MC :: Volume #14

#1311: Discovers Wang Yue

Chapter 1311 discovers Wang Yue 第1311章发现汪岳 In Jubao great boat, sprawling drunk beautiful woman building. 聚宝巨舟内,醉卧美人楼。 The shinning red lantern, the red candle swings, does not know many beautiful woman tears. In the evening light, the evening song swings, reverberates a Chinese violin hissing. 红灯照,红烛摇,不知多少美人泪。夕光里,暮歌摇,回荡一阵胡琴嘶。 Wang Ruizhou in downstairs, is sad, is sorrowful, arrives to move people to tears simply sadly, is called sad Cui. This Chinese violin named greatly sad all living things zither, is the Buddhism most precious object that a past wooden Grandmaster accidentally obtained. After this zither sounds, is similar to the infinitely merciful Bodhisattva reincarnation, at present the sorrow of reappearing all living things, lets hear that is sorrowful, drawing bemoans the state of the universe. 那汪锐洲在楼下,越拉越是悲伤,越拉越是悲痛,简直悲到催人泪下,简称为悲催。这把胡琴名叫大悲众生琴,乃是当年一木大师偶然得到的佛门至宝。此琴拉响以后,便如同大慈大悲的菩萨转世,眼前浮现众生之悲苦,让闻者悲痛莫名,拉者悲天悯人。 However Wang Ruizhou Cultivation Base is too low, therefore he cannot achieve the control zither music, instead were controlled by the zither music. Therefore his will wallow each time. 不过汪锐洲修为太低,因此他做不到控制琴音,反而自己被琴音所控。所以他每次拉都会沉迷。 Under the red chamber, Wang Ruizhou sits in the corner, in the tears that draws are thin crash-bang, does not know that has many painful event. In brief is more bitter, arrives at the extreme painstakingly, is lives to might as well die simply. 红楼下,汪锐洲坐在墙角,拉的眼泪稀里哗啦,也不知道有多少伤心事。总之越拉越苦,苦到极点,简直是生不如死。 In Wang Ruizhou is the energetic time, sees in the building some colorful things to abandon suddenly. All is the profaning trousers bellyband that girl family/home wears, throws on Wang Ruizhou bald altogether. 正在汪锐洲越拉越是带劲的时候,就看见楼上突然有很多花花绿绿的东西扔下。全是姑娘家穿的亵裤肚兜,一股脑都扔在汪锐洲的光头上。 Simultaneously an incisive soprano resounds, get lost/rolls! Old ladies in merry, your his mother more is more sad, bad luck child who where comes! Goes!” 同时一个尖锐的女高音响起,“滚啊!老娘正在快活,你他妈越拉越悲,哪里来的倒霉孩子!快滚!” Wang Ruizhou wipes tears, thinks is also, rushes to this place to draw, isn't asks for a scolding? 汪锐洲一抹眼泪,心想也是,跑到这地方来拉,不是找骂么? He hurries to crawl, has wiped tears, found to hide in a forest inscription wisdom of corner/horn, said painstakingly: Teacher, we change a place to draw, this place is not suitable.” 他赶紧爬起来,抹了眼泪,找到躲在一角的林铭智,苦道:“师尊,咱们换个地方去拉吧,这个地方不适合。” Lin Mingzhi hesitates saying: King that boy said that king here, how to find?” Thinks saying: Walks, the sharp continent, we go to gambling establishment.” 林铭智沉吟道:“器王那小子说界王就在这里,怎么就找不到呢?”想想说道:“走,锐洲,我们去赌场拉。” Wang Ruizhou nods, walked two steps, actually suddenly remembers anything, the body cannot help but trembles, said painstakingly: Teacher, goes to the gambling establishment to draw such sad song...... I feared that was hit......” 汪锐洲点点头,走了两步,却是突然想起什么,身子不由得一哆嗦,苦道:“师尊,去赌场拉这么悲的曲子……我怕被人打……” Lin Mingzhi proclaimed sound Buddha, Amitabha, the Buddha said, I do not enter the hell, who enters the hell.” 林铭智宣了声佛号,“阿弥陀佛,佛祖说,我不入地狱,谁入地狱。” Wang Ruizhou gets angry: You drew.” 汪锐洲怒道:“那你去拉好了。” Is gives you for Master this opportunity! This does not understand, walks quickly!” “为师这是把机会让给你!这都不懂,快走!” Lin Mingzhi is busy finding the person, Ye Kong they actually also in the transaction field. 林铭智忙着找人,叶空他们却还在交易场中。 Received Lin Mingzhi the jade Cambodia, Ye Kong is not anxious, looks that these lead the monk of mask to frequent each other, the price is one by one high, he thinks quite interestingly. 收到了林铭智的玉柬,叶空也不急了,看着那些带着面具的和尚你来我往,一个比一个价高,他觉得颇有意思。 At this moment, enters to the final moment of auction. Under, is the Immortal treasure mutually exchanges the time. Therefore has many Immortal leaving the table, looks the treasure that a remote place tidies up some to leave unused to come out. 此刻,进入到拍卖会的最后关头。下边,就是仙人的宝物互相交换时间。因此有不少的仙人离席,找个偏僻的地方收拾些自己闲置的宝物出来。 These many people, the tabletop somewhat was spatial. Original Li Yingru must see Ye Kong, must stand, but because the person has been short, here Li Yingru just can see the middle-aged supernumerary official who sits. 这一下走了不少人,桌面就有些空。本来黎影汝要看见叶空,就得站起来,可因为人少了,黎影汝刚好可以看见这边坐着的中年员外。 The Lebanese shade thou heart said, this person of good, riches and honor, give over a million thing, actually does not leave the name. Rich men rich man! Feared that is Cultivation Base is not low, but is bringing the mask, how also does not know the Daoist priest to...... He does not look at my one eyes, is it possible that is embarrassed? 黎影汝心说,这人不错,一身富贵,送个上百万的东西,竟然都不留姓名。有钱人啊有钱人!怕是修为也不低,只是带着面具,也不知道长得如何……他怎么都不看我一眼呢,莫非是不好意思? The Lebanese shade thou Immortal Monarch daydream in close succession, Ye actually looked at the whole body not to be comfortable by her. 黎影汝仙君遐想联翩,叶某人却是被她看得浑身不自在。 But Kuang Peng said with a smile in a low voice: Sir leaf, or that shoes do not give the purple autumn. You directly give Li Immortal Monarch, just your Immortal World virgin body had the place to break.” 狂鹏更是低声笑道:“叶大人,要不那鞋就别送给紫秋了。你就直接送给黎仙君吧,刚好你那仙界处男身就有地方破了。” Ye Kong scolded: I, was almost killed by her in monster...... Also I, my immortal place also lost, oh......” 叶空骂道:“我呸,在妖界差点被她杀了……再说我,我仙处也丢失了啊,唉……” Ye Kong is also holding that embroidered shoes, thought that these small male Immortal know yy imperial concubine Feng, if knows how imperial concubine Feng is the crazy person, scares to death you! 叶空还揣着那绣花鞋,心想那些小男仙人就知道yy凤妃,若是知道凤妃是如何疯狂的人,把你们吓死! They spoke, the war of that side monks decided the victory and defeat. Strength of one page of Heavenly Tribulation have laid out 15 million high prices unexpectedly, is really makes the person be flabbergasted! 他们说话间,那边和尚们的战争已经分出胜负。一页天劫之力竟然拍出了15000000的高价,实在是让人咋舌! Waits for the delivering goods girl to deliver that page of papers, the person of that buying happily stands, has paid the bank draft, holds up that paper to surpass wielded has wielded. 等送货姑娘把那页纸送上,那个买到之人得意的站起来,付了汇票,举起那张纸得胜似的挥了一挥。 This person is also a monk, bald, the build is not fat, looked that is not probably old. Is bringing the mask, the vision such as falcon is common, the feeling is not a good person. 这人也是个和尚,光头,体形不胖,看年纪好像也不大。带着面具,目光如鹰隼一般,感觉并不是个好人。 Thanks, my Mani teaches to remember everybody 100,000 Heavenly Dao after giving our benevolence.” That person said gloomily, the sound is very high-pitched and fine, in addition the threat in words, making the person listen not to be feeling well extremely. “谢谢诸位,我玛尼教会记得各位将100000天道经让给我们的恩情。”那人阴森森的说了一句,声音很是尖细,加上话语中的威胁,让人听了极为不爽。 That person said, the big sleeve of magnificent cassock wields, leading two subordinates, the stride to leave. 那人说完,华丽袈裟的大袖一挥,带着两个手下,大步离开。 Here, Wu Yong and Kuang Peng sighed: Cannot think that finally gave Mani to teach, feared that Zhou Jiajun obtained the strength of Heavenly Tribulation, resists the success ratio of immortal tribulation to increase!” 这边,吴勇和狂鹏感叹道:“想不到最后还是给玛尼教得到了,就怕周佳俊得到天劫之力,对抗仙劫的成功率会增加呀!” Hope is works just the opposite.” Ye Kong sighed one. “希望是适得其反吧。”叶空叹了一声。 They compared to pay attention to the strength of Heavenly Tribulation to result by whom, has not actually thought to that mask monk, but in the subconscious thought that high-pitched and fine voice, how in which has listened probably? 他们都比较关注天劫之力被谁得了,对那面具和尚却没多想,只是潜意识里觉得那尖细的嗓音,怎么好像在哪听过? Suddenly, Wu Yong and Ye Kong are the whole body shake, almost simultaneously exhales the sound, Wang Yue!” 突然,吴勇和叶空都是全身一震,几乎同时呼出声,“汪岳!” A Kuang Peng point, hastily nod, right! Sound that Wang Yue this resembling woman, before the selling quotation was not he shouted that therefore we had not paid attention! Is he!” 狂鹏一点,连忙点头,“对对对!汪岳正是这种好像女人的声音,之前喊价不是他喊的,所以我们一直没注意!就是他!” However, when they discovered that was late, Wang Yue had the person to leave! 不过,等他们发现已经迟了,汪岳已经带人离开了! Wu Yongji said: Pursues quickly!” 吴勇急道:“快追!” Ye Kong shakes the head, cannot overtake, outside this trade fair has the Array Method establishment, channel thousand 10 million/absolutely ten thousand, are very difficult the opportunity and he walks in a channel...... No wonder the secret code number could not find this boy, originally he hidden in the Jubao great boat! Has a plan for the present, only then seeks help from the person......” 叶空摇头,“追不上,这交易会外有阵法设置,通道千千万万,很难有机会和他走在一个通道中……怪不得密字号也找不到这小子,原来他隐在聚宝巨舟中!为今之计,只有求助于人……” Ye Kong was saying, vision centralized in Li Yao Immortal Monarch that table. 叶空说着,目光集中在李鹞仙君那一桌。 At this time, the auctioneer on stage was saying: Fellow distinguished guests, to today, the goods of our five big companies have auctioned, this auction can say that raises prices new high, is our five big companies sells amount most one time. Especially the last goods, have laid out 15 million immortal jade prices unexpectedly...... However many people were disappointed.” The auctioneers spoke of here sound to be resounding: But everybody should not be worried, our five big companies this time invited by dream Miss who the zither music helping other senses, then, asked dream Miss to play one for us! Can sense, depends entirely on itself, we cannot obtain the strength of Heavenly Tribulation, senses the strength of other Heavenly Dao. Wish everybody good luck!” 这时,台上的拍卖师已经在说道:“各位贵宾,到今日,我们五大商号的物品已经拍卖完毕,这次拍卖会可以说掀起一个又一个价格的新高,是我们五大商号销售数额最多的一次。尤其是最后一件物品,竟然拍出了15000000仙玉的价格……不过很多人还是失望了。”拍卖师说到这里声音高亢道:“但是大家不要担心,我们五大商号这次请来了以琴音助人感悟的梦妮小姐,接下来,就请梦妮小姐为我们奏上一曲!能否感悟,全靠自己,咱们得不到天劫之力,也感悟一下其他天道之力。祝大家好运!” Hong Mengni Tingting sits down, some people deliver the guqin. Palace, swings the person heart and soul the zither music to resound sonorously. 洪梦妮婷婷坐下,有人送上古琴。“宫”地一声,荡人心魄的琴音铿锵响起。 Immerses while the people in the zither music, Ye Kong and Kuang Peng Wu Yong leaves the seat, directly soars Li Yao Immortal Monarch table. 趁着众人沉醉在琴音中,叶空狂鹏吴勇离开座位,直奔李鹞仙君的桌子。 Hong Mengni element back and forth moves the string, in the surface the autumn waters does not have the wave, a long hair shawl, that stance, that gracefulness, makes the person be enchanted by directly. However when her autumn waters double pupil sees that mask supernumerary official who takes a walk, in her pair of beautiful pupil, flashed unexpectedly flashed. 洪梦妮素手来回拨动琴弦,面上秋水无波,一头长发披肩而下,那种姿态,那种优雅,直接就让人迷醉其中。不过当她秋水双瞳看见走动的那个面具员外时,她的一双美眸中,竟然闪了一闪。 Ye Kong knows that she saw herself, but did not have the time to talk about old days at this time, he is only distant is nodding to Hong Mengni, the stride arrives at side Li Yao Immortal Monarch to sit down. 叶空知道她看见了自己,不过这个时候没时间叙旧,他只是遥遥对着洪梦妮点点头,大步走到李鹞仙君身边坐下。 Li Yao Cultivation Base tall Jue, feels some people to come, already extricated oneself from the zither music. Looks at this person, middle-aged age, puts on the supernumerary official to take, probably a moment ago gave a present to flatter person of Li Yingru. 李鹞修为高绝,感受到有人过来,早就从琴音中自拔。一看这人,中年岁数,穿着员外服,好像正是刚才送礼讨好黎影汝之人。 Li Yao somewhat is not feeling well, cold say/way: „Does your excellency have the matter?” 李鹞有些不爽,冷道:“阁下有事?” Ye Kong had not said that in hand jade sign to Li Yao eyes in a flash. Others immerse in the tweedle, but Li Yao actually looks clearly, on that jade sign a modeling of steel castle indicates this person of background. 叶空也没多说,手中玉牌对着李鹞眼睛一晃。别人都沉浸在琴声中,可是李鹞却看得清楚,那玉牌上一座钢铁城堡的造型表明这人的来路。 Iron prison mountain?” “铁狱山?” Founder Ancestor is I.” Ye Kong said in a low voice, coming to here to handle matters, has not conflicted with Mr. Li big, therefore he can indicate the status greatly directly. 祖师是我。”叶空低声说了一句,来这里办事,和李大老板也没冲突,所以他大可以直接表明身份。 Li Yao opens the mouth to smile tenderly, said: Originally is your boy, I could not recognize, does not know that what matter had?” 李鹞开口一声娇笑,道:“原来是你小子,我都认不出来了,不知有什么事呢?” Ye Kong hastily and seized a Wang Yue matter saying the purpose in coming. 叶空连忙把来意和抓捕汪岳的事情一说。 However Li Yao has actually knit the brows, opens the mouth saying: This time is not I do not help you, in our Jubao great boats does not have the equipment of any surveillance guest, I could not find. Moreover, even if he here, you cannot catch him a moment ago. This is the prestige of our Jubao great boat, if each one can come our to make an arrest, later our Jubao great boat much less business. This is the custom of Li business, anything can break, the custom cannot break.” 不过李鹞却皱眉了,开口道:“这次不是我不帮你,我们这聚宝巨舟内没有任何监视客人的设备,我还真的找不到。而且,就算他刚才在这里,你们也是不可以抓他。这是我们聚宝巨舟的信誉,若是个个都可以来我们这抓人,以后我们聚宝巨舟就会少很多生意。这是李家生意的规矩,什么都可以破,规矩不能破。” Ye Kong also knits the brows, has not thought that this place, the iron prison mountain doesn't have the power to make an arrest? This really talked nonsense! However he cannot have a falling out with Li Yao, otherwise that matter is the difficult office. 叶空也是一皱眉,没想到这个地方,铁狱山都没权抓人?这实在太扯淡!不过他也不能跟李鹞闹翻了吧,否则那事情更是难办。 Ye Kong said: Mr. Li big, actually this is not the official business of our iron prison mountain, but is my this brothers Wu Yong hatreds, our time comes to report this enmity! Also asked Mr. Li big to give convenient.” 叶空道:“李大老板,其实这并不是我们铁狱山的公事,而是我这兄弟吴勇的仇恨,我们这次来就是必报此仇!还请李大老板给个方便。” Li Yaodao: Too big convenience I am not good to give you, in brief makes an arrest in my this is incorrect. However I give you a suggestion, Wang Yue obtains the strength of Heavenly Tribulation, will make the best use of the time to deliver surely. You do anything outside, this I could not manage.” 李鹞道:“太大的方便我也不好给你,总之在我这抓人是不行的。不过我给你一个建议,那汪岳得到天劫之力,必定会抓紧时间送出去。你们在外边搞什么,这我就管不着了。” Ye Kong listened to the great happiness, has held a fist, leading Kuang Peng Wu Yong to directly soar! 叶空听了大喜,抱了个拳,带着狂鹏吴勇直奔出去! They walk, here zither music is still playing. Although Hong Mengni also wants to talk about old days with Ye Kong, but she cannot under walk, moreover looks at Ye Kong to go on a trip in a hurry, has probably any urgent matter. 他们一走,这里琴音还在弹奏。洪梦妮虽然也想和叶空叙旧,不过她总不能就下就走,而且看叶空行色匆匆,好像有什么急事。 Li Yao Immortal Monarch also has no interest at this moment hear of qins, at heart is also annoying, but she truly is not good to help Ye Kong, whatever if Ye Kong seizes Wang Yue, first is her prestige does not guarantee, second is here is Mani star, oneself do not want to do after here business, will intensify with the contradiction that Mani teaches. 李鹞仙君此刻也无心听琴,心里也是懊恼,不过她也确实不好帮叶空,如果任由叶空抓走汪岳,第一个是她信誉不保,第二个是这里本来就是玛尼星,自己在这边的生意以后就别想做下去了,和玛尼教的矛盾就会激化。 Is considering in her, suddenly hears some people to call out in alarm said: Suddenly, some people broke through really!” 正在她考虑间,突然就听见有人惊呼道:“突然了,真的有人突破了!” Sees only in the hall, wears a mask Immortal a golden light to dodge, Immortal Qi ripples! 只见大厅之中,一个蒙面仙人的身上金光一闪,一圈仙气荡漾开去! „The zither music really strange its technique of dream girl!” “梦妮姑娘的琴音果然神乎其技!” Is exclaiming in surprise in the people, sees only some people to break through. This time unexpectedly is a mortal waitress, senses the Heavenly Dao in the zither music unexpectedly, achievement Golden Immortal. 正在众人惊叹间,只见又有人突破。这次竟然是一个凡人女服务员,竟然也在琴音中感悟天道,成就金仙 Hong Mengni, one makes three Immortal be sensed unexpectedly, her strength was also stronger. 洪梦妮一曲,竟然一下让三个仙人得到感悟,她的力量也更加强大了。 Then was Immortal freely trades the time of treasure. But Li Yao Immortal Monarch also stands, buys one black immortal herb, if Ye Kong, will certainly recognize that grass. 接着就是仙人们自由交易宝物的时间了。而李鹞仙君也站起来,求购一种黑色仙草,若是叶空在,一定会认出那株草。 Black strange grass who Li Yao Immortal Monarch buys, unexpectedly Ye Kong in world of mortals the gate of entrance of monster obtained! 李鹞仙君求购的黑色奇草,竟然正是叶空在下界的妖界之门门口所得!
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