MC :: Volume #28

#2771: Strikes the anti-virus God

This is......”, when Ye Kong puts out gold/metal color/look shoots the day of jade God bow, made contact with the blood red God blood from the pores of the feet, the distant place stood in the poisonous God feels the danger finally! “这是……”当叶空拿出金sè的射天琅神弓,搭上血红的神血箭,远处站在的毒神终于感觉到了危险! Unexpectedly is the ultra divine tool! Only is that arrow arrow extinguishes the divine tool!” The poisonous God is startled! “竟然是超神器!光是那箭矢就是灭神器!”毒神惊慌莫名! At this moment, Ye Kong stands in cloud mud, builds the bow to pull open! A fierce tyrant strength of certainly, sweeps away! That strength, may be called the terrifying! Even if initially had the azure tiger of Immortal strength in front of this bow arrow, feels afraid, let alone is the poisonous God! 此刻,叶空站在云泥之中,搭弓拉开!一股凶猛霸绝的力量,横扫而出!那种力量,堪称恐怖!就算当初拥有不朽实力的青虎在这弓这箭面前,也觉得害怕,又何况是毒神呢! Runs away!” Thought steadily the poisonous God who controls the situation, turns head to rush! Front shooting the day of jade God bends/bow, the opportunity that he maintains a livelihood will not preserve! “逃!”本来已经觉得稳稳控制局势的毒神,扭头就奔!在射天琅神弓面前,他连活命的机会也不会留存一点! However at this moment radically is without enough time! 不过此刻根本就是来不及! In room that cloud mud forms, Ye Kong's both eyes concentrate the cold star! the yao tooth said low and deep, poisonous God, dies!” 云泥形成的屋子之中,叶空的双目凝成一点寒星!yao牙低沉的说了一句,“毒神,去死!” After, a finger loosen! The bowstring that gold/metal color/look spell strip forms projects the terrifying arrow arrow of that say/way bright red color/look fiercely! That say/way bright red arrow arrow is having the fierce and terrifying might, cuts the air, hits the ground head first to penetrate cloud mud! 一声过后,手指一松!那金sè符咒条形成的弓弦将那道鲜红sè的恐怖箭矢猛地射出!那道鲜红的箭矢带着凶猛而恐怖的威力,划破空气,扑地一下就透过云泥! When the God blood from the pores of the feet projects, through region that toxin of these toxin and non- face flower fills, these all gas clouds, are unable to approach the arrow arrow, because of the strength of that arrow arrow, was too formidable! 当神血箭射出,通过那些毒素和无脸花之毒弥漫的区域,那些所有的毒雾,都根本无法接近箭矢,因为那箭矢的力量,太强大了! Does not want!” “不要!” The poisonous God has not run away is very far. The God blood from the pores of the feet is too formidable, the speed is too fast! Almost is an instance, the God blood from the pores of the feet of that bright red color/look has hit his body ti! 毒神并没有逃很远。神血箭太强大,速度太快!几乎是一个瞬间,那鲜红sè的神血箭就已经击中他的身ti! Bang! 轰地一声! The God blood from the pores of the feet explodes! 神血箭爆开! The strength that this strikes is such terrifying, initially in Immortal World, this struck the azure tiger of Immortal rank gives to kill. Also let alone is also the Immortal poisonous God! 这一击的力量是如此的恐怖,当初在仙界,这一击将不朽级别的青虎都给干掉了。又何况是还不到不朽的毒神呢! The poisonous God links snort/hum no snort/hum one, in this earthshaking explosion, the God body all destroys, turns into the ashes! 毒神连哼都没有哼出一声,就在这惊天动地的爆炸中,神体全毁,化成灰烬! But in this explosion, the trim space explodes! Originally also worry various toxins and types of toxin of these non- face flower, unexpectedly during this strikes, suction most probably! 而在这爆炸中,整片空间都爆裂开!本来还担心的那些无脸花之毒和各种毒素,竟然在这一击之中,被吸走了大半! Stands in cloud mud, Ye Kong is also surprised in the stability of Divine Realm space. Must know, in Immortal World, if this strikes, trim space thorough shatter, will not restore within very long time. 站在云泥之中,叶空也是惊讶于神界空间的稳定。要知道,在仙界如果这一击,整片空间都会彻底的破碎,而且在很久的时间之内都不会恢复。 Divine Realm is but different, unexpectedly such earthshaking strikes, but spilled big beans to the space. Moreover, that big opening still closed up in the quick time! 可是神界却是不一样,竟然这么惊天动地的一击,只是给空间开了一个大口子。而且,那个大口子还在很快的时间合拢了! Looks powder blue color/look that outside still has, the ugly God knits the brows saying that that big opening contraction was too quick! If there is a meeting again, draws the chaos all non- face flower toxin, we can leave safely!” 看着外边依然存在的粉蓝sè,丑神皱眉道,“那大口子收缩的太快了!如果再存在一会,将所有的无脸花毒素都吸进混沌,那我们就可以安然离开了!” Ye Kong smiles lightly, lifts the bow in hand, once again builds on the bow the arrow! 叶空淡淡一笑,又抬起手中的弓,又一次搭弓上箭! „......” Ugly God sees Ye Kong this to want she to leave the second arrow, he a little does not give up. “等……”丑神看见叶空这就要she出第二箭,他都有点不舍得。 Ye Kong knows certainly that his thoughts, asked that also had other methods?” 叶空当然知道他的心思,反问道,“还有其他方法么?” The ugly God smiles bitterly. The toxin of this non- face flower quite cut-throat, after the use, this piece of space entire has covered entirely the toxin. These toxin infected jin to enter space, needs many ten thousand years later can dissipate! They must wait for that is so long? 丑神苦笑。这无脸花之毒相当的凶狠,使用以后,这一片的空间都整个布满了毒素。那些毒素已经感染jin入空间,要多少万年以后才能消散!难道他们要等待那么久? Therefore they only means that are continue to shoot arrows at this moment, shoots space in a straight line broken! Let the space in this straight line is the non-toxic newborn spaces, this can safe fleeing! 所以他们此刻唯一的办法,就是继续射箭,将一条直线上的空间都射破!让这条直线上的空间都是无毒的新生空间,这样才能安全的逃离! Son who you hug really goes to war does not love dearly.” The ugly God scolded one, lifts the hand to take out two God blood from the pores of the feet. Gives Ye Kong the God blood from the pores of the feet , asked that how you know that I was bright the blood from the pores of the feet?” “你真是抱来的儿子打仗不心疼。”丑神骂了一句,抬手又取出两支神血箭。把神血箭递给叶空,又问道,“你怎么知道我还有神血箭?” Ye Kong sneers saying that I think you am not the natural person, looked that you one put out two, naturally guessed correctly that you have!” 叶空冷笑道,“我看你就不是大方人,又看你一下拿出两支,当然猜到你还有!” Ugly God depressed say/way, „do I seem very mean-spirited?” 丑神郁闷道,“难道我看上去很小气?” The God blood from the pores of the feet of God king Cigei ugly God altogether has 19. Ye Kong then luxurious, altogether has projected six, this opens a channel, afterward, two people received cloud mud, leaves this region from that channel. 神王赐给丑神的神血箭一共有19支。叶空这下奢侈了一回,一共射出了六支,这才打开一条通道,随后,两人收了云泥,从那条通道离开这一片的区域。 From now, this region is similar to the pandemonium is ordinary, nobody dares jin to enter again. 从此以后,这一片区域就如同鬼域一般,再也没有人敢于jin入。 Several days later, poisonous king palace. 数日以后,毒王宫殿。 Here is poisonous king treasure house! Inside thinks of the green bright God country not to know many years accumulations! Various rare and precious materials, various valuable treasures, outside various types rare material, here is as numerous as the hairs of an ox!” “这里就是毒王宝库!里边装着绿煌神国不知多少年的积累!各种珍稀的材料,各种值钱的宝物,各种外边少见的材料,在这里都是多如牛毛!” The palace of white color/look reflects under sunlight, She Lingpeng is leading Xiaoshunzi and Yao Hui and the others, entered a giant palace. When the poisonous God was killed by Ye Kong, the actual domination of green bright God country's, fell into few king monarch sovereign She Lingpeng hand. 白sè的宫殿映在阳光下,佘凌鹏带着小顺子和姚卉等人,走进了一件巨大的宫殿。当毒神被叶空杀死,绿煌神国的实际控制权,就落入了少国主佘凌鹏的手里。 Heard that poisonous God treasure house, Xiaoshunzi both eyes shine immediately, the order God will open the treasure house front door hastily. 听说毒神宝库,小顺子顿时双眼放光,连忙命令跟着的神将打开宝库大门。 after jin enters, here simply is side Heaven and Earth, is piling all kinds of materials. jin入之后,这里简直就是一方天地,堆着各种各样的材料。 Color wing baby big eyes stare the Boss, startled say/way, here treasure many! Do I exit to deceive people good with several?” 彩翼宝宝一双大眼睛瞪得老大,惊道,“这里的宝物好多啊!我拿几件出去骗人行不行?” The people faint, She Lingpeng said, how you want to take how take, with sells for money, is the genuine articles, does not need to deceive people.” 众人晕倒,佘凌鹏道,“你想怎么拿就怎么拿,拿出去卖钱,都是真货,不用骗人的。” Yao Hui sees so many treasures, is unfolds face|color to say with a smile, here has any treasure, we cannot understand, cannot take away, She Lingpeng you introduced.” 姚卉看见如此多的宝物,也是展颜笑道,“这里都有什么宝物啊,我们都看不懂,总不能都拿走吧,佘凌鹏你介绍一下。” She Lingpeng nods saying that here has various types the toxicant that is used for xiu to refine, the poison, poisonous material! Teeth of the trillion years of poisonous alligators! Had ancient times the poisonous tree offspring of time, various poisonous pill,...... Each article is my toxin, the super treasure of ranking among the best!” 佘凌鹏点头道,“这里有着各种用来xiu炼的毒药,毒物,毒材料!有亿万年的毒鳄之牙!有远古时期的毒树根苗,还有各种毒丹,还有……桩桩件件都是我毒界,数一数二的超级宝物!” Listens to him to introduce, on Xiaoshunzi's face from turns pleasantly surprised depressed, finally ren does not live in the interruption saying that Big Brother, can say one type doesn't bring the thing of poisonous character?” 听着他介绍,小顺子的脸上从惊喜变成郁闷,终于ren不住打断道,“大哥,能不能说一种不带毒字的玩意?” Good!” She Lingpeng looked in all directions at a loss, looked at a long time, was dumbfounded unexpectedly! “好!”佘凌鹏茫然四顾,看了老半天,竟然哑口无言! Xiaoshunzi faints, this anything nonsense treasure house, does not have with my least bit relations! Also thought to get rich, came to look, knows, hope big, the despair was double big!” 小顺子晕倒,“这什么狗屁宝库,跟我半点关系都没有!还以为发财了,进来一看,才知道,希望有多大,绝望就是双倍大!” She Lingpeng is also embarrassed, here thing for him is the most precious object, but absolutely is relations does not have regarding Xiaoshunzi their these poisons. 佘凌鹏也是不好意思,这里的东西对他来说都是至宝,可是对于小顺子他们这些毒物根本是一点关系都没有。 That, is actually this, the genuine divine tool treasure, wealth anything, is my teacher along carries! After he has hung, thing forever in along space, in this treasure house, but also to you, is not really useful.” “那个,其实是这样,真正的神器宝物,还有钱财什么的,都是我师尊随身携带的!他挂了以后,东西就永远的在随身空间里了,这个宝库里,还真的对你们,没有什么用。” The Xiaoshunzi depressed say/way, that you want anything to take, with completely takes the auction! Then we leave green bright God country!” 小顺子郁闷道,“那你要什么就拿吧,拿完就全部拿出去拍卖!然后我们离开绿煌神国!” Gives up the green bright God country is Ye Kong does decided. Because Ye Kong knows, becomes by his strength side Shenguo a king monarch sovereign is impractical! Let alone, the poisonous God lived was so big, unavoidably some friend relatives, should have Immortal to resurrect he! 放弃绿煌神国是叶空做得决定。因为叶空知道,以他的实力成为一方神国的国主并不切实际!更何况,毒神活了那么大,难免会有些朋友亲戚,应该会有不朽来复活他! Naturally, Ye Kong another main reason of departure, is being this time one projects six God blood from the pores of the feet anxiously, must bring in the God king! Therefore Ye Kong decides to leave finally! 当然了,叶空急着离开的另一个更主要的原因,就是这次一下射出六根神血箭,不可能不引来神王!所以叶空最后还是决定离开! Meanwhile, in green bright God Divine Mountain! 与此同时,绿煌神国神山上! Each God national capital will have one or several Divine Mountain, that mountain Xia Town massive fierce deities. By these deity continuous provision supernatural powers, later generations xiu of making offerings before the gods country's refining up outward! 每座神国都会有一座或者数座的神山,那山下镇着大量的厉害天神。由这些天神向外源源不断的提供神力,供神国的后辈们xiu炼! This moment summit, a man and whole body bao of azure clothes back sword bind the person's shadow in black color/look big gown, is standing in the summit abreast in row. 此刻山巅,一个青衣背剑的男子和一个全身bao裹在黑sè大袍子之中的人影,正并排站在山顶。 Actually I only want a face! Everybody has a face! Only then our non- face clans do not have! Therefore I hire oneself in the hanger- on God king, entreated a face to him! After he promises me, will achieve to me, therefore I am willing to work oneself to death for him!” “其实我只想要一张脸!人人都有一张脸!只有我们无脸族没有!所以我投靠在神王的门下,向他哀求一张脸!他答应我以后会给我做到,所以我心甘情愿为他卖命!” Turned head by the ugly God who black clothes bao binds, said to Ye Kong, sorry, I will not give up, I want a face, therefore I will give the God the king to handle matters. I will meet you next time, we are the enemies!” 一身被黑衣bao裹的丑神回过头来,对叶空说道,“对不起,我不会放弃,我还是想要一张脸,所以我还是会给神王办事。我下次遇见你,我们还是敌人!” Here, the voice of ugly God was somewhat low-spirited, finally said one, „, although I want to be the friend with you very much.” 说到这里,丑神的声音有些黯然,最后说出一句,“虽然我很想和你做朋友。” However so depressed said in the ugly God, Ye Kong is the clear and resonant voice asks, I thought that your desire, made a mistake!”!. 不过就在丑神如此沮丧的说完,叶空却是朗声问道,“我觉得你的愿望,错了!”!。 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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