MC :: Volume #28

#2768: Loyalty

? 2768 loyalty ?2768义气 Bang! 轰! In Ye Kong in venom surrounding, unexpectedly with the strength of revolving, stiffly shocks that venom package! 处于毒液包围之中的叶空,竟然凭着旋转之力,硬生生的震破那毒液包裹! Looks at the Ye Kong's body again, as before was such a moment ago! 再看叶空的身体,依旧是刚才那样! Actually, was not Ye Kong has used any formidable protection divine tool, but was his God body is too formidable! Then, had the heart of that big God body nebula, the Ye Kong God body at this moment, has not been inferior to Immortal! 其实,并不是叶空使用了什么强大的保护神器,而是他的神体太强大了!说起来,拥有了星云之心那么大的神体,叶空此刻的神体,已经不亚于一个不朽 Therefore, when the Ye Kong accent thinks the body fully, these corroded God body could not have kept up with the speed of newborn God body! Therefore, how can these venom injure him? 所以,当叶空全力调用神体的时候,那些被腐蚀的神体还赶不上新生神体的速度!因此,那些毒液如何能伤他? However, by this venom bubble, the God body that the heart of Ye Kong's nebula loses may also be called the terrifying! 不过,被这毒液一泡,叶空的星云之心损失的神体也堪称恐怖! Such meeting, the Ye Kong's complete God body lost 20% a moment ago close! 刚才那么一会,叶空的全部神体损失接近20! Must know, this was a very huge digit! This moment Ye Kong's main body endures compared with sea of clouds giant beast, in the short more than 20 breaths, lost 20% God bodies, can see the poisonous God venom fierce! 要知道,这是一个非常巨大的数字了!此刻叶空的本体堪比云海巨兽,在短短20多息之间,就损失了20的神体,可以看出毒神毒液的厉害! Ye Kong so fierce, got so far as the poisonous God shocks! 叶空如此的厉害,把毒神也弄到震惊了! What anti-poison treasure is he God body too has?” The poisonous God does not dare to believe looks at Ye Kong, those who make him incredible is Ye Kong sends lossless! “他是神体太强还是拥有什么防毒宝物?”毒神不敢置信地看着叶空,更让他不可置信的是叶空毫发无损! After Ye Kong gets out of trouble, the intention moves, immediately has put Cai Jianyi, if must to fighting the poisonous God, wants Cai Jianyi not to be possible together. «» 叶空脱困以后,心念一动,立即将蔡建义放了出来,如果要对战毒神,非要蔡建义一起不可。《》 Cai Jianyi came out to look at Ye Kong, in heart has doubts, said darkly a Ye Kong point was all right? Is it possible that had other any situation! 蔡建义出来看着叶空,心中疑惑,暗说叶空怎么一点没事?莫非发生了什么其他的情况! In ugly God heart ponders over, listens to the poisonous God to open the mouth saying that surnamed Ye, your really a little strength! Soaks in my venom, can send unexpectedly lossless, I decide to reexamine our relations.” 正在丑神心中琢磨的时候,就听毒神开口道,“姓叶的,你果然有点实力!泡在我的毒液之中,竟然都能毫发无损,我决定重新审视我们的关系。” The poisonous God crazy that died from beautiful Lisa a moment ago went out, the Ye Kong's strength makes him sober. 毒神已经从刚才美丽莎死亡的疯狂中走出,叶空的实力让他清醒。 He opens the mouth saying that speaks the truth, Ye Kong, I do not want to become your enemy. Now I have two conditions, first is you that non- face flower seed to me. You want that thing fart to use not to have, instead will become your trouble, you will give me, I will not treat unjustly you!” 他又开口道,“说实话,叶空,我不想成为你的敌人。现在我有两个条件,第一是你将那颗无脸花的种子给我。你要那个东西屁用没有,反而会成为你的麻烦,你给我,我不会亏待你!” The poisonous God gasped for breath, said, „my second condition, gave me to handle ugly God Cai Jianyi. I know before you , is still fighting, in brief is the enemy non- friend. You give me him, I will pay any price that you proposed! Good, you can propose that your condition, you remember, so long as you can raise obtain, I can achieve! Even if you must become the Lord of this green bright God country!” 毒神喘了一口气,又说道,“我的第二个条件,就是把丑神蔡建义交给我处置。我知道你们之前还在战斗,总之是敌非友。你把他交给我,我会付出你提出的任何的代价!好了,你可以提出你的条件,你记住,只要你能提得出,我都做得到!哪怕是你要成为这绿煌神国之主!” Poisonous God these words quite shocked. 毒神这句话就相当震撼了。 In other words, even if Ye Kong must become the king monarch sovereign of green bright God country's! The poisonous God will comply! 也就是说,哪怕叶空要成为绿煌神国的国主!毒神都会答应! Although green bright God country is not one of the four big God countries, is in Divine Realm, was a medium God country! But in an instant, Ye Kong can become the king monarch sovereign of this medium God country's! Must know, becomes a king monarch sovereign of medium God country's, the advantage that has is huge! 绿煌神国虽然不是四大神国之一,可是在神界,也算是一个中型的神国了!而转眼之间,叶空就可以成为这个中型神国的国主!要知道,成为一个中型神国的国主,拥有的好处是巨大的! First, various wealth that Ye Kong obtains, various cultivate materials, these are large bundle, let alone Ye Kong use, is Ye Kong founds a family, that was also enough! 首先,叶空得到的各种财富,各种修炼的材料,这些都是大把大把的,别说叶空自己用,就是叶空创建一个家族,那也足够了! What another is more important, henceforth Ye Kong truly became the Divine Realm well-known character! Had the prestige, had own influence! When the time comes is God king Xiangyao moves Ye Kong, must consider! 另一个更重要的是,从此叶空就真正成为了神界的知名人物!拥有了声望,拥有了自己的势力!到时候就算是神王想要动叶空,也要考虑考虑! Hears the poisonous God's suggestion, the situation in field to change immediately. 听见毒神的建议,场上的形势立即变化。 The ugly God draws back immediately backward. 丑神立即向后退。 Must know, the poisonous God truly is old reprobate, is only one, saw Ye Kong and frailty of Cai Jianyi alliance! 要知道,毒神确实是老奸巨滑,只是一眼,就已经看出叶空和蔡建义联盟的脆弱! The poisonous God said does not have the mistake. The non- face flower uses not to the Ye Kong fart, the ugly God to Ye Kong is also only the short cooperation! If after defeating the poisonous God, Ye Kong and ugly God can fight, the victory and defeat was very difficult to say! 毒神说的没有错。无脸花对叶空屁用没有,丑神对叶空也只是短暂的合作!如果击败毒神以后,叶空和丑神还是会一战,胜负还很难说! If Ye Kong is a smart person, will obey the poisonous God's suggestion. With a poisonous spiritual bond friend, the advantage that obtains is also astonishing, obtains the entire green bright God country! 如果叶空是个聪明人的话,就会听从毒神的建议。和毒神交一个朋友,得到的好处也是惊人的,获得整个绿煌神国! Let alone Ye Kong, the ugly God thought that also will choose and poisonous God cooperates. 别说叶空,丑神觉得就算自己也会选择和毒神合作。 However at this moment, the ugly God actually hears the Ye Kong light sound to resound, poisonous God, your condition is very attractive, must reply mediocre your, is actually I cannot achieve!” 不过就在这时,丑神却听见叶空淡淡的声音响起,“毒神,你的条件很诱人,不过如此要回答你的,却是我做不到!” Footsteps that immediately the ugly God draws back backward stop, but the poisonous God is the anger urgently said that your silly! That non- face spent you to take useful! I must give you green bright God country, is used to trade that non- face flower seed, won't you do accounts? That ugly God Cai Jianyi, if I were killed by you, he will let off you!” 顿时丑神向后退的脚步停下,而毒神则是怒急道,“你傻的么!那个无脸花你拿了有什么用!我都要把绿煌神国给你,用来换那颗无脸花的种子,难道你不会算帐么?还有那个丑神蔡建义,如果我被你们杀死,他就会放过你么!” Ye Kong still shakes the head, said that you said right, but I cannot promise you.” 叶空依然还是摇头,道,“你说的都没错,可是我还是不能答应你。” The poisonous God heard to spit blood, opened the mouth to scold, you knew perfectly well I said right, so to be how tenacious, your brain entered the water!” 毒神听见都要吐血了,开口骂道,“你明知我说的没错,怎么这么固执,你脑子进水了么!” Ye Kong said slowly, non- face flower is useless to me, but I am not willing to see that many normal people, turns does not have the monster of face! I do not hope the children in green bright God state-owned that many black cloth Baotou, endures others' discrimination to plunder on the street! I do not hope because of my benefit, but makes this toxin bring harm to for ten thousand years, by reviling of ten thousand numerous!” 叶空缓缓道,“无脸花对我是没有用,可是我不愿看见那么多正常的人,一个个变成没有脸的怪物!我不愿在绿煌神国有那么多黑布包头的孩子,忍受着别人的歧视在街上抢掠!我不愿因为我个人的一点利益,而让此毒贻害万年,受万众的唾骂!” Ye Kong's three I am not willing, in the ugly God heart of distant place listens to cry! Deeply by him who the non- face flower poisons, the idea and Ye Kong in heart said that exactly the same! 叶空的三个我不愿,听的远处的丑神心中大叫一声好!深受无脸花毒害的他,心中的想法和叶空说出的,一模一样! But at this time, Ye Kong looks at the astonished poisonous God, said that the condition that you give is good, but I do not need! All that because I want, is I uses both hands to obtain! A man obtains with oneself both hands, is own! Green bright God country, I will obtain a God country of ratio green bright God country big non- several fold sooner or later! But with eternity invariable infamy, with the condemnation of conscience, does not trust to exchange me with the God of poisonous flower at the point of death!” 而这时,叶空又看着惊愕的毒神,说道,“你给的条件是不错,但是我不需要!因为我所要的一切,都是我用双手得到!一个男人用自己双手得到的,才是自己的!绿煌神国,我早晚会得到一个比绿煌神国大无数倍的神国!而不是用千古不变骂名,用良心的谴责,用毒花之神临死对我信任来交换!” Speaking righteously that the Ye Kong words said that the poisonous God listened to think to change countenance. 叶空一番话说的义正辞严,毒神听了都觉得动容。 The poisonous God clenches teeth, said that good good! Surnamed Ye! You said is reasonable, my poisonous God is also a man, I do not compel you! Now I pledge the final condition, now you leave here, gives me the ugly spiritual bond! We two about the non- face flower matter, we later again said that how!” 毒神咬咬牙,说道,“好吧好吧!姓叶的!你说的都有道理,我毒神也是一条汉子,我不逼你!现在我开出最后的条件,现在你离开这里,把丑神交给我!我们两关于无脸花的事情,我们以后再说,如何!” It can be said that condition that poisonous God time of starting out had sincerity ( 5 ). He did not want the non- face to be colored, so long as Ye Kong leaves! Leaves! Poisonous God time is to go all out to Lisa revenge to beautiful! 可以说,毒神这回开出的条件更加的有诚意㊣(5)了。他已经不要无脸花了,只要叶空离开!离开就可以!毒神这回是拼了命要给美丽莎报仇! If the ugly God has a face, at this moment is the facial color is definitely dreary. 丑神如果有脸的话,此刻肯定是面色惨淡。 Because of this time, Ye Kong has simply had no reason to reject. 因为这一次,叶空已经根本没有理由拒绝了。 Ye Kong, you walk. We are not the friends, we are the enemies! If not the poisonous God arrives, we are still putting together life and death. And...... Even if the poisonous God is defeated by us, we must continue to fight with all might, because I am unable not to carry out the God king's order!” 叶空,你走吧。我们本来就不是朋友,我们本来就是敌人!如果不是毒神来到,我们还在拼个你死我活。而且……就算是毒神被我们击败,我们还是要继续拼杀,因为我无法不执行神王的命令!” Therefore, you walk!” “所以,你走吧!” Ugly God Cai Jianyi also truly sufficed the hoodlum, he obviously was not the match of poisonous God. But at this time, unexpectedly was not doing everything possible makes Ye Kong stay behind, but was the truth truth! Can achieve this point, perhaps this Divine Realm on few individuals can frank achieving! 丑神蔡建义也确实够光棍,他明明不是毒神的对手。可是在这个时候,竟然并不是想尽办法让叶空留下,而是实话实话!能做到这一点,恐怕这神界就没有几个人能光明磊落的做到! However that azure clothes form is motionless, so arrogant standing in sea of clouds, opens the mouth saying that ugly God Cai Jianyi, you were not the friend of mine! May be has benevolence to me! A moment ago, you had the opportunity to run away obviously, actually put out a hand to help me detoxify! Crucial moment, critical moment, the benevolence of here member, although is only instantaneous, although has not had an effect! But my Ye Kong actually must also this benevolence!” 不过那一袭青衣身影还是一动不动,如此孤傲的站在云海之中,又开口道,“丑神蔡建义,你不是我的朋友!可却是对我有恩情!刚才,你明明有机会逃走,却伸手过来帮我解毒!生死关头,关键时刻,这搭一把手的恩情,虽然只是瞬间,虽然没有起作用!可是我叶空却要还了这个恩情!” My Ye Kong cultivates the behavior, how is always others to treat me, how I then treat people! Having the graciousness must, having a grudge probably report! Therefore the poisonous God, your second condition, I will not promise you!” “我叶空做人,向来是别人如何待我,我便如何待人!有恩必还,有仇必报!所以毒神,你的第二个条件,我还是不会答应你!” The distant place, the poisonous God both eyes anger opens, shakes the head slowly, said, surnamed Ye, you truly are the loyalty man! I respect the person of loyalty my entire life! However we it seems like are doomed are not friends! However I respect your loyalty, therefore I reminded your one finally, if you did not walk, I will use the toxin of non- face flower for you! Let alone is you, even if were Immortal came, was...... Death!” Looks at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» 远处,毒神双目怒张,缓缓摇头,道,“姓叶的,你确实是个义气汉子!我一生敬重义气之人!不过我们看来注定不是朋友!不过我敬重你的义气,所以我最后提醒你一句,如果你不走,我将会对你们使用无脸花之毒!别说是你们,就算是不朽来了,也是……死!”看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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