MC :: Volume #28

#2773: Swallows Divine Mountain( three)

? 2773 swallows Divine Mountain ?2773吞噬神山 Ye Kong will certainly not have itself the matter of opening the door brick saying that even if were Cai Jianyi is regarded as the friend by him, Ye Kong will not say. «» 叶空当然不会把自己拥有开门砖的事情说出来,哪怕是蔡建义已经被他看作朋友,叶空也不会说出。《》 Actually is the best friend, even among spouses, needs certain secret. If no secret, to oneself not good to the friend is also not the good deed. 其实就算是最好的朋友,甚至爱人之间,也是需要一定的秘密的。如果没有秘密,对自己不好对朋友也并不是好事。 However Ye Kong must make Cai Jianyi put a heart. 不过叶空也要让蔡建义放一个心。 Ye Kong said, Cai brother, such being the case, let me tell you, I had friend that to have the stepping-stone! Therefore these time goes to the chaos dense boundary to search the treasure, that is the matter that the iron is settled! Do not worry, when the time comes, I come to the green bright God country to meet you!” 叶空道,“蔡兄,既然如此,我跟你说吧,我有个朋友那就有敲门砖!所以这一次去混沌密境探宝,那是铁板上钉钉的事情!你就不要操心了,到时候,我来绿煌神国接你!” Actually before, has reached an agreement, let Cai Jianyi in the green bright God country training. Because before , in cloud mud, Cai Jianyi lost the most God body. 其实在之前,已经说好了,让蔡建义在绿煌神国修养。因为之前在云泥之中,蔡建义已经损失了大半的神体。 But Cai Jianyi because of this matter, does not want to return to the day of jade mountain again, therefore made Cai Jianyi therapy in the ascended pond of green bright God country's! 而蔡建义也因为这件事,不想再回到天琅山了,所以就让蔡建义在绿煌神国的飞升池疗伤! Now Ye Kong they have taken over control of the green bright God country, let Cai Jianyi getting down quietly. Later is the poisonous God resurrects, or was others has taken over control of the green bright God country, some people will not think of ugly God Cai Jianyi on the ascended pond under here. 现在叶空他们接管了绿煌神国,让蔡建义悄悄的下去。以后就算是毒神复活,或者是别人接管了绿煌神国,也不会有人想到丑神蔡建义就在这里的飞升池下边。 Cai Jianyi heard that Ye Kong has the means to participate in the searching treasure of this time chaos dense boundary, strengthened did not go back the day of jade mountain the thought. He opens the mouth saying that Ye Kong you felt relieved, my well training, when the time comes together will go the chaos dense boundary by the best condition with you here! Since treasure that later seeks, I do not want completely, so long as found the curse of that seal!” 蔡建义听说叶空有办法参加这一次的混沌密境的探宝,更加坚定了不回去天琅山的念头。他开口道,“叶空你就放心吧,我会在这里好好修养,到时候以最好的状态跟你一起去混沌密境!进入以后寻找到的宝物,我全部都不要,只要找到那个封印的诅咒就可以!” The Ye Kong nod said, good, waits to turn head I to arrange, allows you to enter the ascended pond quietly.” 叶空点头道,“好,等回头我就安排一下,悄悄让你进入飞升池。” Good.” Cai Jianyi thinks oneself have the opportunity to enter the chaos dense boundary, had the opportunity to find the curse of that seal, had the opportunity to rescue all non- face clans, in his heart joyful. However he thinks of Ye Kong afterward, opens the mouth saying that I enter the ascended pond training immediately, the God body that but you lose how many times should be more than me did not know, how do you supplement?” “好。”蔡建义想到自己有机会进入混沌密境,就有机会找到那封印的诅咒,就有机会救所有的无脸族,他的心中喜悦。不过他随后又想到叶空,开口道,“我马上进入飞升池修养,可是你损失的神体应该比我多了不知多少倍,那你如何的补充呢?” Ye Kong smiles lightly, my this is comes to here to supplement the God body!” 叶空淡淡一笑,“我这就是来这里补充神体的!” After Ye Kong obtains the main body of heart of nebula, the trouble that brings is also huge. 叶空得到星云之心的本体以后,带来的麻烦也是巨大的。 Because, his God body was extremely really giant! 因为,他的神体实在太过巨大了! Resembles these Immortal Spiritual God, makes them go to the ascended pond supplement God body again? Let alone the supernatural power in ascended pond is insufficient, even if enough, the time of requiring is also the astronomical figures! 就好像那些不朽神灵,再让他们去飞升池补充神体嘛?别说飞升池中的神力不足,就算是足够,需要的时间也是天文数字! Therefore Ye Kong must supplement that now God body has two methods, the first method is to refine own contact surface, making ten thousand numerous believe him! Like his supernatural power by strength of continuous supplement belief! 所以叶空现在要补充神体就有两个方法,第一个方法就是炼制自己的界面,让其中的万众信仰他!这样他的神力就会由信仰之力源源不断的补充! But the second method, absorbs this strength of Divine Mountain! 而第二个方法,就是吸取这神山之力! Under Divine Mountain, blows many deities. These deities under the suppression in Divine Mountain, will emit the supernatural power, the time in the course of time, accumulates over a long period of time, the supernatural power that in this Divine Mountain gathers may also be called astonishing. 神山之下,镇住很多天神。这些天神在神山的压制之下,就会放出神力,时间日久,日积月累,这座神山上聚集的神力也堪称惊人。 Probably initially Ye Kong absorbed the supernatural power to gather in the supernatural power pond to be the same in Yingzhou city cultivate. However what is different, national capital Divine Mountain of green bright God country's, in the Divine Mountain supernatural power compared with Yingzhou city cultivate institute be bigger! 就好像当初叶空在瀛洲城修炼所吸收神力汇集成神力池一样。不过不同的是,绿煌神国的国都神山,要比瀛洲城修炼所里的神山神力大很多! After meeting, ugly God Cai Jianyi was arranged to enter the ascended pond, enters pond bottom cultivate, nobody knows, he will live in pond bottom for 50 years! 一会以后,丑神蔡建义被安排进入飞升池,进入池底修炼,没有人知道,他会在池底生活50年! However Cai Jianyi left, has actually done an astonishing matter! 不过蔡建义离开的时候,却做了一件惊人的事! He has put out 13 God blood from the pores of the feet! 他又拿出了13支神血箭! This may really Ye Kong being startled. 这可真的把叶空给惊到了。 Before was sieged by the gas cloud in the sea of clouds, around ugly God altogether has put out six. Cai Jianyi were then many a mind, said oneself did not have. 之前在云海之中被毒雾围困,丑神前后一共拿出了六支。然后蔡建义就多了一个心眼,说自己没有了。 Ye Kong had not suspected. After all God blood from the pores of the feet type of extinguishing divine tool, most precious object! Cai Jianyi can put out six to let the Ye Kong accident/surprise, therefore Ye Kong cannot think that Cai Jianyi also had these many unexpectedly! 叶空也没有怀疑。毕竟神血箭这种灭神器,至宝!蔡建义能拿出六支已经让叶空意外至极了,所以叶空也根本不敢想蔡建义居然还有这么多! Cai Jianyi because of the Ye Kong's words, he has given up all extra worries, therefore before entering the ascended pond, simply gave Ye Kong remaining 13! 蔡建义因为叶空的话,他打消了所有的后顾之忧,所以在进入飞升池之前,干脆地把剩下的13支就都交给叶空了! Ye Kong sees these 13 God blood from the pores of the feet, immediately was wild with joy! Must know, had these 13 arrows, he can do very big matter! Also had these 13 arrows, 50 years later goes to the chaos dense boundary having confidence! 叶空看见这13支神血箭,顿时乐坏了!要知道,有了这13支箭,他就可以做很大的事!也正是有了这13支箭,50年后去混沌密境才更加的有把握! In Divine Mountain, a piece broad is, sees only a young man of azure clothes back sword, the clear and resonant voice laughs three, said that a day helps me, receives that 13 God blood from the pores of the feet. 神山之中,一片宽阔的所在,只见一个青衣背剑的年轻男子,朗声大笑三声,道一句天助我也,将那13支神血箭收起。 Afterward, he stands in the space of Divine Mountain mid-hill, light, puts out four characters, invincible might, swallows!” 随后,他站立在神山山腹的空间之中,淡淡一句,吐出四个字,“神威,吞噬!” After this, his big mouth opens fiercely. 这一声之后,他的大口猛地张开。 Meanwhile, in his Pipa Bead world, the heart of that huge and gorgeous nebula, starts to revolve rapidly! 与此同时,在他的琵琶珠世界中,那个庞大而绚丽的星云之心,开始飞速旋转起来! Under Ye Kong's swallows fully, the supernatural power of this national capital level Divine Mountain, was swallowed completely! 叶空的全力吞噬之下,这座国都级神山的神力,全部都被吞噬下去! Distant place poisonous king palace, above the stage, She Lingpeng Xiaoshunzi, back the long skirt with Yao Hui who entrains the place...... They stop the footsteps, looks at remote place that ray radiant Divine Mountain! 远处毒王宫殿,高台之上,佘凌鹏小顺子,后边跟着长裙拽地的姚卉……他们都停下脚步,看着遥远处那光芒璀璨的神山! Looks at the ray on that Divine Mountain little changes pale, weakens, becomes pale and weak! 看着那神山上的光芒一点点的变淡,变弱,变得苍白无力! This is......” Yao Hui surprised looks at that side. Although they know that this possibly is the picture that Ye Kong makes, but works as that moment, being startled that one type is unable to believe! “这是……”姚卉吃惊的看着那边。虽然他们都知道这可能是叶空弄出来的景象,可是当那一刻,还是有一种无法置信的吃惊! Must know, the common deity with the aid of Divine Mountain cultivate, above each Divine Mountain has does not know many quantities the deities in together cultivate...... 要知道,一般的天神都是借助神山修炼,每座神山之上就有不知多少数量的天神在共同修炼…… But a Ye Kong this person complete suck dry Divine Mountain, really heard something never heard of before, is unprecedented! 可是叶空这种一个人就已经完全吸干神山的,真是闻所未闻去,前所未见! The Yao Hui beautiful pupil looks at that Divine Mountain God light gloom, in the heart experience feelings at this moment the interest to Ye Kong strengths and his these years. 姚卉的美眸看着那神山神光的暗淡,心中对叶空此刻的实力和他这些年的经历更加的感觉到兴趣。 But She Lingpeng and Xiaoshunzi are also in the heart greatly shake. 而佘凌鹏和小顺子也都是心中巨震。 Wants initially in the Dongsheng God country, Ye Kong to be small Deity, but She Lingpeng is actually the Half-Step God few king monarch sovereigns! But now, his She Lingpeng has not changed, but Ye Kong grew to the situation of letting him looking up at! 想当初在东胜神国,叶空不过是一个小小神人,而佘凌鹏却已经是偏神少国主了!而现在,他佘凌鹏没有变,而叶空已经成长到让他仰视的地步! Xiaoshunzi is also, meets in the nebula of this cepheus, two people are Upper Division Deity. But then many date and time, Ye Kong grew this! 小顺子也是,在本道仙王的星云之中见面,两人都是上部神人。可是这才多少时日,叶空就已经成长成这样! Almost every day and leaf ( 5 ) empties in together Xiaoshunzi, felt that every day can see Ye Kong's to promote! 几乎每天和叶㊣(5)空在一起的小顺子,感觉每天都可以看见叶空的提升! cultivate that cultivate, I must try hard! I pledged that must enter Half-Step God!” Always likes amusement repugnant cultivate Xiaoshunzi, makes the pledge finally! 修炼,我一定要努力的修炼!我发誓要进入偏神!”一向喜欢玩乐讨厌修炼的小顺子,也终于立下誓言! Ye Kong has attracted entire the day in Divine Mountain, under the gazes of green bright God country trillion subjects, attracted a pale mountain peak that supernatural power abundant national capital level Divine Mountain. 叶空在神山之中吸了整整一天,在绿煌神国亿万子民的注视下,将那座神力充裕的国都级神山吸成了一座苍白的山峰。 However Ye Kong has achieved has not utterly destroyed, gives back to Divine Mountain to leave behind strength of the vestiges, does not make these be in closed-door cultivation cultivate Deity to be hurt. 不过叶空已经做到没有斩尽杀绝了,还给神山留下一丝残余之力,不让那些正在闭关修炼神人们受伤害。 Meanwhile, Divine Mountain Xia Town these ancient deities, Ye Kong has not processed. When many years later, this Divine Mountain again light will also be illuminated by the God. 同时,神山下镇着的那些古老的天神们,叶空也没有处理。等很多年后,这座神山还会再被神光照亮的。 Actually after having absorbed this Divine Mountain, Ye Kong has not made up in the supernatural power that in the sea of clouds loses! 其实吸收了这座神山以后,叶空在云海之中失去的神力还没有补完! Because initially faced, but this world first toxin, the toxin of non- face flower! The God body of Ye Kong consumption, simply is one huge to the fearful digit, therefore is impossible the so quick supplement! 因为当初面对的可是这个世界第一毒,无脸花之毒!叶空消耗的神体,简直是一个庞大到可怕的数字,所以不可能如此快的补充! However even so, the larger part supplemented. 不过即使如此,一大半还是补充回来了。 Un, less than half, should better come to a Divine Mountain to make me absorb again!” “嗯,还有一小半,最好再来一座神山让我吸收一番!” Ye Kong was saying shameless, went out of Divine Mountain. Actually he knows, swallows for him without that many Divine Mountain, the best means that are refine one to belong his! 叶空无耻的说着,走出了神山。其实他心里知道,没有那么多的神山供他吞噬,最好的办法,就是炼制一个属于他自己的界! This is his long-cherished wish for a long time! 这是他长久以来的夙愿! Did not help Cai Jianyi seek for that non- face flower curse, this chaos dense boundary, I must go! Several types of materials that refinement needs at least, I must find, particularly outside rare space obscure ray!” “就算不帮蔡建义寻找那无脸花的诅咒,这次混沌密境,我也是非去不可!至少,我要找到炼制界需要的的几样材料,尤其是外边少见的宇暗光!” Ye Kong set firm resolve once again, left Divine Mountain. 叶空又一次下定决心,离开了神山。 Stayed slightly on the several th, sold off the thing in poisonous God treasure house wantonly, Ye Kong and the others got up Shenzhou dark green Lu, once again stepped the journey in Bei Jian God country's. 略微停留了几日,将毒神宝库里的东西大肆变卖一番,叶空等人上了神舟苍陆号,又一次踏上回去北剑神国的路途。 To the words of reader: 给读者的话: Three, have in the evening, asks the monthly ticket! Looks at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» 三更,晚上还有,求月票!看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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