MC :: Volume #28

#2777: Black prison tower

? 2777 black prison tower ?2777黑狱塔 Actually fading God Yao Hui looks to Ye Kong's look but actually not anything too many meanings, but this walks, along with disposition and strength that Ye Kong displays, unknowingly makes Yao Hui look that were also many to the Ye Kong's number of times. «» 其实衰神姚卉看向叶空的眼神倒并没有什么太多的含义,只是这一路走来,随着叶空展现的性格和实力,不知不觉中让姚卉看向叶空的次数也多了起来。《》 Sometimes nonchalant will cast a vision of gaze. 有时候不经意的就会投去一个注视的目光。 Perhaps such look, Yao Hui have not noted, Ye Kong has not noted. However every day likes Xiaoshunzi who stares at Yao Hui to look , is actually the clarity that looks at! 或许这样的眼神,姚卉自己都没有注意到,叶空也没有注意到。不过每天喜欢盯着姚卉看的小顺子,却是看的清清楚楚! Xiaoshunzi felt that Yao Hui looked changes many to the Ye Kong's number of times, but he also only then conceal silently in heart. Sometimes, the matter is this, clear(ly) knows that the development direction of matter is not wants to see, but, you can only look like this! Let alone is the person, is deity , is the same. 小顺子感觉到姚卉看向叶空的次数变多,不过他也只有默默的藏在心中。有的时候,事情就是这样,明知道事情的发展方向并不是自己想要看到的,可是,你只能这样看着!别说是人,就是天神,也是一样。 Arrived has buried the sword city, Jianying God seven waited for in the city in the phoenix. 来到了葬剑城,剑英神于凤七已经在城中等待了。 Ye Kong leaves period, buries the sword city and glow sword demon Gods in tiger sword city has linked, two cities already official becomes seems like not big, influence that but no one dares to despise! Nearby many city faintly to here has been flirting with the eyes, but that side the sword demon God does not dare to come out to say anything. 叶空离开的期间,葬剑城和虎剑城的芒剑魔神已经连接在一起,两个城池已经正式的成为一股看似不大,不过谁也不敢藐视的势力!附近的很多城池已经都隐隐对着这边眉来眼去,而剑魔神那边也并不敢出来说什么。 City Lord's Residence. 城主府 These days white God has lived here, since the sword demon God loses power, she when the time comes saw the Ye Kong's powerful. Must say Divine Realm, the fields are quite actually chaotic, white God ponders over is actually making contact with anything to relate with Five Elements crazy God Ye Kong. 这段时间白神一直住在这边,自从剑魔神失势以后,她到时候看出了叶空的强势。要说神界,某些方面倒是比较乱,白神心里倒是琢磨着跟五行狂神叶空搭上些什么关系。 However on this day, when sees Yao Hui to pass through the gate, she wishes one could to commit suicide is good. Even has not said a hello with Ye Kong, immediately went out from the back door, returns to white Jiancheng. 不过这一天,等到看见姚卉进门,她恨不得自杀才好。甚至都没有跟叶空打一个招呼,立即就从后门出去,返回白剑城去了。 She walked, in phoenix seven actually at heart happy. He and Ye Kong are the friend are together, what situation if is really his old lady has with Ye Kong, that does make him feel sad? 她走了,于凤七倒是心里开心。他和叶空是朋友相处,若是真是他老娘跟叶空有什么情况,那让他情何以堪呢? Ye Kong has not noted this, after coming back, has the person to accompany Yao Hui and color wing baby visits. But Ye Kong in phoenix seven, She Lingpeng, sword monster God and fire beautiful God wait/etc. people on one's own side summoning a room, everybody starts to discuss. 叶空也没注意到这点,回来以后,自有人陪着姚卉和彩翼宝宝参观。而叶空却已经把于凤七、佘凌鹏、剑妖神、火丽神等等自己人给召唤进一个屋子,大家开始商量起来。 These people are Ye Kong's most trusted friends, therefore Ye Kong called them, what discussed was the matter of chaos dense boundary. 这几个人都已经是叶空的最心腹了,所以叶空把他们都叫来,谈的是混沌密境的事情。 Chaos dense boundary also had less than 50 years to open, was open about the facts everybody saying that I had an opportunity, can lead everybody to enter the chaos dense boundary......” “混沌密境还有不到50年就开启了,不瞒各位说,我已经得到一个机会,可以带着各位进入混沌密境……” Ye Kong has not said, several people are completely are startled. Ye Kong's these subordinates, are Half-Step God Cultivation Base! Generally speaking, Half-Step God has not entered the main force of chaos dense boundary! At least must arrive at the God Lord time, that is the most urgent person of chaos dense boundary. 叶空还没说完,几人就是全部大为吃惊。叶空的这几个手下,都是偏神修为!一般来说,偏神还不是进入混沌密境的主力!至少要到主神期,那才是混沌密境的最迫切的人。 However the present several people are quite formidable Half-Step God, the matter of contact also quite high-level, therefore has heard the chaos dense boundary. 不过眼前的几个人都是比较强大的偏神,接触的事情也比较高层,所以都是听说过混沌密境的。 In phoenix seven: It is said Sky Sword of sword God Sir was the chaos dense boundary found, if we can also find......” are saying, in his both eyes flood appearance. 于凤七道:“据说剑神大人的天剑就是混沌密境找到的,如果我们也能找到……”说着,他双目中泛起了神彩。 Ye Kong said with a smile: Tool that sharply yy, we now the essential issue, do not enter! I heard the thing that chaos dense boundary main need has the difference, same is the stepping-stone, same is the black prison tower! Because chaos dense boundary in chaos, if no black prison tower such formidable defense divine tool, is unable to enter. Now the stepping-stone we do not need to be worried, lacks is the black prison tower, this aspect you have anything to suggest not to have.” 叶空笑道:“你就不要急着yy了,我们现在关键的问题,是没有进入的工具!我听说混沌密境最主要的需要的东西有两样,一样是敲门砖,还有一样是黑狱塔!因为混沌密境在混沌之中,如果没有黑狱塔那样强大的防御神器,是无法进入的。现在敲门砖我们不用担心了,缺少的就是黑狱塔,这方面你们有什么建议没有。” On road that comes back, Ye Kong has been pondering over the matter of chaos dense boundary. He urgent wish refining up now, issue that therefore the chaos dense boundary cannot go, issue how but to go. 回来的路上,叶空一直在琢磨去混沌密境的事。他现在迫切的想要炼界,因此混沌密境不是去不去的问题,而是怎么去的问题。 According to the Divine Realm ordinary circumstances, basically the stepping-stone and black prison tower are disperse, in other words, has the stepping-stone with having the interconnection of black prison tower, is about then good to go together. Is each stepping-stone can enter two people according to the custom of stepping-stone! However this does not have the issue, these Immortal which formidable space installments, not having led some people not to use energy. 根据神界的一般情况,基本上敲门砖和黑狱塔都是分散开的,也就是说,有敲门砖的就会和有黑狱塔的互相联系,然后约好一起去。根据敲门砖的规矩是每个敲门砖可以进两个人!不过这没有问题,那些不朽哪一个没有强大的空间装置呢,带些人不费劲。 Naturally, generally speaking, actually to lead several people, before this is the Master in owner and black prison tower of stepping-stone, makes mutually. Because the person of belt were many, unavoidably will have the treasure insufficient minute of phenomenon, even if this, the chaos dense boundary opens each time, the person who goes to is also more and more! 当然了,一般来说,究竟带几个人,这是敲门砖的主人和黑狱塔的主人之前互相约好的。因为带的人多了,难免就会有宝物不够分的现象,不过即使这样,每次混沌密境开启,去的人也是越来越多! Speaking of the Ye Kong's issue again. Ye Kong currently had the stepping-stone, according to the Divine Realm ordinary circumstances, he can look to have the deity of black prison tower to discuss the condition. 再说到叶空的问题。叶空现在有了敲门砖,按照神界的一般情况,他就可以去找拥有黑狱塔的天神谈条件了。 However the present issue is, Ye Kong's strength! He is Half-Step God, his strength is worse than very these formidable Immortal! If he looks for these Immortal to talk, the final result more than enough was killed by the enemy, was won the stepping-stone! 不过现在的问题是,叶空的实力!他才是一个偏神,他的实力比那些强大的不朽差得很远!如果他去找那些不朽谈话,最后的结果十成十是被对方杀死,被夺走敲门砖! Does not need to suspect, this is Divine Realm. Let alone is Divine Realm, is high and low nine is this! The gentlemen are innocent, talent can arouse jealousy! 不用怀疑,这就是神界。别说是神界,就是上下九界都是这样!君子无罪,怀璧其罪! Therefore can the Ye Kong present idea, look for the black prison tower! 所以叶空现在的想法,就是能不能自己找黑狱塔! Listened to the Ye Kong's idea, person on the scene and others all look reluctant. 听了叶空的想法,在场人等都是个个面有难色。 The phoenix seven forced smiles: Black prison tower...... Difficult. The prison clan is a very ancient tribal group, it is said is ancient Yuzu the direct descendant, after ancient Yuzu was destroyed completely, because their this has black prison king tower to evade the crazy attacks of person of demon monster three clans.” 于凤七苦笑道:“黑狱塔……难。狱族是一个非常古老的族群,据说是古狱族的直接后裔,古狱族被灭掉以后,他们这一支因为拥有着黑狱王塔而躲过人魔妖三族的疯狂进攻。” Ye Kong nods, thought aloud: It seems like they hated these three clans.” 叶空点点头,自言自语道:“看来他们就恨上这三族了。” Seven are to actually shake the head to say in the phoenix: Hates to have actually, but these many years, the hatred also dissipated. The key is most important, is the person of prison clan, each one disposition conservative, extreme introverted, do you know the meaning of prison clan? Is they will complete a prison to be the same own house!” 于凤七却是摇头道:“恨倒是有,不过这么多年了,恨意也消散了许多。关键最重要的,是狱族的人,个个性格都非常非常的保守,非常非常的内向,你知道狱族的含义么?就是他们会把自己的房子建成一个监狱一样!” These that he said that other Ye Kong and people have not listened, She Lingpeng said with a smile: Unexpectedly also has this race, I had only heard the prison clan, does not know is actually so detailed.” 他说的这些,叶空和其他人都没有听过,佘凌鹏笑道:“居然还有这种种族,我只听说过狱族,倒是不知道这么详细。” Seven also said in the phoenix: Their houses and our houses are opposite. Our houses are prevent outsider illegally to intrude, but their houses are just opposite, their house outsider can enter casually, but they are very difficult! Naturally, this was not essential, what is essential is in their hearts the prison is also same, they like isolating themselves in the crowd, let alone is the external tribal group, is a tribal group, they do not arrive at ( 5 ) really not to have the means that also mutually will not relate absolutely!” 于凤七又道:“他们的房子和我们的房子相反。我们的房子是防止外人非法闯入,而他们的房子刚好相反,他们的房子外人可以随便进,而他们自己却很难出来!当然了,这并不是关键的,关键的是他们的心中也有一圈监狱一样,他们喜欢把自己隔绝于人群,别说是外来的族群,就是本族群,他们不到㊣(5)实在没有办法,也绝对不会互相的联系!” The Ye Kong forced smile said: Prison clan, is really the unusual tribal group. Do their black prison towers, why have to spread?” 叶空苦笑道:“狱族,真是奇特的族群。只是他们的黑狱塔,为什么还有流传出来呢?” Seven shake the head to say in the phoenix: This I do not know actually, but Divine Realm has the black prison tower quality goods is the strength profound big energies, goes to prison clan seize also cannot know.” 于凤七摇头道:“这我倒是不知道了,不过神界拥有黑狱塔正品的都是实力高深的大能,去狱族抢夺的也未可知。” At this time, the fire beautiful God was quite sensitive as woman, opened the mouth saying: „It is not right! You think that the person of prison clan, he completes others casually to come and go out the house, he also feared that others do steal? Feared that others do snatch?” 这时,火丽神作为女人还是比较敏感的,开口道:“不对!你想狱族的人,他把房子都建成别人随便可以出入,他还怕别人偷?怕别人抢?” By this saying, seven was dumbfounded in the phoenix immediately, some little time said: This but actually is also, is outside black prison tower type of thing really few very much, wants to do to one, is really difficult!” 被她这一说,于凤七顿时哑口无言,好一会才道:“这倒也是,可是黑狱塔这种东西外边真的少的很,想要搞到一个,实在是困难!” She Lingpeng said: „Does sword God Sir have? If present, we look for the sword God Sir......” 佘凌鹏道:“剑神大人有没有呢?如果有,那我们去找剑神大人……” He has not said, was denied by Ye Kong, I make a veiled attack has inquired to the fog God, the sword God Sir has is also the stepping-stone, he fire anger Gods with Dongsheng God country's makes, the fire anger God it is said can borrow the black prison tower from fire god there, but I and fire......” 他还没说完,就被叶空否定了,“我旁敲侧击的向雾神打听过了,剑神大人拥有的也是敲门砖,他和东胜神国的火怒神约好,火怒神据说可以从火神那里借来黑狱塔,而我和火家……” Here, the people knit the brows. Ye Kong seems like in Divine Realm the personal connection is not good, wanted to find the appropriate person to help really unable to find. 说到这里,众人都是皱眉。叶空神界貌似人缘并不好,想要找到合适的人帮忙也实在是找不到。 At this time, the sword monster that had not spoken opened the mouth saying: Phoenix seven, you why to prison clan such understanding?” 这时,一直没有说话的剑妖开口道:“凤七,你为什么对狱族如此的了解呢?” In phoenix seven: Is this, our family/home has one old servant many years ago is engaged in the business of various materials in the border of prison clan, knows a point about this aspect.” 于凤七道:“是这样,我们家有一个老奴很多年前在狱族的边境从事各种材料的买卖,对这方面了解一点。” Ye Kong nods, finally finally claps saying: No matter what we must try, informing that old servant to come, we prepare, goes to nearby the prison clan to have a look!” 叶空点点头,最后终于击掌道:“不管怎么样我们都要试试,通知那老奴过来,我们准备一下,去狱族附近看看!” To the words of reader: 给读者的话: Today three chapters, thank support ~ looked at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» 今天三章,感谢支持~看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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