MC :: Volume #14

#1314: High Lixing Piao child

Chapter 1314 第1314章 High Lixing Piao child 高丽星朴公子 Ye Kong just and Hong Mengni spoke, actually outside suddenly heard to clamor, he also thinks that was that several people of disciplinary punishment caused trouble a moment ago, went out hastily. 叶空正和洪梦妮说话,却突然听见外边喧哗,他还以为是刚才惩戒的那几人闹事,连忙出门。 Comes out to look, actually discovery matter is not such that he thinks. Also is with the matter that he has nothing to do with, Wu Yong Kuang Peng and a prison guard are surrounding. 出来一看,却发现事情并不是他想的那样。也就是个与他无关的事,吴勇狂鹏和一众狱卒都在围观呢。 Sees only in front open area, a young man was shouting in confusion. The man puts on the student to overlook, seems frail, but actually is also Immortal. Because in this great boat an immortal reason, cannot see Cultivation Base mutually, therefore does not know that this person is what Cultivation Base. 只见面前空地上,一个年轻男子正在吵嚷。那男子穿着书生俯视,看上去文弱,不过却也是个仙人。只是因为这巨舟中仙阵原因,互相看不出修为,所以也不知道此人是何修为 But that male opposite, is a middle-aged woman of beautifully making up, understood at a glance that was the procuress. 而那男子对面,则是一个浓妆艳抹的中年女人,一看就知道是此间老鸨了。 What Ye Kong is busy at asking. Kuang Peng holds the arm saying that „before is that man, often spends in this, looks to go upstairs probably some girl, now he was poor, did not have money, but also wants to see that girl, the procuress did not let, this disputed.” 叶空忙问何事。狂鹏抱着胳膊道,“是那男子以前常在此消费,大概看上了楼中的某个姑娘,现在他穷了,没钱了,还想见那姑娘,老鸨不让,这才争执。” „, The whore heartless actor does not have the righteousness, this male but actually also unreasoning passion.” “哦,婊子无情戏子无义,这男子倒也痴情。” Ye Kong looks up, sees only that man to entreat, eldest sister, my this also three immortal jade, making my foresight see the pearl girl.” 叶空抬头看去,只见那男子哀求道,“大姐,我这还有三块仙玉,让我先见见珍珠姑娘吧。” The procuresses see three immortal jade, immediately, lifted the hand to open unrestrained/no trace of politeness, Piao child, the pearl girl the menstruation, is unsuitable to receive guests today.” 老鸨看见三块仙玉,顿时哧了一声,毫不客气抬手打开,“朴公子,珍珠姑娘今天来月事,不便见客。” The Piao child said, she is not the end of the month, this in the middle of the month......” 朴公子道,“她不都是月底么,这才月中……” Indeed this anything knows actually. 敢情这位倒是什么都知道。 Ahead of time, did the woman come menstruation also to want you to authorize inadequately?” The procuresses were revealed the lie somewhat to become angry out of shame, lift hand one move, walks four strong fellows, although Li Jia is responsible for in the boat the security, but frequently can need these goons, against person causes trouble. “提前了,女人家来月事难道还要你批准不成?”老鸨被揭穿谎言有些恼羞成怒,抬手一招,走过来四个膀大腰圆的家伙,虽然李家负责舟中安全,可是还是经常会需要这些打手,防人闹事。 Has not thought that Piao child also knows these goons, opens the mouth saying that that someone, when under rich little has not hit to kindly give you and others.” 没想到朴公子还认识那些打手,开口道,“那个谁谁谁,在下有钱的时候也没少打赏给你等。” The goons are also the person, embarrassed excessively, has to say awkwardly, Piao child, your this didn't have money? I look then forget about it, you cannot meet with Wang Zhen zhu girl, how can also?” 打手也是人啊,也不好意思过份,只好尴尬说道,“朴公子,你这不没钱了么?我看算了,你就算和王珍珠姑娘见上一面,又能如何?” The Piao child is the entreaty said, fellow Big Brothers, look before me do not have little to spend, makes me see her one time, sees to walk.” 朴公子却是哀求道,“各位大哥,看在我以前没有少消费,就让我多见她一次,见完就走。” Before goons, little has not taken enjoying of Piao child, at this moment only then turns head to look at the procuress awkwardly. 打手们以前也没少拿朴公子的赏,此刻只有为难地回头看老鸨。 But the madam is actually stingy, anger said, what looks at to look, you don't want to do are?” 可老鸨子却是心狠,怒道,“看什么看,你们都不想干了是不是?” The goons are also helpless, has to say to the Piao child, was embarrassed, please.” 打手也是无奈,只好对朴公子道,“不好意思了,请吧。” The Piao child looks at the procuress to be cruel-hearted, at that time was angry saying that madam, I came this before, which time has little given you! Gives each time! In order to come to here, my most lower level little building have sold cheap, although now I do not have money, but I see a pearl girl finally, excessively! Did you say excessively?” 朴公子看老鸨狠心,当时大怒道,“老鸨子,我以前来此,哪一次少给了你!每次都是多给!为了来这里,我连最下层的小楼都贱卖了,现在我虽然没钱,可是我最后见一眼珍珠姑娘,过份么!你说过份么?” His roar, surroundings bystanders are the whisper continue, thought that the procuress was excessive. Thinks that little building of lower level is how expensive, others have spent that much money in this, do you make others see have at the same time why not? 他这一吼,周围围观者都是嘀咕不止,觉得老鸨过份了。想下层的小楼那是多么昂贵,人家都在这花了那么多钱,你让人家见一面又有何妨? However the madam actually smiles bitterly saying that customer, is not I do not make him see, is really this person pesters continuous, this one side, saw finally 56 times, if saw today, tomorrow he must come surely again!” 不过老鸨子却苦笑道,“诸位客官,不是我不让他见,实在是此人纠缠不休,他这最后一面,已经见了56次,若是今天见了,明天他必定还要再来!” The bystanders are stunned, has not thought that this Piao child unexpectedly is a rotten person, you pester like this continuous, is worth? 围观者都是愕然,没想到这朴公子竟然是个烂人,你这样纠缠不休,值得么? Those who make everybody surprised is, the Piao child bypasses the goon, splash kneels down unexpectedly before the procuress, the entreaty said, eldest sister, you again make me see one side the pearl, you act charitably, you show mercy......” 更让大家惊讶的是,朴公子绕过打手,竟然扑嗵一下跪在老鸨面前,哀求道,“大姐,你就再让我见珍珠一面,你就行行好吧,你就大发慈悲吧……” Hong Mengni also understood the reason at this moment, she looked that Piao child is really pitiful, then spills the Ye Kong sleeves, making Ye Kong help him help. 洪梦妮此刻也明白了缘由,她看那朴公子实在可怜,便拉拉叶空衣袖,让叶空帮他一帮。 Actually Ye Kong was a little also unable to continue watching, nods, walks. Actually gave that Piao child is a foot, one trampled to turn it, in the mouth scolded, son knelt, nothing but Heaven and Earth own Master! You to see a prostitute child, give the procuress to kneel down, like your this man radically not can be regarded man! Awakes! Goes back well relieved cultivate!” 其实叶空也有点看不下去了,点点头,走过去。却是给了那朴公子就是一脚,一下将其踹翻,口中骂道,“男儿所跪,无非天地君亲师!你为见一个妓子,就给老鸨下跪,象你这种男人根本算不得男人!醒醒吧!回去好好安心修炼!” Although Hong Mengni stares, when knows Ye Kong, although hits him to scold him, is the good intention, hopes that this person buoys up, Hong Mengni also secretly nods. 洪梦妮虽然一愣,不过当知道叶空虽然打他骂他,也是好意,希望此人振作起来,洪梦妮也是暗自点头。 However the Piao child actually crawls, the anger said, what you do understand? I and pearl being on intimate terms falls in love, feels sorry not to have met sooner, she loves me, I also love her, I cannot one day not see her, cannot see her, does cultivate have what significance?” 不过朴公子却又爬过来,怒道,“你懂什么?我和珍珠相亲相爱,相见恨晚,她爱我,我也爱她,我不能一日不见她,见不到她,修炼又有何意义?” Incurable, is really weak, in the brothel said that anything is on intimate terms to fall in love.” Ye Kong shakes the head speechless. “无可救药,真是幼稚,在青楼中说什么相亲相爱。”叶空摇头无语。 The Piao child returns saying that you are not understanding!” 朴公子回道,“你懂个屁!” Wu Yong is angry, dissolute! The immortal imperial capital does not dare to speak to my family Sir like this!” 吴勇大怒,“放肆!仙帝都不敢跟我家大人这样说话!” Such remarks, the procuress and bystanders on the scene hold breath cold air. This year light Sir what background? 此言一出,在场的老鸨和围观者都倒吸一口凉气。这年轻的大人到底什么来头? „.” Ye Kong breaks Wu Yong, arrives at one side big table to sit down, opens the mouth saying that Piao child, you come. Today Ye is happy , helping your simply again.” “罢了。”叶空打断吴勇,走到一侧大桌边坐下,又开口道,“朴公子,你过来。今天叶某人心情好,索性再帮你一把。” Piao child one hear, in the heart the great happiness, gets up hastily, brushes off the lower hem, salutes saying that thanked Sir leaf the obligation. Sees the oversized person below high Lixing plain Taishuang!” 朴公子一听,心中大喜,连忙起来,掸掸衣摆,过来行礼道,“感谢叶大人大恩。在下高丽星朴太爽见过大人!” Wu Yong laughs in spite of trying not to immediately, visits prostitute too crisply, this name takes...... Pours also is really the sentence frank talk.” 吴勇顿时失笑,“嫖太爽,这名字取的……倒还真是句大实话。” The prison guards also laugh, there is a humanity, beforehand rich naturally crisp, now has squandered, naturally wanted this, might as well call not to be feeling well plain.” 众狱卒也是哈哈大笑,又有人道,“之前有钱当然爽,现在花光了,当然就要该名了,不如叫朴不爽。” Wu Yongdao, is not right, should call not to result in visits prostitute is.” 吴勇道,“不对,应该叫没得嫖才是。” Ye Kong shows a faint smile, beckons with the hand to break their teasing, in the heart actually wants saying that this high Lixing does not know on the club with Earth to have the relations, but seems like some club truly many surname. 叶空微微一笑,摆手打断他们的调侃,心中却想道,这高丽星也不知道和地球上的棒子有没有关系,不过貌似棒子确实有很多姓这个的。 Ye Kong another lifts the hand, asking plain Taishuang to sit down on the side chair, this said to the madam, this mother, troubled you to call that Wang Zhen zhu girl.” 叶空又一抬手,请朴太爽在旁边椅子上坐下,这才对老鸨子说道,“这位妈妈,麻烦你把那位王珍珠姑娘叫过来。” The procuresses do not know that who Ye Kong is, but thought that the background is not small, does not dare to decline, but urged, this Sir leaf, he was a rotten person, can you help his several times?” 老鸨也不知道叶空是什么人,不过觉得来头不小,不敢回绝,只是劝道,“这位叶大人,他就是个烂人,你能帮他几次?” The Ye Kong many words, does not lift hand to emit more than hundred immortal jade, duplicates one time, troublesome called king Miss.” 叶空也不多话,抬手放出百多块仙玉,又重复一次,“麻烦把王姑娘叫来。” This Sir also has the imposing manner to be also rich, the madam rushes to shout the person hastily. 这位大人又有气势又有钱,老鸨子连忙屁颠屁颠奔过去喊人。 a short while later, Wang Zhen zhu girl came, pours also lives pretty, skin white Ruyu, an item of paint, chest is straight. The chief among flowers building, each one girls are good. 没一会,那王珍珠姑娘就来了,倒也生得貌美,肤白如玉,目似漆点,胸脯儿挺挺动人。花魁楼嘛,个个姑娘都是不错的。 The pearl girl walks, to the Ye Kong graceful luck, the sandalwood is opening lightly seasoned, said: Has seen Sir leaf.” 珍珠姑娘走过来,对着叶空盈盈一福,檀口轻开,道:“见过叶大人。” A Ye Kong slightly nod, on the table of sleeves sweeps, on table were then many immortal jade chest. Ye Kong said, pearl girl, here has 10,000 immortal jade, asking the girl to do a matter to me.” 叶空微一点头,衣袖的桌上一扫,桌上便多了个仙玉匣。叶空道,“珍珠姑娘,这里有10000块仙玉,请姑娘给我做一件事。” Wang Zhen zhu lowers the head saying that 10,000 immortal jade, were truly many, allows somebody to have his own way the Sir to request.” 王珍珠低头道,“10000块仙玉,确实很多了,听凭大人要求。” Ye Kong haha said with a smile, how I requested you to do, did you do?” 叶空哈哈笑道,“我要求你怎么做,你都做么?” On Wang Zhen zhu face blushes, lowers the head saying that naturally, 10,000 immortal jade can make me do any matter.” 王珍珠脸上发红,低头道,“当然,10000块仙玉可以让我做任何事。” plain Taishuang is also hates in side awfully, but also thinks that this Sir leaf is a good person, who knows this fellow to shame itself unexpectedly in the presence of everyone. 朴太爽在旁边也是恨得要命,还以为这叶大人是好人,谁知这家伙竟然是想当众羞辱自己。 However Ye Kong also said, actually I called the matter that you did very simply, was only a few words, spoke a few words on the line.” He lifts hand finger/refers of plain Taishuang, said, this Piao child is grave to your sentiment root, several nearly are bewitched, my friend is unable to continue watching, making me add on one group, therefore I want to ask the girl to tell him, in the brothel does not have the true feelings, the girl does not like him, what the girl likes is only his immortal jade, making him go back relieved cultivate.” 不过叶空却又说道,“其实我叫你做的事非常的简单,只是一句话,说一句话就行。”他抬手一指朴太爽,道,“这位朴公子对你情根深重,几近着魔,我一位朋友看不下去,让我帮上一帮,所以我想请姑娘告诉他,青楼中是没有真情的,姑娘也并不喜欢他,姑娘喜欢的只是他的仙玉,让他回去安心修炼。” Ye Kong said, Wang Zhen zhu lowers the head does not speak. Ye Kong also said, „, the pearl girl, I did not compel you to say these. You can choose did not say, naturally, these 10,000 immortal jade you could not attain.” 叶空说完,王珍珠低头不语。叶空又道,“哦,珍珠姑娘,我并不是逼你说这些。你可以选择不说,当然了,这10000块仙玉你就拿不到了。” Pearl girl hesitant, finally lightly proposes the lotus steps, arrives in front of plain Taishuang. 珍珠姑娘犹豫了一下,最后还是轻提莲步,走到朴太爽面前。 The people secretly nod, Sir leaf is really wise, this plain Taishuang by such attack, was feared after is, will not linger here, relieved cultivate. 众人都是暗自点头,叶大人果然高明,这朴太爽被这样一打击,怕是以后不会流连在此,安心修炼了吧。 Has not actually thought that pearl girl opens the mouth saying that Piao child, the pearl wants to tell you are, what the pearl likes is the Piao child, but is not his money. Although this Sir leaf is good intention, but the pearl is actually not able to say the lie to the Piao child, even if many immortal jade place here, the pearl only will also say, what likes is the Piao child...... Liking is useless, the pearl asked the Piao child to forget the pearl, went back well cultivate, not must delay for my this woman who has lost her virginity......” 却没想到,那珍珠姑娘开口说道,“朴公子,珍珠想要告诉你的是,珍珠喜欢的是朴公子,而并非他的钱。这位叶大人虽然是好意,可是珍珠却无法对朴公子说出假话,纵然再多的仙玉放在这里,珍珠也只会说,喜欢的是朴公子……只是,喜欢是没用的,珍珠还是请朴公子忘记珍珠,回去好好修炼,莫要为我这个残花败柳耽误……” The pearl girl was saying, the tears tumble. plain Taishuang is also the eye socket blushes, cannot. 珍珠姑娘说着,泪水哗哗滚落。朴太爽也是眼圈发红,不能自己。 Periphery this made the person tarry but actually. To make the pearl attack plain Taishuang, has not actually thought, they also really have the sentiment, this Wang Zhen zhu under the large sum of money, still said such words unexpectedly. 这倒让周围人等都呆住了。本来想让珍珠打击一下朴太爽,却没想到,他们还真是有感情,这王珍珠在重金之下,居然依然说出那样的话。 In Hong Mengni heart is moved, arrives at side Ye Kong, spills his sleeves. Ye Kong is actually the hand turns, then Hong Mengni small hand, Hong Mengni immediately lowers the head, binaural blushes. 洪梦妮心中感动,走到叶空身边,又拉拉他衣袖。叶空却是手一翻,接着洪梦妮的小手,洪梦妮立即低头,双耳发红。 Cannot think that the world everywhere has the true feelings, Piao child and king girl sentiment but actually also moving.” The Ye Kong nod said, that place made to advocate, these 10,000 immortal jade gave the pearl girl to buy freedom, your two people must be on intimate terms to fall in love in the future, grew old together is......” “想不到人间处处有真情啊,朴公子和王姑娘这情倒也让人感动。”叶空点头道,“那本座就做个主了,这10000块仙玉就给珍珠姑娘赎身了,你二人日后更要相亲相爱,白头偕老才是……” Ye Kong has not said, the madam is not glad. In the chief among flowers building is the popular courtesan, the money tree! 10,000 immortal jade are many, but must buy freedom to the pearl girl, were too many on the difference. Moreover the pearl girl is also very red, the multi- money, she does not want again. 叶空没说完,老鸨子不乐意了。花魁楼里都是红姑娘,摇钱树!10000块仙玉不少,可是要给珍珠姑娘赎身,就差太多了。而且珍珠姑娘也挺红,再多钱,她也不想要。 This Sir leaf, you said that buys freedom buys freedom? When you chief among flowers building is inadequate that you open?” “这位叶大人,你说赎身就赎身?你当花魁楼是你开的不成?” Dissolute!” Wu Yong shouted angrily, thunderclap, one step stood in front of the procuress, then the iron tower same stature, had the constriction very much. “放肆!”吴勇怒喝一声,炸雷似的,一步就站到老鸨面前,那么铁塔一样的个子,很有压迫感。 Although that four goons somewhat feel timid, but does not have the means that has to brace oneself to go forward. 那四个打手虽然有些犯怵,不过也没办法,只好硬着头皮上前。 Iron prison mountain causes difficulties for others, miscellaneous personnel makes concessions!” In a prison guard gang foreman harsh throat roar, more than ten cruel prison guards are thin crash-bang well up on. “铁狱山拿人,闲杂人等退让!”狱卒领班破锣嗓子一吼,十多个如狼似虎的狱卒稀里哗啦一涌而上。 How could the procuress has seen this scene, heard that the iron prison mountain three characters at heart trembled, the leg and foot becomes tender, roars thump kneels down, Sir, Sir leaf forgives.” 那老鸨何曾见过这种场面,听说铁狱山三个字就心里哆嗦了,腿脚发软,哄咚跪下,“大人,叶大人饶命。” Ye Kong said, I do not want you to assign, here 10,000 immortal jade take away, brings the indenture of sale of person into servitude of Wang Zhen zhu girl.” 叶空道,“我才不要你命,这里10000仙玉拿去,把王珍珠姑娘的卖身契拿来。” The small trail, where has any indenture of sale of person into servitude, the Immortal World brothel locks the soul contract.” 小雪道,“哪有什么卖身契,仙界青楼都是锁魂契约。” Actually this lock soul contract is the immortal favors the contract to be similar, a side can terminate an agreement, another side actually receives the contract to control, inescapable. 其实这锁魂契约就是和仙宠契约类似,一方可以解约,另一方却受契约控制,无法逃脱。 Actually by Ye Kong their present Cultivation Base, does not need the procuress to agree, can solve to go forcefully. However the procuress does not dare saying that the solution goes to the lock soul contract of pearl girl, this girl was henceforth free. 其实以叶空他们现在的修为,不用老鸨同意,也可以强行解去。不过老鸨也不敢多说,解去珍珠姑娘的锁魂契约,这女孩从此就自由了。 plain Taishuang and Wang Zhen zhu have not thought that really on the day of really has, cries on each other's shoulders. 朴太爽和王珍珠没有想到竟然真有这天,都抱头痛哭。 Wu Yongleng snort/hum said, calculates you to know the limitation, does not let infiltrate the Tianzihao prison you, will close you in 3000, every day was beaten the soul to refine the pain of soul by that!” 吴勇冷哼道,“算你识相,不让将你打入天字号大牢,关你3000年,每日受那拷魂炼魄之苦!” The procuresses frighten tremble, puts out immortal jade, said, pearl, my son, mother does not hate you to walk. This immortal jade you are taking, later some ordinary life.” 老鸨吓得一哆嗦,又拿出一笔仙玉,说道,“珍珠,我的儿啊,妈妈也是舍不得你走啊。这点仙玉你拿着,以后过些平常生活吧。” Afterward, after pearl girl apologized Ye Kong and Hong Mengni, returned to the room to tidy up salutes, the preparation instantly walks. 随后,珍珠姑娘谢过叶空和洪梦妮以后,回屋收拾行礼,准备即刻就走。 But that plain Taishuang actually wipes tears, cups one hand in the other across the chest a ritual to Ye Kong, respectful sound said, Sir thanked the benevolence, too not thinks the report crisply. For these days, too loafed crisply outside, lends money to get by, heard the Sir was seeking for a fleeing criminal. Luckily, few days ago I little building lower level, was sold to a sound high-pitched and fine person......” 而那朴太爽却是擦干眼泪,对叶空拱手一礼,恭声道,“谢大人恩情,太爽无以为报。这几天,太爽在外游荡,借钱度日,也听说了大人正在寻找一名逃犯。巧的是,前些日子我将下层的小楼,就是卖给一个声音尖细之人……”
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