MC :: Volume #28

#2767: Sends lossless

Compared with green bright God country Deity that these flank meet with a disaster, is exploding most central Ye Kong they are the most bad luck two people! 和那些靠外侧遭殃的绿煌神国神人们相比,在爆炸最中央的叶空他们是最倒霉的两个人! Because the explosion of poisonous God in their front, the venom of big piece is not splashes, but resembles the flood to be the same, blotting out the sky covers toward them! 因为毒神的爆炸就在他们的面前,大片的毒液已经不是溅出了,而是好像洪水一样,铺天盖地的向着他们罩下! I was killed by you!” divine sense of ugly God loud was exclaiming to Ye Kong. “我被你害死了!”丑神的神识大声对着叶空吼道。 The truly ugly God had opportunity to run away. Naturally, will certainly be attacked by the venom, but like the present, entire will at least not be encircled by venom bao! But now, the ugly God also by the hidden toxinfection, being caused him unable to leave! 本来确实丑神是有机会逃走的。当然了,也一定会遭受毒液的攻击,不过至少不会象现在这样,整个被毒液bao围!而现在,丑神也被隐毒传染,导致他根本走不掉! However in this at the last minute, Ye Kong actually broadcasts a sound with divine sense, do not resist, I save you!” 不过就在这最后一刻,叶空却是用神识传来一个声音,“别抵抗,我救你!” The next second, the ugly God felt that front light shadow moves, he had been transmitted jin to enter above a torrential river! 下一秒,丑神就感觉到面前的光影一动,他已经被传送jin入了一片滔滔长河之上! „Is this? Wanbao river?” The ugly God a moment ago and Ye Kong combat, Ye Kong has used this thing, therefore the ugly God first responded, he was transmitted jin to enter in the Wanbao river! “这是?万宝河?”丑神刚才和叶空作战,叶空就使用了这东西,所以丑神第一时间反应过来,他被传送jin入了万宝河之中! However this, the body of ugly God also started to emit the white smoke, starts rottenly, the speed of that fester, is simply terrorist! 不过就算这样,丑神的身上也已经开始冒出白烟,开始腐烂,那种溃烂的速度,简直恐怖! Quick, do not stand in river bank, to riverside from exploding!” She Lingpeng roaring voice conveys, if the ugly God in the river bank from exploding, makes in the venom the water, that entire Wanbao river thoroughly was finished! “快,别站在河上,到河边自爆!”佘凌鹏的怒吼声音传来,如果丑神在河上自爆,将毒液弄进水中,那整个万宝河就彻底完蛋了! The ugly God feels that pain, oneself many breath is unable withstanding! However he is g is supporting, flies one side of the river bank of Wanbao river, bang, from exploding! 丑神感觉到那种痛楚,自己多一息都无法的承受!但是他还是g撑着,飞到万宝河的河岸一侧,砰地一声,自爆了! Ugly God after exploding, the flesh and blood that body falls falls on the yellow earth, can still see that loess the ground rapidly to corrode a hole, is terrifying! This toxin, unexpectedly no matter Metal Wood Water Fire Earth that type of element, can corrode completely! 丑神自爆以后,身上掉下来的血肉落在黄土地上,依然可以看见那黄土的地面都迅速腐蚀出一个洞,非常恐怖!这毒,竟然不管是金木水火土那种元素,都可以完全的腐蚀! However what is good because of being, is slow in the speed of Turkish and Chinese venom dissemination. At this time, an old sound conveyed, good, these venom, I liked, I have wanted to refine to quench the poisonous sharp weapon!” 不过好在的是,在土中毒液传播的速度慢。这时,一个苍老的声音传来,“好吧,这些毒液,我喜欢,我一直都想炼制一把淬毒的利器!” In the words sound, the space God furnace above fire hole opens, a strength emits, that big soil total revenue space God furnaces. Although these are poisonous God the venom of ancient Duzu, but the quantity are not many, in space God furnace, so long as performs the date and time, can by refine. 话语声中,空间神炉上边的炉口打开,一股力量放出,将那一大片的泥土全部收入空间神炉。虽然那些是毒神的古毒族的毒液,不过数量不多,在空间神炉之中,只要加以时日,就会被炼化 Waits for the God body weight of ugly God to condense newly, at this time, he already complete security. Although from in exploding, lost 10% God bodies, present he, was safe. 等丑神的神体重新凝聚起来,这时,他已经完全的安全了。虽然在刚才的自爆中,损失掉了10的神体,不过现在的他,还是安全了。 When the ugly God stands firm, all around some people have encircled. That is Yao Hui and She Lingpeng Xiaoshunzi and the others, because before , everybody with joint forces fights the ugly God, now the ugly God appears here, everybody any good face not to look to him. 当丑神站定,四周已经有人围了上来。那是姚卉和佘凌鹏小顺子等人,因为之前还是大家合力战丑神,现在丑神出现在这里,大家也不会给他什么好脸看。 Looks at their enclosing, ugly God beckons with the hand saying: I have formed an alliance with Ye Kong now, was not the match, I was resisting the poisonous God with Ye Kong a moment ago......” 看着他们的围上,丑神摆手道:“我现在已经跟叶空结盟,不是对手了,我刚才正在和叶空一起对抗毒神……” Here, the words of ugly God stopped, the forced smile looks at front person, said: To my bitter in suffering and deep in hatred appearance, although Ye Kong at risk of life installs me and you in inside the Wanbao river, what I have saying that here is unsafe! Incarnation ancient Duzu poisonous God from exploding God body, the venom that splashes probably is moves mountains to be the same! Ye Kong must unable to support quickly, he wants the support, this Wanbao river is rotten, must collapse! When the time comes, we have to exit to accept the venom the baptism!” 说到这里,丑神的话停下了,苦笑地看着面前的人,又说道:“你们不要对着我苦大仇深的样子,虽然叶空拼死把我和你们都装在在万宝河里边,可是我不得不说的是,这里并不安全!化身古毒族的毒神已经自爆了神体,溅出的毒液就好像是排山倒海一样!叶空很快就要支持不住,他只要支持不住,这万宝河就要腐烂,就要崩溃!到时候,我们都不得不出去接受毒液的洗礼!” Since having killed beautiful Lisa, the words of ugly God also became a lot! 自从杀死了美丽莎以后,丑神的话语也变得多了! Listens words that the ugly God was speaking, Yao Hui and She Lingpeng Xiaoshunzi, all fell into silent. Especially She Lingpeng, he as Half-Step God of poisonous department, younger brother zi that poisonous God chong loves, toxicity that his completely clear poisonous God can emit! That strength, even if all Deity of God country's , will be killed by poison instantaneously! 听着丑神说的话,姚卉和佘凌鹏小顺子,全部陷入了沉默。特别是佘凌鹏,他作为毒系的偏神,毒神chong爱的弟zi,他完全清楚毒神能够放出的毒力!那种力量,就算是一个神国的所有的神人,也会在瞬间被毒死! They are all silent, complete has thought of Ye Kong. But the ugly God thinks the ache that oneself are hard to withstand, thinks again Ye Kong is bearing the boundless pain outside now, in his heart raises a respect! If not Ye Kong, perhaps he outside, has vanished into thin air at this moment! 他们全都沉默,全部的都想到了叶空。而丑神想到自己难以承受的疼痛,再想到叶空现在就在外边承受着无边的痛苦,他就心中又升起一股敬意!如果不是叶空,他此刻在外边,恐怕已经烟消云散了吧! beautiful Lisa died, but also the poisonous God pledged that must resurrect she. But his Cai Jianyi died, can some people resurrect he? No! He is sorrowful, but he is also lucky, at the last minute, Ye Kong receiving. 美丽莎死了,还有毒神发誓要复活她。可是他蔡建义死了,会不会有人来复活他呢?没有!他是悲哀的,不过他又是幸运的,最后一刻,叶空把收了进来。 Ye Kong? Cai Jianyi cannot help but thinks. 只是叶空呢?蔡建义不由得想到。 The outside Ye Kong scene at this moment is not very good, that moves mountains the same venom to pat completely on his body upper eyelid! Ye Kong had not realized the pain transmits, lets his God body natural twitching, when that twitches, the Ye Kong clear feeling oneself can control body ti, the hidden poisonous barrier had been broken through. 外边的叶空此刻的情景很是不好,那排山倒海一样的毒液全部拍在他的身上脸上!一股叶空从来没有体会过的痛楚传来,让他的神体自然的抽搐,当那一抽搐,叶空清楚的感觉到自己可以控制身ti了,隐毒的壁垒已经被攻破。 However is this also useful? 不过这又有什么用呢? Ye Kong at this moment had been bound by venom bao completely closely , a big piece like a green dirty Xiaoshuitang, binds Ye Kong's body ti complete bao. Thorn that whole body transmits hurts, has not undergone. 此刻的叶空已经全部被毒液bao裹在紧紧的,一大片就象一片绿色的肮脏的小水塘,将叶空的身ti完全的bao裹。那种全身都传来的刺疼,是从来没有经受过的。 Facing such venom, benevolent king armor has feared, it does not dare to emerge protects Ye Kong. Because it also feels the danger, if it emerges Ye Kong's God outside the body, perhaps will corrode quickly! 面对如此的毒液,就连仁王甲都怕了,它都不敢浮出保护叶空。因为它也感觉到危险,如果它浮出叶空的神体外,恐怕很快就会腐蚀一空! Therefore Ye Kong completely with oneself abundant God body g brace! 因此叶空就全部凭着自己雄厚的神体g撑! Ye Kong clear feeling the crazy drop of God body, but in that crazy rate of descent, is he is unprecedented! 叶空清楚的感觉到神体的疯狂下降,而那中疯狂的下降速度,是他前所未见的! From exploding ancient Duzu the God body, body ti of poisonous God appears in the distant place once again, he wears the colorful big gown, fills foreign land wind qing, although is a typical human, is from outside, looks like a fresh flower scorpion to be ordinary. 自爆的古毒族的神体,毒神的身ti又一次出现在远处,他穿着花花绿绿的大袍子,充满异域风qing,虽然是一个地地道道的人类,可是从外边去,更像一只鲜的花蝎子一般。 He appreciates is soaking Ye Kong in venom, haha said with a smile: Ye Kong, you ask for trouble, if before you, will not have the face flower seed to offer, and pledged that into my God servant, aren't you do not need to bear this pain? Therefore , you are some stupid people!” 他欣赏着泡在毒液之中的叶空,哈哈笑道:“叶空,你真是自讨苦吃,如果你之前将无脸花的种子献上,并且发誓成为我的神仆,那你不是不用承受这种痛苦么?所以说,你们都是一些愚蠢的人呢!” The poisonous God does not want make a move to do again, because in his opinion, Ye Kong must die without doubt, moreover does not insist over ten breath time! He some believes to oneself venom very much, he believes medium formidable God Lord, will persist in less than ten breaths hanging! 毒神并没有想再出手干什么,因为在他看来,叶空必死无疑了,而且坚持不会超过十息时间!他对自己的毒液很有相信,他相信来一个中等强大的主神,也坚持不到十息就会挂! He prepares to look at Ye Kong dead, what regrets, he had not obtained the Ye Kong's seed, therefore he is pondering over to wait till the ninth breath to rescue Ye Kong? 他准备看着叶空死,不过遗憾的是,他还没有得到叶空的种子,所以他在琢磨着要不要等到第九息将叶空救出来呢? However ten breath time quick on the past, the poisonous God's surprised discovery, Ye Kong has not died! Still is very tenacious standing in the venom! 不过十息时间很快就过去,毒神吃惊的发现,叶空并没有死!依然是很顽强的站在毒液之中! Some of his actually many formidable God bodies!” At this moment, the poisonous God was also shocked. “他究竟有多少强大神体!”这一刻,就连毒神也惊呆了。 Also was ten breaths passed, Ye Kong has not died unexpectedly! 又是十息过去了,叶空竟然还是没有死! The poisonous God has been startled to forgetting the matter of non- face flower seed! Because withstands 20 breaths, is formidable God Lord can achieve! 毒神已经惊到忘记了无脸花种子的事!因为承受20息,已经是一个强大主神才能做到的了! Although time in the fast past, when the 25 th breath, there are has let the poisonous God surprised matter. 时间虽然在快速的过去,等到第25息,又有了更加让毒神吃惊的事情。 During sees only that venom bao to encircle the person's shadow to revolve fiercely, the rapid revolving revolutions is quicker, along with his revolving, the venom of big piece like this cast off! Flings to fly! Toward splashes in all directions! 只见那毒液bao围之中的人影猛地旋转起来,飞速的旋转越转越快,随着他的旋转,大片的毒液就这样被甩开!甩飞!向着四面八方飞溅! He really also has ample force revolt!” The poisonous God has been shocked! Because, can achieve this point, perhaps only then the Immortal Spiritual God can achieve, moreover is that God body very abundant Immortal Spiritual God! “他竟然还有余力反抗!”毒神已经是惊呆了!因为,能做到这一点的,恐怕只有不朽神灵才能做到,而且是那种神体非常雄厚的不朽神灵! Boils to me!” During venom bao of that big piece binds, Ye Kong rapid revolving, afterward, his form stops fiercely, both eyes anger opens, both hands promote fiercely outward...... “给我滚开!”那大片的毒液bao裹之中,叶空飞速的旋转,随后,他的身影猛地一停,双目怒张,双手猛地向外推出…… Bang! 轰! These bao the venom of his big piece, like this completely was being shaken, disperses to all directions, a drop does not remain! 那些bao着他的大片的毒液,就这样被全部震开,飞散向四面八方,一滴不剩! Waits the next second, poisonous God looked again, sees only a front piece of space to be clean, pure, a azure clothes young form, is standing in the sea of clouds center, a pair of pupil sharp and ruthless severe visits him! 等下一秒,毒神再看,只见面前的一片空间已经干干净净,清清白白,一个青衣年轻的身影,正站在云海的中央,一双眸子锐利而狠厉的看着他! This surnamed Ye sent lossless tuo to be stranded unexpectedly!” The poisonous God is almost startled yao to own she head. “这姓叶的竟然毫发无损的tuo困了!”毒神惊得差点yao到自己的she头。 Some people said often, I, if Ye Kong is good.” Here, small wants to tell Fellow Daoist: So long as you have the faith, is rigid enough, in addition the little courage, you are Ye Kong! No matter your love, enterprise, work and study lived have encountered the difficulty, or you did not have the difficulty to do well, that with young barbarian, silently with the sound that only then heard said to oneself, you were Ye Kong! Your line!” Finally, hopes that everybody pays attention to the small micro blog, thanks!! ~! 经常都有人说,“我要是叶空多好呀。”在这里,小蛮想告诉道友们:只要你有信念,够执着,再加上一点点的勇气,你就是叶空!不管是你的爱情、事业、工作、学习还是生活中遇到了困难,或者你没有困难只是想做得更好,那就跟着小蛮,默默的用只有自己听见的声音对自己说,“你就是叶空!你行的!”最后,希望大家关注小蛮的微博,谢谢!!~! " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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