MC :: Volume #28

#2770: Long-distance attack

„Can't that to your this weak to this degree of defense class divine tool, what this, this do not consume the person? My Ye God body is abundant, both of us the whole body has belched smoke now, rottenly became one group of dregs!” Ye Kong cannot help but opens the mouth to scold. “那也不能给你这种鸡肋到这种程度的防御类神器吧,这什么呀,这不是要把人耗死么?要不是我叶某人神体雄厚,我们俩现在已经全身冒烟,腐烂成一团渣了!”叶空不由得开口骂道。 Ugly God Cai Jianyi also only then smiled bitterly, can actually see that Cai Jianyi was also one has the friendship man. Therefore wants him to keep the strength he unable to achieve, a moment ago before Ye Kong make a move, he continuously in input God body toward cloud mud. 丑神蔡建义也只有苦笑,其实可以看出蔡建义也是一个有情谊的男人。所以要他保留实力他做不到,刚才在叶空出手前,他一直在往云泥之中输入神体。 Now the God body of ugly God, only then 15%, therefore he was basically impossible to inject the strength toward cloud mud in again! 现在丑神的神体,也只有15了,所以他基本上不可能再往云泥之中注入力量了! If ugly God at this moment asked him to fight again, he simply did not have what strength. Therefore he simply sits the interior in cloud mud House, sits along that transparent lower part of wall, ugly God at this moment at all not like God Lord, but looks like Mortal World one to eat to sate the appetite to be all right squats dry in the farmer who the lower part of wall is in a daze! 此刻的丑神要是再叫他战斗,他根本没有什么力量了。所以他干脆坐在云泥房屋之中的内部,沿着那透明的墙根坐在,此刻的丑神根本不象一个主神,而是象凡界一个吃饱饭没事干蹲在墙根发呆的农人! The ugly God looks at outside cloud mud powder blue color/look to be in a daze, does not know that has thought of anything. Afterward then asked suddenly, „the words said that your God body may really latter abundant, if I, already the God body used up, cloud mud completely was also finished! What monster is your skill?” 丑神看着云泥外边的粉蓝之sè发呆,也不知想到了什么。随后猛然回头问道,“不过话说,你的神体可真的后雄厚啊,要是我,早就神体用完,云泥也全部完蛋了!你到底本事是什么怪物?” Ye Kong haha said with a smile: My God body, clear(ly) told you, actually my God body was a regimental commander reaches several million miles nebula!” 叶空哈哈笑道:“我的神体,明告诉你吧,其实我的神体是一团长达几百万里的星云!” The ugly God said that my God body under one! Although before us, is the enemy, but this time feared that must die here!” 丑神哧道,“我的神体还是下边的一界呢!虽然我们以前是敌人,不过这次怕是都要死在这里了!” Ye Kong gets angry: Ri your ancestors board board, your these people, become friends unable to hand over with you, I speak the truth with you, you always do not believe!” 叶空怒道:“ri你先人板板,你们这些人,跟你们交朋友就是交不起来,我跟你们说实话,你们从来都不信!” Listens to Ye Kong this to get angry, the ugly God haha said with a smile: Good good, I believed that your let alone you were the main body of nebula, even if you said that you were the God body of ancestor beast, I believed!” 叶空这一发怒,丑神哈哈笑道:“好吧好吧,我信了,你别说你是星云的本体,就算你说你是祖兽的神体,我都信!” Although the ugly God said like this, the appearance that but does not believe that Ye Kong does not haggle over with him. When because the ugly God spoke thoughtlessly said this, Ye Kong suddenly has thought cool flame that day saw! 丑神虽然这样说,不过还是不信的样子,叶空也不与他计较。因为当丑神随口说出这一句的时候,叶空突然想到了那天看见的冷焰! However Ye Kong cannot attend to pondering over the cool flame matter, outside at this moment, cloud mud House. 不过叶空顾不上琢磨冷焰的事情,就在此刻,云泥房屋之外。 cloud mud? Defense divine tool that the really stupid thing, the stupid person, uses also such stupid! Haha!” The poisonous God who arrives at laughs, his xiu refining up is the non- face flower is poisonous, therefore he stands in that powder blue gas cloud, a matter does not have. “云泥?真是愚蠢的东西,愚蠢的人,用的防御神器也是这么的愚蠢!哈哈!”来到的毒神哈哈大笑,他xiu炼的就是无脸花毒,所以他站在那粉蓝的毒雾之中,一点事都没有。 He sees Ye Kong and ugly God hides in the cloud mud house, immediately laughs, opens the mouth saying: I must have a look but actually, you have many God body suffices to support! The ugly God your God body of did not need to raise, was this surnamed Ye, the toxin of my this non- face flower had, when I must have a look at you to be able but actually to support.” 他看见叶空和丑神躲在云泥的房屋之中,顿时哈哈大笑起来,又开口说道:“我倒要看看,你们有多少的神体够支撑!丑神你的神体就不用提了,就是这姓叶的,我这无脸花之毒可是有很多的,我倒要看看你能支撑到何时。” Ye Kong sneers saying: Poisonous God, you wants to massacre me, you are really the wishful thinking! Be honest with you, the young master my God body of sufficient very much, the control suffices! Even if my God body were insufficient, I put out to pass on a message the token to call the person immediately! dragon Shenan God light Divine Sword Gods are the friend of mine, I wanted a pass on message in the past, they immediately came!” 叶空冷笑道:“毒神,你想杀掉我,你真是痴心妄想!不瞒你说,小爷我的神体充足的很,管够!就算我神体不足了,我立即拿出传讯令牌叫人!龙神暗神光神剑神都是我的朋友,我只要一个传讯过去,他们马上就过来!” Sits opens the mouth to say in the ugly God of ground immediately: Right, but can also call the person, if not really good, I give the God the king also to send a pass on message, I want no matter what, the God king to be definitely will not give up my this loyal servant!” 坐在地上的丑神顿时开口道:“对呀,还可以叫人,要是实在不行,我给神王也发个传讯,我想不管怎么样,神王是肯定不会放弃我这个忠仆的!” Listened to them in inside this saying, the poisonous God sneered saying: Knows that some of your many people rescue! Even if you will be reactivated in the future, but do not forget, this piece of space already complete was therefore flooded by the non- face flower venom! From now on 1 million years, here becomes the barren land in sea of clouds, although your friends are formidable enough, but are they willing to withstand the non- face flower toxin to save you really? Let alone, but must in this non- face flower venom resist the eternal God, I thought that they do not dare!” 听他们在里边这一说,毒神冷笑道:“知道你们都有很多人来救!就算你们日后被人复活,不过你们不要忘记了,这一片空间已经完全的被无脸花的毒液所以充斥!从现在开始1000000年,这里就会成为云海之中的不毛之地,你们的那些朋友虽然都足够强大,不过他们真的愿意承受无脸花的毒来救你们嘛?何况,还要在这无脸花的毒液之中施法对抗永恒之神,我看他们也不敢!” The poisonous God said completely in principle, Divine Realm deities friendship, although everybody is willing to help. But that is when does not have danger in one's power the help, but does not want others to brave to go all out very injured risk. Especially was also quick from the day that the chaos dense boundary opens, these want jin to enter God Lord and Immortal chaos dense boundary, is willing to sacrifice own Cultivation Base to resurrect really they? 毒神说的完全在理,神界的天神们的交情,虽然大家都是愿意帮忙。可是那是在力所能及没有危险的时候的帮忙,而不是要人家冒着拼命很受伤的风险。特别是距离混沌密境开启的日子也快了,那些想要jin入混沌密境的主神不朽们,真的愿意牺牲自己的修为来复活他们么? The poisonous God said, on the Ye Kong's face is unattractive! On the face of ugly God, is seemingly unattractive. 毒神说完,叶空的脸上不好看!丑神的脸上,貌似也不好看。 Listens to the poisonous God also saying: Surnamed Ye, you also reminded me! Therefore I must add on a strength, accelerates to destroy your cloud mud! Let you hurry dead! When you died, these Immortal are not willing to take risk to resurrect here you, haha, I when the time comes 100 did not acknowledge that is!” 就听毒神又道:“姓叶的,你还提醒了我!所以我要加上一把力,加速摧毁你的云泥!让你们赶紧死!等你们死掉,那些不朽又不愿意冒险在这里复活你们,哈哈,我到时候100个不承认就是!” The poisonous God said, lifts a hand summon, „the toxin of high and low from all walks of life, I in the name of control of toxin, summoned you, the verbal command you, arrived here, was exercised the poisonous authority between Heaven and Earth by me!” 毒神说完,抬手一声召唤,“上下各界之毒,我以毒之掌控者的名义,召唤你们,号令你们,来到此处,由我来行使天地之间的毒之权力!” When poisonous God summon, was summoned to come from various high and low several toxins completely, the sea of clouds remote place, really has the faint thunderclap, the thunderclap is billowing, comes! That thunder, unexpectedly is poisonous thunder! 当毒神这一召唤,来自上下几界的各种毒全部都被召唤而来,云海的遥远处,竟然有隐隐的雷声,雷声滚滚,呼啸而来!那雷,竟然是毒雷! God thunder that is constituted by the toxin, although cannot want to compare with the genuine God thunder, but is used for the space that corrodes cloud mud to construct, is actually an effect formidable sharp weapon! 由毒素构成的神雷,虽然和真正的神雷不能想比,不过用来腐蚀云泥构筑的空间,却是一件效果强大的利器! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! That poisonous thunder arrives at the near, is not the thunder, but turns into the big piece various face color/look light fog! That is from formidable toxin from all walks of life, although these toxins cannot catch up with the toxin of non- face flower, but actually is also toxin. 那毒雷来到近前,就已经不是雷了,而是化成大片的各种颜sè的光雾!那是来自各界的强大的毒,那些毒虽然赶不上无脸花之毒,可是却也是十分的毒。 Ye Kong input the massive God bodies to cloud mud already very strenuous, resisted the toxin of these non- face flower, but also is has more than enough to spare. God body input that however at present the toxin of this from all walks of life one, needs to double immediately. 叶空本来向云泥之中输入大量的神体已经是非常的吃力,本来抵抗住那些无脸花之毒,还算是绰绰有余。不过眼下这各界之毒一来,顿时就需要加倍的神体输入。 Even if then, is Ye Kong such blood cow, a little could not endure. 如此一来,就算是叶空这样的血牛,也有一点吃不消了。 The ugly God knows certainly that Ye Kong did not have the calm, surface color/look became anxious. He cannot help but opens the mouth to sigh, was a pity I to beautiful Lisa time, hundred changed me the final shape of divine tool uses up! The strength of god of thunder the axe of that god of thunder includes, only suffices me to use one time, only suffices me to divide an axe, later again is unable to use, otherwise I give that poisonous God bastard to come on an axe!” 丑神当然知道叶空没有了刚才的从容,面sè已经变得紧张。他不由得开口叹道,“可惜我对美丽莎的时候,已经把我百变神器的最后形态用完了!那雷神之斧其中含有的雷神之力,只够我用一次,只够我劈一斧,以后就再也无法使用了,否则我非给那毒神混蛋来上一斧!” Listened to ugly God saying, Ye Kong immediately surface color/look changed, opened the mouth saying: Good that you said! We have been thinking, during this venom bao encircles cannot fight with him. But the matter was in this situation, we already complete cannot run away! Also fears anything, goes to his ma, simply spelled with him. Even if we die in the toxin of non- face flower, must drag launching poisonous God that boy, everybody died together!” 听丑神这一说,叶空顿时面sè一变,开口道:“你说的不错!我们一直在想,在这毒液bao围之中不能和他打。可是事情已经到了这种地步,我们已经完全的不能逃走!还怕什么,去他ma的,干脆跟他拼了。就算我们死在无脸花之毒中,也要把毒神那小子拖下水,大家一起死好了!” Ye Kong said, the ugly God smiles bitterly saying: You said actually not wrong, is poisonous God that fellow outside, is away from us to have a distance, if we can project on him? Let alone, we hide in this cloud mud, if will exit to meet the toxin of that fearful non- face flower! If we exit, has not projected on the poisonous God, we hung!” 叶空说完,丑神苦笑道:“你说的倒是没有错,可是毒神那家伙在外边,距离我们有一段的距离,我们如果能打到他?更何况,我们躲在这云泥之中,如果一出去就会遇到那可怕的无脸花之毒!我们如果出去,还没有打到毒神,我们就挂了啊!” Ye Kong opens the mouth to scold: You so are how stupid, we are away from him to be far, we can the long-distance attack!” 叶空开口骂道:“你怎么这么蠢呢,我们距离他远,我们可以远程攻击呀!” The ugly shintoism, „do you have the weapon and God technique of long-distance attack?” 丑神道,“你有远程攻击的武器和神术嘛?” Ye Kong laughs saying: I had certainly the weapon of long-distance attack, is the essential issue, was you willing to lend my arrow!” 叶空哈哈一笑道:“我当然有远程攻击的武器了,不过关键的问题,是你肯不肯借给我那支箭了!” Here, the ugly God then remembered him to be used to attract Ye Kong's that two God blood from the pores of the feet! 说到这里,丑神这才想起他用来吸引叶空的那两支神血箭了! Ugly God Cai Jianyi hesitant has only used for one second, lifts the hand to take that fiery red arrow arrow, but he opens the mouth saying: If you want with that the bow of rebel, I urged you carefully! Then can make God king have the induction the bow, perhaps in soon, him suddenly will wake up from the dream, was shouting grasps rebels!” 丑神蔡建义的犹豫只用了一秒钟,就抬手将那支火红的箭矢拿出来,不过他还是开口道:“如果你想要用那把叛逆之弓,那我还是劝你小心一点!那把弓会让神王有感应的,说不定在不久之后,他就会突然从梦中醒来,大喊着抓逆贼!” Ye Kong gives to bring the fresh Hong Jian arrow in his hand, said with a smile pleased: „Our Soyota, what dream but also manages his God king half night work? Goes to his ma place!” 叶空一把将他手中的鲜红箭矢给拿过来,快意笑道:“我们都这副田地了,还管他神王半夜做什么梦?去他ma地!” The ugly God stares, afterward also loudly said with a smile, God king, the poisonous God, went to his ma place!” Then, pulls out a bright red arrow arrow, opens the mouth saying: Dry!”!. 丑神一愣,随后也大声笑道,“神王,毒神,都去他ma地!”说完,又掏出一支鲜红的箭矢,开口道:“干!”!。 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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