MC :: Volume #14

#1312: Searches Wang Yue

Chapter 1312 searches Wang Yue 第1312章查找汪岳 In sea level uneventful, the distant place a little selects the sea gull to sound, makes the distant sound, strikes against the sound of steamship along with the sea tide, appears so spacious. 海面上风平浪静,远处有点点海鸥鸣叫,发出悠远的声音,伴随着海潮拍击大船之声,显得如此空旷。 But in the distant place, counts light shadow, is similar to the electricity shoots, dashes to the main city direction. 而在更远处,数点光影,如同电射,飞奔向主城方向。 Waits for Ye Kong they to rush, already late one step. 叶空他们三人奔出,已经迟了一步。 Thinks that was Wang Yue and the others already thinks, outside the Jubao great boat was the most dangerous place. Therefore they leave the stage ahead of time, come out to directly soar the exit|to speak, one step does not stay. 想必是汪岳等人早就想到,聚宝巨舟外正是最危险处。因此他们提前退场,出来就直奔出口,一步都不停留。 After coming out, is divided into five groups, runs away to return to the city! 出来以后,又分成五组,逃回城中! This Jubao great boat distance main city is not quite far, even if the Ye Kong under foot seven pink clouds speeds are astonishing, that was also without enough time. Cannot make war to make an arrest sky over the main city, don't forget, this was Mani star! The follower who Mani teaches many enough to be drown to death they with the saliva! 这聚宝巨舟距离主城也不太远,就算叶空脚下七彩云速度惊人,那也是来不及了。总不能在主城上空开战抓人吧,别忘了,这可是玛尼星!玛尼教的信徒多到可以用口水淹死他们! Ye Kong rushes to the transaction hall time, has sent out the making an arrest signal with own gold crime immortal rope. Although this gold crime immortal rope was also limited in the great boat, but sends the signal to the subordinate the function also. 叶空奔出交易厅的时候,已经用自己的金质罪仙索发出抓人信号。这金质罪仙索虽然在巨舟中也被限制,不过向下属发信号的功能还在。 Feels sorry for these prison guards, some just led the girl to enter the room, but also some just detained the large sum of money in the gambling establishment...... However these are unimportant. 可怜那些狱卒,有的刚带着姑娘进屋,还有的刚在赌场押下重金……不过这些都不重要了。 For them, the order is the life is ordinary! 对他们来说,命令就是生命一般! Ten prison guards come also quick, Ye Kong just arrived, they came, many, it seems like these prison guard qualities are good. 十个狱卒来的也快,叶空刚到,他们就都来了,一个不少,看来这些狱卒素质还是不错的。 However, they are quick, has not caught up. 不过,他们再快,也没有赶上。 The Wu Yong annoying say/way, fails when success seemed within reach! Is slow one step!” 吴勇懊恼道,“功败垂成啊!就慢一步!” The prison guards cup one hand in the other across the chest saying that Sir, how does deal now?” 众狱卒都拱手道,“大人,现在如何应对?” Ye Kong is also in the heart talks, was slow one step, own brain has not thought that the earliest possible time arrived at outside? 叶空也是心中大叹,就是慢了一步,自己的脑子怎么就没想到第一时间到外边等呢? Is worrying, a female reception goes forward leisurely, asks, does not know that which is leaf Yu the standard of iron prison mountain?” 正在烦恼间,一个女接待款款上前,问道,“不知哪位是铁狱山的叶狱典?” Ye Kong then takes off the mask, said, I am.” 叶空这才摘下面具,道,“我就是。” The female reception said, Sir leaf, received Mr. Li's order a moment ago, making me coordinate you.” 女接待道,“叶大人,刚才接到李老板的命令,让我配合你们。” The Ye Kong nod said, that you have a look, has this person you seen?” 叶空点头道,“那你看看,这个人你见过没有?” Then, he takes out Wang Yue portrait from the universe bag, this is also the secret code number work. So long as the person of Immortal World a little positive result, the look of their look and family member has the backup in the secret code number, momentarily can discover. 说完,他从乾坤袋中取出汪岳的画像,这也是密字号的作品。只要仙界有点名堂的人,他们的相貌和家人的相貌都在密字号有备份,随时可以找出。 The female reception received looked, shakes the head saying that is not right, is not this person. In the Buddhist priest who came a moment ago did not have this appearance, the skin of that lead was black.” 女接待接过一看,摇头道,“不对,不是这人。刚才来的僧人中没有这个模样的,那个领头的皮肤黑黑的。” Wu Yongji said, look does not permit, very possible was changed/easy appearance/allow, and I asked you, that took the lead to put on the big monk of cassock, was his voice very high-pitched and fine? Is ordinary like the woman.” 吴勇急道,“相貌不准,很可能是易容了,我且问你,那领头穿着袈裟的大和尚,他嗓音是不是很尖细?象女人一般。” Is.” The female reception nods hastily. “正是正是。”女接待连忙点头。 Wu Yong heaved a deep sigh, pats thigh saying that slow one step, making Wang Yue this wicked very run away! Destiny so?” 吴勇长叹一声,拍着大腿道,“慢了一步,让汪岳这恶贼逃走!难道天命如此?” That female reception actually doubts saying that runs away? No. With walked, only then he who he comes out has not walked, goes back in the boat.” 那女接待却是疑道,“逃走?没有啊。和他一起出来的都走了,只有他没走,又回去舟中。” Wu Yong immediately great happiness, right! Wang Yuepa was discovered by us, will not go back in the city surely! His condemn person goes back to deliver goods, oneself have not actually gone back!” 吴勇顿时大喜,“对呀!汪岳怕被我们发现,必定不会回去城中!他谴人回去送货,自己却没有回去!” The Ye Kong big hand wields, comes the person! Portrait! The entire ship apprehends!” 叶空大手一挥,“来人!画像!全船捉拿!” This Jubao great boat scale is huge, ten prison guards are really insufficient. Ye Kong guards the ten prison guards in native place to move immediately. 这聚宝巨舟规模巨大,十来个狱卒还真是不够用。叶空立即又把守老家的十个狱卒调来。 Although Li Yao said is not good on her ship makes an arrest, but I find the person not to relate. Ye Kong assigns Kuang Peng to lead several prison guards to defend outside the boat, he and other Wu Yong as well as prison guards disperse on the ship, seeks to inquire Wang Yue trail. 虽然李鹞说了不好在她船上抓人,可是我找人没关系吧。叶空狂鹏带着几个狱卒守在舟外,他和吴勇以及其他狱卒在船上分散开,寻找打听汪岳的踪迹。 As the matter stands, Ye Kong wants to hide the identity unable to keep. On the great boat there are many service people are the followers who Mani teaches, That side quick Zhou Jiajun knew. 这样一来,叶空想隐藏身份就藏不住了。巨舟上有不少服务员都是玛尼教的信徒,很快周佳俊那边就知道了。 Snort! Was inferior that I have some manpower, goes to outside the great boat, draws out the Ye Kong person and others, its one and annihilates!” On journey Yipeng face ugly and ferocious-looking vibration, is ferocious. “哼!不如我带些人手,去巨舟外,引出叶空人等,将其一并歼灭!”程义鹏脸上横肉抖动,凶相毕露。 Zhou Jiajun actually shakes the head. Improper. Mr. Li big does not make him make an arrest on the ship, is not willing to have no consideration for face with us. But if we attack Ye Kong, this is not that woman is willing to see, this act compels her make a move surely, cannot the potassium alum however handle affairs.” 周佳俊却是摇头。“不妥。那李大老板不让他在船上抓人,就是不愿和我们撕破脸。可如果我们去袭击叶空,这也不是那女人愿意看见的,此举必定逼得她出手,不可茂然行事。” But I had a mortal hatred of that boy, I hated he fitted out the female the time, how to have struck to kill him at one fell swoop?” journey Yipeng uses hand agitated to fire/rub the smooth head. “可是我恨死那小子了,我就恨他装成女子的时候,怎么没有一举击杀他呢?”程义鹏用手烦躁地撸着光溜溜的脑袋。 „The past matter should not be annoyed. Amitabha, the Buddha language cloud opportunity is not common, the flower fell in a flash. The boy has done in a big way, we currently really did not have the means that did not say other, his gold crime immortal rope, Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal and below, a body captures. Do you go to cope with him?” “过去的事就不要懊恼了。阿弥陀佛,佛语云时机不常有,转瞬花已落。那小子已经做大,我们目前还真没办法,不说其他,就他那条金质罪仙索,罗天上仙及以下,一体擒拿。你去就可以对付他嘛?” Has not thought that this boy growth is so quick, I must hide him now.” journey Yipeng annoying pats the leg, said, we didn't have the means to cope with him?” “没想到这小子成长这么快,我现在都要躲着他了。”程义鹏懊恼的一拍腿,道,“难道我们就没有办法对付他了么?” Zhou Jiajun said with a smile, naturally had, so long as my achievement Immortal Monarch, his gold crime immortal rope how me...... When the time comes makes Wang Yue make the bait, tempts him, strikes to kill it at one fell swoop, forever never recurring trouble!” 周佳俊笑道,“当然有,只要我成就仙君,他的金质罪仙索就奈何不了我……到时候让汪岳做饵,诱出他,将其一举击杀,永绝后患!” Zhou Jiajun said, pounds on the table, the imposing manner is astonishing. 周佳俊说完,啪的一拍桌子,气势惊人。 Good!” journey Yipeng was inspired, is claps excitedly. “好!”程义鹏受到鼓舞,也是击掌兴奋。 Zhou Jiajun also told, let Wang Yue once more changed/easy appearance/allow, mixed on the Jubao great boat, hides carefully, endured in half a month, then peace throughout the country!” 周佳俊又吩咐道,“让汪岳再次易容,混在聚宝巨舟上,小心躲藏,熬过这半个月,便天下太平!” Yes!” journey Yipeng holds the fist in the other hand , asked that „can the strength of Heavenly Tribulation that they sent to Shanghai Normal College Transcend Tribulation helpful?” “是!”程义鹏一抱拳,又问道,“那他们送来的天劫之力对大上师渡劫可有帮助?” Zhou Jiajun opens the mouth haha to say with a smile, naturally helpful!” Smiles, the complexion is actually one ferocious, cold say/way, that five company this act wants to let me in final moment not relieved Transcend Tribulation, but is studies the strength of that anything nuisance Heavenly Tribulation! Plans viciously, his heart may execute! Behind them surely is these temples of Manichaeism, waits for this matter to be certain, I subdue these five companies!” 周佳俊开口哈哈笑道,“当然有帮助!”笑完,脸色却是一狞,冷道,“那五家商号此举是想让我在最后关头不安心渡劫,而是去研究那什么劳什子天劫之力!算计狠毒,其心可诛!他们背后必定是那些摩尼教的寺庙,等此事一定,我非剿平这五家商号!” journey Yipeng this time was understood, originally at this moment the strength of sudden Heavenly Tribulation was not a good deed, but some people planned carefully. 程义鹏这回算是明白了,原来此刻突然出现的天劫之力并非好事,而是有人精心算计的。 journey Yipeng the startled say/way, unexpectedly is this! That Shanghai Normal College you......” 程义鹏惊道,“竟然是这样!那大上师你……” Zhou Jiajun said with a smile, they do not know, this page had other functions to my Transcend Tribulation, has helped me greatly!” 周佳俊却是笑道,“不过他们不知道,这张书页对我渡劫却有其他作用,正是大大助了我!” Zhou Jiajun raises head to laugh. journey Yipeng proclaimed sound Amitabha, opens the mouth saying that fine, we will be Buddhists, the Buddha also will also bless our!” 周佳俊仰头大笑。程义鹏宣了声阿弥陀佛,开口道,“善哉,我们也是佛门弟子,佛祖也会保佑我们的啊!” On the Jubao great boat, Li Yingru Immortal Monarch has discovered the issue, then to sending the embroidered shoes unexpectedly are not step cloud Lv, but is one pair results in ordinary cannot the ordinary embroidered shoes! 聚宝巨舟上,黎影汝仙君已经发现了问题,那对送来的绣花鞋竟然并非步云履,而是一双普通得不能再普通的绣花鞋! Those who most make Lebanese Immortal Monarch angry is, this embroidered shoes others wear the worn-out shoes that remains unexpectedly! The shoe sole had the soil, the shoe heel also rubs through! 最让黎仙君愤怒的是,这双绣花鞋竟然还是别人穿剩的破鞋!鞋底有泥土,鞋后跟还磨破了! Shameless rascal, bullies me unexpectedly! If this Immortal Monarch catches you, necessity tears to shreds you, hate of side solution heart!” “无耻泼才,竟然欺我!若是本仙君抓到你,必要将你碎尸万段,方解心头之恨!” Although Lebanese Immortal Monarch big light its fire, but she except for tears to pieces worn-out shoes, except for this does not have any means. Because that three people wear the mask at that time, who knows that is who? 仙君虽然大光其火,可是她除了把一双破鞋撕烂,除此以外也没什么办法。因为当时那三人都戴着面具,谁知道是谁呢? However Li Yingru inquired, said afterward some people noticed that three people arrive at the front table to have the short conversation with Li Yao. Lebanese shade thou felt bad, sends Immortal Sword to pass on the book to call to account Li Yao. 不过黎影汝一打听,说后来有人看到那三人走到前边的桌子跟李鹞有短暂交谈。黎影汝心中不快,发仙剑传书责问李鹞。 Li Yao only then feigns ignorance, said that three people sell any tiger-bone liquor to her, was flatly refused by her. 李鹞只有佯作不知,说那三人是向她推销什么虎骨酒,被她一口拒绝。 Then Li Yingru does not have means that stayed for several days in the Jubao great boat, does not have chance encounter that to these people, finally must leave in a huff. 这下黎影汝也没办法,在聚宝巨舟里呆了几天,也没那么巧遇到那些人,最后也只得悻悻而去。 The time passes by day-by-day, soon arrived at Zhou Jiajun the Transcend Tribulation day shortly unexpectedly, Ye Kong they had not found the person! 时间一天天过去,眼看竟然快要到了周佳俊渡劫的日子,叶空他们还是没找到人! This Wang Yue does not know that which hid went, appointed Ye Kong they inquired the search on the boat, actually vast did not have the trail, as if simply did not have this person! 这汪岳也不知道躲哪去了,任叶空他们在舟上询问查找,竟然渺无踪迹,仿佛就根本没有这号人! In the Jubao great boat most lower level, is very huge one immortal, in the side cover close neighbor little building, little building model is quite classical, pours a little looks like the villa community on Earth. 在聚宝巨舟的最下层,是非常巨大的一片仙阵,里边盖着一栋又一栋紧邻的小楼,要不是小楼的式样比较古典,倒有点象地球上的别墅小区。 This was the constant service that Jubao great boat most lower level provided. 这就是聚宝巨舟最下层提供的常住服务了。 The Immortal World real estate is not valuable, but the real estate here is actually expensive, the average person cannot afford. Can have little building here, generally is the old monsters that these will mix to eat will not die, these fellows promoted to be also hopeless again, might as well purchase homes on this great boat, here the crime lived the dream dead. 仙界的房地产不值钱,可是在这里的房产却是价格不菲,一般人是买不起的。能在这里拥有一栋小楼,一般都是那些混吃就是不会死的老怪物,这些家伙再提升也无望了,不如在这巨舟上买个房子,在这里罪生梦死。 At this moment actually one line of walk among little building. 此刻却有一行人走在小楼之间。 Sir leaf, below is this one/1st Layer steward, please call below little Liu then.” A young Immortal stride original, is holding the fist in the other hand to Ye Kong, the single knee kneels down, he is coordinates the Ye Kong investigation. “叶大人,在下是这一层的管事,请叫在下小刘即可。”一个年轻仙人大步本来,对着叶空抱拳,单膝跪下,他是来配合叶空调查的。 Please get up.” Ye Kong helps up that little Liu to be in charge, asks, you also know that who we seek, knows situation 11 you, if can hold the fleeing criminal, my iron prison mountain can bestow you to behave righteously the Immortal medal same place!” “请起。”叶空扶起那小刘管事,问道,“你也知道我们是寻找何人,将你所知情况11道来,若能抓住逃犯,我铁狱山可以赐你见义勇为好仙人奖牌一块!” little Liu effective heart said, any nuisance medal, listens not to hear, you might as well send 110 immortal jade to come happily. 小刘管事心说,什么劳什子奖牌,听都没听说过,你不如发110块仙玉来得痛快。 However he does not dare to say these, but also thanked for kindness, later started to narrate, here truly several were Mani teaches Zhou Jiajun and journey Yipeng, as well as several other host all. However, felt according to us that several little building over a thousand years had not opened, therefore, the fleeing criminal will not hide.” 不过他也不敢说这些,而是又谢恩,之后才开始讲述道,“这里确实有几栋乃是玛尼教周佳俊和程义鹏,以及其他几个主持所有。不过,根据我们感觉,那几栋小楼都已经上千年没有开启过,因此,那逃犯不会躲在其中。” Ye Kong nods, these mark the owner are Mani teach the house of person, Wang Yue is impossible to live. 叶空点头,那些标明所有者是玛尼教人的房子,汪岳是不可能住的。 He also asked that what strange phenomenon did that recently have? You had not seen that the person of doubtful fleeing criminal does come and go out?” 他又问道,“那最近有什么奇怪的现象没有?你们没有见到疑似逃犯之人出入?” That person that young Liu Dao, you said that some large quantities of Mani teach the Buddhist priest to crowd around, the vision is ominous, voice high-pitched and fine. Right, I have seen, but also not only one time.” 小刘道,“你们说的那人,有大批玛尼教僧人簇拥,眼光凶厉,嗓音尖细。没错,我见过,还不只一次。” Wu Yong great happiness, said quickly, he does live in that room?” 吴勇大喜,“快说,他在那间屋子里住?” little Liu said painstakingly, I only know he also lives here, actually does not know that in, we stipulated that does not allow to inquire these, making the occupant enjoy the full freedom. Also at that time I do not know that he is a fleeing criminal, early knew me with him.” 小刘却苦道,“我只知道他也住这里,却不知道住在哪一家,我们规定就是不允许打探这些,让居住者享受充分的自由。再说那时我也不知道他是逃犯,早知道我就跟着他了。” Wu Yong is angry, „, since here, that were easy to do, we!” 吴勇大怒,“既然在此,那就好办了,我们一间间的查!” „It is not applicable!” little Liu is in charge to hurry the kneeling evil ways, fellow Sirs, are not applicable! This is goes bad our Li company custom the matter, if lives safely is here unwarrantable, later who also comes our Jubao great boat? Moreover this is also not most important, do not look in this community uneventful, but you know how many Immortal World inside lived in once can greatly the great alligator? I even heard four Sir kings who already vanished, but also ancient times several had even made the big energy of immortal emperor, they live in seclusion here, if has alarmed them. Let alone our Li, is your iron prison mountain cannot take on!” “使不得!”小刘管事慌忙跪下道,“各位大人,使不得啊!这可是坏我们李家商号规矩的事,若是住在这里连安全都不能保证,以后谁还来我们聚宝巨舟?而且这还不是最重要的,你们别看这个小区里风平浪静,可你们知道里边住了多少仙界曾经的大能巨鳄?我甚至听说早就消失的四大人王,还甚至远古好几位曾经做过仙帝的大能,他们都隐居在此,若是惊扰了他们。别说我们李家,就是你们铁狱山也担待不起!” „Do these people live here?” Ye Kong also knits the brows, has to try to find another way. “还有这些人住在这里?”叶空也是一皱眉,只好另想办法。 Just at this time, some people reported that said: Sir, Mr. Li big makes the person send the news, said that Hong Mengni soon walked, the Sir has free time to see.” 刚在这时,又有人来汇报,说道:“大人,李大老板让人送来消息,说洪梦妮就快要走了,大人有空还是去见一下。”
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