MC :: Volume #28

#2778: Four lacks the God

? 27,784 lacks the God ?27784缺神 Prison clan, unusual is hard to search!” Several days later, the old stewards in confessing sword city sat, in has buried in City Lord's Residence of sword city. «» “狱族,非常的难以寻觅!”数日之后,来自白剑城的老管家已经坐在了葬剑城的城主府里。《》 Because of the characteristics of prison clan, they are not good at associating with other families, what is more important, they are not willing to associate with other families! Therefore every time stays in one previous some time, is slightly familiar after neighbor various clans, they will move. Their goals \; first, is not willing to associate with other families \; second, is not willing their later generations to be assimilated by other families!” “因为狱族的特性,他们不善于和外族交往,更加重要的是,他们也不愿意和外族交往!所以每在一处呆上一段时间,和附近的各族略微熟悉以后,他们就会搬家。他们的目的,一是不愿和外族交往,二是不愿他们的后辈被外族同化!” Therefore, they each some years will have replaced the dwelling, moreover are the sudden replacements, overnight, you will discover, the prison clans vanished to disappear. Initially we were the prison clan make the structural the business of material, sometimes the expense had not settled account, they ran.” “所以,他们每过一些年就会更换住处,而且是突然的更换,一夜之间,你就会发现,狱族们已经消失不见了。当初我们是和狱族做建筑用的材料的生意,有时候费用还没结清,他们就跑了。” These are not most essential, what is most essential is their person lives, but the introverted, with the puzzle, eight sticks cannot make one. Does business with them is really awfully! Moreover the prison clansman is also poor, all the year round climbs mountains and crosses rivers, is down and out, simply does not have the special product, therefore has not gained to several money, therefore afterward I did not do.” “不过这些都不是最关键的,最关键的是他们人人生而内向,一个个跟闷葫芦似地,八棍子都打不出一个屁。和他们做生意真是要命!而且狱族人又穷,长年跋涉,穷困潦倒,根本没有特产,所以也没有赚到几个钱,因此后来我就不做了。” Listened to narration of old steward, Ye Kong and the others to faint. Others said that moves is catches fire dry, this prison clan every other one is to lose a fire. Most important, others move are to move toward the good place unceasingly. But they are actually one by one hiding, more and more toward the place that the bird does not lay an egg, this is certainly getting more and more poor, more and more sad Cui. 听完老管家的讲述,叶空等人都要晕倒了。人家都说搬家是干失火,这狱族每隔一段就是失一次火。最重要,别人搬家是不断往着好地方搬。而他们却是一次比一次更加的隐蔽,越来越往鸟不生蛋的地方,这样当然越来越穷,越来越悲催。 The disposition decision destiny, the disposition of prison clan decides them in the Divine Realm destiny! 性格决定命运,狱族的性格就决定他们在神界的命运! Naturally, the prison clan destiny with Ye Kong too many relations, the Ye Kong's goal has not been the black prison tower! 当然了,狱族命运跟叶空没有太多的关系,叶空的目的是黑狱塔! Ye Kong opens the mouth saying that that old steward, you said the black prison tower! You may know the situation of black prison tower, prison clan every other how many annual meetings construct one, what rank in the clan is, can have the black prison tower?” 叶空开口道,“那么老管家,你说说黑狱塔呢!你可知道黑狱塔的情况,狱族每隔多少年会建造一个,族中又是什么样的等级,才能拥有黑狱塔?” What is disappointing, the old steward still shakes the head, says with a smile, black prison tower? Not to mention, the pitiful prison clan except for the female tower that their could not only discard, in the clan did not have the second black prison tower!” 让人失望的是,老管家依然摇头,笑道,“黑狱塔?别提了,可怜狱族除了他们那只丢不掉的母塔,族中就没有第二座黑狱塔!” You said, prison clan only has a black prison tower, is their female towers, didn't other have any black prison tower?” She Lingpeng and the others think unable to believe, this prison clan specially constructs the black prison tower, how poorly to this situation? “你是说,狱族就只有一座黑狱塔,还是他们的母塔,其他就没有任何的黑狱塔了?”佘凌鹏等人都觉得无法相信,这狱族可是专门建造黑狱塔的,怎么会穷到这种地步? Seven also knit the brows to say in the phoenix, is impossible, the previous Craftsman God birthday, the prison clan also sends for sending a replica of black prison tower.” 于凤七也皱眉道,“不可能吧,上次匠神大寿,狱族还派人送来一件黑狱塔的仿制品。” Ye Kong by this saying , thought that the nod said, I also thought that the special envoy figure of that prison clan was slim, wears the black long gown, was very mysterious, did not like speaking with the person.” 叶空被他这一说,也想起来了,点头道,“我也想起来了,那个狱族的特使身材修长,穿着黑色的长袍,很是神秘,不爱跟人说话。” The old control family fortune, this I know. The prison clan tower has mother tower, many years spread, were when the place shielded them to flee three clan evil clutches the black prison towers, was called the black prison God tower!” 老管家道,“这我知道。狱族塔有一座母塔,多少年流传下来了,就是当处掩护他们逃离三族魔掌的黑狱塔,叫做黑狱神塔!” Black prison God tower!” The person on the scene mostly is first hearing, thinks black prison king tower is fiercest, cannot think that also has the black prison God tower! “黑狱神塔!”在场人大多都是第一次听见,本来以为黑狱王塔就是最厉害的,想不到还有黑狱神塔! The old steward has coughed two, said, do not think the black prison God tower is any flamboyant thing, when you saw to know. Perhaps this tower is very formidable before several eras, is several eras later, this tower was damaged! At the beginning, the service also used the material. However along with disappearance of Divine Realm many top material, as well as the prison clan is getting more and more poor, on the black prison God tower thing is getting more and more inferior!” 老管家咳嗽了两声,道,“你们可别以为黑狱神塔是什么牛逼的东西,等你们看见就知道了。或许这塔在几个纪元之前很强大啊,可是几个纪元下来,这个塔已经破败不堪!刚开始的时候,维修还用好材料。不过随着神界很多顶级材料的消失,以及狱族越来越穷,黑狱神塔上边的东西就越来越次!” „A key is, the prison clan usually does not garrison, ancient times had many people to steal their things, the black prison God tower in gradually can open opened!” “还有一个关键是,狱族平常不设防,古时候就有很多人去偷他们的东西,渐渐的黑狱神塔上能拆走的都拆走了!” This is also not most important, what is most important, the prison clan left stupid Boss three 10 million/absolutely years ago, he said that our prison clan was poor, which maintains this broken iron stand richly? Moreover, was this broken iron stand child has limited the survival and development of my clan, everybody pounded, this thing destroying! Therefore in two 10 million/absolutely years that he rules, this black prison God tower made that is more damaged, is unable to service, sees somebody off does not want!” “不过这还不是最重要的,最重要的是,狱族在三千万年前出了一个愚蠢至极的首领,他说我们狱族已经非常穷了,哪有钱维护这个破铁架子呢?而且,就是这个破铁架子限制了我族的生存和发展,大家砸,把这个玩意给毁了!于是在他统治的两千万年中,把这个黑狱神塔弄得更加的破败不堪,根本无法维修,送人都不要!” The people listened to faint once again, has not seen such ruined family. However Ye Kong thought good that actually that Boss said that but he does not know, the limit prison clan, is not visible iron stand, but is iron stand in heart! 众人听了又一次晕倒,没见过这么败家的。不过叶空倒是觉得那首领说的不错,只是他不知道,限制狱族的,并不是有形的铁架子,而是心中的铁架子! The old steward also said that reason that prison clan flatters Craftsman God , because they must always move, mother tower must move! Must ask Craftsman God to give them to repair mother tower regularly simply! As for replica that they deliver, I guessed that is not prison clan does, but buys outside, the surrounding of prison clan accumulation area, many artisans sell some trash there to the extreme black prison tower replica.” 老管家又道,“狱族之所以巴结匠神,是因为他们老是要搬家,母塔又要移动!必须请匠神定期去给他们简单修理一下母塔!至于他们送上的仿制品,我猜测也不是狱族自己做的,而是在外边买的,狱族聚集区的外围,很多匠人在那里出售一些垃圾到极点的黑狱塔仿制品。” This type of thing takes to see somebody off!” Seven stare dumbfounded in the phoenix, initially also thinks any good thing that the prison clan gives, who knows unexpectedly is this. “这种东西拿出来送人!”于凤七瞠目结舌,当初还以为狱族送的什么好东西,谁知竟然是这样。 Listened to the old steward saying that the Ye Kong nod said that I have pondered over, now Divine Realm has on record black prison tower and black prison king tower has 49, 29 for sky temple and God recluse all. Another 20, person clan five, Demon Race six, Monster Race nine! Here all people, relate with me do not know or are not good! I want taking advantage of any has not hoped! Only then goes to the prison clan to try one's luck!” 听了老管家说完,叶空点头道,“我琢磨过了,现在神界有记录在案的黑狱塔和黑狱王塔有49座,其中29座为天空神庙和神隐者所有。另外20座,人族五座,魔族六座,妖族九座!这里的所有人,跟我关系都不认识或者不好!我想借其中任何一座都是没希望!所以只有去狱族碰碰运气!” The old control family fortune, I can also the old friends who does business with the prison clan relate with some, having a look at them to know the prison clan present position.” 老管家道,“我可以和一些还在跟狱族做生意的老朋友们联系一下,看看他们知道不知道狱族现在的位置。” Ye Kong nods, said, that I catch up to follow close on that side Craftsman God to relate, having a look at him to sell a face, gives me to draw in the relations with the prison clan that side.” 叶空点头,又道,“那我赶紧跟匠神那边联系一下,看看他能不能卖个面子,给我跟狱族那边拉上关系。” Ye Kong arranges, everybody prepares separately, prepares this new risk plan. 叶空安排完,大家分头准备,准备这新的冒险计划。 When Ye Kong they are busy seeking for the black prison tower, the passer-by had the decree to enter the inner city in Sky Sword city. 就在叶空他们忙着寻找黑狱塔的时候,却有一路人带着旨意走进了天剑城的内城。 Sword God open/stretch Yongwei, your hand burying sword city City Lord Ye Kong, is my person clan degenerate, the Divine Realm rebel! This child hand grasps the Divine Realm evil bow to shoot the day jade, several times the provocative Gods, despised the God king! Although Cultivation Base is bad, may intent be instead obvious! If continuously for a long time hence, will certainly become my clan, I, my high and low nine blatant crazy enemies......” “剑神张勇威,尔手下葬剑城城主叶空,乃是我人族败类,神界叛逆!此子手握神界邪弓射天琅,数次挑衅众神,藐视神王!虽修为不济,可反意昭然若揭!若长此以往,必将成为我族,我界,我上下九界公然之狂敌……” Although the sword God is the mainstay of human tribal group, but after all is not the elder in sky temple, said the ( 5 ) getting up strength might as well God king, therefore Zhu Wen Yu will be impolite, sends for a visit native of Somalia directly. 剑神虽然是人类族群的中流砥柱,可是毕竟不是天空神庙的长老,说㊣(5)起来实力还不如神王,因此朱文宇也不会客气,直接派人上门索人。 However the sword God is actually unyielding, cold -ly snorted and said, goes back to tell the God the king! Previous time I am muddled for a while, agreed that he colludes with the previous owner who the demon person destroys completely shoots the day jade, but this time, I cannot! Shoots the day of jade God to bend originally a bow, I thought that he is the God king does to be muddleheaded!” 不过剑神却是硬气,冷哼道,“回去告诉神王!上次我一时糊涂,才同意他勾结魔人灭掉射天琅的上一个拥有者,而这一次,我不会了!射天琅神弓本来不过一把弓而已,我看他是神王做昏了头!” God king Gan makes a determined effort to the sword God, but these special envoys do not dare, frightens goes back to report. 神王敢对剑神发狠,不过那些特使不敢,吓得回去禀告。 The day jade mountain, the God king flies into a rage, but the sword God is really hard, he is not good excessively, everybody is the important personage in human tribal group, the God king compared with the sword God high, person Patriarch in sky temple old not necessarily will therefore also blame the sword God. 天琅山,神王勃然大怒,不过剑神真的硬起来,他也不好过份,大家都是人类族群中的重要人物,神王就算比剑神高一点,天空神庙里的人族长老也并不一定就会因此怪罪剑神。 Snort, since he hides shortcomings, then we come darkly!” In the God king Zhu Wen Yu facial color shows the cloudy vulture, opens the mouth to shout to clear the way, comes the person! Sends out various group of troops, stared to tighten to me has buried the sword city, so long as that departure Bei Jian God country surnamed Ye, we immediately sent out!” “哼,既然他护短,那么我们就来暗的!”神王朱文宇面色中透出阴鹫,开口喝道,“来人啊!派出各路人马,给我盯紧了葬剑城,只要那姓叶的离开北剑神国,我们就立即出动!” The mouse shintoism, kills Ye Kong outside the Bei Jian God country, the sword God knows when the time comes resurrected accidentally surnamed Ye, sword God person cannot take the entire situation into account, must the noisy ascending the sky jade mountain!” 鼠神道,“可是就算在北剑神国外边杀死叶空,剑神还是会知道,到时候万一复活了姓叶的,剑神此人可不太会顾全大局,说不定就要闹上天琅山!” Mother, I kills a trash Half-Step God to be so troublesome!” God king Zhu Wen Yu Nuheng, thinks deeply about a say/way, you relate one next four to lack the God, making them go into action, these old disabled old abnormal, many to the advantage, making them look for trouble surnamed Ye! Resurrecting, looked how many strength resurrecting hungrily the sword God he has to be surnamed Ye, does he want dead in the chaos mystical place?” Looks at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» “妈的,我杀个垃圾的偏神这么麻烦!”神王朱文宇怒哼一声,思索一番道,“你去联系一下四缺神,让他们出马,这些老残废老变态,多给点好处,让他们去找姓叶的麻烦吧!复活,饿看剑神他有多少实力复活姓叶的,难道他想死在混沌秘境?”看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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