MC :: Volume #28

#2772: Appears the opening the door brick

„Did my desire make a mistake?” The ugly God listens to a Ye Kong word, immediately raised the head, with face to Ye Kong. Although he does not have the eye, is about for several million years, he still maintains this lifting face is also looking at the elementary action of person. “我的愿望错了?”丑神听叶空一言,顿时抬头,用面孔对着叶空。虽然他并没有眼睛,不过几百万年来,他也依然保持着这种抬脸望人的基本动作。 He opens the mouth to get angry say/way I to take a face, where I made a mistake! Everybody has a face, I also take one! I should not be many, I want my! This has any wrong!” 他开口怒道“我不过是要一张脸,我哪里错了!人人都有一张脸,我也要一张!我不要多,我只要我那一张就可以!这有什么错!” Facing the ugly God of roaring, Ye Kong smiles, shakes the head, say/way you made a mistake! You who I said have made a mistake, did not mean that you should not take a face, but is your desire must be bigger! Is grander!” 面对怒吼的丑神,叶空笑笑,摇头,道“你错了!我说的你错了,并不是说你不该要一张脸,而是你的愿望要更大一些!更加的宏伟一些!” What meaning?” The ugly God has not understood. “什么意思?”丑神没有听懂。 Ye Kong continues saying that you should not want a face! But should take thousand 10 million/absolutely ten thousand faces! You not only need bring back your face, you must help all non- face clans retrieve their faces!” 叶空继续说道“你不应该只要一张脸!而是应该要千千万万张的脸!你不但要取回自己的脸,你还要帮助所有的无脸族找回他们的脸!” Ye Kong spoke of finally, the tone became unusual effort, opens the mouth say/way actually this was not you are helping them, rather, this was you should do, you knew!” 叶空说到最后,口气已经变得非常的用力,开口道“其实这不是你在帮助他们,而是,这是你应该做的,你知道吗!” The ugly God listens, concentrates to set up the long time, stands in the summit of Divine Mountain, the vision looks at the remote place, in the mouth thinks aloud well „! Good that you said! I for them, must turn the head for all non- face clans by rights ought to! In the past I with beautiful Lisa's corrupt yu, how can also emit the God of poisonous huā, how also to plant non- face huā wantonly, how the descendant of so many non- face clan!” 丑神听完,凝立半晌,站在神山之巅,目光看着遥远处,口中自言自语道“不错!你说的不错!我理当为他们,为所有的无脸族要回脸!当年要不是我和美丽莎的贪yu,又怎么能将毒huā之神放出,又怎么会大肆种植无脸huā,又怎么会有那么多的无脸族的后代!” Therefore helps them take to turn the head, this is I should do! This is not I am helping them, but is I am forgiving!” “所以帮他们取回脸,这是我应该做的!这不是我在帮助他们,而是我在恕罪!” Although the ugly God understands truth, but the next second he has suspected, then asked „, but God king Zhi complied with my face, but that many non- face clans feared that was the total has tens of thousands several hundred thousand to be even more, if I the seeking divine help king, he will comply?” 虽然丑神明白其中的道理,可是下一秒他就怀疑了,回头问道“可是神王只答应我一张脸,而那么多无脸族怕是总数有几万几十万甚至更多,如果我去求神王,他会答应么?” Ye Kong shakes the head he not to comply.” 叶空摇头“他不会答应。” Ugly God forced smile say/way you know that he will not comply, how do I obtain that many faces?” 丑神苦笑道“你都知道他不会答应了,那我如何求得那么多脸?” Ye Kong shaking the head slowly, looks that the ugly God said you made a mistake! You are completely mistaken really! All that nan person yao obtains, must obtain by own both hands, but is not kneels entreats! Your sorrow seeking divine help king is so long, he gives you, what also there is? cloud mud? The custom entreated others' person, the final result did not kick out of the way, was used!” 叶空缓缓的摇头,看着丑神说道“你又错了!你真是大错特错!一个nan人yao得到的一切,要靠自己的双手得到,而不是跪地哀求!你哀求神王那么久,他给你的,又有什么?云泥么?习惯哀求别人的人,最终的结果不是被人踢开,就是被人利用!” The ugly God is still shakes the head you not to know, I never want to entreat others, but I can know was also the God king! The elder in noble God recluse and sky temple, I cannot contact! If the God king cannot help me, Divine Realm is big, a who also there is to help me!” 丑神依然是摇头“你不知道,我又何尝想去哀求别人,可是我所能认识的也就是神王了!再高贵的神隐者和天空神庙的长老,我根本接触不到!如果神王不能帮我,神界偌大,又有谁人可以帮我!” No! God king Bang you, this time you must help itself!” Ye Kong goes forward one step, spoke to ugly God Cai Jianyi the words of God of poisonous huā. “不!神王帮不了你,这一次你必须自己帮助自己!”叶空上前一步,将毒huā之神的话都对丑神蔡建义说了。 Originally in chaos mystical place!” The ugly God obtains this news to be encouraged, opening the mouth happy say/way thank you Ye Kong! Thank you told me such news! Unexpectedly all solutions unexpectedly in chaos mystical place!” “原来在混沌秘境!”丑神得到这个消息大为振奋,开口喜道“谢谢你叶空!谢谢你告诉我这样的消息!竟然一切的解决方法竟然在混沌秘境!” However Ye Kong actually shaking the head say/way knows that this news is not useful, the chaos mystical place, it is said the average person cannot go in! Must have any stepping-stone and through chaos black prison tower that rank the defense divine tool of! Moreover danger numerous, is not we can go in!” 不过叶空却又摇头道“不过知道这个消息也是没有什么用的,混沌秘境,据说一般人进不去!必须有什么敲门砖和通过混沌的黑狱塔那个级别的防御神器!而且其中危险重重,不是我们能进去的!” The ugly God is actually shaking the head say/way not, do not look at the chaos mystical place was extremely mystical. Actually that was some ancient God and ancient yao and other ancient clan high antiquity the places of living, I have looked in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion in the day jade mountain the related ancient book, said that the chaos mystical place was divided into 4th Layer, separately was outside and the core level, it is said that was the place that ancient clan was born! I think that curse site are most is also middle level! Our strengths are not weak, should be able to enter the intermediate level! So long as has the opportunity, must go!” 丑神却是摇头道“不,你不要把混沌秘境看的太过神秘了。其实那就是远古时代的一些古神和古yao等古族的聚居之地,我在天琅山看过藏经阁中相关典籍,说混沌秘境分为四层,分别是外中内和核心层,据说那是古族诞生的地方!我想那诅咒所在地最多也就是中层!我们俩的实力并不弱,应该可以进中层!所以只要有机会,一定要去!” Ye Kong heard that also thought that has opened the mouth and said inspired also 50 years, which the opening the door brick and black prison tower do go to look?” 叶空听说也觉得振奋了许多,开口又道“只是还有50年,开门砖和黑狱塔又去哪找?” Perhaps the ugly God said with a smile that unable to find. I heard, in this world altogether 36 stepping-stone, that initially separately was 35 ancient clan opening the door key, because ancient Shenzu was strongest, for some reasons, will therefore have two! But along with these ancient clan demise, these 36 stepping-stone has spread, currently 35 had the fixed owner! That 35 separately are 35 formidable Immortal! Where each is clear, you want to look, could not find!” 丑神笑道“那个恐怕是找不到的。我可是听说了,这个世界上一共有36块敲门砖,那是当初分别属于35个古族的开门钥匙,其中因为古神族最强势,因为某些原因,所以会有两块!而随着那些古族的灭亡,这36块敲门砖就流传了下来,现在其中的35块都已经有了固定的拥有者!那35个分别是35个强大的不朽!每一块在哪里都明明白白,你想要找,是找不到了!” The Ye Kong wonderful say/way you did not say 36, why also said 35? Why ancient God has two, is what reason?” 叶空奇道“你不是说36块,为什么又说35块?为什么古神有两块,是什么原因?” Ugly shintoism good, since you want to listen to this, but just I at that time every day idly liked soaking in the old book, saw these.” Ugly God Cai Jianyi started to explain religious doctrine is 35 ancient clan, each clan opening the door brick, everybody lived in peace with each other together. However afterward ancient Shenzu Patriarch, is ancient God the resurgence King fruit Qilin.” 丑神道“好吧,既然你想听这个,而刚好我当时每日无所事事就喜欢泡在古籍之中,看到了这些。”丑神蔡建义开始讲道“本来是35个古族,每族一块开门砖,大家相安无事。不过后来古神族的族长,也就是古神的中兴王者果麒麟。” Heard that the fruit Qilin this and had the origin ancient God King greatly, Ye Kong pays attention to listen immediately. 听说果麒麟这位和自己大有渊源的古神王者,叶空立即注意听了起来。 Cai Jianyi also said matter is the fruit Qilin youngster time, he has one time to steal with father's treasure bag is exiting to play, it is said that he runs into formidable seven color/look enemies, at that time the fruit Qilin strength was also not that formidable, therefore was hit to explode, lost the treasure bag lane. However the fruit Qilin also goes all out very much, the oath must recapture own treasure, looks for several good friends, fights with that enemy, finally recaptures all treasures in treasure bag, but dropped a fist big black color/look stone only.” 蔡建义又道“事情是果麒麟少年的时候,他有一次偷拿着父王的宝物袋出去游玩,据说他遇到一个强大七sè敌人,当时果麒麟实力还不是那么强大,因此被打爆了,把宝物袋弄丢失了。不过果麒麟也拼命的很,誓要夺回自己的宝物,找来几个好友,和那敌人又打,最后把宝物袋中的所有宝物夺回,只是唯一落下了一只拳头大的黑sè石头。” Fruit Qilin does not know that is the good treasure, but also thinks that is not most valuable, everybody hit tired, respectively went back. Waits for his Royal Father to find out that black color/look stone is the most important treasure! Therefore the fruit Qilin and Royal Father go back to seek together, but the monster of that seven color/look vanished does not see! Since then ancient Shenzu lost the opening the door brick.” “果麒麟也不知道那是好宝,还以为是最不值钱了,大家打累了,就各自回去。等回去他父王一问才知道,那块黑sè石头才是最重要的宝物!于是果麒麟和父王一起回去寻找,不过那七sè的怪物已经消失不见!从此古神族就丢失了开门砖。” ancient Shenzu is also very strong, nobody dares to offend. After the fruit Qilin takes over, ancient Shenzu obtains the thorough resurgence, therefore various clans discussed that also refined one to give ancient Shenzu together. Therefore has the opening the door brick of record altogether is 36, but actually what exists is 35, by one that the fruit Qilin lane loses, had not appeared.” “不过古神族又十分强势,没有人敢于得罪。在果麒麟接手以后,古神族得到彻底的中兴,所以各族商议,又一起炼制了一个给古神族。因此有记录的开门砖一共是36个,而实际存在的是35个,被果麒麟弄丢失的一个,一直都没出现。” Cai Jianyi said, discovered Ye Kong's face color/look was strange, cannot help but wonderful say/way „? Did you despair? My meaning is to tell you, do not seek for the stepping-stone, but must find these to have Immortal of stepping-stone, asking them to bring going, you knew that many friends......” 蔡建义说完,发现叶空的脸sè古怪,不由得奇道“怎么了?你是绝望了么?我的意思是告诉你,不要去寻找敲门砖,而是要找到那些拥有敲门砖的不朽,求他们带着去,你认识那么多的朋友……” Ye Kong has not returned to his words, what opens the mouth and asks fruit Qilin to meet is seven color monsters? Is the monster of Immortal rank? That stepping-stone big, what shape, what size is also? What appearance huā mark in the surface has?” 叶空并没有回他的话,而是开口又问道“果麒麟遇到的是七彩的怪物嘛?是不朽级别的怪物嘛?那个敲门砖有多大,什么形状,又是什么尺寸?表面上有着什么样子huā纹?” Cai Jianyi shook the head does not know, I have not seen, can this thing can it be that I see? However I in a book, has seen a such mark.” 蔡建义摇头“不知道,我没有见过,这种东西岂是我可以见到?不过我在其中一本书上,见过一个这样的符号。” Cai Jianyi said, lifted hand, with the supernatural power ray of red color/look, from the sky drew a phoenix mouth same point mark. 蔡建义说完,抬手,用红sè的神力光线,在空中画出一个凤嘴一样的尖型符号。 Ye Kong sees this mark almost to take a somersault to throw down immediately. 叶空看见这个符号顿时几乎要一个跟头摔倒。 Because, initially he and seven color spirit cloud combats, ripped the po spirit cloud surface cerebral cortex, fell a black color/look small brick bat from inside. That thing is shiny black, Ye Kong had not been serious, even has forgotten. 因为,当初他和七彩灵云作战,撕po灵云表面的皮层,从里边掉落了一个黑sè的小砖块。那个东西黑黝黝,叶空一直没当一回事,甚至都已经忘了。 But now listens to a Cai Jianyi saying, Ye Kong to think immediately! 可是现在听蔡建义一说,叶空顿时就想了起来! What is most important, in that black color/look stone carved completely various rune/symbol writing, but these rune/symbol writing center, biggest rune/symbol writing, was that resembles the phoenix mouth same mark! 最重要的是,那个黑sè石头上刻满了各种符文,而那些符文的中央,最大的一个符文,就是那个好像凤嘴一样的标记! Very obviously, the stone of that black color/look has 80% is that opening the door brick that the time lane of fruit Qilin youngster loses! 很显然,那个黑sè的石头有八成就是果麒麟少年的时候弄丢失的那块开门砖! Ye Kong has not thought, this already vanished the stepping-stone in river of history, already fell unexpectedly in his hands!!. 叶空没想到,这块早就消失在历史长河之中的敲门砖,竟然早就落在他的手中!!。 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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