is impossible!” Ye Kong shakes the head, said: „If the front channel, but also possibly is many choice questions, is now such scene, can only be the single item choice question!” “不可能!”叶空摇头,道:“如果是前边的通道,还可能是多项选择题,可是现在这样的情景,只能是单项选择题!” But which?” “可是哪个呢?” I transfer again!” “我再转!” Ye Kong does not have the means that so long as rotates the top. However the astonishing matter occurred, in other these not selected channel except for revolutions, but these two channels are actually your I appearance in turn, cannot branch out under high of two channels! 叶空没办法,只要又去转动陀螺。不过让人吃惊的事情发生了,除了转中其他那些没有被选中的通道,而这两个通道却是轮流的你一次我一次的出现,根本分不出两个通道的高下! What to do?” Ye Kong was scared, at present are two channels, which? “怎么办?”叶空傻眼了,眼前两个通道,到底是哪一个呢? After hesitant for a long time, the opens the mouth that Yao Hui does not dare to confirm said: „Can two channels, because we are two people?” 在犹豫了好久之后,姚卉不敢确认的开口道:“两个通道,会不会因为我们是两个人呢?” The Ye Kong hear, the facial color moves, holds Yao Hui fiercely, is happy: You also are really my lucky goddess!” 叶空听完,面色一动,猛地抱起姚卉,喜道:“你还真是我的幸运女神!” Yao Huicui said, I obviously am the fading God!” 姚卉啐道,“我明明是衰神!” Ye Kong haha said with a smile: I am the alternative, in childhood others had fallen in love with Snow White, but I have actually fallen in love with that stature good old sorceress!” 叶空哈哈笑道:“我这个人就是另类,小时候别人都爱上了白雪公主,而我却爱上了那个身材不错的老巫婆!” Yao Huiqi said: Who Snow White is, good name of pleasant to hear.” 姚卉奇道:“白雪公主是谁,好好听的名字。” Ye Kong said with a smile, „, told you again.” 叶空笑道,“等出去以后再告诉你。” Some Yao Hui suggestion, two people had decided that a person walks a channel, Ye Kong offers advice, said that according to the custom of his hometown is male left female right, therefore two people stand are standing in front of one of them of 999 channels respectively, deeply inspires, then turns head to look at each other one, simultaneously took a step to enter the channel! 有了姚卉的建议,两人决定一人走一个通道,还是叶空出主意,说按照他家乡的规矩是男左女右,于是两人站在各自站在999个通道的其中之一面前,深吸一口气,然后扭头对视一眼,同时迈步走进了通道! Quite black!” After Ye Kong enters that channel, at present a darkness, as if entered a dark night! “好黑啊!”当叶空走进那个通道以后,眼前一片漆黑,仿佛走进了一片的黑夜! Is feeling helpless in the Ye Kong heart, does not know oneself choose the wrong no time, front shines light screens suddenly! That light screen opens slowly, resembles, entered the jet black movie theater, but at this time, just movie beginning, on light screen bright! 正在叶空心中不知所措,也不知道自己选错没有的时候,前边突然又亮起一片的光幕!那光幕缓缓打开,就好像,是走进了漆黑的电影院,而这个时候,刚好电影开场,光幕上明亮了起来! Ye Kong looks with rapt attention, immediately facial color in great surprise. 叶空凝神一看,顿时面色大惊。 Originally what on the light screen demonstrates is in an empty space, a wear black veil female is standing in front of a large screen! But that black veil female, unexpectedly Yao Hui! 原来光幕上显示的是一个空荡荡的空间之中,一个穿着黑纱的女子正站在一个大屏幕前!而那个黑纱的女子,竟然正是姚卉! Saw Yao Hui?” In the Ye Kong heart stares, does not know the image that on the present light screen emits Yao Hui is any meaning, but sees Yao Hui now the security very much, he also felt relieved. “看见了姚卉?”叶空心中一愣,不知道眼前的光幕上放出姚卉的影像是什么意思,不过看见姚卉现在安全的很,他也就放心了。 But at this moment, Ye Kong all around picture also had the change! 可是就在此刻,叶空四周的景象又有了变动! Sees only, the remote place by large screen, suddenly respectively presented a door of arc, one on the left and other on the right, is distributed in the large screen both sides distant places! 只见,就在大屏幕两侧的遥远处,突然各出现了一道弧形的小门,一左一右,分布在大屏幕两侧的远方! When Ye Kong is in a daze, the sound that the top of the head transmits a woman, many years has not seen overcoming an obstacle.” 就在叶空发愣的时候,头顶传来一个女人的声音,“好多年没有见到闯关者了。” In Ye Kong heart one startled, wants to raise the head to watch the inquiry fiercely, hears that woman voice saying: Do not look, you could not find me. Do not ask, who because I will not tell you me am! The goal that I present is to tell you, you can only live with that woman! Now left lives the gate, the right is the dead gate! You enter the fresh gate, she dies! You enter the dead gate, she lives! The decision-making power in you, yourself chooses!” 叶空心中一惊,猛地想要抬起头观看询问,就听见那个女人声音说道:“你不要找,你找不到我。你也不要问,因为我不会告诉你我是谁!我出现的目的就是告诉你,你和那个女人只能活一个!现在左边是生门,右边是死门!你走进生门,她就死!你走进死门,她就生!决定权在你,你自己选择吧!” Ye Kong gets angry immediately: „Who you are, abnormal, why cannot two both live!” 叶空顿时怒道:“你到底是什么人,变态,为什么不能两个都活下来!” The voice of that woman laughs, remembers, the left lives, the right dies! Also, you have a look at her choice, haha......” 那个女人的声音哈哈大笑,“记住,左边是生,右边是死!还有,你看看她的选择吧,哈哈……” That sound is laughing departure, does not have a point sound again, to Ye Kong how shouting, does not have a point response. Looks on that large screen again, Yao Hui also heard the similar speech probably, Ye Kong has been able to see the anger on her face clearly, helpless, anxious! 那个声音大笑着离开,再也没有一点的声息,任凭叶空如何的呼喊,也没有一点的回应。再看那大屏幕上,姚卉大概也听到了同样的说话,叶空可以清楚看到她脸上的愤怒、无奈、焦急! However in the Ye Kong heart suddenly thinks, left she will choose right? 不过叶空心中又突然想到,她会选择左边还是右边呢? Looks at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» 看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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