MC :: Volume #28

#2769: cloud mud

? 2769 cloud mud ?2769云泥 „The toxin of non- face flower!” “无脸花之毒!” Cannot think that the poisonous God also flew into a rage, must use this type of formidable toxicant unexpectedly finally. «» 想不到毒神也是急眼了,竟然最后真的要动用这种强大毒药。《》 Must know, the poisonous God plays the toxin, he cannot endure the non- face flower toxin, he found to melt the say/way of fluctuation, he was already killed by poison by beautiful Lisa! 要知道,毒神就是玩毒的,他都吃不消无脸花的毒,要不是他找到化解变幻之道,他早就被美丽莎毒死了! Ugly God Cai Jianyi listened to be angry, exclaimed fierce, poisonous God, you must consider to use that type of toxicant the consequence! The toxin of non- face flower I am know that out of the ordinary! After the use, this piece of space complete was infected, from now, does not know that many ten thousand years, here must turn into a forbidden area! Do not forget here to approach the green bright God country!” 丑神蔡建义听完大怒,厉声吼道,“毒神,你要考虑使用那种毒药的后果!无脸花之毒我是知道的,非同凡响!使用之后,就连这一片空间都全部的被感染,从此以后,不知多少万年,这里都要变成一片禁区!别忘了这里就靠近绿煌神国!” The poisonous God laughs saying that has feared, you feared! I was insane, the non- face has not spent me unable cultivate, has no way cultivate never to arrive at Immortal, cannot arrive at Immortal unable resurrecting beautiful Lisa, having beautiful Lisa I also to manage others means of livelihood? Goes to Nyima, gives me dead!” 毒神哈哈大笑道,“怕了,你们怕了!我已经疯了,没有无脸花我无法修炼,没法修炼就永远不能到达不朽,不能到达不朽就无法复活美丽莎,没有美丽莎我还管别人活路?去尼玛的,都给我去死!” The poisonous God said, extends the right hand from the big gown! 毒神说完,从大袍子里伸出右手! His hand always shrinks in the gown, although the hand of poisonous God does not keep off like the masked man ugly God, but readily does not make the person see! Because his hand momentarily must use, must be used to intoxicate! Also will see to others? 他的手从来都是缩在袍子里,毒神的手虽然不是像蒙面人丑神一样挡起来,可是也不是轻易让人看见的!因为他的手随时都要用,都要用来下毒!又怎么会给别人看见? However this time, he cannot keep in view, does not use covertly. 不过这一次,他顾不到许多,也不用偷偷摸摸。 When his right hand stretches out looked, Ye Kong then discovered with Cai Jianyi, originally the right hand of poisonous God unexpectedly is a skeleton same thing of! Also is not complete skeleton, on that skeleton white bones, but also is linking many bright red flesh and blood, flesh and blood unceasing growth, unceasing rotten...... 等他右手伸出一看,叶空和蔡建义这才发现,原来毒神的右手竟然是一个骷髅手一样的东西!还不是完全的骷髅手,在那骷髅白骨上,还连着很多的鲜红血肉,血肉不断的生长,又不断的腐烂…… Ye Kong they have seen love were many, the terrifying has not felt anything but actually, many feelings are disgusting! 叶空他们见过的爱人多了,恐怖倒没感觉到什么,更多的感觉是恶心! The poisonous God extends make a move, haha said with a smile, saw not to have, this was the non- face flower toxin to the damage that I caused! Thinks that my solemn poisonous God, can verbal command in world all poisons, be under this non- face flower venom, I cannot cure my hand unexpectedly!” 毒神伸出手,哈哈笑道,“看见没有,这就是无脸花毒给我造成的伤害!想我堂堂一个毒神,可以号令世间所有的毒物,可是在这无脸花的毒液下,我竟然至今都没能治好我自己的手!” Ye Kong and ugly Gods are heart live the fear, the poisonous God with poisonously may be called this world is most formidable, said that other matters, perhaps the poisonous God compares others, but said that uses the toxin, perhaps the Immortal Spiritual God of this world is also inferior to him! Even if were formidable time God Lord space God Lord came, spoke of poisonously also feels ashamed of one's inferiority! 叶空和丑神都是心生恐惧,毒神用毒堪称这个世界最强大的,说其他的事情,或许毒神比不过别人,可是说起来用毒,恐怕这个世界的不朽神灵也不如他!就算是强大的时间主神空间主神来了,说到用毒也是自愧不如! However this, the poisonous God unexpectedly until now several million years, is unable to cope own hand! 不过就算这样,毒神竟然至今几百万年,都没治好自己的手! The poisonous God continues and opens the mouth saying that this is light, I responded quickly, my hand was finished! If the slow 35 breaths, my life were also finished...... Until now wants to come, the toxin of non- face flower, is really too formidable, does not have the medicine to be solvable! After the poison, must die without doubt!” 毒神继续又开口说道,“这还是轻的,要不是我反应快,我的手就完蛋了!要是慢个35息,我的命也完蛋了……至今想来,无脸花之毒,真是太强大,根本无药可解!中毒以后,必死无疑!” After the poisonous God said that looks at Ye Kong and Cai Jianyi, in the surface shows the strange smile, opened the mouth and said, my these many years, the toxin of non- face flower obtains from beautiful Lisa there, are used for cultivate completely, refine my body, but I also refine a poisonous merit, this poisonous merit is too poisonous, I had not used, today tests on you!” 毒神说完以后,看着叶空和蔡建义,面上露出诡异的微笑,开口又道,“我这么多年,从美丽莎那里得到的无脸花之毒,全部用来修炼,炼进我的身体,而我也从中炼出一种毒功,这种毒功太毒,我一直没有使用过,今天就在你们身上试用了!” The poisonous God said, emits laughter that wreaks havoc, ha, you give me dead!” 毒神说完,放出肆虐的笑声,“哈哈哈,你们都给我去死!” With this, in trim sea of clouds, had light powder blue color thin Yan to appear, in the meantime, a light flower fragrance, transmits in the thin smoke! 随着这一声,整片云海之中,都已经有淡淡的粉蓝色薄烟出现,同时,一股淡淡的花香,也在薄烟之中传递! The ugly God looks at present the scenery, although does not have on the face of facial features also to feel panic-stricken that obtains! In his abdomen has the sound to spread, this is the toxin of non- face flower!” 丑神看着眼前景色,虽然没有五官的脸上也感觉得出的惊恐!他腹中有声音传出,“这是无脸花之毒!” Ye Kong calls out in alarm said, runs away!” 叶空惊呼道,“逃!” Cai Jianyi also very much had tacit understanding, two hominizations became the light shadow run away. 蔡建义也是很有默契,两人化成光影逃走。 How long however not to run away, two light shadow suddenly stop, because they discovered impressively, front space, really also has powder blue color hazy of big piece! 不过没逃多久,两道光影又蓦然停下,因为他们赫然发现,面前的空间,竟然也有大片的粉蓝色烟雾弥漫! „One side trades!” They trade a direction to fly fiercely, how long but not to have flown, at present is powder blue! “换一边!”两人又换一个方向猛飞,可是没飞多久,眼前还是一片的粉蓝! How this is a matter!” Cai Jianyi did not have the eye, otherwise must stare anxiously, the anger said, poisonous God he has not separated, how can also simultaneously poison in each direction?” “这是怎么一回事!”蔡建义没有眼,否则一定要急得瞪眼,怒道,“毒神他没有分开,又怎么能同时在各个方向放毒?” Ye Kong is also perplexed, because the poisonous God only has one, the origin of poisoning should also only have one. Regardless of but where toward run has the gas cloud, had been surrounded by the gas cloud! 叶空也是不明所以,因为毒神只有一个,放毒的来源也应该只有一个。可是自己无论往哪边跑都有毒雾,已经被毒雾包围了! Ye Kong passes to the situation the Wanbao river urgently, She Lingpeng opens the mouth urgently saying that god, in the past my teacher and space God Lord was predestined friends meets one time, it is said obtained space God Lord to deliver simple space transmission token, where therefore he wants to deliver to the toxic smoke, this was also the reason of many person unknowingly poison!” 叶空把情况紧急传到万宝河里,佘凌鹏开口急道,“神主,当年我师尊和空间主神有缘见面一次,据说得到空间主神送一个简单的空间传送令,所以他想将毒烟送到哪里都可以,这也是很多人不知不觉中毒的原因!” Listened to this saying, Ye Kong to know that really also had this type of thing, can unconscious opened the tiny slit in the space, let the toxic smoke through the space, put any place! This may really poison to plot against the sharp weapon of person! 听这一说,叶空才知道竟然还有这种东西,可以不知不觉的在空间打开细小缝隙,让毒烟通过空间,放到任何的地方!这可真是放毒暗算人的利器! However the poisonous God has by the sharp weapon that the space poisons, they not by the skill that the space runs away! 不过毒神有透过空间放毒的利器,他们可没有透过空间逃走的本事! What to do can this?” The Ye Kong heart said that uses to swallow invincible might? But swallows down this thing, means of livelihood? “这可怎么办?”叶空心说难道用吞噬神威?可是把这玩意吞下去,还有活路嘛? Cai Jianyi on the point of death was actually not chaotic, opens the mouth saying that I have planted the non- face flower toxin, knows that this toxin was fierce, therefore has also thought the prevention eventuality, therefore I asked a treasure to defend from God king Nali in the day jade mountain.” 蔡建义倒是临危不乱,开口道,“我种过无脸花的毒,也知道此毒厉害,所以也想过预防万一,因此我在天琅山从神王那里求来一件宝物防御。” The Ye Kong pleasantly surprised say/way, that fast takes! God king that asked that was black prison king tower?” 叶空惊喜道,“那速速拿出来!神王那求的,难道是黑狱王塔?” Cai Jianyi shook the head immediately awkwardly. 蔡建义顿时尴尬摇头。 Ye Kong also asked that „was that the black prison tower?” 叶空又问道,“那是黑狱塔?” Cai Jianyi shook the head, lifts hand to take out one group of dense air/Qi encirclements the thing. 蔡建义还是摇头,抬手取出一团氤氲之气环绕的东西。 Ye Kong feels the above supernatural power, but he has not seen, strange say/way, what is this?” 叶空感觉到上边的神力,不过他并没有见过,奇道,“这是何物?” Cai Jianyi said that cloud mud!” 蔡建义道,“云泥!” Ye Kong strange say/way, what cloud is mud?” 叶空奇道,“云泥是何物?” Cai Jianyi said, uses apparent!” 蔡建义道,“一用便知!” Cai Jianyi lifted the hand to put, that dense light turned into a piece of translucent light shadow immediately, as if a translucent glass room, two people covered Ye Kong and ugly God. 蔡建义抬手一放,那氤氲之光顿时化成一片半透明的光影,仿佛一个半透明的玻璃屋子,将叶空和丑神两人罩在其中。 This cloud mud seems good looked, but how does not know the defense strength!” Ye Kong stands in the room cannot help but opens the mouth to ask. “这云泥看上去蛮好看,不过不知道防御实力如何呢!”叶空站在屋中不由得开口问道。 Cai Jianyi said with a smile awkwardly, that must think our God bodies.” 蔡建义尴尬笑道,“那要看我们的神体。” Ye Kong starts not to understand, but quick ( 5 ) understood on . 叶空开始还没有明白,不过很快就㊣(5)明白了。 When these powder blue non- face flower gas clouds flutter, after contacting the cloud mud the surface, sees on cloud mud to exude the sound of corrosion, in the white smoke, cloud mud thins rapidly, non- face flower gas cloud crazy corrosion inward. 当那些粉蓝色的无脸花毒雾飘过来,接触到云泥的表面之后,就看见云泥上发出哧哧腐蚀之声,白烟之中,云泥迅速变薄,无脸花毒雾疯狂的向内腐蚀。 But at this time, inside Cai Jianyi crazily input God body strength to cloud mud! After obtaining this strength, these corroded cloud mud rolling grows, will not have the face flower gas cloud to keep off outside! 而这时,里边的蔡建义就疯狂地向云泥之中输入神体力量!得到这力量以后,那些被腐蚀的云泥又滚滚生长起来,将无脸花毒雾挡在外边! Originally this is stimulates to movement cloud mud who keeps to reproduce, making the protector thicken, resists the outside corrosion!” Ye Kong understood immediately. “原来这就是不停的催动云泥繁殖,让保护层加厚,对抗外边的腐蚀!”叶空顿时明白了。 However quick Ye Kong has discovered issue, although cloud mud can delay the gas cloud attack the speed, but actually cannot restrain the gas cloud! Also cannot eliminate and neutralize gas cloud! 不过很快叶空就发现了问题,云泥虽然可以延缓毒雾进攻的速度,不过却不能克制毒雾!也不能消灭和中和毒雾! Along with all around powder blue gas cloud the entire cloud mud House package, the strength of God body needs simply may be called the bottomless pit! But all these, cannot change the situation, most can only delay the time of death! 随着四周的粉蓝毒雾将整个云泥房屋包裹,需要的神体之力简直堪称无底洞!而这一切,并不能改变形势,最多只能延缓死亡的时间! The ugly God Cai Jianyi God body was his weak link, therefore quick was incapable of being defeated. Is good because of having Ye Kong this blood cow support! 丑神蔡建义神体是他的薄弱环节,所以很快就无力败下阵来。好在有叶空这个血牛支撑! However outside non- face flower gas cloud was too poisonous, the speed that cloud mud corrodes was also too fast! Therefore the Ye Kong thick God body cannot stand up to such endless consumption! 不过外边的无脸花毒雾太毒了,云泥腐蚀的速度也太快了!所以叶空就算再厚的神体也经不住这样没完没了的消耗! Finally Ye Kong opens the mouth to scold, you did ask this weak from God king Nali against? Nyima, this is any thing! This is simply same as the suicide, when finally, our God bodies play, others do not need to attack, we died!” 终于叶空开口骂道,“你就从神王那里求来这种鸡肋防器?尼玛,这是什么玩意!这简直跟自杀一样,等到最后,我们的神体都玩完,别人不用攻击,我们就死了!” Cai Jianyi smiled bitterly saying that God king person of surface was refreshed, was the innermost feelings is oversuspicious! Even if I am heartfelt to him, he is also guarding against me! Once told the person, what goal the ugly God so loyally does have to me? Therefore I frighten from now do not dare to talk too much, does not dare to display extremely loyal...... How will therefore the God king he possibly the best defense treasure give me?” 蔡建义苦笑道,“神王此人表面爽快,可是内心多疑!就算是我对他衷心耿耿,他也提防着我!有一次跟人说,丑神对我如此忠心是不是有什么目的呢?所以我吓得从此以后不敢多言多语,也不敢表现的太过忠心……所以神王他又怎么可能将最好的防御宝物给我?” To the words of reader: 给读者的话: In the evening also has...... Looks at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» 晚上还有……看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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