MC :: Volume #28

#2776: Buries the flower story

? 2776 buries the flower story ?2776葬花的故事 Heard oneself in the body strange Gu, the poisonous God have not dared to have other ideas again. «» 听说自己已经身中奇蛊,毒神不敢再有其他的想法。《》 Must know, the gu God resurrects his time, a convenient additional point anything banned, infiltrates a point anything thing, that greatly has the possibility. 要知道,蛊神复活他的时候,顺手加一点什么禁制,打入一点什么东西,那都是大有可能的。 Visited you saying that since you have saved me, I delivered the treasure, therefore was the perfectly justified natural matter!” The poisonous God turns hostile is also quick, immediately exchanges a smiling face, conveniently, takes out a circular shell same divine tool, gives the gu God. “看您说的,既然您救了我,我将宝物送上,那乃是天经地义理所当然的事情!”毒神变脸也是很快的,立即换上一副笑脸,随手,将一个圆形的贝壳一样的神器取出,交给蛊神。 The gu God had already seen this treasure, confirmed without doubt, this received the treasure. 蛊神早就见过这件宝物,确认无疑,这才将宝物收起。 The poisonous God heart said that you rescue my life, now my also your treasure, everybody averages. Therefore he also said, gu God Big Brother, I have my presumptuous request. My female illegal alien God also dies in the, I want to ask you to resurrect, wants anything to say.” 毒神心说你救我一命,现在我又还你一件宝物,大家扯平了。因此他又说道,“蛊神大哥,我还有一个不情之请。我的女人蛇神也死在附近,我想请你复活一下,要什么都好说。” However the gu God is actually beckons with the hand saying that poisonous God, be honest with you. Why I must resurrect you, wants your treasure! But I want that treasure , because I must go to the chaos dense boundary! I only then had enough strength, the Immortal root God Sir is willing to take me! I resurrected your to be very tired, I must go back the training, wanted to help but unable.” 不过蛊神却是摆手道,“毒神,不瞒你说。我为什么非要来复活你,就是要你的那个宝贝!而我要那个宝贝,就是因为我要去混沌密境!我只有有了足够的实力,不朽的根神大人才愿意带上我!我复活你一个已经很累了,我要回去修养了,爱莫能助。” The gu God said, is bringing treasure well satisfied departure. Also let alone, in the chaos dense boundary, the treasure of gu God also will have in the future an effect. 蛊神说完,带着宝物心满意足的离开。还别说,日后在混沌密境,蛊神的这件宝物还起了作用。 Hateful! You think that I don't want to go to the chaos dense boundary?” The poisonous God obloquies one to the direction that the gu God is leaving. “可恶!你以为我不想去混沌密境嘛?”毒神对着蛊神离开的方向大骂一句。 Actually chaos dense boundary is not everybody wants to go, like big God recluse who these Divine Realm never make an appearance, the fellow Immortal elders in sky temple, these people already looked through all, is not willing to go to the chaos dense boundary to take risk. 其实混沌密境也不是人人都想去,像那些神界从来不露面的大神隐者,还有天空神庙中的各位不朽长老,这些人早就看破一切,也不愿意去混沌密境冒险了。 But Cultivation Base is too low, went is also dies! Therefore did not count on. 修为太低的,去了也就是一个死!所以也不指望。 Actually most wants to go to chaos dense boundary, is poisonous God such God Lord, these middle-level and lower-level Immortal! 其实最想去混沌密境的,就是毒神这样的主神,还有那些中层和下层的不朽 God Lord go to look for into the Immortal opportunity, for example some ancient clan medicine pill, it is said the effect can be similar the flower of belief. But these primary Immortal, is goes to seek for refining up the material, Immortal, started to refine oneself, obtains the origin of strength of oneself fixedly belief. As for these Intermediate Stage Immortal, their goals were clearer, was wants to find overlord! 主神们去是想寻找成为不朽的机会,比如会有些古族的丹药,据说效果可以类似信仰之花。而那些初级的不朽,则是进去寻找一些炼界的材料,不朽们,已经开始炼制自己的界,得到自己固定的信仰之力的来源。至于那些中期不朽,他们的目的就更明确了,就是想要找到霸主器! In the legend each ancient clan have to surmount overlord of King! Might terrifying! 传说中各个古族都有超越王者器的霸主器!威力恐怖! If could not find overlord, found several ultra magical instruments, that is also very good, initially the sword God obtained a formidable ultra divine tool, the day Divine Sword, the strength increases since then, becomes the backbone of human tribal group, history that this can see. 若是找不到霸主器,找到几件超神器,那也是很不错的,当初剑神得到一件强大的超神器,天神剑,从此实力大增,成为人类族群的顶梁柱,这都是可以看见的历史。 The poisonous God cannot certainly be unconventional, he wants certainly to go. 毒神当然也不能免俗,他当然想去。 However now he threw the most useful treasure, the strength damages greatly, perhaps others will have formidable Immortal of the stepping-stone and black prison tower will not lead him! 不过现在他把自己最有用的宝物丢了,实力大损,恐怕人家有敲门砖和黑狱塔的强大不朽不会带他! In poisonous God heart annoying, returns to the green bright God country, sees the poisonous king palace to be ransacked by Ye Kong, immediately flies into a rage, he thinks that the ugly God of non- face clan, in the heart is unable to elucidate depressed, immediately orders to kill completely the non- face clan of green bright God country's. 毒神心中懊恼,回到绿煌神国,又看见毒王宫殿被叶空洗劫一空,顿时勃然大怒,他又想到无脸族的丑神,心中郁闷无法开解,立即命令杀死全部绿煌神国的无脸族。 ...... …… The Bei Jian God country, buries sword city. 北剑神国,葬剑城。 Year by year, time in a hurry, in shaking red such as in the burying flower of blood flashes. 一年又一年,时间匆匆,就在摇动的红如鲜血的葬花之中一晃而过。 Ye Kong they return, is just one buries the flowered open day. 叶空他们返回的时候,刚好又是一个葬花开放的日子。 A modeling Qilin, but the whole body has the unusual animals of cloud pattern to draw a God car(riage), is walking on the path, slowly approaches that fiery red burying sword city. 一只造型似麒麟,不过全身却有云纹的异兽拉着一辆神车,正在道路上行走,慢慢接近那火红一片的葬剑城。 The window of God car(riage), a beautiful inconceivable face is gazing is burying the sword city. But outside the God car(riage), Deity that these passed by, no matter the men and women see this face are an infatuated color, when the God car(riage) walks away, they then awaken. 神车的窗口,一张美的让人不可思议的面孔正在注视着葬剑城。而在神车外,那些路过的神人,不管男女看见这张面孔都是一副痴迷之色,等神车走远,他们这才醒悟过来。 „The woman in car(riage) may be really beautiful a moment ago! I looked to stay, Divine Realm really had such beautiful woman!” “刚才车里的女人可真美!我都看呆了,神界竟然有这么美丽的女人!” Perhaps is God of Love what Xiangshi, or four seasons goddess autumn cold frost, be only their scales, can beautiful to this situation!” “恐怕是爱神何香莳,要不四季女神秋寒霜,只有她们那个档次,才能美到这个地步!” I thought that woman is more beautiful than the God of Love and four seasons God of!” “我看那女人比爱神和四季之神更美!” If can look at one again, was well satisfied.” “如果能再看一眼,就心满意足了。” Person ** always infinite, if these words change Xiaoshunzi, that again thinks rational. If in the beginning, Xiaoshunzi will think, looked Yao Hui eyes are also good. But this comes back, he does not know that looked at tens of thousands of eyes, he actually even more looks insufficiently! 人的**总是无穷的,这句话如果换小顺子,那就再觉得有理不过。若是开始的时候,小顺子会觉得,多看姚卉一眼也是好的。可是这一路回来,他不知看了成千上万眼,他却是越发的看不够! On Xiaoshunzi infatuated Yao Hui. However what makes Xiaoshunzi suffer is, this line, Yao Hui basically has not changed to his manner, but looks to the Ye Kong's vision is actually more and more, more and more gentle...... 小顺子痴迷上姚卉了。不过让小顺子痛苦的是,这一路行来,姚卉对他的态度基本没变,可是看向叶空的目光却是越来越多,越来越温柔…… Actually buries flowered original color to be white, because afterward a female then became bright red.” On Xiaoshunzi mouth hangs the treasure chest to be ordinary, walks not to know that narrated many stories, hearing Yao Hui this not to think stuffy. “其实葬花原来的颜色是白的,后来因为一位女子这才成为鲜红。”小顺子嘴上挂着百宝箱一般,一路走来不知讲述了多少故事,听得姚卉这一路都不觉得闷。 Hears to have the story, Yao Hui and color wing babies are happy, urges him to narrate. 听说有故事,姚卉和彩翼宝宝都是大为开心,又催他讲述。 Xiaoshunzi says, „” handed down in the remote past, the human female, her husband exited to go to war with ancient clan, the female day and night hopes in home. At that time buried the flower or the white, the female did not know to bury the flower, went out sees this flower, came back to plant on the belt. Has planted for several years later, this flower more opens the range to be bigger, white. But on this day, a outsider process, said in great surprise, this is buries the flower, the deceased person uses! Your this is inauspicious, you are incantation your man! Your man was certain! ” 小顺子讲道,“”相传在遥远的年代,有一位人类女子,她的丈夫出去和古族打仗,女子就在家中日夜期盼。那个时候葬花还是白色,那女子也不认识葬花,出门见到此花,就带回来种植。种了几年之后,此花越开范围越大,一片的白色。而这一天,一位外人经过,大惊道,这是葬花,死人用的!你这太不吉利了,你这是咒你男人!你男人一定死了!” The color wing baby listens to the story always to like interrupting, opens the mouth saying that that hurried to shovel!” 彩翼宝宝听故事总是爱插嘴,开口道,“那赶紧铲了啊!” Xiaoshunzi said, good, the female is destroyed in a moment all burying flowers at the same night. Henceforth nearby her family/home, again has not buried the flower. However she has actually forgotten a few words, pulling up weeds is difficult to eradicate, the spring breeze blows fresh! The second year spring, the spring rain crosses, overnight, before burying flowered another vice minister houseful, white!” 小顺子道,“不错,那女子连夜就将所有的的葬花毁于一旦。从此她家附近,再也没有葬花。不过她却是忘记了一句话,拔草难拔根,春风吹又生!第二年春天,春雨一过,一夜之间,葬花又一次长满屋前,一片白色!” The people sobbed, in Yao Huimei pupil flashed through the worry, pursued asks, not knowing what to do!” 众人都是唏嘘,姚卉美眸中闪过担心,追问道,“把如何是好!” Xiaoshunzi said, female shovels the light to bury the flower once again, but also digs out the main root to discard. However she had actually forgotten the tenaciousness of this plant rhizome, to is one year of spring, unexpectedly white burying flower grows!” 小顺子道,“女子又一次铲光葬花,还挖出主根扔掉。不过她却是忘记了这植物根茎的顽强,到了又是一年春天,竟然白茫茫的葬花又生长出来!” She Lingpeng hear to be enthralled, thought aloud, this buried flowered root hair incomparable developed, perhaps several years of type, the surrounding area in ten thousand miles had the root hair, didn't this know what to do?” 佘凌鹏都听到入神,自言自语道,“这葬花根须无比的发达,几年种下来,方圆万里之内恐怕都有根须,这如何是好?” Xiaoshunzi nods saying that good. This female discovered that depending on her skill, will bury the flower to eliminate again difficultly, she then earnestly ponders, finally has thought three days three nights, think of means finally! She thought that since buries the flower unable to wipe out, I change its color! The white symbol is inauspicious, I make it turn into the red! Therefore she cuts open the wrist/skill, buries the flower with own blood irrigation...... However 100 years pass by fully, the snow white burying flower links a blood threads not to have unexpectedly! This female is mentally and physically exhausted, spreads the news of person of clan defeat, in her heart rebukes oneself to add on the blood to exhaust, finally drops down, dies in burying the flower.” 小顺子点头道,“不错。这女子发现凭她的本事,再难将葬花清除,她便埋头沉思,最后想了三天三夜,终于想到一个办法!她心想,既然葬花无法拔除,那我就改变它的颜色!白色象征不吉利,那我就让它变成红色!于是她割开手腕,用自己的血液浇灌葬花……不过整整100年过去,雪白的葬花竟然连一根血丝都没有!这女子心力交瘁,又传来人族败仗的消息,她心中自责加上血液用尽,终于倒下,死在葬花之中。” Afterward this female corpse was discovered by the villager, the villagers very sympathize, buries it under burying the flower. Perhaps is her behavior moves Heaven and Earth, or is buries the blood that the flower lacks just few this point, when her burying second day, after spring rain, full mountain has spread over a wide area the bright red burying flower......” “后来此女的尸体被村里人发现,村里人都十分同情,将其埋在葬花之下。或许是她的行为感动天地,又或者是葬花缺少的血液就刚好少这一点,当她下葬第二天,一场春雨过后,满山都开遍了鲜红的葬花……” At this moment, Xiaoshunzi is the spoken language sobs, but Yao Hui and color wing baby are the double pupil are redder, had the clear tears billowing under. 此刻,小顺子都是言语哽咽,而姚卉和彩翼宝宝更是双眸红赤,已有晶莹的泪水滚滚而下。 Xiaoshunzi continues saying that „, but on this day, the news transmits, said that the human army wipes out ancient Shenzu, beforehand defeat is only the person clan confuses the feigning defeat of enemy, but the husband of female soon after is also returning home with riches and honors, saw that this mountain safflower could not say a few words again, was only the sob......” 小顺子继续说道,“而就在这一天,消息传来,说人类大军全歼古神族,之前的战败只是人族迷惑敌人的佯败,而女子的丈夫也在不久之后衣锦还乡,看到这一山红花再也说不出一句话,只是哭泣……” This story does not know that ( 6 ) is really false, Ye Kong has not listened, guarantees does not permit is Xiaoshunzi arranges. However deceives the tears effect to be astonishing, let alone Yao Hui and color wing, are She Lingpeng hide side to wipe tears. 这故事也不知㊣(6)道是真是假,叶空都没听过,保不准是小顺子编的。不过骗眼泪的效果惊人,别说姚卉和彩翼,就是佘凌鹏都躲到旁边抹眼泪。 Xiaoshunzi heart said that then must obtain Yao Hui to favor, who knows, at this time Yao Hui pair of tearful eyes did not look unexpectedly on own initiative to Ye Kong. That instance, Xiaoshunzi's tears are also billowing under...... 小顺子心说这下要得到姚卉青睐了,可谁知,这个时候姚卉一双泪眼竟然不自觉地就望向叶空。那一个瞬间,小顺子的眼泪也是滚滚而下…… Today three chapters, because small must go to Guangzhou to attend the annual meeting, embarks to come back on the 15 th on the 20 th, on several days did not have the time symbol, therefore I must retain the draft, to guarantee, can only on several days unceasingly like this. Moreover, will deliver the book in the scholar knot signature on the 17 th, Fellow Daoist of Guangzhou remembers. The specific itinerary arrangement, please pay attention to my scarf. Looks at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» 今天三章,因为小蛮要去广州参加年会,15号出发20号才回来,那几天根本没时间码字,所以我要存稿,为了保证那几天不断更,只能这样了。另外,17号会在书香节签名送书,广州的道友记得来。具体行程安排,请关注我的围脖。看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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