MC :: Volume #28

#2774: Gu God( four asked monthly ticket)

? 2774 gu God ?2774蛊神 In sea of clouds, boundless boundless. «» 云海之中,茫茫无际。《》 However this sea of clouds is different, carefully looked, this sea of clouds is assuming a powder blue light color, not that white. But already was notified to be ordinary from Shenzhou of nearby process, distant giving way to traffic this region. 不过这一片的云海却并不一样,仔细看,这一片云海呈着一种粉蓝的淡淡的色彩,并不是那么的白。而从附近经过的神舟都早已得到了通知一般的,远远的避让开这片的区域。 I must go home, go home!” Suddenly in the sea of clouds somewhere, actually hears such sound of roaring. “我要回家,回家!”突然云海之中某处,却传来这样的呼吼之声。 If loses person in sea of clouds, most feared that hears this sound. But Shenzhou of these high flights, if hears this sound immediately to go crazy same running away. 如果迷失在云海之中的人,是最怕听见这种声音的。而那些高高飞行的神舟,如果听见这个声音就会立即发疯一样的逃走。 Because that I must go home, as if there is different charm! If these will firmness fortunately, will not be puzzled by its drum. But if has traded, these stay to be very long in the sea of clouds, in the heart also has to go home the impulsive public figure, if hears this, perhaps will go crazy same dropping out Shenzhou to go, with these losing, runs around calling for help in the sea of clouds together, does not know the life and death, does not know same, such eternal losing in the sea of clouds, again cannot go out of this world. 因为那一句句的“我要回家”之中,仿佛有着不一样的魔力!如果是那些意志坚定者还好,不会被其鼓惑。可是如果换了,那些在云海之中呆到很久,心中又有回家冲动的人士,如果听见这一声,恐怕就会发疯一样的抛下神舟去,和这些迷失者,一起在云海之中奔走呼号,不知生死,不知同样,就这样永恒的迷失在云海之中,再也走不出这个世界。 However today is different, is very obvious, in this big piece of losing back, has the light shadow to flash, a whole body is also puts on colorfully, but actually appears the old man who the dove clothes hundred tie, glistens behind these losing suddenly presently. 不过今天却是不一样,很显然,在这一大片的迷失者的后边,不停的有着光影闪动,一个全身也是穿着花花绿绿,不过却显得鸠衣百结的老者,不停的在那些迷失者后面忽闪忽现。 This old man each appearance, will depart the thing that the massive naked eyes cannot see from his body. These things as if resemble the insect , seems the dust, like this flies into the air, then attaches on these losing, but these losing under old man's control, forward run! 这个老者每一次出现,从他的身体上都会飞出大量的肉眼看不见的东西。那些东西仿佛似虫,又仿佛是灰尘,就这样飞进空气之中,然后附着在那些迷失者身上,而那些迷失者就在老者的控制之下,向前奔走! Goes home, I must go home!” In the roaring sound, this losing quantity are getting more and more, if Shenzhou passes through from above at this moment, had discovered that this is a very magnificent picture. “回家,我要回家!”呼吼声中,这一片的迷失者数量越来越多,如果此刻有一个神舟从上边经过,已经可是发现这是一个非常壮观的景象。 The losing quantity that originally this piece walks achieves over 100,000 unexpectedly! 原来这一片走来的迷失者竟然数量达到100000以上! 100,000 people, where place are also a huge crowd, stands motionless must occupy a very big place there! But at this moment, these 100,000 people unexpectedly completely are losing! Their call letter running, forward running! 100000人,放在哪里也是一个庞大的人群,站在那里不动也要占一块很大的地方!而此刻,这100000人竟然全部都是迷失者!他们呼号着奔走,向前行进! But what is frightening, this 100,000 losing, all were rushes to that piece of symbolic death unexpectedly the powder blue region. 而让人恐惧的是,这100000的迷失者,竟然全部都是奔向那一片象征死亡的粉蓝色的区域。 When are not many, walks, in most front losing entered in that powder blue. 不多时,走在最前边的迷失者已经走进了那一片的粉蓝之中。 Goes home, I must go home!” Walks in that powder blue space, that losing unexpectedly quite the same as unconsciously! Still at loud the neat call, simultaneously the stride forward walks. “回家,我要回家!”走在那粉蓝色的空间之中,那迷失者竟然浑然不觉!依然在高声整齐的呼叫,同时大步向前走。 But this losing had not felt what is, his whole body has been filling the white smog, at the same time, their bodies were also festering, that white fog, quick of fester, the a short while later free time, this losing could not support, falling down that his both legs festered. 可是这个迷失者自己都没有感觉到的是,他的全身已经在充满了白色的烟雾,与此同时,他们的身体也已经在溃烂,那白雾所到,溃烂的很快,没一会的工夫,这个迷失者就已经支撑不住了,他的双腿已经溃烂的掉下了。 However losing that is one group of living corpses is probably same, although they have not died, but with dying was the same, they cannot feel the pain, even if there is one breath, they also want great shout rushing going home road! 不过迷失者那是好像一群活死人一样,他们虽然没有死,可是就和死了一样,他们根本感觉不到疼痛,哪怕只有一口气,他们也要大声呼喊着奔向“回家”的路! Has not seen this scene person not to have the means to imagine, goes home this two characters, this simplest will, can strengthen such situation unexpectedly! 没有见过这个场景的人都没有办法想象,回家这个两个字,这个最简单的意志,竟然可以坚定如此的地步! That lead the both legs of losing fell, but he also has the body, he also has the arm, his crawls with the aid of the arm forward. His speed was slow, he is not a leader, but he is still continue crawl forward! Does not know many afterward losing has surpassed him, has arrived at his front. 那个领头的迷失者的双腿已经掉了,不过他还有身体,他还有胳膊,他的借助胳膊向前爬。他的速度慢了,他已经不是领头者了,可是他依然在继续向前爬!不知有多少的后来的迷失者已经超过了他,已经走到了他的前头。 However he disregards, he forward is still crawling. 不过他不管不顾,他依然在向前爬。 But the good outlook did not last long , after is very short time, his two arms have also corrupted, fell, falls on the ground, he does not have the leg, did not have the hand! 但是好景不长,又是很短的时间以后,他的两条胳膊也已经腐烂,掉了,落在地上,他没有腿,也没有手了! However he can also sway from side to side is advancing. But such advance has not maintained very for a long time, when does not have are many, his body entire has also corrupted, rottenly has become the shatter flesh lump! His only remaining heads. 不过他还可以扭动着向前进。可是这样的前进也没有维持很久,没多时,他的身体也整个都腐烂了,都烂成了破碎的肉块!他只剩下一个脑袋。 However he had still not stopped, he remaining heads, are still only raising head to shout loudly, goes home, I must go home!” 不过他仍然没有停止,他仅剩下的脑袋,依然在仰头高呼,“回家,我要回家!” At this moment, rottenly has become from the human form losing of head is a big piece, looking from the distant place, unusual terrifying, a big piece of head, like this on the ground, loud is shouting, goes home, I must go home!” 此刻,已经从人形腐烂成一个头颅的迷失者已经是一大片了,从远处看,非常的恐怖,一大片的脑袋,就这样在地上,大声的呼喊着,“回家,我要回家!” Over 100,000 losing, like this advance uninterruptedly enters this piece powder blue , is quick like this dies in! Must say that powder blue toxin may really be very strong, 100,000 people, but is in an instant! 100000名以上的迷失者,就这样前赴后继的走进这一片粉蓝之中,然后很快就这样死在其中!要说了那粉蓝的毒素可真的是很强,100000人,只不过是转眼之间! After waiting for these 100,000 people dead, in the powder blue fog outflow boundary, will again see whole body dove clothes hundred knots to put on the colorful old man to appear. What the old men pay attention is that powder blue altitudes. 等这100000人死掉以后,在粉蓝色的云雾外缘,就会再一次看见一个全身鸠衣百结穿着花花绿绿的老者出现。老者关注的是那一片粉蓝色的高度。 Those who let the person surprise is, after that 100,000 people died, that powder blue hazy gas clouds, decreased in the little altitude unexpectedly! 让人诧异的是,当那100000人死掉以后,那一片粉蓝色的朦朦毒雾,竟然降低了一点点的高度! A little!” Puts on the colorful old man to express that some are unsatisfied, but makes him throw into the gas cloud like this, he actually not want. “才这么一点!”穿着花花绿绿的老者表示有些不满意,不过让他这样一头扎进毒雾之中,他却是更加的不愿意。 It seems like must be more!” Soon, in the sea of clouds also had the big piece person's shadow, what these time is astonishing, this time comes unexpectedly is not losing, but is living people! These people, have the male to have female, has always has few, child, they probably completely in sleep general, walked the stride in the sea of clouds rushes to that symbolic death the color powder blue region! “看来还要更多!”不久以后,云海之中又有了大片的人影,这一次让人吃惊的是,这次来的竟然不是迷失者,而是一个个活生生的人!这些人,有男有女,有老有少,很多还是孩子,他们好像全部都在睡梦之中一般,走在云海之中大步奔向那象征死亡之色的粉蓝区域! Looks, this crowd unexpectedly many, unexpectedly not under 1 million numbers! 远一看,这一片人群竟然更加的多,竟然不下于1000000之数! This 1 million numbers do not lose the person in sea of clouds obviously, but does not know that uses certain method blurry human from that continent. However they in such sleep, rushing that piece powder blue, takes place of the fallen, like this is buried in the powder blue region. 这1000000之数明显都不是迷失在云海之中的人,而是不知从那个大陆用一定方法迷糊的人类。不过他们就在这样的睡梦之中,一个个的奔进那片粉蓝之中,前仆后继,就这样葬身在粉蓝的区域之中。 Do not look that 1 million numbers seem the huge quantity are incomparable, but dies truly is also several instantaneous! 别看1000000之数看上去数量庞大无比,可是真正死起来也不过就是几个瞬间而已! Waits for this 1 million numbers dead, once again sees the old man who that dove clothes hundred tie to appear once again, his these time observes that powder blue altitude again, ( 5 ) however had the visible drop unexpectedly. Originally, person who under dies are more, the toxin of toxin of these non- face flower in the place above space carries, will reduce the position! 等这1000000之数死完,就又一次看见那个鸠衣百结的老者又一次出现,他这一次再去观察那粉蓝的高度,竟㊣(5)然有了明显的下降。原来,在下方死的人越多,上方空间中携带的那些无脸花之毒的毒素,就会降低位置! But with non- face flower toxin reduction of position, the region that initially Ye Kong and poisonous God fought will expose. 而随着无脸花毒素的位置的降低,当初叶空和毒神战斗的区域就会暴露出来。 That dove clothes hundred knots put on the colorful old man to observe, this nodded saying that travelled again like this eight times, should be able to offset hundred miles this piece of space non- face flower toxin!” 那个鸠衣百结穿着花花绿绿的老者又观测了一番,这才点头道,“再这样往返八次,应该就可以将这一片空间的无脸花毒素外移百里!” Listens to his tone to really be shocking, travels again eight times. At least died like that scale a moment ago over a million people, but he also prepares to come again eight times! Also must have 8 million people soon dead a violent death. But this, his tone is still calm free, as if died, is not 8 million, but is only eight, even links eight dogs to be inferior! 听他的口气真是令人震惊,再往返八次。像刚才那种规模至少已经死掉了上百万人,而他还准备再来八次!也就是还要有8000000人即将死于非命。而就算这样,他的口气依然是淡定自若,仿佛死掉的,并不是8000000,而只是八个而已,甚至连八条狗都不如! When the old man who however in this dove clothes hundred tie wants to leave, actually spreads one from the sea of clouds, gu God, the legend you come from gu cultivate, you really do not have the favorable impression of least bit to human! The ease kills the human near 10 million/absolutely person on the preparation! You deserve what crime!” 不过就在这鸠衣百结的老者想要离开之时,却从云海之中传出一声,“蛊神,传说你是从一只蛊修炼而来,你果然对人类没有半点的好感!轻而易举就准备弄死人类近千万人!你该当何罪!” A dignified sound, afterward, surface such as the jade pendant adorning a hat wears a pure white long gown, the look is mild-mannered and cultivated, has the young man of square face and big ears to appear in the sea of clouds! 一个威严的声音,随后,一个面如冠玉穿着一身素白长袍,相貌温文尔雅,有着方面大耳的年轻男子出现在云海之中! Who are you?” The gu God was divulged the whereabouts, in the heart is angry, wants to silence a witness of crime, turns head to look that this person seemingly somewhat looks familiar, looks at that white lightning mark of this person of forehead again...... “你是何人?”蛊神被人说破行踪,心中大怒,就想要杀人灭口,回头看一看此人貌似有几分面熟,再一看此人眉心的那点白色闪电标记…… The ancient Gods frighten immediately kneel down, kowtow saying: Has seen the God king, you change is too young, obsolete has not recognized you.” 古神吓得顿时跪下,叩头道:“见过神王陛下,您变的太年轻,老朽都没有认出您。” To the words of reader: 给读者的话: Today four, asked monthly ticket, thanks! Under Fellow Daoist support, slightly writes also very laborious ~ looks at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» 今天四更了,求月票,谢谢!道友们支持下啦,小蛮写的也很辛苦的啊啊啊啊~看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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