MC :: Volume #14

#1313: Has to seek the god of medicine

Chapter 1313 has to seek the god of medicine 第1313章有求药王 The trade fairs of five big companies had already ended, but Hong Mengni has not actually walked, has lingered for more than ten days on the Jubao great boat. What although she said comes this rarely, when kept on the several th, the help many Immortal sensibility broke through. However Li Yao saw, Hong Mengni this is to wait for the opportunity and Ye Kong talks about old days. 五大商号的交易会早就结束了,不过洪梦妮却没有走,在聚宝巨舟上盘桓了十多天。虽然她说的是难得来此,当多留几日,帮助更多的仙人感悟突破。不过李鹞还是看出,洪梦妮这是想等机会和叶空叙旧一番。 However these ten days, Ye Kong is busy looking for Wang Yue radically, throws the brain , after this matter thoroughly. 不过这十来天,叶空根本忙着找汪岳,彻底把这事扔到脑后。 Therefore at this moment listened to a person saying, Ye Kong then to pat the brain way: She has not walked luckily, I have forgotten, actually I have the important matter to look for her.” 因此此刻听来人一说,叶空这才一拍脑门道:“幸好她还没走,我都忘了,其实我也有重要事情找她啊。” Comes the person is a man, listening to him to say like this, in the heart despised, you went to and Hong Mengni girl love affair, as we all know, why shipped out has the proper matter to be ordinary. 来人是个男子,听他这样说,心中鄙视,你去和洪梦妮姑娘风花雪月,大家都知道,何必装出有正经事一般。 Actually before Ye Kong, sees Hong Mengni, in the heart except to want to ask her these years situations, moreover is something, should, but also is really important! Development level under seeking for Wang Yue! 其实叶空之前看见洪梦妮,心中除了想问下她这些年的情况,另外也是有些事情,应该来说,还真重要!重要程度一点不下于寻找汪岳! Front guides.” Ye Kong makes that person lead the way immediately, simultaneously draws in Wu Yong Kuang Peng. “前边带路。”叶空立即让那人引路,同时又拉上吴勇狂鹏 Wu Yongben does not want to go, Wang Yue on hidden in community, does not permit to search, I am waiting outside, perhaps also has the discovery. However Ye Kong makes the prison guard defend, carries off Wu Yongying. 吴勇本不想去,汪岳就隐在小区中,不准去搜,我在外边等着,说不定也有发现。不过叶空却让狱卒守着,把吴勇硬拉走。 Wu Yong and Kuang Peng have not listened to the dream zither music, can perhaps therefore sense, this opportunity cannot miss. 吴勇和狂鹏都从来没有听过梦妮琴音,说不定能因此感悟呢,这种机会可不能错过。 Naturally, except for Wu Yong and Kuang Peng, other prison guards, if wants, can go together. The dream girl must go back the mildew territory, later wanted to listen to her to play again was difficult, therefore before several listened to the prison guard of performance to stay behind, other prison guards completely with. 当然了,除了吴勇和狂鹏,其他的狱卒若是愿意,也可以一起去。梦妮姑娘就要回去白毛域,以后想要再听她演奏就难了,所以除了几个以前听过演奏的狱卒留下,其他狱卒全部跟去。 People under leading, on the staircase crosses the channel together, this great boat was truly great, walked some little time, this saw the front piece of red candle to be free, male Fairy immortals of innumerable seeking pleasure shuttled back and forth, had betrays pretty girl handsome guy of body to peddle the business much. 众人在带领下,一起上楼梯过通道,这巨舟确实宏大,走了好一会,这才看见前方一片红灯招摇,无数寻欢的男仙女仙在其中穿梭,更有不少出卖身体的靓女帅男在兜售生意。 A Ye Kong brow wrinkle, said: How can dream Miss the Dwelling arrangement here.” 叶空眉头一皱,道:“怎么能把梦妮小姐住处安排在这里。” The humanity of leading the way: This is the dream Miss request, the big boss is asked her the welcome building to stay, but she said that she is the female who opens the door to sell the sound, should live here, here she can also play several times, if the welcome building lives, might as well here.” 引路之人道:“这是梦妮小姐的要求,本来大老板是请她去迎宾楼住下,不过她说她本来就是开门卖音的女子,就该住在这里,在这里她还可以多弹奏几次,若是去迎宾楼住着,还不如这里。” Ye Kong also only then nods, although Hong Mengni earns living does not sell into servitude, but looks like from others, truly is the prostitute child. Naturally, Ye Kong will not have regarded brothel women her absolutely, reason that Ye Kong believes her so , because this can attract more people to listen to her to play, but she helps others at the same time, can find the strength of own that Heavenly Dao. 叶空也只有点头,虽然洪梦妮卖艺不卖身,可是从别人看来,也确实是个妓子。当然了,叶空绝对不会真的把她当成一个风尘女子的,叶空更相信她之所以如此,就是因为这样可以吸引更多的人听她弹奏,而她帮助别人的同时,也能找到自己的那份天道之力。 This entire was the red-light district on Jubao great boat, debauchery, attractively dressed boys and girls, piece of base scenery. Under the person's of showing the way introduction, Ye Kong knows, here also has the different districts. For example some places are the places of man seeking pleasure, but the opposite is the place of female Immortal seeking pleasure. But is the segmentation asks the female region and male to look for the male region and female for male looks for the male region, the female looks for the female region. 这一整层就是聚宝巨舟上的红灯区了,灯红酒绿,红男绿女,一片靡靡的景色。在领路之人的介绍下,叶空才知道,这里也是有不同分区的。比如有的地方就是男人寻欢之处,而对面就是女仙人找乐之处。而其中更是细分为男找女的区域、男找男的区域和女找男的区域,女找女的区域。 In addition has the free zone, can know there male Immortal and female Immortal mutually, is ordinary with the Earth bar, then looked that mutually the cross-eye can go to the room. 另外还有自由区,在那里男仙人和女仙人可以自己互相认识,就跟地球酒吧一般,然后互相看对眼就可以去开房间。 Ye Kong listened to these introduction heart sighs, oneself this hoodlum has done without charge, has not thought that here unexpectedly also these many messy matters, he listened not to hear before. 叶空听了这些介绍心头感叹啊,自己这流氓真是白做了,没想到这里竟然还有这么多乱七八糟的事,他以前听都没听说。 But in the red-light district an upscaleest region, inside has an upscaleest brothel, named chief among flowers work place. The meaning was here completely is the chief among flowers, the ordinary people cannot spend, but the dream girl lived here. 而红灯区中最高档的一个区域,里边有一家最高档的青楼,名叫花魁坊。意思就是这里全部都是花魁了,一般的人都消费不去的,而梦妮姑娘就住在这边。 This meeting, chief among flowers Fangqian as before is a busy picture, many people heard that the dream girl must walk, wants to listen to this last. Naturally many young men are also interesting to the dream girl, want to pursue, daily listens to him to play a stringed musical instrument, how could it not be quick? 这会,花魁坊前依旧是一片繁忙景象,很多人都听说梦妮姑娘要走了,想来听这最后一曲。当然也不乏年轻男子对梦妮姑娘有意思,想要追求回去,日日听其弹琴,岂不快哉? Sir, the front door is crowded, we go through the motions.” The person of leading the way brings Ye Kong they to bypass, moves toward the back door of chief among flowers work place. “大人,前门拥挤,我们走后门。”引路之人带着叶空他们绕过一圈,走向花魁坊的后门。 Has not actually thought, the back door is also same busy, same watertight. If the front door waits, mostly wants to listen to the zither music ordinary Immortal, that back door waits for the playboy who basically wants to soak Hong Mengni, Yushu of putting on faces the wind, loose clean, whited sepulchre, defeat cotton wool in which...... 却没想到,后门也是一样的繁忙,一样的水泄不通。如果说前门守候的,大多是想听琴音的普通仙人,那后门等待的基本上就是想泡洪梦妮的公子哥儿,一个个穿的玉树临风,风流倜傥,金玉其外,败絮其中…… Halts!” Suddenly several magnificence clothes youngster keep off in front of Ye Kong, gets angry: Has the public-spirited, we waited entire the day, do you want to join a production team?” “站住!”突然有几个华衣少年挡在叶空面前,怒道:“有没有公德心,我们都等了整整一天,你们就想插队?” The person of showing the way said hastily: This young master please make way, Sir leaf is the old friend of dream girl......” 领路之人连忙道:“这位公子请让开,叶大人是梦妮姑娘的故友……” As soon as these magnificence clothes youngster listened not to be feeling well. Ye Kong restored the true self at this moment, young, in others opinion, the second generation of rich of which rich and powerful family is also, but these youngster obviously are the second generations of rich. 那些华衣少年一听就不爽了。叶空此刻已经恢复本来面目,年纪轻轻,在别人看来,也是哪个豪门的富二代,而这些少年显然都是富二代。 Swings the youngster of folding fan saying: Sir leaf? Which Immortal Emperor's Residence does not know, several immortal general?” 一个摇着折扇的少年道:“叶大人?不知道在哪家仙帝府,几品仙将?” Another is the ridicule said, looks at his age perhaps is five immortal general.” 另一个则是讥讽道,“看他年纪说不定就是个五品仙将吧。” A person of bending at the waist flattered immediately: Yes, small immortal general has any great, but our these two Western Immortal Emperor subordinates two immortal general young palace guards......” 一个弓腰的人立即奉承道:“是呀是呀,一个小小仙将有什么了不起,我们这两位可是西方仙帝麾下二品仙将的小衙内……” Ye Kong has not wanted to stir up trouble, one hear of Western Immortal Emperor government offices, haha said with a smile immediately: „The Western Emperor mansion does not have the person of brain, Peng Wenkao has not told you, has surnamed Ye can't provoke?” 叶空本来还不想惹事,一听西方仙帝府,顿时哈哈笑道:“西帝府都是没脑子之人,彭文考没告诉过你们,有个姓叶的不能招惹么?” Ye Kong said, Wu Yong bellows, iron prison mountain management, takes to me!” 叶空说完,吴勇大吼一声,“铁狱山办事,给我拿下!” On prison guard cruel throwing, holds down that two people. Here is unable to use the immortal strength, but with the strength, that several youngster is not the match of prison guard, immediately, all knocks down, the prison guards uniform posture, the knee is pressing their scruffs, instead leaves their both hands. 众狱卒如狼似虎的扑上,将那二人按住。在这里是无法动用仙力的,不过凭着力气,那几个少年也不是狱卒的对手,顿时,全都都撂倒,狱卒们清一色的姿势,膝盖压着他们后颈,反别他们双手。 As soon as other person of numerous listen, frightens hurries to retrocede. Must know, iron prison mountain can/but is no one can stir up. 其他人众一听,都吓得赶紧后退。要知道,铁狱山可不是谁都惹得起的。 In the second generation of rich hearts of these Western Emperor government offices complained constantly, each one guessed correctly what this was surnamed Ye was , the person who oneself immortal imperial capital was not willing to provoke, was actually met by oneself, was really but actually eight lifetime blood mildew. Opens the mouth to beg for mercy hastily. 那些西帝府的富二代心中叫苦不迭,个个都猜到这姓叶的是谁,自家仙帝都不愿招惹的人,却被自己遇上,真是倒了八辈子血霉。一个个连忙开口求饶。 The person of leading the way also urged: Sir leaf, this makes an arrest on our ship, is not quite good......” 引路之人也劝道:“叶大人,这在我们船上抓人,不太好吧……” Ye Kong is not feeling well at heart, various my iron prison mountain Immortal Emperor's Residence can make an arrest continually, how to manage on your ship? However he does not want to get into a deadlock with Li Yao, oneself catch Wang Yue also to others coordinate, only then sells a face. 叶空心里不爽,我铁狱山连各家仙帝府都能抓人,怎么就管不到你船上?不过他并不想和李鹞闹僵,自己抓汪岳还得人家配合,也只有卖个面子。 Good, looks in the share Shangrao of Mr. Li big their one time, lets loose them, making each of them slap 500, this matter relinquishes, otherwise, you forever hide in this tortoise shell!” Ye Kong said, the stride enters back door. “好吧,看在李大老板的份上饶他们一次,放开他们,让他们每人掌嘴500,此事就作罢,否则,你们就永远躲在这龟壳里吧!”叶空说完,大步走进后门。 Although Ye Kong and prison guards walked, but that several people actually do not dare not to slap, if really offended Ye Kong, that was not the matter of slapping. 虽然叶空和众狱卒走了,可是那几人却不敢不掌嘴,若真是得罪了叶空,那就不是掌嘴的事了。 Walks into building hall, the zither music winds around, the dream girl just started to play last. Ye Kong beckons with the hand to hint do not disturb, calmly waits in one side with the prison guards. 走入楼堂之中,琴音缭绕,梦妮姑娘刚开始奏最后一曲。叶空摆手示意不要打扰,和众狱卒在一侧静静等候。 Dream concentrates on the tweedle, element plays a qin, the long hair shawl, in carving flower incense burner has the light sandalwood ascension to wind around, the stance may be called beautiful. 梦妮专注在琴声中,素手抚琴,长发披肩,身边的雕花香炉中有淡淡檀香升腾缭绕,姿态堪称绝美。 The zither music is easy, lets the person thoughts hundred knots, but to Late Stage, the sound greatly has put suddenly...... Must according to the Ye Kong's view, be the constipation suddenly has solved, releases like the note, is really refreshed! 琴音优柔婉转,让人心思百结,但是到了后期,突然又声音大放……要按叶空的说法,就是便秘突然解决了,一泄如注,真是爽快! Actually this is Hong Mengni latest performance way, first makes the strength of several Heavenly Dao show larger part in the zither music, may actually leave behind one less than half not to play. Waits for finally, again suddenly the strength of these Heavenly Dao finally, the complete irrigation in the zither music, divulges, the effect is extremely good! 其实这正是洪梦妮最新的演奏方式,先让数种天道之力在琴音中展现一大半,可却留下一小半就是不奏。等最后,再突然把这些天道之力最后一点,全部灌注在琴音中,宣泄而出,效果极佳! When Hong Mengni plays, the people are still tasting, but she actually turned the head, to Ye Kong, is smiling. The hundred flowers have been in full bloom generally. 等洪梦妮奏完,众人还在回味,而她却已经转过头来,对着叶空,嫣然一笑。百花都盛开了一般。 Long time, Kuang Peng spoke to sigh: Senses by the zither music helping other, dream girl, really strange its technique.” He is first time hears this zither music, therefore the effect is strongest. Although has not broken through, but actually rose the peak the strength of his wind and thunder, now Kuang Peng arrived at the condition in superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal peak. 良久,狂鹏才出言叹道:“以琴音助人感悟,梦妮姑娘,果然神乎其技。”他是第一次听见这琴音,所以效果最强。虽然没有突破,可是却已经把他的风雷之力升到了顶端,现在狂鹏已经到了上等大罗金仙顶端的状态了。 Does not have any effect to Wu Yong actually, he listened to Hong Mengni to play in the mildew territory before, therefore the effect was not that strong. 对吴勇倒是没什么效果,他以前在白毛域听过洪梦妮演奏,所以效果也不是那么强了。 However a Ye Kong behind prison guard listens to the zither music, is unexpectedly motionless for a long time for a long time, the still tastes. Ye Kong and the others do not disturb, some little time, this talented person loudly shouted one, passed, I understood.” 不过叶空身后的一个狱卒听完琴音,竟然好久好久都不动一下,犹自回味。叶空等人也不去打扰,好一会,这人才大呼一声,“通了,我明白了。” Instantaneous, the golden light projects from his body, is forever glorious, breakthrough first-level. 瞬间,金光从他身体中射出,光芒万丈,突破一级。 The people thanked Hong Mengni, this had the time to let Ye Kong and Hong Mengni chats alone. Naturally, must have flurry translator. 众人谢完洪梦妮,这才有时间让叶空和洪梦妮单独叙话。当然了,少不了小雪这个翻译。 For a long time does not see, the flurry has grown up, embarrassed talked nonsense with Ye Kong. 好久不见,小雪长大了,也不好意思跟叶空那么胡说八道了。 Ye Kong asked Hong Mengni these years life first, small trail: These years did not cross on the pleasure boat of salt first star, day after day, year after year......” 叶空先问起洪梦妮这些年的生活,小雪道:“这些年还不就是在盐首星的花船上渡过,日复一日,年复一年……” Listens touching that the flurry said that the resentful woman is common, but Ye Kong actually sees Hong Mengni face glowing with health, immediately asked: „The dream girl did you also make the breakthrough on the zither music?” 听小雪说的凄婉,怨妇一般,不过叶空却看见洪梦妮容光焕发,当下问道:“梦妮姑娘你是不是在琴音上又有突破了?” Dream writes on flurry: Good, recently pondered over to play the law much, moreover feels the confusion in brain to eliminate much, occasionally actually more than once hears the sound, if according to this speed, several 20 years later, can straighten out completely, has the strength of own Heavenly Dao.” 梦妮在小雪手上写到:“不错,最近又琢磨出不少奏法,而且感觉到大脑中的混乱消除不少,偶尔竟然不止一次听到声音,如果按这个速度来,十几20年后,就可以完全理顺,拥有自己的天道之力了。” No wonder her mood so good. Nod that Ye Kong feels relieved, said: Actually my this time, an important matter, my two brothers lacked a medicine pill recuperation a moment ago, I want to inquire that previous time to you old man of pill of immortality, is the god of medicine in four Sir kings, do you have not to have the means to help me contact with him?” 怪不得她心情如此的好。叶空放心的点点头,又道:“其实我这次来,还有个重要的事情,刚才我那两个兄弟缺少一种丹药调理,我想打听一下上次给你仙丹的老者,就是四大人王中的药王,你有没办法帮我联系到他?” Ye Kong looks for Hong Mengni is this matter. Ye Kong thinks it over, that god of medicine in the salt first star activity, all for oneself, surely does not have other matters surely, moreover is very possible and Hong Mengni has the relation, otherwise initially that medicine pill will not make Hong Mengni give itself! 叶空来找洪梦妮就是这个事。叶空思来想去,那药王在盐首星活动,必定不全是为了自己,必定有其他事情,而且很可能和洪梦妮有联系,否则当初那丹药就不会让洪梦妮给自己! But two months later was the date of Kuang Peng husband and wife meeting, Ye Kong wants to find medicine pill to cure the unmentionable diseasea to Kuang Peng as soon as possible...... Therefore of that day sees Hong Mengni, Ye Kong has thought that good to take this path, relates the god of medicine through Hong Mengni. 而两个月后就是狂鹏夫妻相见之日,叶空想要尽快找到丹药狂鹏治好暗疾……所以那天一眼看到洪梦妮,叶空就已经想好能不能走这条路子,通过洪梦妮联系药王。 Really, Hong Mengni has not spoken, but nods. 果然,洪梦妮没有说话,只是点点头。 The Ye Kong great happiness, oneself have not guessed wrong, Hong Mengni and god of medicine old man have the relation! Kuang Peng had to govern! 叶空大喜,自己没猜错,洪梦妮和药王老头是有联系的!狂鹏有治了! En, said that the time is somewhat hurried, this......” Ye Kong takes out a jade Cambodia, Kuang Peng and a Wu's brave situation saying, was because in the immortal light furnace refine the body, caused somewhere unable to use, has any medicine pill to govern also please help, extremely thanked, the boy presented another's regards respect. “恩,这么说吧,时间有些匆忙,这样……”叶空取出一块玉柬,把狂鹏和吴勇的情况一说,是因为仙光熔炉中炼体,导致某处无法使用,有什么丹药可治还请帮忙,万分感谢,小子拜上。 Interpolates the content, adds on one/1st Layer to ban, believing the god of medicine can untie. Does not feel relieved Hong Mengni not actually, but involves the personal secrets issue of friend, these are necessary. 把内容写进,又加上一层禁制,相信药王可以解开。倒不是不放心洪梦妮,而是涉及朋友的私隐问题,这些都是必要的。 Please as soon as possible help me give the god of medicine senior this, thanked the graciousness of life-saving for me to him while convenient.” Ye Kong sends to jade Cambodia. “请尽快帮我将此交给药王前辈,顺便代我向他感谢救命之恩。”叶空送上玉柬。 At this time, actually heard outside one to clamor. 这时,却又听见外边一阵喧哗。
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